Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Bye Zhao!

Kunyo raised his right hand and started counting as his 3 fingers went up.

''3'' one down.

Zhao looked nervous. This young man seemed confident, and seeing him act together with the avatar team, he can't be a simple man.

''2'' another finger down.

Zhao looked back. He didn't bring many soldiers, only 4. But those 4 were elites.

''1'' Last finger

Zhao's gaze landed on Iroh. Apart from the avatar, he would be the most troublesome.

'Is it worth it?'

He gritted his teeth.

''ATTACK!'' he screamed to not only his men, but also to himself, trying to convince himself that this is the best decision.

Kunyo gave a disappointed sigh as he extinguished a fireball that was sent towards him.

'In the end, it had to be this way...'

'Voltage Nova'

He activated the technique that used firebending to increase his physical abilities to the extreme because his other firebending abilities would most likely kill them.

He didn't mind killing them, but knocking them out would be the better choice.

Firstly, the avatar and his gang, Iroh and everybody watched wouldn't like him brutally kill people.

Secondly, his quest forbid him from killing the duration of it.

Thirdly, he really wanted to stop his extremely pragmatic look to life.

This extremely pragmatic look was a blessing and a curse from the gamer's mind. It was fine. He really liked it since it helped him numerous times in his journey, but he didn't want to turn himself into a machine that worked on pure efficiency.

His speed increased along with his overall physical might.

Aang, Sokka, Iroh, Zuko, Katara, and even Princess Yue were ready to fight.

But suddenly, an unexpected scene unfolded before their wide eyes.

Kunyo disappeared from their vision for a moment, before reappearing behind the Fire Nation soldiers.

His hand chopped professionally towards their necks, hitting with just the necessary power to knock them out without killing them.

Unlike the team avatar, fire nation soldiers couldn't see Kunyo as he was behind them.

First soldier slowly started falling down, before he could even hit the ground, the second soldier followed him.



2 simultaneous voices were heard. Voices of bodies hitting the ground.

Before even the remaining fire soldiers could turn back to understand what happened, the last two fell down as well.



Only remaining Fire Nation soldier was Admiral Zhao.

He slowly and shakingly turned back with wide eyes filled with horror.

Kunyo approached him slowly, giving Zhao time to understand what happened.

''N-NO! MONS-STER! STAY AWAY!'' he screamed as he hurled hot fireballs after fireballs in fear.

He stumbled, falling down to the ground.

He stared at Kunyo's cold eyes with fear as his body shook in horror. He had already lost his fighting spirit after seeing his soldiers.

His last fireballs were merely desperate attempts to protect himself.

Seeing it useless, he could only beg.

''P-Please.'' he didn't know what to say.

Kunyo crouched down, coming face to face with the Admiral as a disgusting stench came from the Admiral's red pants that were stained with brown and yellow.

''Look at you, how disgusting.'' Kunyo said and slapped Zhao slowly.

''I feel like I'm bullying a child. Weren't you all menacing and shit just now? You were going to kill the Ocean spirit? Kill us? Kill bunch of children, destroy the balance of the world...'' he slapped him again.

Zhao's eyes were shaking but he didn't respond.

''What now? What should I do with you?'' Kunyo got even closer. Now, they were almost eye to eye.

''Can I trust you not to be an asshole in the future?'' Kunyo got Zhao's chin to his hand, grasping it firmly.

''Will you stop your acting like this?'' Kunyo shook Zhao's face up and down, making him nod.

''S-ShenLong. I think he understands.'' Avatar said, stuttering at the unbelievable events.

He expected a grand fight with his life on the line. A battle for the world.

But he met with a gentle massacre.

'At least he didn't kill them, and it seems like he's trying to make Zhao a good guy like Zuko... His methods are a little brutal though...'

Zuko was silent with wide eyes, trying to understand the last minute.

'Is... is he stronger than my father?'

He didn't know his might in firebending, but looking at his physical power alone, maybe he could defeat his father with a sneak attack?

'Where did this guy come from?'

Kunyo looked up and smiled.

''Of course. I can't force him to become a good person or anything. He's going to jail, that's for sure. But it would be nice if he could understand his wrongs like Zuko over there.''

Kunyo slapped Zhao one last time, hitting his chin with enough force to knock him out.

He was in good mood. He didn't care much about Zhao, but it seemed like him educating Zhao was succesfull.

His mission was complete, and his rewards were already allocated.

Kunyo could feel a change in himself. A small but noticeable change.

'That must be water bending.'

He knew bending powers registered as a bloodline power in this world, so he could feel his body change slightly to accommodate his new power.

'Maybe, I can imitate that, and learn the energy bending by myself!'

He didn't put much hope in it, but it was nice to imagine.

He could feel his knowledge and instincts about the art of stealth increase.

'That felt nice.'

Truly, it was nice to be rewarded for his efforts.


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