Lord of Fire is a Gamer


After hearing Azula's proposition, an awkward silence took place as Aang's eyes almost bulged out of his head and Katara's mouth fell open.


Kunyo hid his surprise and amusement with a light cough, taking everybody's attention to himself.

''I think you need to elaborate on that.'' he calmly said while laughing on the inside.

He handed Azula a towel refilled his own juice as she started cleaning herself up after a small nod.

Azula, finally cleaned up, sat down straight.

''Make me the Queen of the Fire Nation and marry me, that will solve all your problems.'' she said with a business smile as she suppressed her own embarrassment.

'Oh, I see what she's thinking.'

Seeing him listening, she continued with a small smile.

''If you marry me, you don't have to bear the responsibilities of being a ruler. I will take care of all of that, and you can give me some suggestions from the side as much as you want. I was born for the position and worked hard and learned a lot for it every day.''

Aang couldn't help but give a small nod, but he still couldn't understand why would he have to marry her.

'All of this still can happen even if you guys don't marry though, right?' he thought, but kept it to himself.

''This way, your family line would be secure as they would be integrated into the royal family. It wouldn't be hard to give them high positions everywhere.'' she said.

''And you would have a powerful backer like me who would secure your position.'' Kunyo finished her sentence for her.

It seems like a fair trade. Kunyo's family wouldn't suffer in the future thanks to this, he could advise her on ruling however he wanted, and she would get the most powerful backer she could ever want, securing her throne tightly, not to mention he would be kind of tied to the royal family, meaning he would have to protect them from time to time.

Kunyo nodded with a small smile. 

'That actually sounds nice. I lose basically nothing. I doubt the royal family would ever need my help, considering Azula's competency. She just needs to get rid of that small 'crazy' debuff and she would be a nice ruler.'

''And we would have incredible children!'' she finished it with a victorious smile as if she was amazed at her own genius.

Even though Kunyo's brows twitched at her words, he managed to keep his spit in his mouth this time.

''...I see...'' Kunyo finally spoke after a short silence.

''Seriously?! You will just brush past that?'' Katara yelled out as she couldn't hold it in anymore.

Aang quietly tried to shush her with a blush but it was in vain.

''First part sounds nice, I will think about the second part later.'' Kunyo simply said, brushing off Katara's comments.

'Isn't Azula too young for this shit? She should be like 14, right?'

''Obviously, if we marry, we will have children. I'm just saying that it's too early for that.'' Kunyo added after seeing Azula's downcast look.

It was obvious, of course. If she were to become the queen and married him, they would have to have children to keep the bloodline going. It would be weird if the royal bloodline died out because the queen's husband refused to bed her. 

''Anyways. I guess this is about it, huh? I'm glad we sorted it all out... Just to be clear. We're all good with making Azula the new queen and letting her bring peace with politics and stuff, right?'' Kunyo asked.

Aang quickly nodded. It seemed plausible enough. Even though Azula seemed kinda scary like Zuko, since Kunyo trusted her this much, he would trust her as well. Besides, she seemed like a reasonable person. 

'Nothing can go wrong with that.' he thought, raising red flags again.

Katara seemed conflicted, but in the end, she nodded silently after seeing Aang's approval as well. Trusting their firebending companion always ended up well.




''So... what now?''

''We go to the Fire palace, kick asses and take names.''

''Sounds about right.''


A few days later, they sailed.

''I thought you would fix Kurumi.'' Aang asked.

''Well, I wanted to. But I couldn't. The end.'' Kunyo solemnly.

''Why do we have to be bound tightly like this?'' Katara asked through her gritted teeth.

''Shh, relax. Look, Kurumi is enjoying it. Try enjoying it like h-''

''NO! I will not enjoy it like her. Keep that freak away from me, why do I gotta sit next to her anyway?'' Katara screamed in frustration.

''But this is kind of fun, right? A new kind of experience.'' Aang tried to relax her with a stiff smile.

''Why do we have to be bound tightly like this?'' Katara repeated the question.

Currently, they were on a boat. The boat that got Azula to the Earth Kingdom to be exact.

''Cuz it would be fun to just break out and see their faces when they realize how they fucked up.'' Kunyo grinned at her carefreely.

''Since it's an act, just loose the damn ropes then!''

''Silence! Pray upon the mercy of our glorious princess, for she decided to let your worthless mouths be free! But forget not! Privilege of talking can be taken away any time she wants!'' random guard number 1 butted in.


''...Pfft. What a hard-ass. I wonder how big is the stick that up in his ass right now?''

''That's it you little shit. You're not the avatar anyway, it should be fine if I just break a few bones, starting from your jaw.'' guard gritted his teeth as he came closer.

''Speaking off ass. Where are Azula's friends?'' Kunyo asked with a relaxed tone, not bothering about to guard.

''She said she would leave them behind to manage the country until she comes back to sort out everything.'' 

''Seems legit.''


The guard fell down under everyone's bored eyes.


''Where is Sokka?''

''Shit... I knew we forgot something.''

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