Love (Fast Through)

Chapter 2

Chapter 1: The general took the initiative to be robbed (1)

In the north of Daqi, there is a mountain range that stretches for thousands of kilometers, called Qiongshan.

To the south of the Qiong Mountain is Daqi, and to the north of the Qiong Mountain is the large grassland belonging to the various tribes of the Rong people.

A hundred years ago, in order to prevent the Rong people from going south, Daqi sent the northern army to garrison south of the Qiongshan to resist the Rong people, but the results were not very effective.

It was not until ten years ago that the current commander of the Zhenbei Army, Zhou Jingshan, was born, and the Rong people could no longer cross Qiongshan.

Unfortunately, two months ago, Zhou Jingshan was ambushed by the Rong people and disappeared in Qiongshan.


On this day, a young man rode a thin horse on the grassland subordinate to the Rong people all the way south and into the Qiongshan Mountains.

Yan Jing sat on the horse, squinted his eyes to look at the towering mountain in front of him, breathing a bit faster than usual.

Finally saw Qiongshan!

After walking for two more days and crossing Qiongshan, he will be able to leave the boundary of the Rong ethnic group and return to Daqi.

Hope is here!

Yan Jing showed the first smile from the heart after coming to this world, and he reached out and patted the head of the horse he was riding: “Hua, we will be home soon!”

“Kai’er!” Yan Jing’s skinny horse was lacking hair in many places, and the bald brown horse shook his head vigorously, trying to shake Yan Jingze’s hand away.

But Yan Jingze’s hand looked like it had grown on its “bald head”, and he couldn’t shake it off.

As soon as the horse ran, the wind was strong, and Yan Jing retracted his hand and pulled his hat down: “It’s really cold. Fortunately, I wear a lot.”

He is wearing cotton-padded jacket and cotton trousers, a sheepskin robe on the outside, sheepskin boots on his feet, a sheepskin cap on his head, and a cloth towel covering his face.

Such a complete set of heat preservation equipment, even if he is driving on the ice and snow, will not be frozen out, but it is a bit cumbersome.

But no matter how cumbersome it is, it is better than freezing the body.

He is now completely injured, so he can’t stand it!

Yan Jing entered this small world and wanted to spend a honeymoon with his lover Su Moxiu while repairing the world.

But something went wrong.

Su Moxiu, who entered the small world one step earlier, didn’t know where he went. The condition of the person he was wearing was also a bit bad.

The original owner of this body was named Zhou Jingshan, and he was Hou Shizi of Anyang of the Great Qi, the General of Zheng Er Pin Fu Guo, and the commander of the Zhenbei Army.

Zhou Jingshan joined the army at the age of fifteen. He has just been thirty-two this year. In more than ten years, he has grown from a small halberd to become a general. It has something to do with his family background, and more, because of his true ability.

He personally played hundreds of battles with the Rong people, beheaded countless Rong people, and took the lead in serving the people. Only by this can he become the Zhou Da general who is loved by the frontier soldiers and the people.

He is a real hero!

It stands to reason that it is a good thing for Yan Jing to become such a general with no black history and real power.

But Yan Jing can only wear on the dead.

When he walked in, Zhou Jingshan was betrayed by his subordinates and hunted down by the Rong people. He was on the Rong grassland far away from Daqi. His injuries had lost too much blood and died of freezing and starvation. The strong smell of blood also attracted a group of wolves. , Howling at him.

Yan Jing had no time to sympathize with this general who gave everything to the frontier of Daqi, but lost his life to another country, so he had to struggle to survive.

There is no way, in order to prevent the collapse of this precarious little world, he cannot use the power that does not belong to this world, and it becomes difficult to survive if he wants to survive.

The sky is blue, the wild is boundless, and the wind blows the grass and sees the pack of wolves. My body is broken and I can’t stand up straight, and my stomach is still ringing. The enemy is about to catch up, without a grain on his body.

What a sad reminder!

