Lovely Allergen

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 Precautions

Lezhishi would never avoid his sight at any time, and it was the same this time. He blinked slowly, his expression relaxed, “Don’t be afraid, you’re not bad, how could you harm me.”

“Everyone wishes me to be like you.”

Song Yu twitched at the corner of his mouth, thinking that the answer was reasonable, and he could guess it, but he was speechless for a while.

“It’s cold outside, go in.”


I thought Song Yu was just joking, but he really didn’t go to class and didn’t come out all afternoon in his room. After dinner, Le Zhishi did his homework on the coffee table in the living room, but he had difficulty concentrating today. He always thought of Song Yu’s wrist, so he took out his mobile phone and went online on Baidu, originally just searching [what if my wrist hurts] Who knows, looked at it, and developed from the soft tissue frustration to the degree of comminuted fracture of the wrist bone.

Le Zhishi sat up in a panic and hurriedly wrapped a thick knitted coat, “Then what…Aunt Rong, is there any **** to take out? I’ll take it out for you.”

“Why are you so behaved.” Lin Rong cleared a small bag from the trash can. “That’s it.”

Le Zhishi took it away and ran away.

Marshmallow grabbed the back of the sofa and watched him leave, wagging his tail.

It didn’t take long for him to rush home. When he came back, cotton candy greeted him at the entrance. Lin Rong was busy doing yoga and said that he had cut the fruit on the desk. Le Zhishi responded, and was afraid of being seen, so I had to hide the medicine I bought in my arms and rushed upstairs.

Putting down the medicine, I saw Lin Rong’s cut pears and green apples on a small plate. Lezhishi sat down and ate the fruit while studying the instructions.

“Compound Pain Relief Patch… Activating blood to remove blood stasis…”

Still have to post this to relieve the pain. Le Zhishi raised his eyes and looked at the time. Song Yu should be still doing his homework at this time. If it is too disturbing to go directly, what if he goes to sleep later?

He thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Song Yu was making papers, and when he heard a knock on the door, he got up and opened the door. Unexpectedly, when it was Lezhi, he even carried a schoolbag.

“Brother Song Yu, can I do my homework with you?” Le Zhishi looked expectant.


“I don’t know if I have a problem…” As soon as he finished speaking, the marshmallow swayed to Lezhishi’s feet and hugged his calf. He raised his head and asked, “Can you?”

Song Yu finally agreed. Le Zhishi came in contentedly, and saw Tang Zi sitting on Song Yu’s bed, leisurely using his paw to play with cat ball, he couldn’t help but feel a little envious.

“Move the chair by yourself.”

In addition to teaching auxiliary materials and stationery, Le Zhishi’s desk also contained a lot of painting tools that he saved up to buy. Song Yu’s desk was one size larger than his, but there were a lot less things, and it looked extraordinarily tidy. While Song Yu got up and went to the bookcase to find a book, Le Zhishi moved a chair from the balcony and placed it in front of the table, and moved it closer, just a few centimeters away.

“Brother Song Yu, you really didn’t go to class this afternoon.”

“Yeah.” Song Yu pulled a book from the bookcase.

Le Zhishi asked again: “Did your teacher not look for you?”

“I’m on sick leave.”

“Isn’t this a lie?” Le Zhishi whispered.

“Fighting, absenteeism, cheating.” Song Yu turned around, tilted his head blankly, “Is it bad enough?”

Le Zhishi was really thinking about this issue seriously, but another part of his mind was sighing that these glasses are really good-looking, and he also wants to pair them.

Seeing Lezhi in a daze, Song Yu gave up and got any effective response from him, “Isn’t that there are questions that are not, which ones?” He also sat down and pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, “I’ll give you fifteen minutes, and then I went to bed.”

Le Zhishi glanced at the desk, “But you are still making papers…”

“There is only one last question left.”

No way, Le Zhishi had to bite the bullet and ask a question temporarily. He was afraid that Song Yu could see the flaw. Fortunately, Song Yu didn’t say anything, but took the question and looked seriously.

