Madness of the Heart

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Demon Hunting (36)

The rotisserie business was booming. Ming Shu said that he would roast pork belly for Xiao Yuan, and he really took a seat, but the one who roasted pork belly became Xiao Yuan.

In fact, there are waiters who specialize in roasting meat in the store, but many people prefer to roast them by themselves. Only customers who come alone will let the waiter stay by and help roasting because they are too lonely.

When Mingshu came here alone, he ate the pork belly roasted by the waiter, but he also roasted it himself, but the heat was never mastered. It either roasted the lean meat to death or failed to dry the fat.

Come with Xiao Yuan this time, and finally no longer have to trouble the waiter. Xiao Yuan was in charge of roasting, he was in charge of eating, and he cooperated with each other, and in a short while, he wiped out a basket of lettuce with meat.

Of course Xiao Yuan also ate, but Mingxue ate quickly and had a much more graceful posture.

“Brother, you don’t look like you are eating barbecue.” Ming Shu smiled, “Like eating Western food.”

“Eat yours.” Xiao Yuan threw two slices of freshly cooked beef tongue into Mingshu’s plate, and the oil was still bubbling on it.

Ming Shu resisted greed, “You didn’t put green peppers, onions and garlic cloves in the lettuce just now. These three are the soul of this rotisserie.”

Xiao Yuan has wrapped a portion of pork belly with lettuce, using only salty dipping sauce, nothing else.

“Come on, I’ll wrap it for you!” Ming Shu wrapped a piece of lettuce leaf according to the standard eating method in the store, “Here!”

Xiao Yuan didn’t answer, and said slowly: “About the murderer, I suddenly had an idea.”

There has never been a rule that “you can’t talk about the case for dinner/dating” between the two. Ming forgives that he is the one who will discuss with the team members as soon as he has an idea, so he immediately withdraws his hand, “What?”

Xiao Yuan said: “We are now basically able to confirm that Luo Xiangfu is not the first victim. During this period, Yifei has not relaxed its investigation of backlogs and missing persons, but up to now, it can be said that it has almost no gain.”

Unknowingly, Mingshu had put the lettuce-wrapped pork belly prepared for Xiao Yuan into his mouth, chewed a few bites and swallowed, subconsciously defending his deputy, “Yi Fei has too many things on his hands, and I am too busy to come. Excusable.”

“No. He has tried his best.” Xiao Yuan shook his head. “An elite criminal policeman tried his best but found nothing. Either there is no previous victim, Luo Xiangfu is the first person killed by the murderer, or the victim has not been discovered yet. His family and friends did not report the crime. He is still somewhere, waiting for us to find him.”

Ming Shu was stunned for a moment, “I understand that the victim was not found. But Luo Xiangfu was killed on July 2nd. The previous victim must have been before this. It was also June at the earliest, and more likely months ago. Alone. After disappearing for so long inexplicably, why didn’t his relatives and friends call the police?”

“What if it is an old man with a very lonely personality?” Xiao Yuan said: “Suppose this old man lives alone, is estranged from his children, or has no children or friends at all. His only hobby is street photography, only neighbors and hawkers in the vegetable market. Say hello to him occasionally. One day he disappeared. The neighbors are not particularly enthusiastic people, and they don’t like to gossip with the neighbourhood. After a long time, I realize that he hasn’t appeared for a long time and may not ask around.”

Ming Shu said: “This is the current life of many lonely elderly people.”

Xiao Yuan said: “Although Luo Xiangfu has a wife and son, he is also very lonely. The murderer chose him, maybe because he was fancy and nobody cared about him.”

“No one cares is one of the common grounds among victims?” Ming Shu’s thinking became active. “The murderer’s next target may also be a lonely male middle-aged street photographer. They are either rejected by the family like Luo Xiangfu, or It was originally a lonely old man.”

“There seem to be a lot of street photography enthusiasts, but it is actually a very small rub in the population base of the city.” Xiao Yuan said, and put beef on Mingshu’s plate. “Give a few more restrictions, such as middle-aged and elderly people. , Loneliness, bad habits when shooting, this range will be smaller. If you target the murderer, you can also target the murderer.”

