Lord of Enigma

Chapter 71: Effects of the Swift Secret Potion

"Gugu ~ Gugu"

On the workbench, an acoustic noise was being made inside the pot. With a great deal of concentration, Tang Qi picked up the various materials beside him and added them in patiently. While in his mind, a stream of information flowed naturally.

He was now in the state of activating the skill "secret pharmacy".

"Swift Secret Medicine Formula, the main ingredients were a wind-dried two-tailed lizard, a bag of exploding earth star's spores, and a small cup of yellow-eye rattlesnake venom.

Note, put the materials in strict accordance with the order and nodes, and failure to effectively separate the extraordinary powers may result in explosions or other unknown consequences."

When this information passed through his mind, Tang Qi remembered his first and second tries dozens of seconds ago.

Two times, both ended in failure.

There was nothing abnormal about the first failure, but the second time, it exploded, and something mushy splashed on him.

Now, for the third time.

After gathering various strange materials in the pot, it turned into a paste again, and various colors tumbled, like a pot of wild mushroom porridge that had been cooked for too long. The pungent smell kept flowing out, constantly irritating Tang Qi's nose.

Tang Qi endured the urge to sneeze, slowly picked up a cup of yellow rattlesnake venom, and poured it into the pot.

The timing and node seemed to be just right.

"Fuzzz ~"

When the venom was poured down, an intriguing reaction took place in the pot.

The filthy paste suddenly became clear at a rate visible to the naked eye, disgusting bubbles swelled up, and then the sound of popping broke out. Every time it popped, the liquid became much clearer. When the last bubble burst, what appeared in Tang Qi's eyes was a pot of liquid-like clean water.

The strange thing was that there was no wind in the room, but the liquid in the pot started rippling out of nowhere as if it had a life of its own.

"It's done!"

Tang Qi was extremely thrilled by the stunning scene.

Almost immediately, he focused his gaze and looked deeply at the liquid.

Sure enough, a familiar interface jumped out.

[Wonder: Secret Potion of Swiftness. ]

[Quality: Normal. ]

[Information Fragment one: It's a completed secret potion. Take it, and obtain a faster speed. The effect of the increase is limited by the physical quality and mental strength of the user. ]

[Information Fragment two: It's also the starting point of the Misty Body series of the Primal Secret Pharmacy School. ]

"The third attempt was successful, which conforms to my speculation."

With great joy, Tang Qi transferred the secret medicine into a customized glass bottle.

At the same time, his eyes inadvertently looked at himself.

The skill column also produced a change as expected.

[Secret Pharmacy: Knowledge from the Primal Secret Pharmacy school, realm: entry; progress: 1%. ]


The first part was normal, but the progress in the back made Tang Qi reveal a look of surprise.

His current skills, including the meditation method he practiced every day, were progressing very slowly. When they were first introduced, they even began from the progress of a few tenths or zero. But he didn't expect that once the secret pharmacy started, it began at 1%.

"Perhaps, the secret pharmaceutical arts is a little different, or maybe, the subsequent growth won't be so much?"

After contemplating for a while, he didn't continue with the fourth mixing, but looked at the secret medicine in his hands with eager eyes.

"Should I try it?"

As soon as this thought came out, Tang Qi directly pulled out the cork without hesitation. He raised his head, and with a plop, the clear like water smoothly poured into his stomach.

Cool and refreshing!

Abdominal Bloating!

It happened so fast.

After drinking the secret medicine, Tang Qi first felt himself wrapped in coolness, and then his belly began to swell up, but when he looked at it, he found that his belly was still flat without any change. It seemed to be just an illusion or something that happened in another dimension.

It became more and more inflated, and began to involve his entire body, Tang Qi felt like a balloon that was gradually blown up.

Even his mind began to diverge and expand.

This was not a very good experience, which reminded him of the Blood Flower Evil Spirit.

Just as he was about to struggle and do something, suddenly there was a "hissing" sound in the void, as if something had punctured a balloon.

Subsequently, everything returned to normal.

Tang Qi once again felt his body, but this time, it was a little different.

He felt that he had become lighter, and the air's obstruction to himself had reduced. His feet were slightly itchy, and a very strange impulse appeared at the bottom of his heart.

"This feeling of lightness is incredible."


Tang Qi suddenly moved and rushed out like a cheetah, taking the posture of the Chaga Fighting Style.


For the first time, Tang Qi seemed to hear the sound of the wind.

Then he opened his eyes and he saw the door to his own house.


This incredible speed may have already surpassed the speed of the Bronx Visage Canine.

In such a short time, Tang Qi couldn't quantify the exact difference in speed after taking the secret medicine. But just then, he had calculated that if he were to race against the Bronx Visage Canine once more, he would no longer have to sacrifice one hand to decrypt the Blood Python Number One.

In the small, unspacious living room, Tang Qi practiced some maneuvers that were difficult to perform in the past and successfully did it this time. The Swift Secret Medicine didn't simply increase his speed, it seemed that there were also some subtle but important changes to his body.

If he faced Bronx Visage Canine again, not only did he not need to sacrifice his arm, but he could beat it to death only by the marvelous growth of the secret medicine and the Chaga Fighting Style.

More than ten minutes later, Tang Qi got used to his brand-new body, and once again walked to the workbench. He smiled and said, "I am now looking forward to the Phantom Secret Medicine of the second sequence."

Although he said that he was looking forward to the Phantom Secret Medicine, the first thing he mixed was still the Swift Secret Medicine.

Its effects had been tested, but others still need to be tried again.

Fifteen seconds later, Tang Qi once again mixed a bottle of water-like secret medicine, watching the progress rise to 1.1%, he muttered, "Was the first successful addition a bonus? I'll create some more and advance to the next stage. "

"Gu ~ Gu Gu"

"It's almost the same. It's indeed a bonus for the first time succeeding. Maybe there's a bonus after the first success of each formula?"

Looking at the ten bottles of Swift Secret Medicine lined up in front of him, and the progress that has risen to 2.1%, he murmured to himself.

After pondering for a while, he put away the ten bottles of secret medicine without delay.

Then he said to himself, "Start the second sequence!"

The materials on the workbench are all used up, so he just needs to fetch the formula materials of the Phantom Secret Medicine and put them on the table.

Soon, new materials appeared neatly on the stage.

Tang Qi did not hesitate, and directly activated the "secret pharmacy" skill in his mind.


Tons of pieces of information flowed through his mind.

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