Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 39 - Reid\\\'s reward

   Just walking out of the door of the manor, Reid, who was already impatient, began to report to Nord of his work results in the past ten days.

   “Master Nord, in the past ten days, I have planted more than 100 acres of yam in the west of the village. There is now a large area of ​​mountain where our yam field is located.”

Seeing Reid’s appearance that you are about to praise me, Nord was really surprised. There were not many people arranged with Reid. The labor force in the village was basically dominated. Adult men either joined the guard or The manor was built on the construction site, and the women had to go to the nearby forests to dig yam every day, especially after Nord purchased two copper shells per catty of yam. There are not many people under Dee.

Originally, Nord planned to let Reid do some preparatory work, buy some yam collected by the villagers, and then pour some water on the yam to make it germinate. As for the planting problem, Nord did not give much hope, after all, Reid The labor force under his staff is too small. Nord originally planned to wait until the manor was built before letting the villagers plant it. He never expected that Reid, who was swayed by the whole thing, could complete it so well.

   “How did your kid do it, I really underestimated you.”

“Hey, Lord Nord, it’s actually nothing, but a lot of yam has sprouted some time ago, and I can’t contact you. I’m almost jumping to the roof in a hurry. No one will help me. What should I do? I’ll beg my father. He doesn’t help me either, or this is my own business, and I have to figure out a solution by myself.”

   “On my way back, I happened to see a half-old child in the village running wild on the road, so I thought of a good idea, guess what?”

   “Did you find the underage children in the village?”

Nord Zou raised his eyebrows. Under the influence of his previous life, Nord has never regarded the minors in the village as labor. This is different from the previous life. The children are not the flowers of the motherland. Teenage children must help their mothers with housework. Let alone farm work, here is the mountainous area where the economy was underdeveloped in the previous life. The same is true for the underage children. The children of the poor have taken care of their families early.

“In the name of the herald, I promised that when they grow up, they can serve as soldiers under me. With the bonus of one loaf a day, I coax them over. Lord Nord, you don’t know how much these little kids want to join. Your guard is playing a game of guard every day.”

   Nord sighed, this is something that can’t be helped. Originally, Nord planned to let Abel butler recruit some teenage children, teach them writing knowledge, and cultivate talents from an early age.

Basically only the Colin family in the village is literate. This is due to Colin’s early life as a mercenary. The head of the mercenary group who came from aristocrats taught Colin some characters. Colin cherished this and passed on this knowledge. Lehman and Reid.

“Since you organized the children in these villages, they will be under your control in the future. All children over ten years old, you will beckon them in. After a while, I will let the steward Abel teach them knowledge, as for planting. Leave the yam thing to the villagers who are idle.”

   “Okay, Lord Nord, these little kids are handed over to me, then can I go on a mountain adventure with you next?”

“Didn’t you say that you want to recruit those children? You are also responsible for planting yam. Going into the mountain… Forget it, you will be very busy next, and I want you to go with me. After all You are my herald, but you don’t have time.”

   “Ah? I still have to do these things. I have done such a good job. Can’t you reward me for entering the mountain once?”

“You should be rewarded, but I can’t take you into the mountains, uh… I think the kids you recruited should have an official name, then… call the Junior Pioneer, Reid, I now appoint you as The captain of the Young Pioneer, you have to be like your brother Lehman and become a mature and stable captain.”

Hearing that he couldn’t enter the mountain, Reid was a little aggrieved, but after being appointed by Nord as the captain of the Junior Pioneer, Reid smiled again. Although he could not enter the mountain, he was at least promoted. Captain of the Junior Pioneer, this name is one It sounds awe-inspiring, and Reid likes this position very much.

   “Yes! Lord Nord, promise to complete the mission!”

At last Reed was bluffed. There were too few people available under his hand. Reed could only be left to look after the scene. After arranging the things in the village, Nord took Reid back to Colin’s small school. In the courtyard, I just ran into Molly coming out of the wooden house.

   “Master Nord, you are back, are you going to see those wild boars? These little pigs have grown up a lot these days.”

As soon as Molly reminded Nord, he remembered that she had caught the wild boar in Colin’s backyard and gave it to Molly to feed it. Now I don’t know what happened. After all, it is related to her future pig raising plan, so Nord Going to see, under Molly’s leadership, Nord came to the backyard.

   The pig pen used a thicker fence to place the female wild boar to escape. UU reading www.uukanshu.com surprised Nord that the Yate brothers and sisters were standing in front of the pig pen, still muttering words.

   “Big wild boar, come here! I am not afraid of you.”

Speaking, Yate threw the yam in his hand at the sow. The sow who was hit did not react too much. I don’t know whether he thought the two little guys were not threatening or the pig’s lazy nature. The sow arched. Head, ate the yam by his mouth, and continued to close his eyes.

   The Yate brothers and sisters heard the movement behind them, and saw that it hadn’t been a long time since Nord had returned. They just happened to run into the wild boar who bullied him, and they were scared to hide behind Molly.

Nord is a bit speechless. Is he so scary? Logically speaking, his appearance is relatively beautiful, with black hair and dark eyes, and his facial lines are relatively soft. Why does Yate look like a ghost every time he sees himself? Nord gave a wry smile and ignored the question.

When I walked to the front of the pigpen, the pigpen was divided into three rooms, each of which contained a sow and eight or nine piglets. Nord mainly observes the piglets. These piglets are surrounded by the sow, Bin Nord. When I caught them, I was a full circle older, and I was more comfortable with the life of being kept in captivity. Seeing that the piglet grew so sturdily, Nord was relieved.

   turned to face Molly on the side and said:

   “You are raising these wild boars well. Thanks for your hard work. Later, I will ask Abel butler to pay you some wages. You can also ask Reed for the yam for raising pigs. You don’t need to go digging in the forest.”

   “Thank you Lord Nord, I didn’t have a hard time. I am honored to be able to help you.”

After briefly talking about Lehman’s situation with Molly, Nord went back upstairs to rest. For half a month, I didn’t have much rest every day. I just came back today, so I’ll stay here for a good night’s rest. Tomorrow, I will go to the wild boar cave stronghold and prepare to set off again.

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