“I…” Ming Shu wanted to say “I’m going to make arrangements.” He looked down and saw the beef on the plate, remembering that it was still in the rotisserie, so he had to hold back temporarily.

“Don’t worry.” Xiao Yuan said: “I haven’t talked to the point yet. One thing has been bothering us before. The popular science playground is very large, and some of them are well-concealed places. Since the murderer chose the popular science playground, why not put Luo Xiangfu Buried in a more hidden place?”

“She is handing us clues.” Ming Shu had already guessed this way.

Xiao Yuan asked: “Why does she give us clues?”

Ming Shu said: “Don’t you just want to challenge the police? Brother, we have discussed this before.”

“It was indeed discussed, but it has not been thoroughly discussed yet.” Xiao Yuan put down the barbecue tongs with a certain look in her eyes. “She took the initiative to pass the clues because she hid the victim too well when she committed an assault last time, and no one called the police. I failed to enjoy the excitement and pleasure of playing games with the police after committing the crime.”

Ming Shu pressed his lips and looked down to think.

The murderer hid the victim too well, so this time Luo Xiangfu was deliberately buried in a place where he might be found?

Where was the last victim hidden?

“We can also think in another direction.” Xiao Yuan said: “In fact, people have the inertia of thinking. The murderer killed Luo Xiangfu in the popular science amusement park. First, because the popular science amusement park is a place where Luo Xiangfu often goes, she is easy to lead Luo Xiangfu there. Second, because the popular science playground is not monitored and there are very few people at night. Another point, and the most important point for her, is that she is familiar with the popular science playground, which is her safe area.”

Ming Shu knew immediately, “If she killed Luo Xiangfu there, it is possible to kill a victim there!”

Xiao Yuan nodded, “According to the law of serial murder, the more people killed, the more likely they are to be unscrupulous. Only when they first commit the crime, they will be extra careful. When Luo Xiangfu is buried in such obvious place, the murderer may have two considerations These two do not conflict. One is that the murderer has become arrogant, and the other is that a victim has been buried in the most hidden place.”

Ming Shu almost swallowed the remaining meat and rushed to the cashier to checkout.

Xiao Yuan packed up their belongings and walked out the door slowly.

On the way back to the city office, Ming Shu gradually remembered, “Brother, were you diverting my attention just now?”

Xiao Yuan was calm and calm, “What attention?”

Ming Shu snorted, “You didn’t think of so much suddenly at all, you are planning to let me have a good meal, and then you will analyze it with me one by one when you return to the game!”

Xiao Yuan smiled.

“You are just to avoid eating the pork belly that I have wrapped for you!” Ming Shu said, “Why can’t you eat green peppers, garlic cloves and onions? Eating barbecue does not eat the soul, and the barbecue is eaten for nothing!”

Xiao Yuan said: “The smell is too big.”

“Is it that taste good!” Ming Shu said angrily: “Hey, at home, you still taught me that you can’t have a partial eclipse. I think you are the one who has a partial eclipse, right?”

Mingshu now has a good appetite, and he is particularly good to support. He can eat expensive things, and he can eat biscuits for a dollar on the side of the road. But this was not the case when I was young, a bit expensive and a bit squeamish, not to mention, even fruits are particularly disgusting.

I don’t eat bananas, because I have eaten them with astringent mouth. I don’t eat apples because they are too common and unpalatable. I don’t eat grapes because they are sour. I don’t eat pineapples because my mouth is pierced by pineapple eyes.

Others said that “children should not have a partial eclipse” was useless, but Xiao Yuan said it worked.

Xiao Yuan handed him the peeled apple and told him that he should not have a partial eclipse, so he listened. Every time he encountered something he didn’t like to eat, he would eat it happily after thinking about Xiao Yuan.

Over time, the problem of partial eclipse will heal.

Now, it is Xiao Yuan who has a more partial eclipse.

“I am not called a partial eclipse. I choose food according to my preferences.” Xiao Yuan said: “I don’t like raw green peppers, garlic cloves and onions. Why do I force myself to eat it?”

“Damn!” Ming Shu was shocked, “You didn’t say that before!”

“Oh?” Xiao Yuan swept away, “What did I say before?”

Ming Shu repeats the old thing, “You have to overcome what you say you don’t like to eat! Imagine it is delicious!”

