Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change [VRMMO SCI-FI LITRPG]

Chapter 018: The Bastard

As soon as I entered the grand hall it went deadly silent as they basked in my glory… Or so I would like to say - however - what really happened was a few people turned their heads yet most were focused on themselves rather than another little girl entering. Of course, there were some who found themselves looking toward me, I was surrounded by a couple guards in addition to a very obvious butler.

Quite a few did recognise me yet there were still quite a few that never bothered keeping up with what “the little rich masters” did this time. Some of this obviously ingrained into them on account of the poor looking down on the rich. Just as much as the rich did on the poor.

I was no different to them in my past life; as far as I cared every rich girl & boy were just a bunch of small snot nosed brats that would grow into larger snot nosed brats.

At least my waiting room, as horrible as it was, was somewhat better than the conditions of these other contestants who were made to wait in the hall. Above (on the opposite wall to my entrance) were a series of simple screens that showed the names of all the different competitors while some other screens off to the side would likely show in-progress performances. It was likely only the “big deals” would get performed individually, the rest happening in parallel, as it would simply take too long otherwise.

All the way across the hall were long pews that could hold dozens of families at a time, there seemingly not being a single space out of use, as the constant chattering superimposed into white noise. Even then there were more families squeezed into the horizontal & vertical gaps with some people practically sitting on each other just to have a spot of their own.

There were few kids that weren’t sitting atop someone else's lap - with each one seemingly having a different facial expression. Worry, anticipation, fear, adoration, excitement, calmness, craving and countenances that I didn’t even know how to begin explaining.

This was thanks to them all coming from slightly different backgrounds; there were of course those who were just here to try their luck. Tons came for the fame, connections or fortune that would be their chance to break out from their current living situation. There were even some who wore rags - similar to what I wore in my last life - likely hoping that they do well enough that they at least get some prize money.

Part of them likely hoped they may even get a podium finish.

That would allow them to finally break out of their poverty like in some kind of fairytale; unfortunately I had no desire to play nice so their chance would be cut down by a third.

In the centre of the room there was an actual modern commodity (a hologram projector) that displayed the countless sponsors of the event in addition to other details. Minor things like the people who would take their turn I imagine - also occasionally showing clips from the interview. At least they had the foresight not to incur Porshi’s might by constantly replaying the clip of them letting those brats talk down about me.

Not that I intended to let any of them off - they needed to be reminded that there was a cost for stupidly prideful behaviour - it was my job as a superior to teach them.

Somehow, within the massive crowd of people, I found myself meeting the eyes of one particular bicoloured eye that looked back with some recognition. Instead of recognising them a shiver went down my spine for one simple reason… I have no idea who they are or, more importantly, why they have a level of spiritual energy I could only compare to that little guardian beast in the form of a butterfly.

Appearance wise; they were only a few years older than me at most with a rather unique appearance on account of their hair & eyes being very colourful. Almost purposefully, half their hair was a rich indigo while the other was a deep navy, it was as if someone split them in half down the centre as even their eyes were the same. That was the case, except for a strange patch of hair at the front which had a golden whitish hue that clashed with the rest of their hair.

They were rather androgynous in appearance. Even for a child. Their very clothes did not help as they wore an asian style unisex-robe that seemed more inspired than from anywhere on the continent. A part of that belief was that the material it was made from was actually quite cheap fabrics - if sown with a level of skill that likely surpassed my own clothing.

How someone could manage to surpass the careful attention to detail that went into each of my own outfits completely eluded me. More so when it was someone of a lower class…

That was the least of my worries at the moment, however.

Across their back were a series of different handles with a bident resting in their hand; nonchalantly resting the weapon on their shoulder while tens more appeared to be present on their back. A self-confident smile on their face with those eyes staring directly into mine. They even winked to make sure I there were no doubts that they were actually looking right back at me.

Nevertheless, just as I was about to ask Thompson who that strangely coloured person was, I saw the supposed shoe-in for gold metal at this event. Confidently strutting in front of my line of vision with a smug look on his face - using his height to stare down at me. “I hope yo-”*THUD*

Before he could continue on; one of my guards stepped forward to hit him in the stomach with the butt of his weapon. Considering he was pretty much just a child, it wasn’t very surprising to see him fly backwards onto the ground, my guard shouting out. “Don’t approach the young Furstin!”

Each of my guards were dressed in power suits that weren't exactly a subtle piece of equipment and also did nothing to hide the sub-machine guns. It would seem that last year's winner somehow didn’t notice the paramilitary unit, though, else they wouldn’t currently be sprawled over. Currently too busy throwing up their quite large meal as tears left his eyes.

I can tell from experience; being hit that hard by the butt of a gun is quite the painful experience that doesn’t fade away for quite some time!

People all around also obviously caught the shout of my guard - turning around to express their shock & fear that there was some troublemaker trying to start something with a Porshi family member. Even if he was somewhat famous locally that wouldn’t matter. Afterall, the higher up you are the harder you’ll hit the ground when you come back down.

“My lady strawberry, ignore the idiot attempting to charge you, I know it’s scary but we must hurry toward the event area if we are to win this.” Although Thompson said this - he didn’t seem too worried about me if not due to a lack of care. It was more likely he just didn’t like that smug brat so (together with my guard unit from Furstin) decided to set him up.

To follow through with my thoughts; the guard who hit him in the gut soon forced him onto his stomach before using a pair of electromagnetic-holo cuffs to keep his arms trapped behind his back. Those handcuffs were actually something I looked into as I found them interesting. They looked just like a slightly misshapen silver bar at first yet would use the bioelectric signal of the body to develop a field around someone's limbs.

In truth the holo-projection was more to indicate what would stop moving and provide something to grab onto rather than actually do anything to increase the security. The security was all electromagnetic.

I’ve lost all interest in that though - instead trying to spot where that androgynous child once stood only to not find a single trace. Even looking around the hall I couldn’t spot them. Quite strangely since their clothes were obviously quite different from what was common nevermind the fact that their hair was strange even from what I’ve heard about those in LHO.

Could they have been some old saint that came down to check on the next generation after sensing some change in the dao or something weird like that? Hopefully not; I didn’t quite like the idea of people stronger than me freely existing on this planet. I would sooner burn it all to the ground than risk something getting in my way.

That being the case, I decided to indeed continue heading to our destination, making sure to address Thompson as I headed on. “There is a kid, unknown gender, who has a unique hair & eye colour of blue as well as blueish purple. Split in half - had a strange white patch as well. I want you to see if there is any information on them… I don’t care how we obtain this information as long as it’s something of worth.”

“W-what would be of worth to you?” Thompson audibly taken aback since my voice was the most serious it had ever been since my 5 years alive in this form. Thankfully he was competent enough to quickly catch up with the changing tone - even if it made him somewhat nervous. “Any information directly about them or anything related to them is of worth; even if it’s just what weapons they had today.”

Hearing mention of weapons made the old man quickly look around, messing with the settings on the holocle present over his eyes, though just like me he found nothing. He wasn’t about to let that stop him as he quickly began to make a series of calls & emails as those guards in turn grew more cautious about their surroundings. To those around it would simply just be because some idiot tried to charge down a young talented heiress…

Which was, admittedly, dumb and I doubt he would be released from custody in time to take part. In fact he would likely lose any chances he had of seeking a public career especially in this industry. This would no doubt blow up due to involving myself - ruining his entire life through a moment of confidence born stupidity.

Not that I cared about a fool who dared look down on me.

People would forget he ever existed with what I was about to do.

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