Lucius, The False Angel

The Brightest Angel

Just outside the village's borders, the place where a battle supposedly raged between the Re-Estize Kingdom knights and the Sunlight Scriptures, there roamed a deathly silence.

It wasn't a ‘battle’, but instead a slaughter, the kingdom's knights weren't much to begin with, and after realizing that this with a setup since the beginning…it was too late.

No soldier was left standing, they all died at the hands of the summoned angels, even those who managed to defeat an angel or two were quickly picked off by the sorcerers, and soon enough. It was just Gazef that's left.

The plan was a huge success, they managed to corner the greatest threat in the Re-Estize kingdom and basically cripple the kingdom as a whole, which is what they had planned since the beginning.

…But something didn't just sit right with the captain of the Sunlight Scriptures, because out of all the emotions he expected Gazef to experience at the moment. He didn't see sarcasm to be one of them.

“cough, W-what a fool”

The warrior captain leaned on his sword and slowly rose up, his body was fully covered in wounds, his lips were bleeding, his head was likely fractured…but he was smiling.

“What’s so funny?”

The scripture captain couldn't contain his curiosity, and who would blame him, faced with a man who literally laughed at his own death naturally triggered his curiosity to no end.

So, he decided to ask him.

“What a fool, there's someone stronger than me on that village, you'll meet your end eventually”

The warrior captain fearlessly smiled at the scripture captain with unblinking eyes, his words carried incredible trust in the individual he spoke off, and it spoke miles coming from the arguably strongest human in this century.

“A bluff?”

But to the scripture captain, it sounded like empty threats from a dead man. And as his smile grew colder and crueler, he lifted his hands upwards.

“Angels! Kill Stronoff!”

The order has already been given, and like the cold unfeeling machines that they are, the lesser angels immediately grasped their weapons and floated slowly into Gazef's direction.

Seeing that he was being surrounded by angels from all directions with the addition of the scripture men, the guard captain grit his teeth in half rage and half resignation, and after fully pracing himself and clutching his sword by the hilt, a familiar voice rang in the back of his head.

'Looks like it's time to switch’

Gazef didn't even get time to process what happened, one second he was faced with countless angels, the other he was inside a hut with countless humans huddled around him.

“T-This I-Is?”

He lowered his sword and looked around again to make sure that his eyes weren't fooling him, and when the same scene repeated itself once more…utter disbelief filled his thoughts.

“This is the village's storage house, Warrior Captain-dono”

Gazef heard the voice of the old chief from behind him, and after turning around and finding to truly be him, the old man spoke again.

“Ainz-sama set a magic barrier here”

At the mention of the sorcerer, Gazef looked around for him but found no signs of his presence, and as if picking up the warrior’s thoughts, the village chief spoke again.

“If you're looking for Ainz-sama, he suddenly disappeared after you had appeared in his place, warrior-dono”

The village chief finished his words as If waiting for the warrior captain's reply, but Gazef didn't speak, his mouth instead hanging open in disbelief, his mind couldn't possibly comprehend what had just happened, it was simply impossible.

But, after remembering the voice that suddenly sounded inside his head, it dawned on him.

He frantically searched inside his armor, and after finding what he was after, he pulled it out.

The small wooden totem, a gift that he thought the sorcerer gave to him in good faith, began to vanish from his hands in front of his own eyes, and a few seconds later it ceased to exist, it was like it never even existed in the first place.

A smile found its way on the middle aged man's face, a small smile full of self satisfaction and self mocking at the same time.

“I see”

And that was all he said, before slowly falling backwards into the ground and blacking out.


Meanwhile, back in the planes outside the village, the atmosphere was drenched in silence with only the sound of winds howling through the now empty valley.

“Who are you?”

Unamused and unconcerned, the captain of the sunlight scripture said dismissively with a terribly unimpressed look on his face.

“Nice to meet you people of the Slane Theocracy, my name is Ainz Ooal Gown. Please call me Ainz’’

The masked man's voice rang around the silent hills and boomed with incredible charisma, his powerful and unwavering voice was quite the heart wrenching thing to hear, but sadly, nobody here was in the mood to appreciate it.

