Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 22: Police!

Meanwhile, inside the Infinity Castle

Kibutsuji Muzan who was reading a book suddenly froze, his eyes suddenly turned cat-like as veins appeared in his temple, irritation obvious on his face

"Akaza, That trash! he got killed"

Muzan wasnt actually angry because of Akaza's death, to him, all demons were just tools he could discard whenever he wanted, the reason for their existence is just to find the blue spider lily

But that doesn't mean that he won't react, similar to how after the death of Lower Moon 5 Rui, he just got rid of the rest of the lower moons

But what he wanted now, is to get information, after all, the death of an Upper Moon is a very rare thing




Meanwhile unaware of the storm brewing, Lorien walked through the broken wall that was damaged because of the battle that just happened

He felt very exhausted, the Source Energy inside of his body reached a record low, if he hadn't ended the battle as fast as he did no one knows what would have happened

Luckily his physical strength wasn't consumed as much, so the embarrassing, and dangerous situation of losing consciousness on the street did not happen

Thinking of the battle just now, Lorien wasnt very excited about his victory as he knew that he was currently very far away from those truly powerful reality benders who have the ability to easily change reality into how they see fit

Any decision made in the past, any item ever created, any movement, choice, color, atom, or molecule that exists can be changed

All of Existence bends to the imagination of a reality warper, Users can rewrite the laws of physics and then change them back in an instant, universes can bend to the will of a reality warper

Compared to them, Lorien who is currently very much limited by a lot of factors such as Energy, Law, and Authority is really too weak

If you look carefully at the battle that just happened, you'll notice that Lorien used his ability only on himself or his own attacks most of the time

The only time he used it on the surroundings was when he manipulated the air around him to attack

He was able to do this because the air was in contact with his own body, giving him the ability to manipulate it

But what truly consumed the most of his energy was 'Absolute Damage', because it's a concept, and those things consume a lot

'Sigh...I Still have a long way to go, but let's not think that far, those guys are too far from me now, rather let's start with small achievable objectives'

Meanwhile, Just as Lorien entered the estate, a shadow suddenly jumped into his embrace, hugging him tightly


"Are you okay??"


Looking down at Saigai who kept hugging him and crying, all Lorien could do was try to soothe her down as he embraced her and patted her back lightly

"I'm okay, the demon is dead, you don't have to worry"

But that didn't help much as she spoke with a low voice mid sobs

"I..t...It..It's all my fault...

I always bring bad luck..."

Before she could finish speaking, Lorien suddenly held her cheek and raised her head

Looking up Saigai's eyes were very red and puffed from crying, she didnt look all that great

But then, Lorien suddenly lowered his head as he stole her lips

Saigai's eyes instantly went wide open in shock as she could feel an object invade her mouth

After a couple of symbolic pushes, she closed her eyes and started cooperating with him as they entered into a tongue-twisting battle

A minute or so later they finally broke the kiss, only a silver line still connecting them, which also collapsed

Bowing her head shyly Saigai's face instantly turned rosy, her mind was now in shambles, her emotions in a weird state as she went from one end of the spectrum to the other

Looking at her like this Lorien really wanted to give it another go, but he still held on in the end as he caressed he cheeks

"Okay, Okay, don't talk about it again.."

Just then Lorien suddenly noticed the red hand mark caused by Akaza on Saigai's neck

Seeing this Lorien frowned as he used what is left of his Source Energy to silently cure it, luckily it was just a mark and nothing more, there was no actual injury or damage

Thinking of what transpired earlier he couldn't help but be grateful that it was Akaza who attacked today, if it was some other demon Saigai would have been dead

And so he finally made a decision

"Hey, Saigai..."


"Do you want to become strong and get rid of your bad luck?"


She quickly raised her as she looked at Lorien's face to see if he was just joking with her

Seeing that he looked serious, she hurriedly asked

"Get rid of my bad luck? how?"

About 10 minutes ago she met a Demon, moreover, she just saw Lorien fight it, both of them using some sort of supernatural ability

She didnt have much knowledge about that mysterious part of the world, but him having a solution for her problem wasnt that far fetched as far as she could, moreover she believed he wouldn't lie to her

Her 'bad luck' is too weird, it doesn't look like normal luck at all, it's more like a curse, She now wonders if some sort of demon or god cursed her

'That's what you focus on? did you ignore the first half of my phrase?'

Hearing the part she focused on Lorien's mouth couldn't help but twitch a bit, but he still vaguely answered her

"I'll explain everything tomorrow and help you, today am too tired"

After saying this he stayed silent for a moment before continuing as he looked behind him in the direction of the gap he just walked in from

"Moreover we have some guests..."




Raising her head she saw some police officers rushing in their direction

"Okay you go rest for today, I'll deal with them, tomorrow morning ill help you..."

Nodding her head she reluctantly got out of his embrace and started walking away

Seeing this Lorien then turned his attention toward the police

'No matter what world, culture, or era it is, always late to the party...'

He wasnt surprised to see them, after all the battle between him and Akaza spread into the street

If they didnt come and check out what happened they shouldn't get paid

'Ahhh a pain in the ass, doesn't matter though, ill just bribe them or something, moreover, the higher-ups probably know about demons...'

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