Lord of Fire is a Gamer


'Finally, it is over' I thought as I sat in my room.

I enjoyed growing in stats and skills, learning new things and more, but holy shit it was hellish. 6 hours of sleep with nearly no breaks between. I don't think I could hold on this long if it wasn't for the Gamer's mind skill.

But... the results were amazing. My efforts spoke for themselves.


Name: Kunyo

Title: Fire Nation Mid-class Noble

Class: Firebender


HP: %100

MP: 860






Class: Expert Firebender (Novice-Adept-Expert-Master-Pinnacle)

Expert Firebender: +%50 Effectiveness of Firebending (less cost more firepower and style) +%80 Learning speed of Firebending Techniques

Skills: Gamer's Mind, Gamer's body, Expert Brawling, Firebending (Click to see the techniques associated with it)

Expert Brawling: +%50 effectiveness of melee fights with no weapons. +%50 speed of learning of brawling techniques.

Novice Bladed Weapon User: +%10 effectiveness when using Bladed weapons. +%10 speed of learning bladed weapon techniques

Novice Bow User: +%10 effectiveness when using bows. +%10 speed of learning bow techniques


My Chi (or mind points according to the system) increased to almost 3 times it used to be.

All my stats increased a lot as well, but my biggest gain was in my firebending skills.

Even though both my firebender and brawler skills went up to expert class, the difference was like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The number of Firebending Techniques I knew almost doubled but not only that, thanks to my teacher I could use them more efficiently. That is probably what contributed the most to the rank up of my class. Now I can use less chi for stronger techniques.

In brawler's case, learning actual techniques instead of the classic and very basic things they thought at the academy mattered a lot. Teacher said I was a prodigy but I knew as long as I didn't learn how to block chi with simple punches, I was very far from an actual expert. I said that, but I am still confident I can win against almost everyone my age by now and most of the adults who didn't spend their whole lives on the path of martial arts.

Both in Firebending and Brawling, I gained a lot of experience. Fighting people stronger than me helped but I have to praise my teachers. They really deserved I don't know how much money my father was paying them.

During our spars, they controlled their strength and they were always just a little bit better than me. Instead of an actual expert that I stood no chance against, I fought them at their weaker versions. In every spar, I had about %30 chance of winning no matter how much I improved, leading me to get more creative and adapt easier.

Learning about how to behave in the world, around commoners and officials was important but boring. I am just glad I learned them quickly.

Along the way, I also practiced with daggers, bows, swords and spears a little. Not enough to gain any considerable skill about it but enough to be familiar with them. Which means I am at the novice rank right now. I don't want to be a complete amateur when I bring out some extremely poisonous and sharp objects out of my inventory. Yeah, not taking that risk. I at least want to know how to use them.

Oh, also when I reached novice rank at spear, sword and dagger they all fused together and became [Novice Bladed Weapon User]

Even though it only took sword, spear and dagger for it to become like this, I can now use any bladed weapon at the same proficency. Yep. The gamer system is broken and I love it.

I took a deep breath and got out of my room, on my way to the kitchen to meet my father.

He seemed gloomy but it had to be done. I didn't want to sneak out just because I was too much of a pussy to confront my father.

I sat down and started my breakfast.

''Do you have to leave?''

My father asked quietly.

''I want to leave. I don't hate here or you, I just want to experience the world. I feel like... ugh it will sound cheesy but I feel like it is my destiny. I have no obligation but I still feel like I have to do it.''

I smiled confidently at my father.

I had some hesitation, for sure. The gains I had here was incredible. My father indeed provided the best teachers and I was really comfortable at my own house, away from any danger.

But, I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I know I do. Training intensly for the last month was the step one. Now it all really begins. I even created a plan on where to go and what to do.

I couldn't stay in this house forever, under my father's protection.

He nodded his head. His gloomy face was gone, replaced by a proud one.

''I'm glad you are making your own decisions. I'm sad that you are going but it's good to see my son has grown up.''

He chuckled.

''I would be really disappointed if you decided to stay here after the last month.''

I paid farewells to my father first, then everybody on our mansion. They took care of me for my whole life after all.

A few hours later, I was fully ready to go.

I took my map and-

*Map function unlocked*


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