Madam, you don’t want your husband to know, right?

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

The next day, outside the gate of the first middle school of Yang City.

Lin Gaoyuan leans his back against the white BMW M4.

It attracted the attention of countless students and passers-by after school.

After all, this car has a low allocation of 800,000.

Not to mention the top match that Su Yawen bought.

The coupe model is indeed very pulling back rate!

Compared to this car.

Lin Gaoyuan himself has attracted more attention.

That handsome appearance, toned body.

and conspicuous yellow hair.

Let many girls passing by look foolish.

But Lin’s goal is not them.

It was Sun Miaomiao, who was walking towards this side.

Sun Miaomiao, who had just left school, noticed Lin Gaoyuan at a glance.

That white BMW M4 is even more impossible for her to miss.

After all, a person as superficial as her, obviously luxury cars can impress her more.

Sure enough, yesterday she couldn’t look at Lin Gaoyuan.

At this time, because of curiosity, he took the initiative to walk up, “Lin Gaoyuan? Is this your car? ”

“Like it?”

Sun Miaomiao doesn’t just like it.

The eyes are almost straight.

However, when her gaze swept to Lin Gaoyuan’s outfit.

The heartwarming expression on his face suddenly turned into contempt, “This won’t be your rented car, right?” ”

“Go, get in the car!” Lin Gaoyuan beckoned and took the lead in the driver’s seat.

Sun Miaomiao frowned, “What do you mean?” ”

“I let you get in the car, don’t you understand?” Although Lin Gaoyuan said it with a smile, his tone was unquestionable.

His tone naturally aroused Sun Miaomiao’s disgust, “Who are you, if you let me get in the car, I will get in the car?” you, my dad is coming to pick me up later! ”

“Oh?” Lin Gaoyuan laughed out loud, “Did he pick you up and take you to the hotel?” ”

When the words fell, Sun Miaomiao’s face instantly turned pale.

My heart suddenly panicked.

She looked at Lin Gaoyuan in horror and knew that the other party had followed her whereabouts.

After all, it’s a little girl, and she can’t hide her heart.

“yes, so what? I went to the hotel with him just to eat, what’s wrong? ”

“Why don’t you sit in my co-pilot, I’ll show you a video!”

Lin Gaoyuan raised his mobile phone and took the initiative to open the car door for the other party.

Sun Miaomiao, who was at the door of the car, pondered for a moment.

Finally, I got into the co-pilot.

As soon as people got into the car, Lin Gaoyuan stepped on the accelerator and left!

“Isn’t there a video?” Sun Miaomiao kneaded her fingers uneasily.

She did not believe that the other party could produce any substantial evidence.

After all, the door is closed, can you still see it?

Lin Gaoyuan didn’t talk nonsense with her.

Directly threw the mobile phone playing the video to her.

Concentrate on driving the car yourself.

Just see the video for the first time.

Sun Miaomiao’s face turned even paler.

Video content goes without saying what it is.

While she was flustered, she was even more curious about how the other party photographed it.

Suddenly, she remembered that a woman had entered the house yesterday.

Could it be that time?

Sun Miaomiao was not a fool either, and immediately figured out the reason.

After a long time, she hung the phone to her leg.

The expression on his face was unpredictable, “What do you want?” ”

“Auntie doesn’t know about this yet, right?”

Mentioning Chen Yiwan, Sun Miaomiao immediately turned her head to look at him, “Are you trying to make me confess?” No way, my mother will kill me! ”

“No, no, no, how could I let you do such a thing.”

“So what do you want…”

The words are not finished.

She reacted.

His face turned crimson for a moment, “You won’t… What a lewdness! ”

“Aren’t you and your dad indecent?”

Sun Miaomiao was speechless for a while.

This thing can no longer be described as obscene.

That’s a defying act!

However, she still held on to the last glimmer of hope and began to make threats, “You are not afraid that my father will trouble you?” ”

“Afraid?” Lin Gaoyuan laughed disdainfully, “If I’m afraid, I won’t come to you, you can call your dad.” ”

Seeing that the other party was confident, Sun Miaomiao panicked again in his heart.

Seeing that the threat did not work, she began to play the emotional card.

“My mother is also your sister-in-law, how can I be your sister, do you think it is appropriate to do this?”

Hearing this, Lin Gaoyuan wanted to laugh even more, “Now I think of our relationship?” Didn’t I see you so sensible yesterday? ”

Speaking of which, Sun Miaomiao’s snobbery still learned from Sun Ping.

Lin Gaoyuan’s words made her speechless.

And then at this time.

Sun Miaomiao’s mobile phone rang.

She quickly took it out and looked at it, and found that it was her father who called.

However, she did not connect immediately.

Instead, he looked at Lin Gaoyuan, who was driving beside him.

Lin Gaoyuan didn’t even look at her, “Answer, didn’t you say that your father came to me to trouble, isn’t it a good opportunity now?” ”

Although I don’t know where the other party comes from.

But Sun Miaomiao knew that his father must be helpless.

After hesitating for a long time, she still connected the phone, “Hello? ”

Sun Ping’s voice came from the other end of the phone, “Miaomiao, I’m at the gate of your school, why didn’t I see you come out?” ”

“This… I…” Sun Miaomiao subconsciously looked at Lin Gaoyuan, and his heart was extremely complicated, “I went to my classmate’s house, and I may have to come back later tonight.” ”

“Classmate? Which classmate? ”

Faced with his father’s question, Sun Miaomiao was anxious, “Dad, can’t you leave me some privacy?” ”

“It won’t be a male classmate, will it?”

“Female classmate, don’t say it, I’ll hang up first!”

“Don’t be angry Miaomiao, I’ll take you on a trip when you have a holiday, just the two of us!”

“Well, got it.”

Sun Miaomiao hung up the phone irritably.

Then throw the phone casually on the table and chair.

Holding his mouth and starting to sulk.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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