Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 030: Frux Academy

Resting my hand on the fluid filled glass vessel, the only thing between me and the blurry motionless humanoid figure located inside, I could hardly keep my smile to myself. I did see my face reflected back to me however I paid no attention to the inhuman cheshire grin that had formed. Too excited that it would not be too much longer. “Soon… Soon you’ll be able to breathe in those magical worlds that I have created you in order to conquer.”

“Ew freak…”

Deciding to ignore the idiot; I turned away from my potential masterpiece in order to look down to the screen which was monitoring all the important information on the artificial being. Technically it was not alive (one of the problems I will get into later) nor were they purely biological which resulted in them being rather hard to define. They certainly weren’t a creature yet they also were not a robot since they did have biological matter inside them. Yet even what biological components they had were wholly lab grown making it so there never was a “person” to enhance thus they were not a cyborg.

“So this is the famed Silver Knight Project you desperately wanted to continue even if it meant physically bringing a secretive project into an area with high risk of being compromised. A dedication that shocked even those old men… You are probably the member of Porshi who cleans up after themselves the best so why risk it for some war robot?” Brother asked curiously with a raised brow.

Rather than having brought them with me - both my siblings had followed behind me after I finished with my makeup. My goal obviously being to make sure nothing went wrong with the transportation of my perfect little soldier in the making. Not that I took the space-capable stealth vessel just for that.

I genuinely always used this as my mode of transport.

“They are not mere robots…” I started off while making sure the vitals were as expected even if it was lacking that little bit ‘extra’ I needed to get them running. “I have used plates to help protect their inners where the real perfection is located; a biological component that has been specifically birthed to flawlessly integrate with the finest technology. Mixing the decision making of a human with the loyalty and analytical power of a computer to form a perfect soldier - then granting them a body that has the finesse in addition to recovery only available using biological yet with the sturdiness as well as consistency of machine.”

It seemed my brother as well had realised my greatness as I, glancing up from my screen slightly to look at the glass chamber, managed to see his own widened eyes in the reflection. Although I did not get into their ability to share experiences using a cloud (making their learning speeds even greater as they quickly would be able to iron out mistakes) he seemed convinced. Alice didn’t seem too interested… However I had no hope for her anyway.

Meanwhile - brother was easily able to understand the importance with only a little prompting - a sign that he was indeed the worthy heir to Porshi. There were some arguments for as well as against me usurping him; due to my success with furstin. I had no interest in that since it would cut into my research time.

My genius couldn’t be stifled or that would be the real crime.

Speaking of crimes. “This makes it understandable why you kept this project more secure than the internally infamous Neoschluss Project. There is no way the medical or religious boards would be happy about you playing as a pseudo god in order to make an invincible paramilitary…”

“Correction brother; they won’t yet give me permission. However, given enough time, they will not be able to refuse any decision I make as long as they wish to keep their worthless lives. Technically I could have them killed now but the fear isn’t in place due to the secrecy around the paramilitary that has been built, however…” My cheshire grin returned in full force.

I turned to my brother who had a sly grin as he combed through his hair with his hand. “The same won’t be true when the new world project comes to fruition after the game release and we suddenly have so much manpower that no nation on earth could compare.”

Seeing my brother was indeed picking up the pieces I threw down - I couldn’t help letting out a chuckle - then making a mistake as I turned towards Alice. Said sister just returned a confused head tilt in response to our conversation. Nature and nurture really was amazing when one considers the same combination formed me & brother yet somehow also resulted in her.

“We have officially landed.” A member from my paramilitary soon let himself in to tell us, however making sure that he was guarding the door with his weapon firmly clutched in his hands.

There was not much more reason to loiter about so we decided to head out the secret room while leaving the security with some instructions on how to deal with the silver knight I’ll be working on. I believe that the lacking “something” to be a lack of a soul, something reinforced by my brief experimentation, yet I am restricted with what I can do in this world. As such it seems like their deployment will have to wait until I can get into LHO to do some more independent research. In fact, maybe, I have a chance of just finding research that is transferable to my situation such as golemancy which revolves around something similar.

Heading through the simple black walls and down the ramp revealed that there was a woman with a rather snooty appearance that tapped the floor with her foot. Constantly checking the screen that was embedded into her wrist with “condescending” practically oozing from her every action. Not that I cared.

My gaze instead turned to where we were located; currently on a raised circular platform on the outeredge of what can only be said to be a modern megaplex of technology. Large silver towers, glimmering with the various lines of fluorescence that snaked up them in various colours, had vehicles weaving through on roads made from light. Those roads vanishing whenever not needed causing them to blink in and out of existence leading to the entire city seemingly shifting to meet the whims of its people.

Unlike even in Germany - when we weren’t at the peak - the city's bowls were clean with the joyful voices of people hanging out or bartering. Easily overshadowing what woe may have existed. There wasn’t even an ounce of trash visible for more than a second as little bots fluttered around the ground to eat up any that fell to the floor while helping pick up things that people accidentally dropped with a little claw arm.

I couldn’t help being intrigued but not because they were anything spectacular. Those bots were nothing special when it came to technology or pricing, a bot like them was literally bottom of the barrel when it came to cleaning units, as even I could whip up something better with my second hand skills. What was impressive was the fact that they were located all over the city resulting in the very ground streets becoming shockingly clean despite all the people wandering around. Although there was a lack of punishment from littering it was better than having litter all over.

There seemed to be no kind of ‘trash’ around strangely enough; not even the human kind that happily take advantage of those in lower positions than them. Or (at least) they weren’t being as obvious about it as in other cities of such grandeur that I have witnessed before. Certainly made for a refreshing site after dealing with so many of the hypocritical “elite” that rule this corrupted world.

The buildings themes-

“Well?” An irritatingly shrill voice grated my ears causing me to turn my gaze away from sight seeing and instead move to find its source.

Looking towards the impatient woman who had lifted her chin up in the air as if to subconsciously make me believe her to be superior. Such surface level tricks were nothing less than laughable. I had spent literal years surrounded by masters of using subtle body language to manipulate people around them.

As such I didn’t bother listening to her; just tilting my head to the side while looking between my siblings with a raised eyebrow as if asking “is this person actually important” which was pretty true. I honestly had no clue who this bitch was. Regardless, that seemed to be enough to cause her to become enraged thus making her scream out “Impudent!” while pointing towards me.

She really was unbearable…

“You force me to wait here due to thinking yourself something special here, deciding to fly ahead of the other students, then you don’t even have the courtesy to introduce yourself. Not only that but you do not even apologise for having me waiting here or just taking time out of my busy schedule to be as generous to actually meet you. Apologise or-” At that point I had to cut her off.

“Sorry but last time we lined up my little sister ended up nearly getting her brains blown out.” Walking up behind Alexis as that stupid woman suddenly started gaping like some kind of fish - gripping either side of my little sister's head to shake her around a little. “She doesn’t even have much in the way of brains in the first place so we try to keep them as secure as humanly possible… But I suppose you personally can take credit for any harm?”

That left her speechless for a good moment nevertheless common sense could only work on a Karin for a very brief moment. “That isn’t my problem, there are tons of other rich kids that come, it’s your fault for making so many enemies. This is why I hate brats like you who blame everyone else for their problems!”

I could only chuckle.



“Clean that up.” So I said while returning my brand new custom six shooter to my holster; although it was a sedative bullet that ensured she wouldn’t wake up for a while. Long enough for an unfortunate incident to occur in a fashion that nobody could be expected to help save her. Such an unfortunate situation I am sure many will mourn.

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