Lord of Fire is a Gamer

50 Geymer To The Rescue

I nodded my head as I saw the gigantic fireball hitting and destroying a part of the wall that protected the Northern Water Tribe.

It's about time I get to action, they would be too preoccupied to notice me right now.

My plan on sneaking into this place is simple, just do whatever Zuko did in the show.

Normally, I couldn't remember such small details, but thanks to my increased mental stats, I can remember almost anything.

Being smart doesn't mean you can just remember everything like I do, so this is just another thing for me to thank to my gamer system.

With a small splash of water, I emerge.

Zuko used a small canoe to reach this place, but I didn't want to take such a stupid risk. The cold that lasts a few seconds before I dry myself up and heat my body is just a minor annoyance.

Honestly, how lucky is that guy? How the fuck was he unnoticed?

I look around, and to my surprise, his conoe isn't around.

'Should I wait for him to mess around with him?' a mischievous thought comes to my mind, but I shut it down.

If things go according to my plan, everything would go smoothly. So I should avoid risking a small change like this.

After looking around for a few seconds, I find the small hole in the ground that would lead me to my destination.

I jump in without hesitation, and almost half a minute later I'm out of it.

''EHGHE EHGEH UGHEGUUH'' and immediately after I got out of the icy water, my ears are assaulted by disgusting... mating calls? I don't know. It's loud and annoying.

''Shut the fuck up for a second!''

What are these anyway? They look like seals, but also seaturtles? Another cute abomination in the avatar world.

'After this, I should travel the world. There are so many things to see...'

Nice, I even have a new goal after this.

I make way towards the small hole that gushed out with water.

I start climbing after heating myself up with fire breath.

''If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'' I smirk to myself. Things have been going smoothly for now.

'This is kind of boring though' I look around to see absolutely nothing. I'm just swimming against the current in darkness right now. 'Let's think of the possible applications of waterbending...'

'Can I swim against a current if I have waterbending? Most likely.'

Honestly, waterbending is probably the second most fascinating bending style.

Of course, I still think firebending is superior, but I'm self-aware enough to realize that I'm biased because of my origin. I won't underestimate waterbending for a stupid reason like that.

I have so many things I want to try out with the second best bending power.

Freezing the air inside of a person's lungs, creating blizzards, and obviously bloodbending.

Strengthening my body with bloodbending perhaps? Freezing a guy's cum and torturing his balls?

Alright, this suddenly got a bit too dark for my taste.

Let's think of more positive ways of using it.

Healing? Nah, too boring, too vanilla.

Can I use it to fly? Would it hurt?

Could I massacre those annoying mosquitos thanks to blood bending?

Questions to be answered later.

As my thoughts race against each other, I finally reach my destination.

Looking up, I melt the ice that's blocking my way.

'Will Zuko get suspicious?' I can't re-freeze this shit since I don't know how to waterbend yet...

Probably nothing will happen. Let's just leave.


Avatar stared at the twin spirits as they swam.

Soon, his eyes and tattoos started glowing.

''Is he okay?!'' Princess Yue asked in worry.

''He's crossing into the spirit world. He'll be fine as long we don't move his body. That's his way back to the physical world.'' Katara said confidently, explaining it to her friend.

This wasn't her first time seeing it in action. Everything would be fine as long as Aang's body was safe.

It would be smooth sailing from now on.

They were not only in the most protected part of the Northern Water Tribe (admittedly a little bit understaffed and underprotected due to the ongoing war), she was here too.

She had improved a lot under the teachings of Master Pakku.

''Maybe we should get some help.'' Yue said. This was important, she wanted to make sure Avatar's protection in this crucial moment was well and proper.

''No, he's my friend. I'm perfectly capable of protecting him.'' Katara said, reassuringly.

''Well, aren't you a big girl now?'' came a voice out of nowhere.

Katara's eyes widened as she recognized the owner of the voice.

''No'' she turned around to see Zuko, slightly roughed up and visibly exhausted

''Yes. Hand him over, and I won't have to hurt you.'' said Zuko with a threathining voice.

She got into a stance, ready to fight with her life.

Seeing her silent, Zuko didn't hesitate for a second to send a fire blade through his leg, following up with fireballs through his fists.

After blocking all of his attacks, Katara responded with a big ball of dense and cold water, sending an already exhausted and roughed up Zuko to the air.

''I see you've learned a new trick'' he said while heating himself up, preparing for his next move ''But I didn't come this far to lose to you.

He sent another fireball, this time stronger than the others. Only to be blocked easily.

Before he could do anything else, Katara gathered the water behind her and hit him with a strong and dense water wave and sending him back to the water as he stumble on it.

Before he could even regain his footing, water under his feet froze, trapping his legs.

Katara went through series of fast but impactful motions and gathered the water around him, trapping him inside a water ball.

She quickly froze it and left some air inside to let him breathe.

'I can't kill him.'

''You little peasent.'' he said with venom on his tongue.'' You've found a master, haven't you?'' he simply couldn't believe that she could become this powerful on her own.

Seconds later, the prison of ice exploded as he charged with his chi.

Landing on his feet, he sent a fireball.

'I need to finish this quick. I'm already tired from all the cold water swimming and dealing with the few guards that were still here.'

His eyes shifted to his objective, the avatar.

'I don't need to defeat her. I just need to take him. I can just use him as a shield after getting my hands on him and escape after that.'

His chances of winning in a fight was slim, and he already knew that. He wasn't only exhausthed by evertyhing he had to do to come here, he was also fighting at the North Pole, a place so cold, it actively and visibly restricted his abilities.

He was already exerting himself to the limit, a  battle of attrititon would be his loss.

Instead of blocking her attacks, he dodged them. With every attack he dodged and every fireball he sent, he got closer and closer to the avatar. Step by step, he was nearing his objective.

'Her skills got better, but she's still inexperienced.' Thankfully, his opponent only knew how to attack in straight lines, making it even easier to dodge.

He finally got to the close range. He distracted her with blazing arcs and rings.


With his third close range attack, he got to her.

As she screamed from his admittedly weak attack, he was already making his way to the avatar.

His eyes glowed in excitement as his hand reached out for him.

Just as he touched the bald boys robes, Katara sent a strong wave of water to him, completely taking him off his feet and sending him to the water once again.

Landing on the water with grunt, he tried to get up, but he was too late.

Katara had already capitalized on his moment of weakness and surrounded him with freezing cold water.

This time, the prison he got himself into felt even colder.

He was meters above the ground, locked there with ice.

'It's over.'

He wasn't only extremely exhausted, but he was also under skin tearing cold ice.

Suddenly, he felt a warmth caress his face.


He got his head up with great vigour, his fighting spirit and confidence already replenished.

With a simple fire breath, he released himself from the ice prison without even exploding it, just melting the ice that held him.

''AARGH!'' he fueled his anger into his bending and sent the strongest ball of fire he could send.

'I won.' she couldn't dodge it and he knew it.

Katara turned her back to see a gigantic ball of fire heading towards her.

She tried to block it in panic but she knew it wouldn't be enough.

She closed her eyes, ready for the devastating impact.


Only to feel something different then what she expected.

She didn't feel the hot fire burning her skin, no, she felt the ground shaking slightly as somebody landed in front of her and blocked the fireball for her.

''Sup, mister edgelord.''



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Have a nice day.

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