Silence stretched between the two parties for a few moments, and after each of them looked at the other quite extensively, the masked sorcerer was the first to speak.

“I have a bit of a relationship with that village”

He stood directly in front of a literal army of angels and mages, but instead of sounding scared or intimidated, his voice instead sounded deprecating, almost scoring in a way.

But the sunlight scripture captain didn't notice that, and based on his own conclusions, he decided that there could only be one conclusion.

His face curved up into a sneer, and with the most condescending voice he could muster, he decided to play with this scorcerer a bit.

“Have you come to beg for the lives of the villagers? If you ask nicely I'll think about sparing them?”

Despite his words, he fully intended on not sparing anyone present, he already decided to claim all their miserable lives in the name of his own gods and Ainz already knew it…but that wasn't what he cared about.

That wasn't why he was here after all.

“Oh no, no, no. The reason I'm here is that I've overheard your little conversation with the head warrior”

The sudden pause gave a incredibly unpleasant feel, the always laughing mask gave out an ominous energy to everyone, his words brought chills down the spines of every human present, the wind howled as if in reverence in front of such an abdominal presence, it felt like the end was getting near…but no-one was more the wiser.

“You really have guts…You announced that you'd massacre the villagers that I bothered saving. I can't imagine anything more offensive”

His words were spoken as matter of factually as possible, more of a minor annoyance than that of the life and death of countless lives, it reeked of something deeper, something that shouldn't ever be known by anyone who values their sanity.

It rang alerts in the heads of all humans around, their survival instinct flared of incredible danger, it tried warning them with a deep sense of forbidding that wrenched their minds to no end, one that they wouldn't be able to escape out of if they continued with their foolery a second further.

“Huh!! Offensive?! Big words for a lone magic caster. So, what are you going to do about it?”

Ignorant to the current situation, the scripture captain didn't lose his cocky grin for even a second, and as he continued to sneer into the masked sorcerer's face, all he got back was the mask's creepy and eerie grin.

Silence hung sickeningly between the two, and as the captain stared at the ominous mask for a few moments more, the man finally moved.

Ever slowly, he lifted his armor plated bony hands and pointed his open palms at the scripture’s direction, the gesture looked like that of a benevolent ruler offering his subjects his boundless mercy and benevolence, giving the ignorant poor lamps a chance and offering them one last moment of salvation out of the goodness of his own heart.

“Offer me your lives without resistance, if so then there will be no pain…but if you refuse…”

The open palm was painfully balled into a fist, it shook with the sheer power of which the sorcerer clenched his fists with, and with a voice that felt like death himself was speaking, the masked man's words echoed again.

“You will die painfully and in despair for your foolishness, now choose”

It was a declaration of death, a promise for undying pain and suffering to those who dared to defy the words of the overlord of death, any sane being instinctively knew the consequences if he were to refuse…but sadly, the captain was not one of them.

“...Have the angles attack”

A cold order that masked the uncertainty within, convinced that there may be no-one capable of fighting off such numbers, he led them all to their end, and having no mind of their own, the angels blindly followed.

Two lesser angels immediately rushed at Ainz with Lances of pure light, their speed abnormally fast and precise, their strike deadly and unmerciful, and with two unified thrusts, they impaled the masked man in the chest at the same time.

And seeing that, the captain just scoffed, all his inner doubts instantly vanished and he couldn't help but think himself a fool for falling to the scorcerer's ploys for even a second

“How pathetic, you talked so much yet nothing happened, these are the consequences of making stu-”

The captain's smug smile and words slowly crumpled in real time, which tends to happen when someone sees something they couldn't have imagined seeing ever in their entire lifetime.

“Didn't I tell you to offer your life without resistance?”

The art of summoning angels was practiced in the Slane Theocracy since the ascension of the six great gods, it was their ultimate and unquestionable weapon that have cemented itself into the very core of the country's society as a whole for ages now.

