Luxury Buff

Chapter 16

6. From the auction you met.

“Just give us a little bit of information before the auction. ”

After answering the waiter’s question, Shin Mingbae was hiding on one side.

‘I’m shaking worse than I thought. ’

It was a tense moment after handing the crisis over to Wolf.

All right, everybody. Long time no see, here’s your prize!

As the host finished speaking, the waiter gestured, and Shin Mingbae slowly walked forward.

The moderator came forward and began to explain, looking at him standing still.

You guys look a lot older, don’t you? I’m 28, by the way. Don’t be nervous, you’re not that old! Eighty-eight, as I said. Auction starts at…… 30 KRW!

Earlier, a 20-year-old man who looked better than himself started from 500 won. But you’re 30,000 won? As he thought, many women vomited complaints.

“Ahhh! It’s terribly expensive.”

“There’s nothing to see! Just switch to something else! ”

“That’s funny, since 30,000 won. What confidence do you have? ”

As women’s criticism continued, the moderator said a word.

Ladies, is 30,000 won too big? Then I will reveal her identity! Talent!! That’s also Grade 5!!

“Huff!! ”


“He’s the man!! Amazing!”

The women were surprised to hear that they were capable. It’s not like they don’t know what they’re capable of. However, they are seduced by the fact that the competent person is as rare as it is grade 5.

“30,000 won!! ”

“35,000 won!! ”

“37,000 won!! ”

The women started shouting with a show of hands you don’t have to. I was looking at him from afar with a satisfied expression.

Here we go. 70,000 won. No more? You are a Grade 5 Talent. You know, a talent earns 50 million won a month!

The moderator mentioned an amount that the public could not easily earn in order to further propel the auction amount. However, as he said, the majority of talent grades of five were able to earn 50 million won a month in ridicule. It can also be even funnier if only time and team are well organized.

This tremendous amount shook my heart.

“80,000 won!! ”

80,000 Won!!

“90,000 won!! ”

The call continued to rise due to the host’s lies. And a woman screamed.

“Hey! Can I get a card? ”

Cards? Why do you ask?!

The moderator was excited. He was encouraging women as if it were his own work.

“150,000 won!! ”

“Hey, that’s a card too! Keep going!! 200,000 won! ”

Women couldn’t have easily missed this opportunity. In fact, this is the place where you can live your love money.

Of course, it will depend on how a person feels, but it is a moment when he can gamble that much.

“300,000 won!! ”

“320,000 Won!! ”

The women’s auctions continued. People had a look of excitement that you didn’t have to. So far the prison has been open, and a lot of people have come up on the auction, but this was not the first time that they were able to do so. The problem is that you are a Grade 5 Talent.

Five grades may not be high for the competent, but the salary of five grades is quite high for the general public.

Here we go, 580,000 won! If you don’t have any more, we’ll finish the auction! One, two! Three! Win!!

The auction was won by the moderator.

Shin Minbae couldn’t figure out which woman bought her because she was shining herself around.

Following the waiter’s instructions, Shin Min-woo approached the table to finally see the woman’s face.

There were three of them, but pretended to be young.

“Hello, have a seat over here. ”

A short-haired woman sits the Sinmyung Ship beside her.

“Hey… I’m sorry. I came with a friend. Can’t a friend join us? ”

“Of course! Bring your friend. ”

“You don’t have to. I’m already here!”

The Reconciliation Ceremony has already arrived behind the women. The women who saw him did not look so good, and soon turned their heads to Shinhwa.

They joined together and the waiter approached.

“This is a service. ”

The waiters put Valentine on their table.

After the auctioneer came out for 580,000 won, it was a service for Valentine. This was the first time in prison.

I put the liquor in front of him, and he didn’t say anything. Even so, it was because women were also just looking at strange people.

“Hey… but how old are you? ”

No matter how young the women looked.

“Us? 21. I’m old enough to drink. ”

“Yes? Well, I see. ”

They seem to be approaching them more comfortably than appealing.

“Brothers, speak comfortably. First of all, I’d like to make a toast. ”

She opened her mouth first when she won the cup with a card.

“Why don’t we take a quick introduction first? I’m Noah Young, 21 years old. I’m a student.”

Noah Young was about 168 years old and had a very thin body. “Sticky skinny jeans made my body look more lively, and my waistline wasn’t too smooth.

The vibrant, long black head descends to her waist, and every time the light shines on her, it evokes the illusion as if the light was flashing.

The big, long eyes and white skin made me not only the prettiest among my friends, but also the prison life here.

“My name is Kim Delay, my friend. ”

“I’m Izzie. All three go to the same university. ”

Two friends also belonged to a pretty axis. Also, all three of them were quite stylish, and the proportions were good, so it was not too much to call them models.

After their remarks, the reform ceremony and Shin Minbae also introduced themselves. And I decided to make it easier for him to talk because of the age difference.

He was surprised and said, with Izzie’s last words in mind.

“A university is the most prestigious university, right? Wow, you guys must be really good at studying. ”

The two of them went to an unnamed university compared to them. In fact, they are quite far from studying.

Honestly, they were so pretty that they couldn’t believe that they cared so much about their faces and clothes and that they were going to college.

