Lovely Allergen

Chapter 4

Chapter 3 Confession scene

The stadium was full of voices.

When Lezhi was lying on his side, the symptoms became more intense. He clearly wanted to take a big breath, but the airflow entering the body became weaker and weaker. It seemed that a hole had been broken in his chest, and the air leaked hissingly. Before he could even take a full breath, he started coughing violently.

Feeling that the students are in very bad condition, Wang Qian is also very anxious, “What’s going on when Lezhishi? Are you okay? Can you speak?” He lifted Lezhishi up and patted him on the back, “Try taking a deep breath. Slower.”

Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, a white figure broke into this pale blue and broke through the crowd.

“Spread away, don’t surround him.”

The classmates around were shocked. No one thought that Song Yu, who was still speaking on stage, would appear here at this moment.

The head teacher Wang Qian was also a little surprised when he saw Song Yu. This was also the student he had taken. Back then, he felt that this child was quite cold, and he didn’t even have many good friends, so he didn’t seem to be the type of meeting righteousness.

Song Yu half squatted down, half hugged Le Zhishi who was already speechless, adjusted his sitting posture, and then took out the medicine from his pocket.

Seeing the medicine he was carrying with him, Wang Qian was a little puzzled and asked carefully, “Song Yu, can he use your medicine? I have already called the emergency staff at the school hospital and they will be there soon.”

“It’s too late. This is his medicine.” Song Yu was not as calm as a student, but more like a professional first responder. He raised his head and told the people around him, “Everyone spread out a little bit more.”

He loosened Lezhishi’s school uniform tie, unbuttoned the two buttons on the top of his shirt, exposed his neck, took his shoulders, stabilized his head, and directed the aerosol directly at Lezhishi’s mouth with the other hand. , The action is coherent and rapid, “When you are happy to know, take medicine.”

At this time, Le Zhishi was covered with cold sweat, her lips were slightly purple, and she instinctively grasped Song Yu’s arm, and exhausted all her strength to inhale the mist into her lungs.

He hadn’t had asthma for a long time, and the feeling of tears and uncontrolled breathing came up like waves. Everything was blank, but he could hear Song Yu’s voice, giving him an invisible comfort.

“Suck it again.”

For two years in the same class, it was the first time that the surrounding classmates saw this kind of emergency scene. They were all stunned. People familiar with him knew that he was allergic, but he usually only had a rash, which was not so serious.

The cold medicine mist surged into the intake pipe. A few minutes later, Lezhishi’s undulating chest recovered a little bit, and finally his breathing was no longer so rapid and fatigued.

“Is it better?” Wang Qian didn’t feel relieved, “I still have to take it to the infirmary to rest.”

“It’s a follow-up visit.” Song Yu took the medicine bottle away, looking away from his pale face, and inadvertently glanced at a packaging bag left on the ground with the word “Bread” printed on it.

He stretched out his palm to touch Le Zhishi’s chest, feeling his heart rate at the moment, then grabbed his arm and opened it, then checked his neck to check for the rash.

Although the symptoms are relieved, consciousness still lags behind when Coke knows. Every time he had an asthma attack, he would have a strong sense of dependence, like a chick who was struggling to get his life back.

He couldn’t think of anything during the first aid, only knew that Song Yu must be saving him. As soon as he recovered, he wanted to confirm it when Lezhi, so he raised his eyes weakly and felt relieved when he saw Song Yu’s face.

“Brother…” His voice was faint, and his fingers were unable to climb Song Yu’s arm. The illness was like a violent wind, and the remaining willpower made him completely forget the agreement and pretense.

Jiang Yufan, who was at the tip of his ears, had no brains, and repeated his voice: “Brother…Brother?!”

Such a word passed through a layer of human-shaped loudspeakers, and ripples spread.

Song Yu is Lezhishi’s “brother”.

On the day of the opening ceremony, this Lezhishi kept a secret for two years, and the whole school knew it.


There are always so few who stand out in a school, either being discussed or surrounded.

Le Zhishi and Song Yu are both typical representatives, but no one thought that these two normally unrelated people would have intersections, and they would be so close.

The news spread fastest among the dense crowds, and it didn’t take long for the accident at the opening ceremony to become a topic of discussion for everyone.