Feeling uneasy, I suddenly heard Song Yu speak.

“You just went out.”

His tone didn’t even have the slightest hint of doubt, as if he was quite sure.

Le Zhishi opened his eyes wide, “How do you know?”

Song Yu didn’t look up, still looking at the question he gave, and said very casually: “You have a very cold smell on your body.”

The breath of winter.

This statement is very subtle. Le Zhishi lowered his head to reach his neckline and smelled it. He didn’t smell any special smell. He immediately smelled the faint scent of shower gel on Song Yu’s body. It smelled very good, and the smell in his quilt was very fragrant. People feel at ease.

But Song Yu didn’t leave him too much time to study the smell, so he started the topic directly.

Little Pomeranian jumped on Lezhishi’s knee, and a small head popped out in his arms, listening to his brother’s lecture with him.

After a quick glance at the question, Lezhi realized that he should have understood this question, but after listening to it, I realized that Song Yu taught another solution, which saves many steps compared to the conventional method taught by the teacher. It was originally just a problem. Excuse me, I didn’t expect to listen carefully and forget about the medicine delivery.


Le Zhishi gave an hum, took the workbook, fearing that he would forget it, and quickly sorted out the solution and wrote it down. After long-term study and training, the process of doing the question seems to have been engraved in his body. He followed the psychological inertia and started to do the next question. It is a somewhat complicated proof question. Lezhishi tried to analyze the information given by the question stem. , Before thinking so much effort, Song Yu had already finished the last question and answer on his paper.

He took off his glasses and put them on the table, got up and went to bed without saying a word.

When the quilt was lifted, the orange cat jumped out of the bed and meowed. Le Zhishi also made a puzzled voice, with a questioning tone.

“The question is over, go back to do my homework, I’m going to sleep.”

“I, I still have questions, wait a minute…” Lezhishi turned his homework sizzle. Song Yu knew that he was just making excuses. He stretched out his hand and put on the blindfold on the bedside table. He went to sleep right away. Posture.

“Don’t sleep, brother.” Seeing that Le Zhishi couldn’t put on clothes anymore, he picked up the dog and the swollen schoolbag and ran to Song Yu’s bed, sat on the ground, unzipped the schoolbag and slammed the big and small medicine inside. The boxes were poured out.

Song Yu frowned and turned around disgustingly, “Are you cold? What are you toss about.” After speaking, he pulled a beige pillow from the bed and threw it on Lezhishi.

“I’m not cold.” Le Zhishi put the pillow on the wooden floor especially smoothly, sitting on it with his legs crossed, and the cotton candy slid into his arms again comfortably, “Brother Song Yu, I bought the medicine. , Let me see your hand.”

“No, I’m fine.” Song Yu refused coldly.

“It’s useful.” Seeing that the inquiry was unsuccessful, Le Zhishi got up and knelt, carefully lifted the corner of the quilt to look for Song Yu’s hand. Finally, Song Yu slapped his face, “Go back to sleep.”

Le Zhishi took the opportunity to grab his palm. Because he was afraid of hurting his wrist, he only held his first half of his fingers. After confirming that Song Yu was not struggling, he gently held his wrist, “Does it hurt? I will post one for you. The painkiller patch doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Song Yu’s tone was a little impatient, but he didn’t directly pull out his hand like Le Zhishi imagined, “No need to post, it’s too ugly.”

“But this is very useful. I bought the very expensive one. The aunt at the pharmacy said it won’t hurt if I put it on.” Lezhishi looked at his wrist, and the bruise on it was more obvious than during the day. In some, the wrist bones are still a little swollen, which is very similar to the symptoms of soft tissue frustration mentioned on the Internet.

“I said I don’t need it.”

Feeling that Song Yu was very resistant to the plaster patch, Le Zhishi discussed it again, “Then use this gel, and my aunt said that this can also relieve blood stasis and relieve pain…”

“I just want to sleep now.” Song Yu interrupted his drug promotion.

“It’s okay, you can go to sleep.” Le Zhishi also deliberately grabbed the cat and put it in Song Yu’s arms, “I’ll give you the medicine, I promise it will be very light, and it doesn’t feel at all.”