Xiao Yuan smiled and remained silent.

Ming Shu said: “Don’t stop talking!”

“I’m thinking about how to explain it to you.” Xiao Yuan said.

Ming Shule said, “I still know that I have to explain.”

“of course.”

“Then Boss Xiao, can you explain?”

Xiao Yuan cleared his throat, “I was only a teenager when I forced you to eat fruit.”

Ming Shu: “…”

Age is not a reason!

“Too young to make sense.” Xiao Yuan said solemnly: “Later, I discovered that you shouldn’t be forced to eat what you don’t like. Because even if you eat, you won’t be happy.”

Ming Shu thought, no, I ate very happily…

“The older you get, the more you feel that people should live a more casual life. Eat more if you like, don’t eat if you don’t, and eat less if you have to.” Xiao Yuan said, “I was unreasonable when I was a teenager. You are twenty-eight this year, and you are a policeman again. You should be reasonable. I don’t want to eat green peppers, garlic cloves and onions. Our reasonable Ming team should not force me to eat.”

Ming Shu patted his thigh, “Boss Xiao, why are you such a fool? You make sense everywhere!”

“You call me the boss, of course I have to reason with you.” Xiao Yuan said.

“Then I’ll call you…” Mingshu almost didn’t hesitate to say a certain name when doing “homework”.

Xiao Yuan raised his eyebrows, “Huh?”

Ming Shu blushed and turned to look out the window, “Forget it!”

Back to the serious case team, Ming Shu immediately called a meeting with the team members who were still in the bureau.

Yi Fei knew that he was going out with Xiao Yuan to investigate the case, but after a meeting, he was still a little frightened.

“It’s okay to investigate middle-aged and elderly men living alone among street photography enthusiasts.” Yi Fei said: “But the former victim was buried in the popular science playground. Is this certain?”

“Not for the time being, but the possibility is not low.” Ming Shu said: “That’s why I have to look for it.”

Fang Yuanhang said: “Master, the popular science playground is not small, isn’t it hard to find?”

“But for the murderer, there are not many places with the best concealment.” Ming Shu magnified the plan of the popular science playground on the projector and drew the circle with an infrared pen. “The first is here, the south exit of the playground, because Close to the demolition area, this is actually a mixed area of ​​playgrounds and old residential areas. People throw **** here during the day, and it smells bad in summer, and no one approaches it at night. The second is here, the small forest, because of the trees. It grows uncontrollably, shields the sun, and has very poor drainage underneath. Now it has become a muddy area. Some people call this a “swamp”.”

Ming Shu moved the floor plan and said: “There is also the toilet in the center of the playground. There are 12 toilets in the playground. The center is the largest, with two floors above and below. Counted as the most “magnificent” public toilet. But now, it is the dirtiest place in the playground.”

“Master!” Fang Yuanhang raised his hand, “There is still a place where the corpse might be hidden.”

Ming Shu asked: “Where?”

Fang Yuanhang said: “The haunted house in the North District.”

The team members whispered, Ming Shu found the haunted house on the floor plan.

“The haunted house was not terrible at first, and it is not as horrible as the ghost school and ghost hospital introduced from abroad, but it is terrifying. Someone was caught in it a few years ago.” Fang Yuanhang said: “There are many sayings in Xicheng District. One of them is that as soon as the night in the haunted house, there will be lonely and wild ghosts staying overnight. Many people who do not believe in evil have some spiritual problems after going on the’expedition’.”

“This abandoned haunted house is indeed evil, but it is not the focus of our search.” Ming Shu said.

Fang Yuanhang was puzzled, “Why?”

“Because although it is terrifying, most people will not go, but a few people will be attracted by terror. In other words, it is not safe for the murderer, understand?” Ming Shu said again: “The murderer’s ideal hides the corpse. The ground is a place where no one will come near.”

After daybreak, the police once again set up a warning belt at the popular science amusement park. The Criminal Investigation Bureau and the Xicheng Branch worked together to focus on searching the three designated areas.

At noon, a partially waxed body was found in the “swamp” under the grove.

“The time of death was at least three months.” Xing Mu wore heavy masks and carefully turned the body over. “The waxing preserved the characteristics of the scars. Like Luo Xiangfu, this victim was repeatedly beaten in the neck and fractured his cervical spine. The age cannot be judged yet, and we need to go back for further anatomy.”