Lezhishi’s childhood has never been very quiet.

When he first arrived at the Song’s family, he was transferred to kindergarten. He had no familiar children and had no language skills. The most important thing was that he looked different from everyone else. He was often watched like an acrobat animal, and even bullied by some older children. He was nicknamed “yellow hair” and “little bastard”.

He didn’t like kindergarten very much, and he didn’t want to go to school every day. He just wanted to hide at home and paint. He cried as soon as he arrived at the door of the kindergarten, and being carried out of the car seemed to kill him.

Although he was not less crowded when he was in elementary school, at least Song Yu was there, so he went to Song Yu when he was unhappy. Sometimes when Song Yu is out of class, when he looks back, the pitiful Lezhi is stuck on the edge of the door frame of the back door of the classroom, like an unweaned pup.

After his peers gradually became sensible, fewer people squeezed him out, and everyone gradually got used to it. Later, the aesthetics of the grown-up children changed. More and more people began to think that Lezhi was good-looking. The degree of good-looking is outstanding among boys of the same age, and the personality is good, and Lezhi is bullied. Sometimes it became a sought-after object inexplicably, and in short, it never stopped.

I didn’t like to be the focus, and I didn’t want to be publicly executed at the opening ceremony, but in the end, Lezhishi became the focus of the whole school in a more vigorous way.

Lying on the hospital bed in the infirmary, he stared at the ceiling in a daze. The doctor on duty inspected him, and he obediently cooperated, like a soulless toy. After the inspection, he lay down and continued to rest.

The steady breathing made him feel at ease.

Ever since I was a child, I have had a lot of imagination, from a small stain on the ceiling to a hermit crab on a white sand beach, and from its small shell space to a cave, or even a black hole.

As he was exploring the universe in the ceiling, the door suddenly opened. Le Zhishi turned over, pulled a small slit in the bed curtain, and glanced at it, but what he saw was Jiang Yufan’s face, and fell back on the bed disappointedly.

“Lele?” Jiang Yufan’s voice was suppressed very low, as if he was afraid of waking him up.

“I didn’t sleep.” Lezhishi sat up from the bed and opened the curtain, “It’s over? So fast.”

“Yeah.” Jiang Yufan brought the schoolbag for him and handed him a box of pure milk, “You are not allergic to this, I think you drink it usually.” Seeing him shaking his head, Jiang Yufan was relieved, “The teacher said that he doesn’t need to go back. Reported, you can go home directly after you rest.”

Le Zhishi sucked milk, “Ms. Wang didn’t call my parents, right?”

This incident was also accidental, because he was not careful and didn’t want Aunt Rong to worry about him.

“I don’t know, anyway, he stopped Song Yu and talked for a while, probably to understand the situation.” Jiang Yufan said with confidence, “I said there is no such a coincidence. I just picked up the nameplate and just recognized it. You, halfway through your speech, you actually ran down from the podium to give you first aid, and you happened to have your medicine on you. If you hadn’t shouted at the end, I would have doubted that you two had an ulterior relationship.”

When I heard the last sentence, Le Zhishi was stunned, “No, no, how is it possible.” After he said that, he explained later, “We are not brothers either.”

In fact, he also regretted it. When I woke up and recovered my strength, I recalled the scene of calling Song Yu’s brother in full view. Lezhishi simply thumped his chest and felt sorry for not being in the first place.

“Isn’t my dear? Cousin?” Jiang Yufan suddenly, “what do I say, you two are not alike at all, you are not a surname.”

“No, listen to me.” Lezhishi re-zipped his schoolbag and briefly explained his foster care situation.

Although he said it lightly, Jiang Yufan was somewhat surprised no matter what he said, “So…”

The term foster care is too heavy for these teenagers, as if it is equated with misfortune, misery, and sentiment.

Jiang Yufan thought, no wonder Le Zhishi pretended not to know Song Yu at school. He scratched his hair, “Well, that… how is his family treating you?”

Le Zhishi smiled, “Okay, it’s no different from your own.”

“That’s good, that’s good. But,” Jiang Yufan asked again, “then why not simply, I mean, adopt…” He said the word quietly.