The angels were nearly infinite in number, held back only by the power of the being that summoned them, and while some may overpower them individually, those who fight angels would have to put their all into the fight or they'd be decapitated in an instant.

This was the belief of the entirety of the Slane Theocracy…no, it was the truth. An undeniably unquestionable truth that held no probabilities of discussion.


“T-This must be some kind of trick!!”

…But here, in this exact moment and in front of their own eyes, the man held two angels by the face, not only holding them back…but completely overpowering them both entirely.

“These low level monsters can't hurt me”

The words spoken were ever so calm, and as the man held the two struggling angels by the throat, he proceeded to slam them both into the ground with incredible force.

The slam shattered the ground underneath him into pieces, and as both struggling angels erupted into a flash of shining particles, the masked man slowly rose again.

“I'm curious as to why you all can use YGGDRASIL summoning magic, but that can wait for now”

The scripture men couldn't fathom what had just happened, their minds didn't want to register their current situation, and the man's cold and mocking voice didn't seem to ease their worries in any way.

“Here I come”

His mask seemed to smile wider as he spoke, his words chilled all the men to their core, most of which was their captain, who was practically sweating bullets.

“Have all the angels attack at once! Hurry!!”

It was more of a bark than an order, a desperate last minute ditch to prove to himself that what was happening wasn't real, that all that had happened before was just a trick, a figment of his own imagination.

“Albedo, stand back”


Sadly for the scripture captain…this wasn't a dream…but a nightmare.

“[Negative Burst]”

It took nothing but one second…just a second to wipe out the countless angels that numbered in the hundreds…those instruments of destruction that terrorize nations to this day, the cold unfeeling machines of the divine…they were erased like they never existed before.

The scripture's men were frozen solid, the absurdity of the scene baffled them to no end.


The scripture captain in particular had the hardest time believing what he just saw, and as he felt his entrie world crashing down on him, Gazefs's previous words rang in his mind.

‘There's someone stronger than me on that village, you'll meet your end eventually'

It was then, in that exact same moment, he realised it, what he thought was a dead man's bluff turned out to have been true, and instead of atleast taking the strongest man's words to consideration, he didn't listen.

And now he had to deal with the consequences of his actions.

“[Holy Ray]”




“[Fire Rain]”

“[Open Wounds]”

“[Fire Ball]”

A mirage of countless different spells hurled its way at the overlord's direction, the scripture’s most skilled magic casters unleashed their greatest sources of power at the man like their life depended on it, which it did.

And any being subject to a bombardment of this scale would surely die, correct? There's no way that the masked sorcerer still lives, right?

“As I thought, these are all spells from YGGDRASIL, who taught you that magic?”

…Nothing happened…and not only does he still draw breathe, he even had the leisure to calmly comment on the situation as if this was all nothing but a minor inconvenience.

Seeing that their magic wasn't working, and all hope had nothing but entirely vanished, a man decided that he must escape, for his life depended on it.

He primed the crossbow on his wrist that all scripture men were equipped with and fired at Ainz, it wasn't a lethal shot or anything, but a bola to bind the monster just enough for him to escape.

…But that turned out to be his gravest of mistakes.

“W-What h-happened?”

The scripture captain was genuinely perplexed, because the man lost his head faster than the eye could even perceive, a moment the man was about to run, the next his severed head was on the ground, and all he saw was the heavily armored companion of the masked sorcerer standing in front of him like a guardian.

“...Albedo, you should know that ariel weapons would do me no harm, there was no need to use your strength”

Ainz sounded quite puzzled, every one knew that high level players possessed complete invincibility towards low level attacks, including Albedo.

There was truly no need for such drastic methods, especially since they knew that these humans didn't have high levels.

“Please wait, Ainz-sama. There is a bare minimum that must be met to fight with you, Supreme One. To throw an insignificant pebble at you is…”

Albedo sounded particularly disdainful, it was completely unacceptable to even attempt to harm her master, and not only did these insects attempt to harm him, but they even dared to throw insignificant dirt at his majesty.