Finding another victim was a breakthrough, but the difficulty also ensues—the source of the corpse cannot be determined.

The victim did not have anything to prove his identity, his family did not call the police, and the DNA comparison found nothing.

“This shows from the side that, as we expected, the victim is indeed living alone, without friends, and usually unattended.” Ming Shu stayed at the forensic identification center, holding the autopsy report handed over by Xing Mu.

The victim was 70 years old, older than Luo Xiangfu.

Ming Shu said to himself: “Start with the older ones first, and then gradually increase the difficulty. Luo Xiangfu was killed on July 2nd, this victim was killed in April…”

Xing Mu sighed, “If he has children, then these children are too much. His father has been missing for so long, and he hasn’t heard anything. Even if he just reported to the police.”

“Then we have to check.” Ming Shu stood up from his seat, looked at the picture on the autopsy report, and quietly squeezed his right hand.

Xing Mu asked: “How to check?”

“It’s easy to handle, but you have to work hard for the field brothers.” Ming Shu said: “The victim is like Luo Xiangfu, a street photography enthusiast. He may be withdrawn and unsocial, but in this small circle, someone must have seen him. We go to various places. There is always someone who remembers who hasn’t appeared for more than three months in the street shooting gathering place.”

Two days later, 73-year-old Hui Chengxian was invited to the crime squad.

He is the handsome old man Ming Shu and Xiao Yuan saw in the Huayun Center.

“This is Lao Chen’s photo. I took it for him at the beginning of this year.” Hui Chengxian took out a printed photo and sighed regretfully. “Lao Chen used to like to take photos at the Huayun Center the most. We sometimes met When I get on, I just chat a few words, sometimes I don’t talk, and take different photos. He has a good vision, not only can take pictures, but he also knows how to match.”

Ming Shu picked up the photo.

The old man in the photo looked rebellious and looked a little fierce. He was wearing dark blue sportswear and did not look old.

“Old Chen hasn’t been to the Huayun Center for a long time. I didn’t expect that something happened to him. I thought he was going abroad with his daughter.” Hui Chengxian shook his head, “I should go and find out.”

Hui Chengxian doesn’t know what Lao Chen’s name is Chen and where he lives. He only remembers that Lao Chen said that his home was near the popular science playground.

Photos, surnames, and approximate residences were already very important information. Soon, the source of the corpse was finally determined.

The victim, Chen Quanhan, lived in Puouxin Street, Xicheng District, and lived alone. His daughter, Chen Mi, was not abroad. She opened a restaurant with her husband in Dongye City.

Upon hearing the news of his father’s death, Chen Mi had almost no mood swings, “I have nothing to do with him for a long time, please don’t use his affairs to disturb my life.”

Yi Fei frowned, “He is your father, please cooperate with the investigation.”

“I don’t have a father like him. I have cut off contact with him for more than ten years. I don’t know who he is grudges with or who he knows.” Chen Mi said, “We only have blood connections, which is actually equivalent to Stranger. I’m sorry, I can’t cooperate.”

Ming Shu suddenly said: “Your father mentioned to the street photographers he knows that you are abroad.”

Hearing this, Chen Mi’s eyes showed strong contempt, “He is just like that. He is extremely hypocritical. He used to think that I could go to a well-known foreign university and had a brilliant career. Later, he thought that I was working in a foreign country. I am just an ordinary person. No ordinary person can satisfy his delusion, you see…”

With that, Chen Mi stood up, turned around and lifted the T-shirt.

There were many dark scars on her back.

“It was all done by Chen Quanhan with a knife and whip. After so many years, the scars could not be completely eliminated.” Chen Mi smiled bitterly, “My mother died when I was very young. Every time I take an exam, as long as my grades do not reach Chen Quanhan’s. As expected, he abused me. I went to the police and the neighborhood committee, but it was useless until I was rescued by my current husband.”

Chen Mi paused, and then said: “When I was weak, you didn’t help me. Now that Chen Quanhan is dead, you want to get clues from me? I can only say, I don’t know anything and don’t care. If you want to know how he died, please check it yourself.”

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