Lezhishi didn’t care much, “Oh, I’ve asked before. My uncle said that my parents are great people. They are my only parents. No one in the world can replace him. He wants me to Remember. And they said that even without this program, they would take good care of me.” He added, “Uncle Song is my father’s best best friend. They grew up together like brothers. ”

“So…” Jiang Yufan looked relieved, patted him on the shoulder, serious, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone, my tone is very tight.”

“It’s okay.” Le Zhishi lowered his head, and suddenly found that his buttons had been opened and his tie had been torn apart, but when he was half unconscious, he didn’t remember anything, and he murmured while buttoning his buttons, “What’s going on…”

“Your brother… No, Song Yu solved it when he was first aid.” Jiang Yufan said again, “You must have not seen him, he rushed down from the stage like that, so handsome.”

It was a pity that Lezhishi didn’t see it, but he could imagine that picture, lowering his head, Lezhishi saw the black spots on the toes of his shoes, and thought of the haze that he had imagined before he became ill. He was wrapped and trapped by the black cloud.

The way Song Yu rushed down, probably like a sharp beam of light, broke through the haze and found him.

This picture becomes concrete in front of Lezhishi’s eyes, and a sense of pleasure rises in the heart, even the milk is sweetened. When I took the schoolbag, I found that it was bulging inside. I opened the zipper and took a look. Inside was the gift box I received in the morning. “You even put this in?”

“I think you’re done and go to class 11.”

“Yeah.” He squeezed the milk carton that was snorting and threw it into the trash can. After he tied his tie, he touched Jiang Yufan’s leg with his dangling leg, “Let’s go home and eat.”

The heat in early September in Jiangcheng is still hot, and the luan tree that has not been pruned for many years almost stretches its dense branches into the windows on the third floor. These enthusiastic green leaves were blocked by the closed glass windows, which looked pitiful.

Just like when Le Zhishi when he was a child looked at Song Yu against the glass door of his study, his fleshy face was squeezed and deformed.

Since the beginning of the first year of the junior high school, Jiang Yufan knew about his allergies, but he didn’t expect it to be so serious. He curiously asked: “How do you know that you are allergic? If it is so severe, the first time I found out It should be dangerous.”

the first time……

In fact, he was a little impressed, but it was not that deep, and he went to the hospital too many times when he was a child, but it dilutes the memory of the time he discovered the symptoms.

“I don’t remember, I was only three years old at that time, and I seemed to be hospitalized.”

“Three years old!” Jiang Yufan couldn’t imagine, “You are scary enough today. Fortunately, your brother is here. I was scared to death by Baidu just now. It turns out that if asthma is not around, people will die.”

Le Zhishi comforted him, “What happened today is a very small probability event, it’s the bad luck out of luck.”

But he remembered again, Song Yu seemed to be there when the first attack occurred.

Saying goodbye to the doctor on duty, the two were about to go downstairs and leave. As soon as they went out, they met a beautiful short-haired girl who was wearing a junior high school uniform like them, blushing and her voice was very small, “Lezhishi…”

Le Zhishi was not very familiar, and looked at Jiang Yufan with a look of help.

Jiang Yufan remembered something, and lowered his voice to remind his best buddies: “This is the girl who gave you a gift, from Class 11.”

Le Zhishi whispered.

“You, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, it’s all right.” Le Zhishi said thank you.

The girl was relieved and pulled the broken hair in her ear, “I will go to your class to find you in the morning. Before you come to school, I will put things in your desk…”

When Lezhi saw her ears, they became red.

“Hope you like it.”

The sun was so big, the girl’s voice was drowned in the cicadas.

He held the strap of his schoolbag and was silent for two seconds. Finally, he unzipped the zipper, took out the gift box inside, and handed it back to her with both hands.

Jiang Yufan didn’t look at it, this scene was too suffocating. He turned his head and looked down from the third floor, and saw a familiar figure, tall and wearing a white shirt.

Isn’t this Song Yu? Jiang Yufan narrowed his eyes and took a close look.

It really is!

Song Yu pushed the car toward this side, stopped under a camphor tree, looked down at his watch, raised his head and looked up, and happened to collide with Jiang Yufan’s line of sight.

The aura was too strong, and Jiang Yufan was shocked by this cold glance after several meters, and immediately turned his head back, pretending that nothing happened.

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