Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Hidden Perks

[An:I tried to show that he was slowly going from noble with neet memories to noble+neet. With identity crisis he undergoes (subtly) and how he thinks of memes and stuff. You know this wouldn't happen in the first few chapters. I was subtly telling you how he changed because of his memories. I guess I was too subtle because most people didn't get it. That was a part of his character development.  Do you remember how he acted seriously and respectfully to his teachers even though they allowed him to be relaxed? Now he acts casual with a pinnacle level firebender (his master) and thinks about memes. He was ignoring and pushing away the worthless parts of the neets memories but slowly he is getting fully integrated with it as he loses his cautiousness towards the memories (You might realize how he always belittles the neet despite the fact that he got his cheat. It's because that guy tried to take over Kunyo's body and Kunyo won only because of his will. He secretly resented and hated him because of that. Think about it, you're sleeping and suddenly you learn you're alive only because your opponent who tried to kill you was an idiot with no life experience.]  [Some peole said his explosion love and character change, obsession happened in a single chapter. Which is true but it makes sense. His love of explosions was something he just found out or discovered. How could he know that he would love explosions so much? It was a new discovery for him. No, he didn't suddenly decide to climb a mountain for his obsession. That was already in his plans (how do you think he found out about their location? From his house by paying money to people for information).]


While I was happy about my new discovery, I suddenly got a notification that made me happier.

[Congratulations! You have discovered a Hidden Perk!]

{Hidden Perks are as the name implies, are hidden perks you had but didn't realize you did.}

{Hidden Perks give various bonuses and act like perks, but when discovered and turned from a hidden perk to a normal perk, they give additional bonuses!}

[Perk: All Chakras Wide Open]

[Effects: +300% Speed of learning the usage of Chi and anything related to it (firebending etc.), -70% Chi usage, +70% Speed of Chi regeneration. Access to spiritual world {NEW!}]

'Holy fucking shit that's overpowered. I low-key knew the Gamer System helped me in firebending, but I thought it was just from my Firebender class. This also explains my seemingly effortless technique spamming during fights.'


''I don't know actually how this can happen to be honest with you. This is my first time seeing such an anomaly in my whole life.'' Master Jee's voice was more serious than it ever was.

On one hand, he was happy for his disciple as this anomaly helped him, but on the other hand, this was on unknown territory. Unknown was dangerous.

'Maybe he really is just acting to get into the village and become my disciple. It's hard to believe my old eyes can't see through the lies of a young man but...'' He eyed his disciple before shaking his head cutting off his suspicions.

There was no point in thinking of these. He knew the boy for less than a week yet he chose to trust him.

''Chakra's are all about your mind and spirituality, so it's not some kind of weird body constitution. You... Have you ever been in touch with a spirit?'' He asked with hesitation.

Most people nowadays thought talking or seeing a spirit would bring disasters and curses, but that was wrong. Curse wouldn't come just because a spirit saw them, no. Most of the time if you saw a spirit that means you fucked up and spirit decided to punish you while letting you know who or what punished you.

But, spirits could come with benefits or blessings as the common people say.

Combustion tribe was a prime example of this. In fact, the first generation of their people could use combustion release without the ritual tattoo. Their combustion bending was a gift from the spirit of explosions, Megumin.

As generation passed the bloodline got less and less pure until they could barely use it.

Thankfully some geniuses from the bloodline studied on it and with a little bit of help from their God and Saviour Megumin-sama with infinite wisdom, power and elegance, they could finally create a ritual.

That's how the third eye tattoo came to be.

Tattoo allowed you to use the chakra on your forehead freely and gave you increased ability on balancing and adding a dose of chaos to their chi.

''Nope, not as far as I know at least.'' Kunyo shook his head.

He decided to play along and act clueless. Giving an explanation about his chakras seemed useless now, not to mention he definitely didn't want to tell anybody about his system. It was a secret he would take to his tomb.

Jee threw the idea behind his head. Kunyo might have been blessed by a spirit without him knowing it, but theorizing like this would just waste time and bear no useful fruits for them.

''You're in luck my boy! You don't even need the tattoo that basically screams of your fighting style and tells your enemy your very obvious weak point!''

Unfortunately, the tattoo made your forehead an extremely weak point, allowing even physical objects to hit the chakra point on your forehead. Kunyo could still get some benefits from the tattoo, but they would be minimal and frankly not worth the disadvantages he would get.

Kunyo nodded with a smile as Jee continued and explained the reason.

''The reason I looked into your chakras is because you need to have your forehead chakra open to use combustion bending. Without that chakra point, combustion bending is basically useless. Most you can do is some fireworks for the chi price of a fire missile.

Combustion release in truth is just a style everybody can learn, but it has the function and the power of glorified firecrackers. The tattoo and learning how to release it from your chakra point are what makes it stronger. In theory, you can use it from your other chakra points too, but whoever tried it killed themselves so don't try to invent something new before you reach at least my level.''

[Congratulations! You have discovered a Hidden Perk!]

[Perk: Come Combust From my Chakras Now]

[Effects: Combustion release is 50 times stronger when used from Forehead Chakra Point. This applies to all your chakra points{NEW!}. You can use the soles of your feet or your palms to use combustion release 5 times stronger{NEW!}]

'I haven't even learned how to use it properly yet... Thank you Gamer, never change. Never change...'


[An: On hidden perk effects; the {NEW!} part is the additional power that comes from the discovery. For example he always had '+300% Speed of learning the usage of Chi and anything related to it (firebending etc.), -70% Chi usage, +70% Speed of Chi regeneration' and 'Combustion release is 50 times stronger when used from Forehead Chakra Point' but the other effects came from the Gamer system award for finding the hidden perk.]

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