Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 85 - Arrived at Heimuzhai

   Along the way, Nord kept the people from these cottages in line. Logically speaking, there are only more than 20 people in a cottage. As long as you pay a little attention, it will not be too messy.

But these mountain people are accustomed to being scattered, or have no awareness of this aspect at all. Perhaps part of the reason is that they have not experienced such a large-scale battle. In fact, everyone has an unbearable excitement in their hearts, so I’m so active, I can’t rest at all.

The soldiers of the Nord Guard were like this before, but with these days of training, they have become more disciplined. In fact, the soldiers of the Guard are more excited than these mountain people because they are now more disciplined. Full of confidence, I feel that Heimuzhai is a feat that is about to be acquired.

Especially the soldiers who fought with them last time are more confident. In fact, they were a little aggrieved last time and were attacked. Before they could react, they were fought hand-to-hand by the mountain people. Not only did they have more mountain people than them, Moreover, the bows and arrows they were so proud of were of no use, and their skills were restricted for the most part, but they still managed to defeat the enemy with difficulty.

   So this is not to underestimate the enemy, but to have confidence in one’s own strength. I believe that now fully armed, facing these Heimuzhai mountain people again, he can easily defeat them.

The soldiers of the guard walked in the forefront with their heads high, followed by the mountain people of five cottages. Compared with the compact formation of the soldiers of the guard, the team of the mountain people was very large, not only because of their large numbers, but also There are reasons why their teams are particularly scattered.

However, looking at it this way, the whole team is indeed very powerful. This is also one of the reasons why Nord let them come together. They are just holding a scene. Nord does not have much hope for their combat effectiveness, as long as they don’t hold back. Just pin down the mountain people in Heimuzhai a little bit.

It is Nord’s guard that has the final say. Although Nord is very confident in the strength of his own guard, he will not use his own elite troops to fight the enemy. The most correct way to use it is to use it like a knife. Straight into the enemy’s heart.

Before dark, the team did not reach Heimuzhai as expected. Originally, the distance between Yuanshan and Heimuzhai was only a long time. Nord plans to reach Heimuzhai before dark, and then set up camp outside Heimuzhai. Resting for one night and launching an offensive the next day will not only dampen the morale of Heimuzhai, but also make them fearful and sleepless at night. On the contrary, Nord’s troops will be energetic.

Nord is not afraid of their offensive at night. Now Nord has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and equipment. Nord hopes that the mountain people of Heimuzhai can come out to fight with them. If they hide in the cottage and can’t come out, Nuo De will have an even more headache, because if he storms Heimuzhai, the casualties may be huge.

However, it did not go as Nord wanted. The team only walked half of the way, and it was getting dark. Nord, who had no choice but to order a rest night, looked at the increasingly lively camp, and Nord sighed in his heart. Tone, this is the last time. If you recruit soldiers from these cottages in the future, you must train them well. If you didn’t wait for them, Nord’s guards would have arrived at Heimuzhai long ago.

   Fortunately, nothing happened overnight. The bright fire in the camp dispelled the silence of the night, and the beasts in the dark did not dare to approach here. Even the lively little cat Cindy obediently hid in Nord’s arms.

The little guy hasn’t seen so many people since he was born. Today, he stayed with Nord’s side, and the appearance of Sa Huan’er who had just entered the forest has long since disappeared. Nord can feel it’s scared, Nord. Gently stroking the hair on the back of the little cat, comforting its fearful heart.

   Even if the battle is about to start tomorrow, Nord’s heart is still as calm as water, and there is no fear before the war, everything is as usual, which shows that Nord has fully adapted to this cruel era.

In the early morning of the next day, it took more than half an hour just to prepare to set off. This was only more than a hundred people. Looking at the drowsy mountain people, Nord couldn’t help but complain. This efficiency was too low. However, this also strengthened Nord’s determination to train the troops strictly in the future.

  If his troops are like this in the future, then Nord can’t stand it, but fortunately, just before Nord completely loses patience, the team finally set off, and it didn’t take long before they came to the outside of Heimuzhai.

The difference between Heimuzhai and Yuanshanzhai is that it is not built on the mountainside, but at the foot of the mountain. The mountain is covered with black iron wood. These trees are the treasures of Heimuzhai. The tree-minded cottage will be ruthlessly suppressed by Heimuzhai. Heimuzhai was built at the foot of the mountain to better protect the treasure mountain.

The population of Heimuzhai is relatively large, so the size of the cottage seems to be relatively large. Counting the wooden fence outside, it is about the size of two distant cottages. Even if Nord now has an advantage, Heimuzhai can’t stick to it. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is still a hard bone.

Nord raised his head and glanced at the sun that was about to rise to the mid-sky. Nord decided to follow the previous plan and ordered his troops to start cooking. After they were full, they would attack. The mountain people put some pressure on them to make them feel more anxious. Of course, it would be better for them to take the initiative to attack.

It is a pity that Heimuzhai was not fooled. Nord was able to see that the mountain people of Heimuzhai had assembled behind the wooden fence, but did not take the initiative to attack. Don’t dare to come out.

Nord thought for a while. It was still early days before he launched an offense. Instead, he called Wagner over. Nord wanted to make the last attempt to see if he could seduce the people from Heimuzhai. Deshi really didn’t want to attack the black cottage. Even the people of these cottages, Nord didn’t want to see them die or injured too much.

   Yes, Nord is planning to send Wagner to the battle, commonly known as swearing on the street. Nord can’t think of anyone more suitable than Wagner. No one else, only Wagner’s mouth is the most powerful.

   Nord briefly talked to Wagner, and Wagner realized it instantly. He looked at Nord with bright eyes, as if thinking about how Nord came up with this great idea, why didn’t he think of it.

   “Don’t worry, Lord Nord, I am very good at this kind of thing, so be optimistic, I promise to humiliate them as much as possible.”

Wagner patted his chest to assure Nord, with a bright smile on his face, as if he couldn’t wait. Wagner looked at the surrounding mountains and the enemies hiding in the black wooden village. Wagner liked it. Such a showy thing, with a hey smile on his face, I don’t know what bad idea came to mind.

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