Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1,102 God Realm

The starship was flying through the star realm, and the Rennes family admired the beautiful starry sky and strange stars around them on the deck.

They felt the speed and power of the starship and looked forward to the upcoming journey to the divine world.

After flying for a long time, the outline of the God Realm finally appeared in their sight.

It was a place full of mystery and beauty. The shining temples, floating islands and various divine creatures made them feel extremely amazed and yearned for.

"We are finally reaching the divine realm!" Rennes said with emotion, "I hope we can build our own divine kingdom there and lay a solid foundation for the future path to the gods. 11

As the starship continues to approach the divine world, the Rennes family becomes more and more excited and expectant.

They knew that this trip to the divine world would be one of the most important and unforgettable experiences in their lives.

When the starship transmigrates the portal to the divine world, what comes into view is the vast Divine Domain.

In the Divine Domain, the divine light is bright, the divine clouds are lingering, the sacred mountains are rolling, the sacred rivers are meandering, the sacred trees are towering, and the sacred flowers and grasses are blooming everywhere.

Everything here exudes a mysterious and holy atmosphere, which makes people feel awe.

The Rennes family was shocked by the beauty of the divine world. They stared at this mysterious land quietly, as if they could feel the power of the gods filling the air.

"It's so beautiful!" Alice couldn't help but exclaimed, "Is this the God Realm? It's so spectacular!"

"Yes, everything here is full of mystery and power." Rennes took a deep breath of the Spirit Qi in the Divine Domain and felt relaxed and happy. The next thing we have to do is to find a suitable place here to establish the Kingdom of God. "

The Elf Queen looked around and said: "The atmosphere here is so strong! I feel that my strength has improved a lot."

"Yes, yes! I feel the same way!" Lena echoed excitedly, "It seems we are in the right place々々!"

Rennes looked at them with a smile and said: "Then let's start looking for a suitable place to establish the Kingdom of God! But before that, we need to understand the rules and conditions of the God Realm.

So the Rennes family began to explore the divine world.

They flew over the sacred mountains, sacred rivers and sacred forests, feeling the unique atmosphere and power of the divine world.

They met many divine beings and communicated with them to learn a lot of knowledge and information about the divine world.

During the exploration process, Rennes discovered a place that was very suitable for establishing the Kingdom of God - it was a plain shrouded in divine light, surrounded by majestic sacred mountains and clear Kamigawa plains. The green grass and sacred flowers were in full bloom. It's like a fairyland on earth.

"This place is so beautiful! And the Spirit Qi is so rich! I think this place is very suitable for establishing our kingdom of God!" Rennes said excitedly.

The wives also nodded in agreement: "Yes! This is indeed a good place!"

Seeing the wives so happy, the protagonist is not happy anymore.

Because he knew that it wouldn't be long before the god Xiumis came to attack him with a medium-sized Divine Weapon ax of destruction.

He was a little worried.

The Elf Queen left, came over and asked: "Dear, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the worry on Rennes' face, the Elf Queen walked gently to him and put her hand gently on his shoulder.

Her intelligent eyes sparkled with understanding and support, as if she could see through all the worries in Rennes' heart.

"Rennes, are you worried about Xiumis?" the Elf Queen asked softly, her voice full of care and comfort.

Rennes nodded, frowning: "Yes, Xiumis is a powerful evil god, and the medium Divine Weapon in his hand is even more amazingly powerful.

I am worried that our kingdom of God will be attacked by him before it is stable. "

The Elf Queen gently held Rennes' hand and gave him firm strength: "Rennes, you have to believe in us.

We are a whole and are each other's strongest support.

No matter how powerful Xiumis is, as long as we are united, nothing can stop us from moving forward.

At this time, Alice also came over. She smiled and said: "Rennes, do you still remember the difficulties we have faced together? Every time, we can overcome the difficulties hand in hand.

It's the same this time, we will definitely defeat Xiu MiSi. "

Lina also joined in, and she patted Rennes generously on the shoulder: "That's right! Rennes, you are our backbone, we can't lose confidence at this time.

Don’t worry, we will fight side by side with you!”

Seeing his wives so determined and united, Rennes' worries gradually dissipated.

He took a deep breath and his eyes became firm: "You are right, we cannot be bound by fear.

Although Xiumis is powerful, as long as we work together, we will definitely be able to defeat him. "

With the encouragement of the Elf Queen and his wives, Rennes regained his confidence.

He knows that in the face of the upcoming challenges, only by uniting as one can the team overcome all difficulties.

Therefore, he began to make preparations, not only to consolidate his Kingdom of God, but also to collect more resources to deal with possible crises in the future.

Rennes uses the powerful power of the war starship to search for precious resources throughout the divine world.

They flew over the continuous sacred mountains, exploring the sacred mines and spiritual springs hidden deep in the mountains; they transmigrated the vast sacred river, capturing the rare sacred creatures in the river; they also went deep into the dense sacred forest, looking for those who could enhance their strength. Divine grass and gods of divine power.

Every search was an adventure, but Rennes and his wives relied on wisdom and courage to successfully overcome many difficulties and collect a large number of precious resources.

These resources not only greatly improved their divine power, but also provided a solid foundation for the construction of the Kingdom of God (Wang Qian's).

As time went by, Rennes' kingdom gradually became more stable.

They built magnificent temples and strong city walls, attracting more and more divine creatures to seek refuge.

The Kingdom of God is full of vitality and vitality, and every god has found his own destination here.

However, Rennes was not satisfied.

He knew that their goal was much more than that.

Their dream is to establish a powerful divine kingdom that can influence the entire divine world and become the leader of the spiritual world.

In order to realize this dream, they need to continue to work hard and accumulate resources and strength.

At a family gathering, Rennes proposed a new plan to his wives: "..." We are about to go to the new divine world to find more resources and opportunities.

There may be more powerful gods and more precious treasures waiting for us in the valley. .

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