Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 214: Burial God's Sanctum Part 15

Suddenly, this thought rang on his mind. Weapon Master, a especial cultivator that can use all kinds of weapon with perfection. The power of his attacks comes from his strength, not weapon. But he can manipulate any kinds of weapon he wants, succeeding in different methods like sneak attack, using overpowered weapon without restriction.

This is why cultivator doesn't choose a single weapon most of them. If they have Earth Rank Sword but unintentionally they find Heaven Rank Spear, they won't take time to change the weapon. Not just in weapon, but also in battle arts.

If you have a Earth Rank Sword Art and a Heaven Rank Spear Art, if that person isn't someone like Klink, he would definitely choose Heaven Rank Spear Art. Because that's Heaven Ran. This is also why Supreme Sword Sect was able to invite other sect for grand competition.

Even though this sect has more sword art than other battle art, those sect doesn't care. A Heaven Rank art is a heaven rank art. If they can learn this art properly and practice it to the perfection, why would they need to be the swordsman?

Johnny hasn't particularly chose Spear but this weapon was the first weapon that came to his mind after he decided to leave the Sword Path. Since it was the first weapon he used after he walked into the path of cultivation, naturally he would consider spear.

But if he can find battle art higher than Heaven Rank, he would practice it without blinking an eye. Considering the power of Heaven Rank, and thinking about the possibility of power of art above Heaven-Rank, he couldn't help but get excited about it.

Soon, his excitement dimmed down as he caught the black orb. Originally, he planned to keep it inside his spatial ring, but thinking about its first effect, he transformed it into the ring on his middle finger. The most interesting thing about this orb was its power to recognize him.

Its works with finger print identification method. After he touched the orb for the first time, it had already recognized him as his master. At the same time, flame spirit came out of his body. The moment she came out, she was panting hard.

It seems she was at her limit. Seeing this, Johnny hurriedly tried to say something but he got interrupted by her "Young master, don't worry about me, I just need some rest."

Saying so, she entered the portal and the portal closes. Johnny felt little distressed by her attitude. But he could only shrugged his shoulder.

Soon, he calmed mind and walked towards Wan'er. He found the lady in pink pant was already awakened.

"Where is sect master?" After she awakened, she found herself alone with Johnny and Wan'er whom she didn't know. She frowned when she didn't see Rose assuming if Rose left her with that handsome guy.

Her assumption wasn't wrong except her way of thinking was wrong.

"Isn't your sect master?" Wan'er pointed at Johnny and said.

"He?" When she saw Johnny coming towards herself, she frown. Because she didn't recognize him at all.

Johnny also heard their conversation. He didn't want to get himself into a mess, so he called out Ouza. But surprisingly, Natasha also came out on her own. Or rather, she seems to be holding Ouza's hand. When both of them appeared outside, their expression froze.

When Natasha noticed the weirdness on their gaze, she felt something was wrong. Suddenly, she withdrew her hand after she noticed she was holding Ouza's hand. Her face turned embarrassed as she looked down on the ground.

Although Ouza dark facial tone hides the slight blush on his face, it was no doubt he was embarrassed. But soon their face reverted to calmness as they saluted "Sect master!"

After they called him sect master, the lady in pink pant expression froze. She looked at him with confusion on his face. Seeing this, Johnny felt helpless, so he asked "Natasha, can you tell her my situation and identity?"

"Ahh!" Only then she noticed the lady in pink pant was awoken. Natasha's expression changed as a profession calmness and smile appeared on her face, she explains pointing at Johnny "Johnny Fenton, sixteen years old, established Supreme Sword Sect in planet Earth."

"Due to some certain circumstances, he had to leave the position of the sect master for some time. So, his position was given to Rose Fermelia, sect master's lover as a temporary sect master."

"Oh!" A surprise came across her eyes, but suddenly it turned to disgust thinking Johnny as a toad who wants to eat swan. Johnny didn't care about her expression. He simply nodded his head and walked towards Wan'er.

"Elder sister, why will they return?" Johnny asked while thinking for a moment.

"Within fifteen hours!" Wan'er answered after she thought for a while.

"Oh!" Johnny nodded his head and suddenly disappeared from their eyes. He entered the Primal Chaos Celestial Stone and said "Black stone, it's been a long time, hasn't it?"

"So, did you finally realize the truth? Owner, you can be young once but you can't be young forever. You have to remember your decision will definitely impact your future." The stone spirit spoke on his mind.

Hearing his words, Johnny helplessly smile. This stone had always tried to make him remember his choice shouldn't be made based on others. It should something that he wants, not something that other would asked him to do.

But Johnny failed to realize this. And ended up in a very miserable way. After all, what could be worse than the death?

"Stone, you were right. I was wrong because I couldn't differentiate what was right and what wrong. At that time, I thought family would be more important than you, so I should listen to them. But it turns, one's decision shouldn't be made based on personal feelings."

"If only I had listened to your advice and think through every situation, I wouldn't have returned back to this position." Johnny sighed with the bad memories flashing on his brain. He remembered the day when he lost Dragon Emperor and Magic Emperor Inheritances because of his hasty decision.

At that time, black stone told him he was shouldn't be hasty and make rash but he didn't properly realize this.

"Owner, now everything has returned back to normal. How about you tell me your purpose of entering? After all, you definitely wouldn't absorb so much Primal Chaos Energy to increase chaotic for nothing." After absorbing a lot of primal chaos energy, he accumulated around twenty thousand chaotic points.

Sulfur was really awesome for this. On one hand, he cultivated his realm and enhanced his strength, on another he absorbed Primal Chaos Energy and accumulated chaotic points.

"I want to learn Dao of Power and Dao of Speed." Johnny opened his mouth and surprised the black stone. Originally, he considered practicing Dao after a certain stage but he no longer thinks about those restrictions.

Why? Because those were the restriction he inflicted on himself. So, he can practice Dao no matter the realm. Of course, this also means he must be talented enough to comprehend the Dao. But he has Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone.

With Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone, he can easily comprehend Dao. All he needs is chaotic energy. Of course, this doesn't mean he won't try on his own. After all, his current comprehension has improved a lot.

Especially when he absorbed a lot of soul power. But comprehending Dao on his own was still a hard thing to do. Johnny walked near the altar and puts his hand on it. In an instant, his body glowed with golden light and a lot of information entered his brain.

At the same time, he began to gain the experience with his eyes closed. Yes, he wasn't comprehending Dao rather experiencing Dao. This not only gives him an advantage over his understanding of dao but also improves his comprehension.

It's burying the knowledge about dao into his bones. Dao of Power, comprehending the power of nature and creating the path between himself and the universal spirit to burrow the power of the universe and strengthen himself.

Knowledge of Dao in the fourth dimension was shallow, so it had no relationship with the quantum world. Comprehending Dao, they create a path towards heaven which is the universal spirit. By creating this path, they can burrow the power of the Universe to enhance themselves.

But if they use this kind of power in the world, this will make some retribution. Of course, normal daos don't have that much retribution except emptying their spiritual energy. Even top daos don't have such retribution.

Except for eight daos which are Time, Space, Life, Death, Yin, Yang, Creation, and Destruction. These daos have a little retribution especially Time, which has the retribution of passage of time. Space's retribution is void.

Life retribution is hunted ghouls, death retribution is the punishment of hell. Yin and Yang don't have many restrictions except they can't be used together otherwise that person will enter the cycle of reincarnation without being dead.

Creation has a huge impact which can be lightning tribulation. And destruction is rather weird. Because no one knows its retribution. Except for those people who tried to destroy the massive world like planets and solar system with this dao were turned to dust.

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