Lowly Ascent

Chapter 17 – Semi Finals

In a massive arena, cheers of support resounded throughout. 

In the center of the court stood two individuals.

Cain looked across the arena and spotted a tanned youth with black hair and green eyes, similar to him. While his hair and eyes were not as pronounced as Cain's, he was much more handsome.

"Ladies and gentlemen! It's the day you've all been waiting for! Division 3's bracket battles!"

The announcer's voice brimmed with energy; it was evident that he was just as excited as the crowd.

"Contenders, choose your weapons!"

It had been a couple of days since Cain visited the HQ, and Divisions 1 and 2 had completed their matches. Now, the 3rd Division battles remained. All Cain had to do was win. 

The prize was the opportunity to take one item from the Union's vault. Something Cain has done.

Having been there once, Cain knew what treasures lay inside. He was even more determined to win. In these final brackets, the use of pathogens has been revoked, but now the use of weapons is allowed.

Too many students have died, and the School couldn't take the complaints anymore. 

This change was significant but also important. The Union could not see the deaths of more talents, like in Roy's case.

Cain had spent a significant part of the week training with larger daggers, these daggers had wicked curves and were almost as long as short swords. 

They were known as Yurombi, daggers that had been used by assassins of old for their effectiveness in combat and their ability to cause severe bleeding.

Cain kept the pair strapped to his waist behind his back, with each hilt pointing outward for easy access. 

There were no rules against rune weapons, so Cain had a runesmith engrave some useful runes into the blades. 

To activate them, Cain had to chant and focus on the blades hidden in the sheaths.

Reacting to the chant, the sheath then emitted an ominous gas that seeped out through the dagger hilts. Inside, they were inscribed with mysterious runes glowing green. 

Cain after seeing the Rune weapons in the Union vault, Cain asked John to teach him about runes.

These specific runes on his Yurombi cause the opponent to bleed and develop infections, which would rot flesh.

Turning his attention to the judge Cain waited for the fight to start.

The judge raised his hand and swiped down.

The two figures on the court disappeared and reappeared, clashing. Cain had immediately drawn his daggers as he clashed blades with the opponent's curved sword.

His opponent's sword had a holy appearance, made of pure silver, adorned with engravings in an ancient language, and was exquisitely crafted.

Cain gathered his thoughts, stepped back, and then charged forward once more.

His opponent, a noble, was said to have a lot of experience compared to the contenders in the tournament.

As Cain charged, his opponent retreated and threw a small bomb that released a purple gas. Cain came to a halt and began to circle the suspicious cloud.

While he circumvented the gas, a figure emerged and caught him by surprise, bashing into his side and slashing his chest.

Cain tumbled back, the attack caused light bleeding and superficial damage, but it hurt like hell. 

Holding his side, Cain put away one of his daggers, retrieved a gel, and applied it to his wound.

The gel had anti-inflammatory and anti-infection properties, made from herbs, and was crucial in battles like these.

Again retrieving his dagger, the Emerald Butcher made a lunge forward with all his strength. Closing in on his opponent. Seeing his actions, Cain's opponent opted to retreat. To stop this, Cain threw one of his daggers.

It may have appeared foolish, but at some point, Cain attached a string to the dagger's hilt. 

The dagger, heading for the opponent's hip, changed its course under the manipulation of the attached string.

Using the string, Cain redirected the dagger back towards himself, wrapped it around, and sent it back towards the opponent, striking him in the shoulder. 

This happened so one could argue the dagger had teleported. 

Hitting its mark, the dagger embedded itself in the opponent, anchoring itself in their flesh. The opponent attempted to raise his sword to cut the string, but it was too late.

Tugging with all his strength, Cain's feet left the ground as he propelled himself towards his opponent. 

Spectators in the stands witnessed a young man colliding and pressing his feet on the beautiful youth's stomach, using it as leverage to stand. In one hand, he held the dagger embedded in his opponent's shoulder; in the other, he plunged his other dagger into the opponent's throat.

Falling back, Cain's opponent gasped for breath as blood flowed profusely out his neck. 

When Cain removed his daggers, his opponent was on the floor, rolling on the ground, clutching his shoulder and throat.

He could hear a few gurgled words before the judges intervened. "Burns… it burns!"

The judges interrupted the fight, rushing onto the stage to tend to the defeated contestant. 

Cain was declared the winner, and the crowd erupted in cheers like a crashing wave.

Basking in his victory not a second longer, Cain turned his attention to another court where Luna was in the midst of her fight.

Ever since the team battle, Cain's been happy to see people from his group like Alex interact with Luna. It seemed like her life was turning around. 

Even in their little talks, Luna always expressed how much better things had become and how happy she was. Cain was grateful to Alex and the others, they often shared meals. 

Cain felt like he had found his home. But there were always those dark thoughts in the back of his head. Even with this hope that they wouldn't discriminate if he told them his true origins, he wasn't optimistic about it. 

But now was not the time for such thoughts, he had to see how Luna was fairing. 

Her opponent was quite skilled, wielding a spear while Luna opted for a bow. This choice put her at a disadvantage but she managed to hold her ground.

Cain had been training with her and teaching her some moves, he could see her putting those teachings to use. He couldn't help but smile, a teacher proud of his student.

Yet, Luna found herself in a tricky situation. She had been retreating from her opponent's flurry of piercing jabs. 