‘How Despicable’

She inwardly grit her teeth to quell the fury that was bubbling up inside her, she wouldn't want to squash all the bugs on accident and mess with lord Ainz's plan after all.

“I see, so you're saying that these insects fail to pass”

It took a moment for Ainz to understand the meaning behind Albedo's words, but now that he did, he realised that the thought may have brought him discomfort before, but now, strangely enough.

“That’s true, isn't it? Right, insects?”

It didn't.

Ainz's mocking words went through the tense silence like a hot knife through butter, but instead of diffusing the tension, it made it worse…a lot worse.

The situation was completely out of hand, the scripture men were panicking, some were even so terrified, they couldn't stand straight without shivering in fear and despar.

Same with the captain, he was also terrified, but unlike the rest of his troop, his fear didn't blind him, at least not yet. Not when he had one last card up his sleeve.

“Principality of Observation, attack!”

It was the brightest of all the angels yet, it looked grander than all of them combined, and along with its great size and grandeur appearance. It looked quite formidable.

Its eyes glowed in shining red, its golden halo shined ever so brighter and brighter, and as it slowly materialized a mace in its hand and slowly made its way into Ainz's direction, the captain somehow didn't feel any better about the situation.

It winded the attack and struck with great force, the mace swung downwards at the sorcerer with a force powerful enough to pulverize a regular man ten times over.

If it had been any regular man, he would've turned to paste by now, that's what the captain desperately hoped to see at least, but that didn't end up happening sadly, and what greeted him instead was the sight of Ainz catching the angel's mace with his bare hands.

“It seems that all lower tier angels exist in this world”

Nobody heard Ainz's quiet mutter, they were all busy being awestruck about what he just did to even function properly, they all remained stunned with their mouth's hung open.

Or at least until the sudden gust of wind that was due to the angel's strike being forcefully stopped got them out of their momentary lapse of shock.

“I guess I should fight back then”

The scorcerror said with the calmest of voices yet, and as he held the angel by the mace so that it wouldn't go anywhere, he lifted his finger and pointed directly at its chest.

“[Hell Flame]”

A small blackish red flame suddenly manifested at his finger tip, it slowly traveled until it reached the angel's chest plate, and when it came into contact with it, it engulfed it's entire body in an instant.

The flame howled and roared but there was no screams to be heard, and after only a few seconds of waiting, the flame vanished to reveal…nothing.

“...O-one h-hit? That's impossible!!”

The captain yelled in complete disbelief, he couldn't wrap his mind around what he just witnessed, and couldn't hold back anymore.

“There’s no way a high level angel could be destroyed with one spell!!!”

“What high level angel? That was nothing but a lesser one”

And to his utter shock and despair, the sorcerer actually replied to him, and he called the second strongest angel in the Slane Theocracy's entire army a lesser angel!

'What kind of monstrosity is this!!’

“Captain Nigun, what should we do?!”

The scripture men slowly began to panic, the weight of the situation finally dawned on each and every one of them, and when they turned to their similarly stunned captain, he suddenly remembered something and a crazed smile slowly began creeping up on his face.

He frantically scavenged his ropes seemingly looking for something, and a few moments later, he pulled out a shining crystal and held it up high.

“We will summon the highest level angel!!”

His glows glowed with madness and worship as he spoke of the mysterious crystal, and as it began to shine brighter and brighter, the captain's crazed look became more and more apparent.

Ainz immediately noticed the appearance of the magic item, and after recognising the item for what it is, he immediately ordered his guardian to move.

“A magic sealing crystal. Albedo, protect me with your skill”


Ainz didn't want to take any risks, and despite the crystal sealing inability to seal higher tiered magic spells, he didn't want to risk the situation due to his ignorance.

And as his gaurdian took her signature defensive stance in front of him, the crystal's light was approaching its peak.

“Look! This is the shining form of the highest of the angels!”

Light painted the captain's face and swallowed all the surrounding, it was as blinding as a beacon of the highest degree, and as divine power began oozing into the surroundings in more and more quantities, the light got brighter and brighter.