“By the way, what did the student spend so much money on? ”

I couldn’t help but ask about the auction.

It is almost impossible for a college student to use a large sum at once. As long as it’s not the daughter of a tyrant.

“Isn’t this enough money to make a living? Wouldn’t we still have money with Alba if we didn’t spend it on something else? ”

“So what do you do? ”

“Haha, of course. Occasionally, I collect some allowance for my father’s paperwork. ”

“You must be getting a lot of allowance. Do you see how it’s just written? ”

Izzie, next to Shinminbae’s words, opened her mouth.

“Aren’t you guys ignoring us a little too much? We’re still pretty famous folks, though. ”

“Now, the famous family? ”

In fact, it is routine to say that people are doing well, but it is not uncommon to say that the family is doing well. But Izzie made it so easy for me to say that.

And I couldn’t help but nod when I heard about their parents.

For Noah Young, his father is the president of a small business. It’s also a small business processing monster corpses.

Monster-processed SMEs have significantly higher income sources than other occupations.

In the case of Kim Delay, it is a fairly large hospital whose parents have established a hospital and served as principal in their name.

Izzie is the daughter of a prosecutor family and she also dreams of being a prosecutor.

“All three of you are quite contentious, aren’t you? He’s too different from us. ”

“Well, it’s not like we’re going to do anything right now, but aren’t you worried too much? It’s just a fun place. Don’t worry about it. Have fun. ”

Kim Delay of a cool personality said, but the two of them had to be awkward.

When I took my first step as a class 5 talent with nothing to lose, I had to be burdened with the case of the New Founding Fathers and the inaugural ceremony.

“By the way, how long have you been able to do that? ”

“Umm… I just became competent. ”

“Is that so……. ”

In fact, they are not in a position to understand what the New Founding Fathers are saying now.

Families who are largely unfaithful to the majority of their money are tested for aptitude at the age of 20 when they complete secondary education to determine whether they are capable or not. Of course, families who are not interested in abilities are not tested. Teenagers also take aptitude tests as needed.

So they had no choice but to understand that the 28-year-old Shin Minbae had just become a power.

“What are the characteristics? ”

“Auxiliary systems……. ”

It was an unconfident word, but Noah Young was quite surprised.

“Oh? I heard the auxiliary grade 5 is very rare. Didn’t you say you just got powers? ”

“Well… yes. ”

“You must be good? A grade 5 auxiliary system…. ”

Seeing that my father was a monster related job, there was a lot of common sense in the talented people.

“It’s true that it’s worse than other talents…. ”

“What are you talking about? Do you have any idea how many people are capable of this country? There are a lot of people who are not very good at it. You sound full.”

Until now, Shin Minbae has been ignored and feeling inferior. However, Noah Young is blaming the Shin Minbae.

‘I feel something… …. ’

No one has envied or complimented him because he has become a subsidiary. Of course, it was only after the 5th grade that Noah Young was graded slightly, but it was special for Noah Young to acknowledge even the lowly sub-graded capabilities.

After that, they started talking a lot about monsters.

“We’ve had aptitude tests, but no one’s passed them. That’s why I envy the power. What do you think about catching monsters? Are you scared?”

“Huh? Ah… I’m the backup behind this… But I’m definitely afraid of monsters.” If the defenses don’t stop them, the others are bound to be killed by a monster without a clue. ”

“So… it was dangerous……. ”

Those who drank some alcohol began to get a little tipsy. It is said to be a bottle of wine, but no one was too drunk because five people shared it.

And they moved on to the second place, and gradually the atmosphere got better. The ceremony, which was a little overwhelmed by self-esteem, is now comfortably treating them.

The environment was different, but they were quite right and the owners of all three good personalities.

“You better look good on this guy. He’s going to be huge soon! ”

“Oh? What about a brother like that? Are you gonna live like this for the rest of your life? ”

“It’s me… to the best of my ability! Let’s live!”

“You must have some special abilities. Don’t worry.”

Those who don’t discriminate against people. Although I have not met many women who are highly decorated and democratic to date, they are definitely the ones to be regarded as saw.

“Well, hey…… do you want to exchange our contacts? I’ll see you next time. ”

The ceremony took courage and said, and they smiled and replied.

“Hoho, yes. I was going to ask you when you got home anyway, but you’re nice and manly. ”

The five people exchanged contacts, and the drunken women returned to their homes.

The two who drove me to the last of Izzie’s cabs made eye contact.

“How was it? Wasn’t it good? ”

Shin Minbae asked me first.

“Honestly…… would you hate it? But… they already live in the wrong environment, right? You can’t see a good future with those kids. Wouldn’t a caterpillar have to live on a leaf? ”

“Yes……. ”

They were those who already had a lot of differences from the environment. Those who are above a certain middle class like themselves, and even if they love them, their parents will be different. because that’s the perception of society today.

Social status……. Adults always live with it in mind.

“Well…… But wouldn’t it be nice to be close and heal those kids? It’s not a crime to know. ”

“Yes! It’s not a crime!

They nod loudly.

Artwork Reviews

I was afraid Kundhara would get bored too soon…

Meanwhile, we will throw in more 0.

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