Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 231: Depriving Luck

'It was really fun though, I don't regret it at all, It's just that I am a bit reluctant.' Thought Gojo as feelings of both satisfaction and unwillingness filled his heart.

The satisfaction was born from the intense battle he had just experienced and the unbelievable power he faced in the last attack which allowed him to glimpse at a higher level of power.

As for the feeling of reluctance, it originated from the fact that he was unable to make his last strike reach his opponent and because he felt like he didn't make his opponent fully enjoy himself.

'In the end, I really wasn't able to reach him...'

However, thinking once again of that last attack that cut apart everything in its path, Gojo's eyes shone brightly one last time as he immersed himself in the aftertaste.

'After experiencing that slash, If I were given another chance, I am confident in making the battle at least more interesting!'

As he thought of this, Gojo struggled to stay conscious, his vision completely blurring out as he was unable to support himself any longer.


Watching this silently, Lorien looked at Gojo's remains before turning his head upwards to gaze at the scar in the sky that he had just created.

'Well, that's a bit unexpected...'



Focusing on the edge of the torn-apart space, Lorien immediately noticed that the world's self-corrective power was clashing with the power left from his attack causing micro spacial cracks to appear in the process.

However, to be more precise, it's actually clashing with the anti-immortality features of his sword which was raised to a [Law Level] attack because of the boost from the domain.

'To think that even such characteristics would be sublimated to the next level...'

'To be honest, I never expected this anti-healing power to be capable of even affecting the world.'

'It's just that now, It appears that I have to pay more attention to the [Law Level], after all, from what I could tell, any attack of that level is capable of affecting the world on an incredible scale!'

'At least much larger than I previously anticipated!'

However, just as he thought of this, Lorien's eyes suddenly shrank as he sensed that a portion of the [Luck] that he obtained after planting Dream Trees all over the world and creating the Nightmare Realm was being forcefully taken away by the JJK World.

Moreover, this wasn't just a one-time thing, instead, as more of the world's corrective power appeared to fix the damage caused by Lorien's attack, the more [Luck] got stripped away from him.

This caused the previously calm Lorien to get a mini heart attack as his heart sank deeply.

After all, the main reason he even stayed for such a long time in this world was to collect more [Luck] and to gain ownership of it, so, he of course couldn't just stand there and watch as his effort goes to waste moments before he achieves his objective.

'Damn it! This world is really stingy!!'

'I've worked so hard to help you improve and now just because I caused a bit of destruction you are taking away my [Luck].'

'Ugh, I do understand the logic and fairness behind it, after all, If I help, I get [Luck], and if I destroy, I get deprived of it, however, cut me some slack, will you?'


However, even though he was complaining about the current situation, Lorien didn't actually waste any time as he immediately used his ability once again to clear away his leftover power.



Doing this, Lorien looked visibly exhausted as after all that he went through, his energy reserves finally bottomed out.


'Fixing stuff is really much harder than destroying them...'


Sheathing his sword back, Lorien finally deactivated his domain causing it to break like glass before disappearing into thin air.

Doing this, he turned his attention once again towards Gojo who was about to breathe out his last breath.

"As much as I want to see if you could recover on your own and achieve nirvana, I don't want to waste more time here, moreover, the anti-immortality power is still in effect, so your chances are very slim to say the least."

"So, with all this in mind, I've decided that it's time to wake the fuck up samurai!"

Saying this, Lorien didn't waste any moment as he extended his hand forward causing two things to happen, the first was removing the anti-healing characteristics from Gojo's body and reconnecting them, and the second was causing a multi-colored ball to appear atop his extended palm.

'This should do it...'


With a small wave of his hand, the 'Dream Path Seed' instantly rushed towards Gojo's upper body, instantly submerging into it and causing the sublimation process to begin.

'This should take a bit longer than usual considering the circumstances.'

Not feeling any immediate feedback, Lorien sat down on the ground deciding to recover his energy as he still had a lot of things to do later on.

'It's times like this that I become more thankful for my initial decision of using my weapon as a sort of energy power bank.'

Smiling lightly, Lorien placed his weapon on his lap as he began absorbing the stored energy within to restore his energy reserves.

'This battle is finally over, only one or two remains...'

'I really wonder how Sukuna and Yuta's battle will go, after all, the ability that Yuta awakened is very annoying.'

'However, this is not about abilities at all, after all, the same weapon in the hands of different people has a much different effect.'

'What will decide this battle is how they use their different abilities and if Yuta's power system advantage will be enough to overwhelm the king of curses.'

Shaking his head, Lorien decided to not think about it for now and instead focus on the task at hand.

'Let's leave the speculation to all those watching...'


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