“Dominion Authority!!!”

When the blinding light finally reached its peak, it slowly began to fade, revealing in its wake the magnificence that's labeled Dominion Authority.

The area was bathed in holy white-blue light, a slight fragrance filled the air and calmed everyone around involuntarily. Its head and body were obscured from view, it was covered with numerous glowing feathered wings and decorated with royal tablets. And at the front of its head, a glowing divine magic circle that emitted divine energy shined like a crown, as if proudly displaying the being's elevated status.

Ainz stared blankly at the angel in silence, his mood was unchanging, and his mask didn't help in conveying his current emotions.

But despite his lack of emotions, it was obvious that he was unimpressed, but that was unfortunately missed to the scripture.

“...This angel is your strongest trump card?”

Nigun's crazed grin got wider and wider, his mind fully believing Ainz to be scared enough for him to lose words, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

“That's right, I have determined that you're worthy of me using this item, so feel proud of yourself!”

His grandiose had fully gotten to his brain, he looked down on the sorcerer while holding the summoning crystal in his hand like he already had won.

His baseless confidence was boosted even more when he saw Ainz holding his palm to his face.

“What’s the matter? Are you afraid? It can't be helped”

Nigun's mocking voice was filled with boundless sarcasm, he felt himself a predator playing with his cornered prey, which gave him boundless confidence, and it all stemmed from the highest of the angels that Nigun's superior had graciously gifted him.

He had absolute faith in the highest angel to ever exist. He had no doubt in his mind that it could crush the arrogant sorcerer like an insignificant bug in the ground.

But suddenly, all his confidence slowly crumbled the moment he heard the words of the sorcerer in question.

“...Ridiculous, I was on guard against such child's play”

The words didn't register in Nigun's head immediately, the sheer absurdity of Ainz's words wasn't something that the scripture’s captain could just accept after all.

But after a few moments of processing, the words finally registered in his mind, and the implication of what Ainz was saying finally dawned on him.

“C-c-child's p-play? D-don't be r-ridiculous!”

He wouldn't believe this! He refused to! No man hoped to even match the highest angel to ever exist! The Dominion Authority’s existence was something that couldn't be questioned, it was simply unbelievable!

“T-That’s impossible!! Humankind cannot hope to defeat such an existence! You're bluffing!!”

The captain roared on top of his lungs in frenzied madness, and with his face drenched in sweat, his jaw clenched in anger and fear and his hand tensioned until they drew blood, he decided to finally silence this insolent sorcerer once and for all.

“Dominion Authority! Use the Holy Smite!!”

Holy Smite was a seventh ranked magic spell, it was the same spell that bested a Demon God 200 years ago, within seconds! No being alive could hope to live through such power!

Nigun waited in halted breath, the thought of the exalted angel silencing the sorcerer in an instant brought him immense joy.

…But, nothing happened.

For a moment, Nigun thought that the angel didn't hear him, fear induced his mind to not fathom the situation in its entirety, so in his boundless ignorance, he decided to command it again.

“Dominion Authority!! Unleash the judgment of God on the heret-!”

Nigun stopped mid sentence, the scene in front of him was just too much for him to handle, it felt his words were stuck inside his mouth and refused to come out, the absurdity of it left him gob smacked.

“Why….why is it bowing?”

The highest of all angles, the most exalted and powerful being in the entirety of the Slane Theocracy, a being capable of single handedly casting seventh level spells…it was bowing, like literally bowing, it's head was lowered and his weapon was nowhere to be seen.

Yes, the angel didn't have a mind of its own. Yes, it wasn't capable of independent thought and communication. Yes, it was summoned to follow orders blindly…but its strength was basically unattainable, unimaginable even!

At no point in the humans' entire history did they witness this unreachable being acknowledge anyone, let alone bow down in reverence…and the scene shook them to the core.

“Hmm? Interesting, is that what you meant by ‘Usurper of Heaven', that's indeed quite broken”

Unlike the silence that reigned upon the scripture men, Ainz was too busy admiring the situation to notice or even care.

