Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 74 - Linen loom

Nord returned to the study and suddenly discovered that in addition to experience and gold coins, there are actually ten linen looms in today’s mission rewards. Although there are still 90 linens left in Nord’s warehouse, as the villagers are coming The more, these cloths are definitely not enough.

Nord intends to gradually put these linens into the market, whether it is through rewards or letting villagers buy them, it can stimulate the villagers’ motivation to work, especially the daily necessities that Love brought a few days ago. The villager almost snatched his head.

   Now the villagers’ enthusiasm for consumption is high, which is good news for Nord. This is conducive to the flow of money. Otherwise, if the villagers keep all the money in their hands, it will also be a big burden for Nord’s financial problems.

  Nord thinks that the first product of the territory is non-linen. Clothing, food, shelter, and clothing are the first. Moreover, the weather has gradually become colder and the food has been solved, but the problem of clothing is still a big problem.

   Originally, Nord still felt that he could rely on the linen horses under him for a period of time, but did not consider the population growth. The remaining linen horses could not be provided, all the needs of the cottage in the depths of the mountains and Tammy Village, where the population continued to grow.

   But if you build a cloth workshop, it doesn’t have to be the case. Flax is a kind of weed that can be seen everywhere. It is overgrown with all the hills of the Amon Mountains, and the raw materials are very abundant.

Moreover, the value of linen is very high. In the Principality of Bethe, linen looms are still rare. This craft can only be seen in the rich kingdoms of the Northren continent. The linen of the Principality of Bethe is either from the outside world. The transported goods are either inferior cloth hand-woven by the villagers themselves.

As long as the workshop can be opened, and nothing else, the market in the Principality of Beth can be filled with Nord’s food, and the linen is not like a fine crafts like porcelain. German made it concealed enough that the linen pieces that appeared on the market would not cause a sensation.

However, Nord did not take the linen loom out of the item space. Nord did not understand this kind of machine, so he planned to call Fussen, who was still dangling in the forest, to see if he could imitate this kind of weaving. Only ten cloth machines can not satisfy Nord’s appetite.

I don’t know if Fussen has gained anything these days. Since meeting Dulu that day, Fussen has been letting him take him to the mountains to get acquainted with all kinds of wood. , But I must let him report his work tomorrow.

Nord has just sent a servant to guard at the door of his room. Be sure to tell him the news. In addition, the masters assigned by these systems are currently living in Nord’s manor, in the backyard. Small wooden house.

After all, it’s a systemic black user, and try to avoid dealing with other people as much as possible. Even if they have no problems dealing with people and are loyal to Nord, there is nothing wrong with being cautious, and this also shows a message to the outside world. These people have a very close relationship with Nord.

   However, the wooden house in the backyard is about to be expanded again. There are not only warehouses and servants’ houses, but also system personnel. Now it is almost full, because there may be many system personnel who will move in next.

Among other things, Nordisk will go to the brick workshop in Heitushan tomorrow. The construction was completed yesterday. Before Nordisk had time to see it, Love arrived with people, so the master of the system arrangement, Nordisk, had not had time. Go get it.

   Counting the next textile workshops, markets and schools to be built, Nord’s manor will soon become lively, but Abel is already planning the expansion of the wooden house in the backyard of the manor.

   For Abel, the responsible butler, Nord is very satisfied. Not only does he arrange the internal affairs of the manor in an orderly manner, but also successfully completes the tasks arranged by Nord. Although he is very busy every day, Abel is always orderly.

   Compared with Abel, Nord feels extremely ashamed and feels tired every day, but compared with Abel’s butler, that is nothing short of a shame. Nord is fortunate to have enough butlers like Abel to assist him.

The next day, Füssen waited in Nord’s study very early, but looking at the expression on his face that is still unfulfilled, it must have been a great harvest for these two days. For carpenters like Füssen, looking at the Amon Mountains. Treasure land, can’t wait to stay there every day to study wood better.

As soon as Nord opened the door, he saw Fussen who was standing at the entrance of the study opposite. Nord was not polite and waved to him, so he took him to the warehouse and looked around and there were no servants before Nord entered. storehouse.

   took out all the linen looms in the item space. Fussen was not surprised by this. Nord pointed to these looms and looked at Fussen and said:

   “Fusen, see if this loom can be copied.”

   Fussen immediately walked forward after hearing this. After carefully observing the structure of the loom, UU read www.uukanshu.com and answered Nord with confidence.

   “No problem, Lord Nord, don’t worry, don’t say that this simple loom belongs to me. Even if you give Dulu a period of time, he can imitate one.”

   After hearing Fussen’s words, Nord finally felt relieved that these looms will be of great use for some time in the future, because for a long time to come, linen cloth may be a major commodity in Tammy Village.

Internally, it can dredge the relationship between various cottages, connect feelings, and sell them as commercial products externally. Nord’s current financial problems are completely supported by systematic reward funds. This method is completely deformed and normal territory. But it can’t be like this. In case the mission reward gets stuck, then the finances of the territory will have problems.

   “That’s good, you can see that you admire Dulu very much.”

Nord was able to hear his appreciation of Dulu from Fussen’s words, which surprised Nord. In fact, it can be seen that Fussen is a bit proud compared to several other system personnel. In the previous words He expressed his disdain for Old Moore’s craftsmanship, and he did not expect that he would appreciate Dulu so much.

In fact, the personality characteristics of several system personnel so far are different. Abel’s maturity and stability, Hansen’s meekness, and Fussen’s pride all make Nord think that they are living people, not data created by the system. .

Of course, Nord will not use them as tools. After long-term contact with Abel’s butler, Nord understands that they are also flesh and blood. Abel’s meticulous care has made Nord feel the warmth of the family. Come into this world alone, then the characters created by the system are Nord’s brothers, and Nord will treat them as members of his own family.

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