She sustained several grazes but was fine. The problem was the grounds for retreating were becoming scarce. 

She made the bold decision to sacrifice a hit to fire an arrow.

Cain found this decision irrational, but it proved effective. Her arrow found its mark in her opponent's eye, causing them to howl in pain, allowing Luna to launch more arrows at him.

The strategic decision led to her victory, with her opponent being carried off the court on a stretcher, resembling a porcupine. 

Again, the crowd cheered, although not as enthusiastically as when Cain won. Luna was then bandaged up to facilitate her healing.

Then she spotted Cain.

She charged toward him and attached herself to him, squeezing him with her legs and arms. 

They were closer these days. Luna had become more protective and had visited Cain many times to ensure he wasn't engaging in any dangerous activities ever since his injury. 

Her actions had even led to some annoying remarks from John, which Cain couldn't deny.

He also suspected that John and Darius had been discussing this matter, but he couldn't confirm it.

Cain and Luna proceeded to get food and then rest to prepare for their next fights later in the day. 

They spent their leisure time at John's mansion, playing cards.


After winning most of the games, Cain grew bored and looked at the clock while reshuffling the deck. It was time to return to the arena.

"Time to head back"

Luna nodded and they left. 

Upon returning, the arena was packed to its maximum capacity with enthusiastic spectators.

Cain and Luna's entrance caused the cheers of the crowd, there were even signs and posters declaring them the 'Best Couple in Free City'.

'Who let them enter with those?!' Cain's face turned red. 

Since this tournament was such a significant event that occurred rarely, many people, including merchants and the common people, were allowed into the inner city to witness the grand spectacle.

Now it was time for the big revelation! Cain and Luna found themselves to be each other's opponents in the semifinals!

Cain and Luna's match, however, was after another match.

This other match was between two male students. One had flawless skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a muscular build. The other appeared pale, with dark bags under his eyes, brown hair, and a lean and fit physique.

The blonde student chose a greatsword, while the pale one opted for a sickle.

They stared at each other with indifference, standing in silence, waiting for the signal to begin.

"For the first round of the semi-finals, we have Hank from the Incarimo family and Okvan from the Uslavi family! Let the match begin!"

As soon as the announcer uttered those words, the two competitors engaged. Hank charged forward to close the distance, while Okvan remained still.

Hank's approach was simple, he swung his greatsword with tremendous force, creating a powerful whooshing sound as it cleaved through the air. Still, Okvan stayed motionless until the blade was just a few feet from him, at which point he vanished.

Hank barely had time to react before he felt a sharp pain in his calf. He looked down to see a sickle piercing his leg, his blood escaping the sanctity of his body.

Enraged, Hank gripped his hilt with both hands, it was then that the blade began to glow.

The glow intensified, and Okvan, who had now reappeared behind Hank, went wide-eyed and retreated, without any sense of grace.

Hank paid no heed to the rat and swung his greatsword, releasing a fiery yellow energy that pursued Okvan, like a ring of fire.

Okvan was forced to try and block with his sickle. However, the sickle couldn't withstand the onslaught and snapped in two, breaking to protect its wielder.

Unperturbed, Okvan applied a noxious liquid from his clothing to the broken weapon. 

Everyone watched as the weapon repaired itself, the metal rusting into a murky green, with a longer and more menacing curve.

Hank gritted his teeth and charged once more. Okvan wore a smirk as a mask for his growing anxiety, hurling his sickle toward Hank who was still a good distance away.

Hank paid no mind to the foolish attack.

Yet strangely, the sickle didn't seem to stop, continuing as it stretched. Resembling a serpent.

Hank attempted to defend himself, but before he could swing, the chains coiled around him, and the sickle's blade pierced his neck, oozing green liquid.

As the sickle pierced Hank's neck, Cain clenched his fists, a mix of unease and excitement swirling within him. He had never seen a weapon behave so strangely...and ruthlessly.

Glancing at Luna, he noticed her lips pursed in focus, analyzing the fight. Her composure centered him.

As the liquid entered Hank's body, his skin changed. Appearing now green and pale, Hank lost his strength to stand.

 Falling on the ground to one knee, Hank could do nothing as Okvan approached, tightening the chances coiling around his body, awaiting the announcement of his victory.

After some time had passed, Hank still couldn't move and was declared the loser. Okvan smirked proudly while he released the chains and left the stage. 

He was even nice enough to take the time to glare at Cain and Luna.

Hank too, was helped off the stage.

It was now time, Cain and Luna stepped onto the stage. It was their turn to face off.

As the announcer introduced their match, Cain and Luna paid little attention to him. Instead, they locked eyes, a sense of excitement and anticipation filling the air.

Over the past week, it had become evident that they had feelings for each other. 

Before they entered the arena, their mentors had approached them, offering their support if they indeed decided to pursue a relationship.

It had been a rather awkward conversation, leaving both Luna and Cain embarrassed.

However, after their mentors had left, Cain had a serious conversation with Luna, and they both confessed their feelings. To avoid distracting each other, they had agreed not to discuss their relationship further until after the tournament.

Their current intense gaze was a reflection of their excitement about what was about to happen. They planned to put on a show for the entire arena, determined to have fun if not nothing else.

The announcer did his job and announced. "Now! Let the semi-finals final round... begin!"

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