He looked up at the sky, specifically at the two winged ‘angel’ that had suddenly appeared above him.

He wondered why he had chosen to show himself in this situation? And why in this form? The man wasn't an angel after all, Ainz didn't even know that he could assume either half of his lineage.

But after feeling the space crack around him and repairing itself in an instant, he understood what had happened, also understanding why Lucius chose to show himself in this form.

It was an attempt at divination at this location with Nigun acting as the anchor, which would've normally given the enemy enough time to look at the situation before Ainz's automatic divination negation spell to act, but due to Lucius catching it preemptively, that didn't seem to have happened thankfully.

'I would've normally followed up with a long range magic strike to teach them a lesson, but since Lucius is here, I'll just let him take care of it'

And speaking of Lucius, the man truly did look like an angel.

Ainz had to admit. This what you would should call divine, pure white hair that resembled the purest of snow, a pair of white feathery wings that were practically synonyms with the word holy and lastly, golden pupils that gave off a great feeling of divinity that demanded eternal servitude from those who dared to even gaze into their unimaginable depth.

If divinity truly existed, not just in the game, but in real life too, it would have had the same appearance as what Lucius looked like right now.

But, that wasn't what drew Ainz's attention at the moment. The divine energy was of course nauseating for him, he was undead after all, but because Lucius seems to have restricted its effect on him and Albedo which Ainz was half thankful for, he wouldn't have got to appreciate Lucius’ current appearance otherwise.

What had truly piqued his interest…or in this case, made him feel chills crawling down his bony spine, was Lucius scythe.

“Do you see it, Albedo?”

Ainz said in a low enough voice for only Albedo to hear, his eyes never leaving the golden scythe that was strapped to Lucius’ back, his empty eyes stared at it like it was his eternal enemy.

It may look grandiose and beautiful right now, it may feel like a divine armament that should be admired with fascination…but Ainz knew, he felt it when lucius drew the scythe in front of him before, he even felt it when he didn't draw it now…it may look different at the moment, but its true nature couldn't be hidden.

“They say that he massacred entire pantheons full of gods to make that weapon of his. I, along with my friends were unfortunate enough to experience its power first hand so I know for a fact that the scythe contains immense power”

‘'A power so vast that the strongest of world items meant nothing in comparison’

Albedo silently stared at the flying angel through her helmet, nobody knew what she was thinking, not even Ainz, but he had a feeling that he should continue speaking. So he did.

“I saw it myself, on hit from that thing and you're completely dead, doesn't matter what your level was, doesn't matter what you're currently wearing, doesn't matter of you had a world item or not, once it touches you…you're dead”

Albedo lowered her head and looked back at Ainz, the sight of the brightest of the supreme ones uttering such words made her feel the most negative of emotions, it was hateful, unbearable, it filled her with endless agony and self loathing…but…understandable.

She was furious, she wanted to yell at her lord that nothing in this world was even comparable to his presence, that he was the most powerful and brilliant being there is…but she didn't.

She knew it wasn't true, no matter how much she hated that man, no matter she loathed him to no end…she had to admit to his power.

It was suffocating, she couldn't stand it, but didn't show it outwardly, she probably never will, her mask wasn't something that could be cracked after all.

And besides, despite her strongest of feelings and thoughts…she knew that in front of such a being, no matter how many ploys she was willing to administer, how many plans she was willing to conduct, how many people she may send in his way…there was no way for her to do anything at all.

She slowly looked back up again, and as she gazed at the ethereal presence of the man she hated the most in this world, she couldn't help but find the situation ironic, because in this memory, he was exactly as she normally would be.

‘Hiding behind a beautifully ethereal shell, there lies an unimaginable monster, huh. How hate-!!!!’

Unimaginable dread, pure unadulterated despair, it was as if the surroundings screamed in agony the moment the ‘angel’ drew his weapon slowly and without any excessive movements.

Albedo's mind recalled the moment she first saw the man, the moment when she went against her lord's orders and foolishly attempted to intimidate the man from drawing his weapon.