Yan Jing tried his best to save himself, kill wolves and eat meat to make a change, and deceived him to hide from the left and hide from the right.

After two months of tossing, he finally managed to recover from the injury, and made some money from the Rong people, so he could return to Daqi.

But in order to buy a horse, he spent all his money. This horse called Xiaohua’er can still eat it. He ate his food so that he is now penniless even where the next meal is. have no idea.

Forget it. The original owner Zhou Jingshan has been missing for more than two months. The person who betrayed Zhou Jingshan might even manage Zhou Jingshan’s funeral. Being chased…

It’s really miserable!

But since he used Zhou Jingshan’s body, he wanted to avenge Zhou Jingshan.

This was also what Zhou Jingshan asked of him when he entered Zhou Jingshan’s body.

Zhou Jingshan died too miserably, too unwilling, his only wish before death was revenge.

Xiao Hua is still running forward.

The animals in the forest have long been hiding, and the birds are nowhere to be seen. In the quiet forest, only the “whoop” of the scattered snow from the strong wind and the “da da” sound when the flower runs.

Suddenly, other horseshoes mingled in.

Yan Jing put down his hand, pulled on the rein to stop Xiao Hua, and straightened his body right away—has his next meal gone?

He looked expectantly in the direction of the sound of horseshoes, and after a while, he saw more than a dozen horses rushing in front of him.

The people who came on horseback dressed similarly to him, but didn’t even cover their faces with cloth towels like him-these people all showed ugly faces that were shaved black and cracked by the wind and frost.

No, not everyone is ugly. Among them, a young man in his twenties, although his cheeks are covered with red blood and tanned by the wind and sand outside the Great Wall, he looks handsome, with sword eyebrows and stars. Gu Pan was radiant, completely black beauty.

The most important thing is… isn’t this his dear!

After two months of wearing it, he finally saw Su Moxiu who came one step earlier than him!

Yan Jing was about to complain to Su Moxiu, when he heard Su Moxiu shout in Rong language: “Stop! Rob!”

Pulling off the cloth towel covering his face, Yan Jing asked Su Moxiu in pure Marong language: “Are you going to rob me?”

They finally met, shouldn’t they come to confess their relatives affectionately? Robbery?

Su Moxiu didn’t speak, but there was a Chinese-style face beside him, thick lips, and a fierce man without his left ear: “Yes! Rob! Hand over all your money and food! And your horse, too! We are!”

When Yan Jing heard the words, he immediately went to see Su Moxiu, and then watched Su Moxiu nodded.

Yan Jing said: “…” So Su Moxiu didn’t reunite for a long time to play fun with him, was he really going to rob him?

Wait, Su Moxiu walked through him one step ahead of him. Unlike him, he didn’t go through samsara and dressed as a dead person after he stabilized the small world. Su Moxiu walked through samsara in the first place, and he has been reincarnated since childhood.

So… Su Moxiu forgot about him?

Also, people who normally walk in the cycle of reincarnation should have forgotten everything.

The happy reunion is gone, Su Moxiu still wants to rob himself… Heh!

Yan Jingze’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Is he the one who can rob people casually? !

Su Mo Xiu will pay the price!

Among the group of people surrounding Yan Jingze, someone has already dismounted and walked towards Yan Jingze with a knife, with unkind eyes in his eyes.

Yan Jing sat on Xiao Hua’s back, glanced at them lightly, and moved suddenly.

He hugged the horse’s neck, buried his head in Xiao Hua’s mane, and cried in Daqi’s language: “I’m too miserable. I’m not going to get caught by the Rong people to work. I finally escaped and met. Robber… Xiaohua! Why is my life so bitter!”

Xiao Hua turned her head to Yan Jing and slammed her head in anger, and then shook her head vigorously.

When the robbers heard Yan Jingze’s words, their movements became stiff, and their ferocious expressions eased.