How could it not feel.

The blindfold blocked his vision, and Song Yu opened his eyes silently, with a faint light passing through the cloth, gently and softly blinding him. Obviously it is invisible, but it can completely depict the scene of lying on the bedside when Lezhi.

“Squeeze a little bit first, it may be a bit cold, I have read the instructions for use, there is menthol in it.”

Lezhishi’s research is quite thorough, and reading the instructions is more serious than examining the questions. His hands are very warm, and the cold gel is pushed away by him, covering the skin of his wrists, which is not uncomfortable.

“Knead it, rub it up so it can be absorbed.” He muttered to himself, as if afraid to be disturbed, in a very soft voice. Holding his wrists with both hands, gently pushing the area of ​​his sprain, gently pinching from the wrist bone to the palm of his hand.

Writing should be very tiring, Le Zhishi thought so, so he gave Song Yu a very unskilled hand massage.

Song Yu could almost imagine Le Zhishi’s expression. He must be very careful now, but he is also a little proud. He feels like an adult who can take care of others.

This made him couldn’t help but tease his heart.

When Le Zhishi pressed it, he felt Song Yu’s hand shrink, and immediately turned on the panic mode, “Does it hurt? Is my hand too heavy?” He immediately apologized, but Song Yu said, “Are you sure the medicine is not? Is it a problem?”

Hearing Song Yu’s words, Le Zhishi was so frightened that he turned out the manual again, “No way, are you allergic…” He checked Song Yu’s wrist nervously, “What’s wrong with you? Will it itch?”

really interesting. The scene seems to be upside down, and the sick and troubled guy since childhood has now become the one taking care of people.

“Is there any precautions?” Song Yu asked in a hurry.

“Precautions? Yes.” Lezhishi pinched the long piece of paper, carefully compared them, and read them out one by one. “People who are allergic to this product should not use it, and those with allergies should use it with caution. Please keep this product out of the reach of children. Place. Children must be used under the supervision of an adult…”

While thinking righteously, I suddenly heard a chuckle.

Le Zhishi looked up in confusion, “What are you laughing at?”

Although Song Yu is wearing a blindfold, the corners of his mouth are a bit obvious. I don’t know if it is because the blindfold is covering the eyes. At this time, my brother seems to be different.

“It was not written that adults should be used under the supervision of children.” Song Yu’s tone was light, with a hint of teasing that is not easily detectable.

Le Zhishi reacted for a while, realizing that he was being ridiculed, and resolutely denied: “I am not a child…Is it.” It ended rather undecisively.

He even wanted to search the Internet for the legal definition of children.

Song Yu pushed up the blindfold with his other hand, revealing his eyes, “It’s funny.”

Le Zhishi was stunned, and all the things he thought about before to criticize him for laughing at others were forgotten.

Since it was teasing him, then Song Yu’s brother is not really uncomfortable. This is very important to him.

“I have much better hands, go back to sleep.” Song Yu turned off the bedside lamp and turned over, “Help me turn off the light.”

Le Zhishi took all the medicine boxes on the ground back into his schoolbag, stood up, took the homework, and put the pillow given by his brother on the chair, lightly moved and exited, stood at the door, turned off the light, and was about to bring the door. Suddenly saw Marshmallow wagging his tail while watching him, and then ran over to fish him away.

“thank you.”

He suddenly heard Song Yu speaking with his back to him.

Le Zhishi was stunned for a moment, and stood holding the dog foolishly for two seconds, as if he was a small and deflated balloon, which was filled with air all at once.

“You’re welcome!”

Just by listening to the sound, you know that Lezhi is smiling happily.

The light projected from the outside reflected the shape of the door on the wall. As he tiptoed away, the light kept shrinking, gradually shrinking, and finally turned into a dazzling narrow slit.

“Good night, brother,” he said when he heard Lezhi.

The door was completely closed, Lezhishi took away the last glimmer of light.

Good night, Song Yu answered in a low voice.

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