Loss A Love And Gain Three






Night had fallen on the warehouse, where twenty-five restless newborn vampires were either feeding on some poor humans or fighting each other. The chaos was relentless. Carlisle ran his fingers through his messy hair, his dirty dress shirt and pants torn and soiled beyond repair. Barefoot, he dug his filthy toes into the concrete floor, creating small indentations as frustration boiled within him. He had given up long ago on controlling the newborns.

"Why are you just sitting there?" Carlisle demanded, glaring at Edward, who sat calmly reading a book, completely indifferent to the turmoil around him. "We need to control the newborns! I think it’s time to attack those traitors before the Volturi find out about this."

Edward slowly closed his book, he put the beside him and dust off his clean pants, his legs was crossed as  he lean back on the couch, he lifted his head, and fixed Carlisle with a deadly stare. "And why are you dragging me into this? I never wanted to be part of this madness in the first place. All I care about is Bella. I should be out there looking for her right now, not wasting my time with your new 'coven' or 'family'—whatever you want to call it." His voice dripped with contempt.

 "You selfish bastard."  Carlisle roared in fury, his anger exploding in an instant. The entire warehouse fell silent. The newborns stopped mid-fight, their eyes darting nervously between Carlisle and Edward, while Riley took a cautious step forward.

"Uh, guys... maybe this isn’t the right time to—" Riley started to say, but Carlisle turned on him, his eyes black as coal and his fangs bared. He hissed menacingly, silencing Riley instantly.

Carlisle had had enough. He whipped back toward Edward, his voice shaking with rage. "This all started because of you! Because you wanted that girl's blood all to yourself! Your lies, your manipulative behavior—it’s cost me everything! My coven, my mate—gone because of you! You think just because you can read minds, you know everything? Newsflash, Edward—you don’t!" Spit flew from Carlisle's mouth as he hissed, his body trembling with fury.

Edward sighed and unfolded his legs, standing slowly. Carlisle had once been his mentor, but Edward had long since realized he was superior in every way. His gift allowed him to twist any situation to his favor, to know what people are thinking before they act upon it. Yes, he was more powerful.

Edward's eyes filled with disgust as he gazed at Carlisle, who now resembled a man barely holding on to his sanity. "First of all, I'm not the one to blame for your lack of control over your coven," Edward snapped, his voice cold. "And second—" his eyes darkened with anger "—Esme was never your mate. If you ask me, she’s been confused for a long time, trapped in that lie of a relationship with you."

That did it. Carlisle’s restraint shattered like glass. With a deafening roar, he launched himself at Edward, his mind filled with nothing but the thought of turning the younger vampire into ashes. The newborns and Riley watched, spellbound, as the two clashed, too distracted to notice that their numbers were dwindling, one by one, from behind.

The fight between Carlisle and Edward was thunderous, their bodies collided with each other hissing, clawing, and biting at each other with savage intensity.

If Bree had been human, she would have been sweating under the pressure of maintaining her gift. She was making the queens, their guards—Alec, Jane, Dimitri—the Denali coven, along with Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper, invisible. The others are back at the castle waiting in anticipation for their return. Bella, using her shield to cover everyone, ensured that Edward couldn't read their minds or being hurt by the newborns.

As the newborns' numbers continued to dwindle, Athenodora’s plan became clear: use Bella and Bree’s abilities to launch a surprise attack. She’d preferred to fight face to face but lives will be speared this way. Even though they’re older with more experience, newborns are stronger and more vicious.

Kate chuckled, her voice filled with amusement. "I can’t believe it—Carlisle finally sees Edward for what he truly is. They're tearing each other apart.”

“Too bad, it’s too late to find that out now" Tanya added, watching as the last few newborns fell. She had one in her arms as she twisted her head off, then dragged the body to a corner of the warehouse where the rest of the fallen newborns are, they’ll be burn later.

Five newborns and Riley remained, all transfixed by the violent clash between their leader and Edward. They haven’t notice the danger behind them.

 "My money’s on Carlisle," Riley said with a grin, elbowing a nearby newborn, who hissed in annoyance but kept his eyes glued to the fight.

Suddenly, there were only two newborns and Riley left. Irina moved swiftly, wrapping one newborn in a headlock, her other hand covering its mouth. She sank her teeth into its neck and ripped its head off, knowing that killing newborns required strength and precision. As she dragged the body away, Carlisle threw Edward with such force that he crashed into them. Bella’s shield absorbed the impact, but Edward bounced off and smashed through the wall, crashing outside.

The warehouse fell silent once more. Carlisle stood ragged, his clothes torn, hair disheveled, and bite marks covering his body. Though vampires didn’t need to breathe, he was panting heavily, more from anger and confusion than exertion. His gaze swept over the headless bodies scattered across the floor, panic flashing in his eyes as he realized his army was gone. He was shocked as he notice part of Irina’s hand holding the severed head, Bella was losing control of her shield.

Athenodora, standing behind the last newborn, twisted its head off with ease. "Bella, you can remove the shield now. We’ve been found out."

Riley moved stand beside Carlisle, paled with fear as the queens, their guards, the Denalis, and a group of traitors emerged from thin air. "What the...?" he stammered, inching closer to Carlisle.

Edward returned through the hole in the wall, standing next to Carlisle. His eyes were black, his clothes shredded, and his jaw looked smashed in.

 "Well, Carlisle," Sulpicia said with great disappointment, "What have you gotten yourself into this time?"

Carlisle swallowed hard, but the lump in his throat refused to go down. Instead, it settled like a stone, creating an uncomfortable pressure in his chest. He straightened, attempting to regain his composure. "I have a right to create a coven, just like any other vampire."

"Yes, but not a newborn army," Athenodora snapped, her black eyes filled with fury. "We set limits on how many vampires you can create and how they are taught. If you had succeeded and let these newborns loose in Forks, there would be no humans left alive!"

"You have no right to speak to us that way," Edward sneered, stepping forward. He had always hated the queens, believing a man should rule, or better yet—him. "We had everything under control until you showed up and killed everyone."

Carlisle and Riley exchanged glances as if Edward had lost his mind, but the rest weren’t surprised.


"You’ll never change, Edward," Bella said coldly, stepping forward. "You think you're always in the right."

Edward turned to the stunning, white-haired woman addressing him. "Who the hell are you?" he hissed.

"You don’t recognize me? Your supposed mate, I’m hurt," Bella replied sarcastically, her mates hissing in displeasure for anyone else being Bella’s mate.

Carlisle gasped. "Bella?"

Edward’s eyes widened in disbelief. "No... This creature isn’t my Bella. Who and what are you?" Answer me!

Bella took a slow, measured step toward Edward. "My name used to be Isabella Marie Swan," she said, her silver horns beginning to grow from her head. "But now, I am Bella Denali." Silver claws extended from her fingertips. I’m the devastated girl you left in the forest. Her eyes icy blue with fury. I’m the girl that got attack in that very same forest. Her white feathered wings unfurled from her back, trailing behind her as she grabbed Edward by the throat. And now, I’m a Dragon.

"Oh God," Kate whispered with admiration. "I think I just fell in love again." Her mates were in agreement, they too felt the same way.

With effortless strength, Bella lifted Edward off the ground, squeezing his neck as he flailed.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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