Lord of Fire

2. Avatar Aang

(A minor warning. There will be a change of POV every now and then. Depending on the story and what is going on.)



Being in this body is like being in a furnace. It’s so hot like being in a magma chamber and yet so soothing and relaxing like a sauna.

Meditation is something I learnt from a friend when I was in the tenth grade. He was born in China but raised in my country. I was having a difficult time focusing and studying for the finals.

He suggested yoga at first but I quickly shot him down. Using meditation was a great help to focus my mind.

With this body I can feel the energy of the sun even more. Even my chi which was barely feasible is now more prominent.

For starters this body has so much energy I feel like a kid and just want to run around. Secondly is the Fire. It’s like I can feel it coursing through my body like blood.

Thirdly its the sun. It’s like its amplifying the fire in my body. Giving me so much energy I think I can surpass Zuko easily. It’s like he was not using his body to its full ability.

“Prince Zuko!” A soldier suddenly called me from behind the door.

“Yes!?” I asked him.

“We have spotted a small village of the southern water tribe due south east from the explosion!”

I expected as much. Things are going according to what I remember. So far so good.

“Head for the village immediately, I will be out in a moment!” I ordered.

“Yes sir!”

I still haven’t decided on my overall plan yet. All I know is I don't want to return to the Fire Nation just yet.

Until I decide on my actual goal in this world. I need to just follow the overall plot of the story.

I have experimented with fire a few times since I awoke in this body but I can't say I'm entirely comfortable with it. The original memories of Zuko are helping.

Anyway, let’s see how things go next.

As I prepare to stand, suddenly an eerily familiar image flashed before my eyes. I jump up in panic and cold sweat.

My heart is beating uncontrollably and my breathing is rushed. Damn it! Why the fuck am I so scared?

Damn it I recognise that image. It was Azula. Just remembering her is sending this body into a frenzy. It’s almost like I'm frozen in fear and unable to move. My legs feel like lead.

How can he be this scared of her? She was so hot and such a badass I fapped to her a few dozen times back in the day. Even had large posters of her in my room. Well a few were of her but the rest was just DBZ.

I find Azula more attractive then terrifying to be honest. She was just so cool and hot. I can't say that enough.

Even now as her brother, my feelings for her have not changed. It is highly likely I will make a play to fuck Azula. I don't know when but I know myself enough that I will do it.

I can already feel a chubby in my pants from just picturing it. I can’t wait to meet her.

Thinking of her in an attractive way relaxes my body enough for me to move. I look forward to meeting her soon but for now... let's meet the Avatar.



The young Prince Zuko stood on deck with a squadron of fire nation soldiers. They looked out into the spread of white and blue that encompassed the landscape.

Just a few dozen or so meters ahead was the only village left of the southern water tribe.

A small village of just a few hundred individual dwellings enclosed by a rudimentary wall of snow and ice that rose a mere few feet off the ground.

The massive ice breaker of the Fire Nation broke through the sea of ice and reached ever closer to the village.

So much so that they came to the base the meagre walls and over the village.

Waiting for them with crippling fear and anxiety were the villagers that mostly composed of women, children and elderly people.

There however was one warrior amongst the mass. Clad in his native warrior gi and face paint he bravely stood infront of the massive ship of steel and iron.

As the ship stopped and dropped anchor, an eery calm ensued. Not even the native warrior knew what was going to happen. All he knew was that he was the only chance the village had.

Suddenly a great gust of steam shot up from the front of the ship. It lowered down to the snow by opening itself like a mouth of a whale.

In perfect order they stepped out. A well marshaled army of fine soldiers. In perfect harmony and order they separated into two lines of 6 and stood facing each other.

Approaching following them was Prince Zuko and his uncle Iroh. The two casually walked through the guard of honor and stood at the edge of the village.

“Where is the AVATAR!?” Demanded the Prince.

For but a moment the villagers were surprised of his question. They immediately realised that they were simply guessing. Otherwise they would have brought more men.

The native warrior immediately started charging for Zuko. With his trusted boomerang he swung for the Prince but the Prince was a shrewd fighter.

He merely took a half step to the side and the warrior came running past by his momentum. Zuko merely kicked his backside that he went tumbling into the sand.

“I know the Avatar is in this village,” he said. “I also know that he is-“

“What do you want from me!?” An angry voice suddenly interrupted him.

Everyone turned to see a young boy and girl standing by the side. The boy was bold with an orange almost brown top and light brown pants. On his head and hands where the arrows that proved of his status as an airbending master.

The girl was dressed in the all blue of the water tribe. She had long black almost gray heir that reached well to her waist. Her figure was well hidden by the puffy gear but she certainly had a few curves.

Prince Zuko, who's body was taken over by the deceased Victor Krane couldn't help but feel she looked more attractive then he initially remembered.

The smirk he showed for lusting after her only drew the scornful eyes of the young Avatar standing beside her.

“I'm not done yet!” The native warrior warned from behind him and came at him, this time with a spear.

This time Zuko took a fighting pose. As the tip of the spear reached for him he grabbed it by the hilt with his left hand and smashed it broke with his other hand.

He proceeded to grab the remaining stomp from the warrior and burnt it to cinders with one hand.

“Your pathetic skills disappoint greatly!” He roared and flurry of flames enveloping the warrior.

Suddenly a vortex of wind enclosed the warrior like a dome that kept the flames at bay.

Standing infront of the warrior was the Avatar. Controlling the winds with his staff. The scowl on his face spoke of his frustration.

“What do you people want from me!?” He demanded as the flames died out.

The Fire Nation soldiers started to murmur amongst themselves. Hardly believing that the Avatar that was feared throughout the entire Fire Nation was just a brat. They all admitted though, that he was skilled enough to handle a massive roar of flames from the Prince.

“It’s simple really, you will be the ticket to me returning to the Fire Nation as the Crown Prince and heir to the throne.” Zuko answered almost honestly.

“What happens if I refuse?” Aang asked.

Zuko smiled at the young avatar and pointed to the villagers.

“Then I will force you to come with me,” he began. “Our epic fight might cause a few casualties as fire is a very wild element.” In his other hand he held a flame that fluttered in every direction as if to say he didn't have full control.

“We talked about this Zuko!” The old general reminded him from the side.

Although he wasn't saying it out right. It was obvious he was definicely implying the villagers would get hurt if Aang resisted.

Victor knew the soft side of Aang from the series. This was an advantage he planned to exploit.

Visibly annoyed by his uncle he turned his attention back to the villagers.

“Calm down Uncle,” he began. “Even by his juvenile state, the Avatar will surely make the best choice for the people.”

He smirked to Aang with a knowing face.

The young avatar looked to the villagers visibly shaking with fear and panic.

Given he was at heart a pacifist, he knew exactly what the Prince was getting at. The lives of Katara and the villagers in exchange for his.

He didn't even need to think about it. The choice in his eyes was simple.

To Victor, the life of the Avatar greatly outweighed the lives of a few villagers. On his shoulders rested the fate of the world. The smart play would be to sacrifice the villagers. Fight and escape to save hundreds of millions or get captured and save a few dozen lives.

“Fine, we have a deal.” Agreed Aang. “My life for theirs.”

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