It wasn't a pleasant memory in any way, the thought of her beloved lord reprimanding her still rang in her head in particular, that was what she dreaded the most, her mind was fully occupied by the thought of her beloved hating her. But even in her darkest of hours, no matter how much she wanted to forget her foolishness, she wouldn't have forgotten the feeling that she was currently experiencing at this exact same moment.

She realized now that Lucius never drew his weapon on them to begin with, he never truly considered them a threat since the beginning…because if he did.

“We would've all been already dead”

It was Ainz that spoke just now, not Albedo, but that was what she was about to say…there was nothing else that could be said really, that was the undeniable truth after all.

“Take one last look at what you're currently seeing, because that's the last thing you'll ever be able to see”

He drew his scythe and stared at the horizon, his calming and soothing voice completely contrasted his cold and uncaring tone, his gentle and divine aura didn't do anything to calm the feeling of dread that seeped from his every word.

He clutched the scythe with one hand as he slowly started floating higher and higher above the ground, and when he reached a point where everyone could see him clearly, he fully unfurled his wings.

Pure divine power gathered at the blade of the scythe in absurd quantities, near infinite divine energy began covering the blade and trickling down to the handle, and after a few moments of preparing the attack, he finally drew it.

“I dislike divination in all its forms. So I'll be taking all your divination users. I believe they're called the 'Miko Princesses', right?”

A divine decree, an ultimatum far above that of mere mortals, and unlike that of the kings and emperors of human kind. He fully intended on keeping it.

The ‘angel’ drew his weapon, and when it was fully drawn back, all divine energy was focused entirely on the blade, and after it was fully charged, his divine aura flared higher than it had ever been as words echoed again once more.

“[Reality Slash]”

Faster than anyone could ever perceive, the angel drew a wide arc with his sycthe that half circled around him from the front, his slash was so fast that not even Albedo could perceive it, but as she was about to question her own eyes, something that she would never end up forgetting would soon happen in front of her own eyes.

A gaint rift was opened in front of their eyes for all to see, it felt that space itself had cracked for a moment due to the attack, it was like the world itself had suffered gravely due to the attack…but, that wasn't all what had just happened.

Everyone heard it…the sound of five distinct screams echoing from the void which the ‘angel’ had opened, they were filled with agony, filled with fear, it felt like they suffered immensely and died in deep agony…it was horrifying.

Thankfully, the screams weren't heard for long, because one moment they were heard, the next they were not…which at least gave a semblance of relief, because whoever were the people that had experienced such horrific fate, they didn't get to suffer for more than a moment.

The space tear didn't close even after the ‘angel’ drew back his weapon, not like it purposely didn't close, but simply due to it not being able to, because everytime it tried to, something seems to forceibly be holding it back.

“My name is Lucius Von Lucifer”

Lucius announced with a cold and flat voice, his eyes unblinkingly staring at the void, it was as if he was staring directly at someone, or some people.

“And I swear to you on my name. If you ever dare to cross my path again, your nation won't ever see the light of the next day, or even the darkness of the night”

His divine presence slowly grew stronger, and like a brightly shining start, it kept on expanding.

Another pair of angel wings grew from his back, and when he fully revealed his four wings for all to see, they slowly transformed from pure white to the most divine of gold.

“I shall show you the might of a true angel, Slane Theocracy”

His words were heard echoing inside the depths of one's soul, his pure golden pupils shined even more intensely with divine radiance, his snow white hair slowly grew to beyond his waist as if it had a life of its own.

Without even moving from his place, and with a casual swipe from his weapon, all the sunlight scripture men immediately died.

A fountain of blood and gore immediately erupted, every single human present was immediately split horizontally in half with no chance of even realizing what had happened.

No one was left alive, even the Dominion Authority was not spared, and it immediately vanished into particles that slowly dwindled in silence.

A terrifying display of might, one that would be forever written in the history books of the Slane Theocracy as the dawn of a new age.

“Consider this your last warning” was all that was heard before the rift slowly started closing.

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