Missing Ear grabbed the scar left after his ear was chopped off, and went to see Su Moxiu, only to see Su Moxiu staring at Yan Jingze blankly.

Yan Jing cried again: “Father! Mother! My son is not filial, so he can’t go back to support you…”

Yan Jing seemed to be crying, but in fact she didn’t shed a single tear, she was just acting.

Although Su Moxiu and others speak the Rong language, they are very disciplined in their actions. This is definitely not something that the Rong robbers can do, and even the Rong army can’t do it.

They are like the Zhenbei Army under the hands of the original owner.

I don’t know if these people are here to save the original owner or to kill the original owner.

No matter who’s the person… these people don’t recognize him, that’s for sure.

The original owner Zhou Jingshan was born noble. His mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and the mistress of the house before him are all great beauties. In his generation, he has been very cute since he was a child.

This appearance is extremely popular in the capital, but when he comes to the frontier, he is not majestic enough, especially when he was only fifteen years old.

With a small face with a little fat baby, he is much tenderer than a girl of the same age in the border, even if he is powerful, no one will convince him.

Fortunately, Zhou Jingshan inherited his father’s big beard.

In order to make himself more majestic, Zhou Jingshan began to grow a beard, and within a few years he had a beard on his face.

Coupled with the bitter cold in the frontiers, he was busy training soldiers and had no time to take care of his image, and his beard grew even more wanton.

When Yan Jing just wore on, he touched his face, it was full of hair!

And he was able to escape the hunt later because… he shaved his beard.

Shaved off his beard, Zhou Jingshan’s face was barely exposed because it was covered by a beard and a hat. Although it was a lot rougher than when he was younger, it was still fair.

General Zhou, in his thirties, is a place full of rough men in the frontier. Even if he is only in his early twenties, others will believe him.

His image has changed drastically, and his personality has completely changed…It’s not that acquaintances don’t recognize him at all, and those who chase him lose their goal. The Jong people who have fought with him for decades can’t guess his identity.

In addition, he can speak pure Rong language and know some medical skills more or less, so that he can earn travel expenses among the various tribes of the Rong tribe in the name of “veterinarian”.

That’s… he didn’t expect that when he was returning to Daqi, he would be taken by his lover and “robbed” by the soldiers under his hand.

Lack of ears pulled the rein of the horse and came to Su Moxiu, coughing lightly and saying in Rong language: “Boss, this…” They are the Zhenbei army, so it is not easy to grab the people of Daqi.

Su Moxiu has been staring at Yan Jing and then he recovered. He breathed out and said to Yan Jing in Rong language: “Okay, why are you crying, a big man! We won’t grab you, let’s go! ”

Yan Jing rubbed his eyes vigorously and rubbed his eye sockets red. Then he raised his head and looked at Su Moxiu pitifully: “Aren’t you robbing me?”

Su Moxiu coughed uncomfortably, “It’s all right, you go!”

Yan Jing said: “I won’t go!”

Su Moxiu: “…”

Yan Jing covered his face with the cloth towel he used to cover his face, and cried fakely: “I escaped from the person who caught me. I haven’t eaten for several days, and I’m almost starving to death… It’s still far away. My horse and I will definitely not be able to make it together. We will starve to death on the road… I am so miserable…”

“Grass!” Missing ear cursed lowly in Chinese, feeling a bit empathetic: “I have also been drinking rice soup for several days, and I have no energy to walk…”

“What do you want?” Su Moxiu looked at Yan Jingze irritably.

Yan Jing showed his face again, and smiled at Su Moxiu: “It’s not easy for you to come out in this winter to **** it. It would be bad if you didn’t **** anything. Why don’t you rob you?”

“Jie Se?” Qiao Er was startled.

Yan Jing didn’t even look at the lack of ears, and continued to smile at Su Moxiu, eyebrows crooked and looked particularly harmless: “Is Xiao Langjun interested in robbing me as the wife of the village? Just take care of the food, I must be heartbroken to you. !”

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