Madam, you don’t want your husband to know, right?

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Inside the rental house.

Lin Gaoyuan enjoyed the video sent by Su Yawen.

There is a knock on the door at the end of the video.

It’s as exciting as watching a movie to learn.

I don’t know how Su Yawen is now.

That face must be as red as a monkey’s butt.

Thinking of this, Lin Gaoyuan was in a good mood.

Set of black lace lingerie.

This Su Yawen is not simple!

However, at this time, Lin Gaoyuan did not have time to enjoy these beautiful scenery.

Su Yawen has her own difficulties.

Haven’t you had any difficulties?

The system stipulates that Su Yawen will be raided within today.

To be honest, the difficulty is still there.

And I also chose the most difficult task 3.

A little bit worse.

The task may not be completed.

At that time, even if Su Yawen is raided, what is the use?

Points are a good thing!

Just as he was thinking about how to move next.

A progress bar suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Su Yawen’s shame: thirty percent! ] 】

[The higher the target shame, it means that the host strategy is about to succeed! ] 】

[When the shame level reaches 100%, the target will be completely raided and left at the mercy of the host!] 】

This progress bar made Lin Gaoyuan’s eyes shine.

Why didn’t I find this thing earlier?

Laborious for so long to do it for 30 percent?

This is at least as far as a Great Wall to successfully play poker with Su Yawen, right?

No, you have to hurry up.

Didn’t dare to waste time.

Lin Gaoyuan once again gave Su Yawen the task of mastering through WeChat!

“Mrs. Su, let’s have a new way to play.”

Su Yawen, who had just dressed, saw this news and a big question mark immediately appeared in her mind.

She replied curiously, “What gameplay?” ”

“I’ll give you one task to save you five million, and if you complete four tasks, then the secret of twenty million will rot in my stomach and never pester you again, how about it?”

There is such a good thing to hear.

Su Yawen was overjoyed in her heart, “Can you talk and count?” ”

“I X said a word, and it is difficult to chase the horse.”

“X? What a strange name. ”

“Is X your name, call me master!”

Seeing that the other party actually let himself call him master.

Su Yawen’s heart rippled shyly again.

This cannot be called in any way.

I can’t even type it.

But just when she resisted in her heart.

Lin Gaoyuan sent a message again, “Calling me master is also one of the tasks.” ”

One call to the master can save five million.

How can Su Yawen not be moved?

She overcame her inner shame and finally typed the word ‘master’ in the input box and sent it.

Who knew that the other party actually sent an angry expression, “Are you so fooled by me?” ”

This made Su Yawen stunned.

Didn’t he call himself the master as he wished?

Just when she was puzzled.

The other party’s message was sent, “Send a voice call, be gentle, bring some feelings, do you understand your current identity?” ”

It turned out to be a voice.

Su Yawen’s inner sense of shame exploded.

How can you say such a thing yourself?

But just when she hesitated in her heart.

A message immediately made her obediently obey.

“Give you ten seconds, if you don’t call, this mission will fail.”

“Don’t, I’ll call right away.”

Su Yawen did not dare to hesitate and immediately clicked on the voice recording.

She took a deep breath and adjusted her mindset.

“Lord… Master…”

Send this sentence over.

Su Yawen felt that her whole body began to feel dizzy.

My cheeks were as hot as boiling water.

My husband is a conservative person.

Even playing poker is based on a traditional philosophy.

Calling the master this kind of thing has never thought about it.

Now he actually said these two words to a stranger?

For a while, Su Yawen felt that she was a woman.

Lin Gaoyuan on this end clicked his voice and listened.

The voice stumbled, but it was still clear.

But none of this matters.

The main thing is that the progress bar has gone up a lot.

Just the master of the sentence just now.

Su Yawen’s shame rose by twenty percent.

At this point, it has come to 50 percent.

I believe that it will not be long before her shame will be filled with herself!

“Hmm!” Lin Gaoyuan also replied to the message, “When you talk to me next, you must bring the title of the master, understand?” ”

Su Yawen clenched her fists when she saw this news.

But he still agreed very well, “Got it, master!” ”

“Okay, okay, ready for the next mission?”

“Ready, master!”

“OK, I called an errand runner to send something to your company, it should arrive immediately, remember to check!”

Originally, Su Yawen only played with other men on the Internet.

But see this message.

She was no longer calm in her heart.

The other party is actually close to him?

Otherwise, how can you call yourself errands in the same city?

But the thought of her comforted herself.

It seems that in other cities, you can also call errands for another city.

I remember that when my husband was on a business trip, he ordered takeout for himself.

Su Yawen comforted herself so much.

Pacing restlessly in the office.

What will the other person send to themselves?

It wouldn’t be something shameful, would it?

One familiar item after another flashed through her mind.

These are all things that I use regularly.

Wouldn’t he want to keep himself in the office?

The more she thought about it, the more panicked Su Yawen became.

From time to time, I look downstairs from the floor-to-ceiling windows to the office building.

See if there is an errand boy coming over.

If only the rest of the company knew that he had checked this kind of thing.

Just jump from here yourself.

Waited for about a few minutes.

She simply walked out of the office and waited downstairs.

Only by holding this thing in your own hands can you feel at ease.

So, she pushed the door and walked out of the office.

Hurry downstairs to the office building.

Pass the work station of the male subordinate.

The male subordinate was taken aback, and quickly handed over his revised plan, “Su… Director Sue… This is…”

Su Yawen looked at him expressionlessly.

There was still pride in his eyes.

He hasn’t forgotten how he orchestrated himself outside the office.

But there is no time to think about this with him now.

“Wait until I get back.”

Leaving this sentence, she hurried to the elevator.

The male subordinate is in a nervous mood.

Just knocked on the door, obviously there is no one in the office?

What she said won’t be heard by her, right?

It’s time to play with the ball!

When Su Yawen came downstairs.

I happened to see the security guard signing for the bag of an errand boy.

Without shame, she stepped forward directly, “The thing is mine.” ”

The eyes of the security guard and the errand boy turned to Su Yawen at the same time.

The eyes of the two were obviously fixed on Su Yawen.

There is a hint of lust in the eyes!

Su Yawen glanced at the two in disgust.

Grab the bag and turn upstairs!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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