Lord God Investigator

Chapter 13 - Not allowed to save

Xu Qingsong led the crowd, staring at Old Liu with awe-inspiring murderous eyes, gritted his teeth and said: “Old Liu, what rumor are you making here? Chewing the roots of your tongue indiscriminately, but you will go to hell! I Xu Someone has always been fair in dealing with things, which family in Xujiabao has not received my favor?”

Old Liu Tou was staring at him and his back was chilly. If he had been stared at by such ferocious eyes in the past, he would run away like a mouse with a snake staring at his head. If he couldn’t escape, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

But today is different. First, he doesn’t want to live, and second, he knows that there is a bat immortal looking at him in the dark.

“Surnamed Xu! Your fairness is just pretending to deceive. You are really fair when you mediate disputes between the flat-headed people in the fort. No matter which party wins, there will only be good and no harm to you!”

Old man Liu straightened his waist for a lifetime, and pointed at Xu Qingsong’s nose and yelled, “But once there are officials from the government, people with your cronies, and wealthy people, you have a dispute with the villagers in Baoli. Exposed? Pretending to be fair on the surface, but in fact it is very partial!”

Xu Qingsong’s face turned blue when he was told that he drew a three-foot long sword from his waist, pointed the tip of the sword at Old Man Liu, and said angrily: “Old Dog Liu, don’t want to spit blood!”

Old Liu headed out, pointing at Xu Qingsong and yelling: “How did you break the death of Li’s third child by the son of the county seat of the county seat Zhao Xianwei? The two brothers from Mulan Villa ran into the street and killed Lao Zhang tou. How did you deal with the grandson’s affairs? Not to mention the few innocent girls I just said, Xu Qingsong, if you act with a conscience, you are not afraid that God will send a heavenly soldier to accept you in the future!”

Old Liu took out the silk thread from his arms and held it up high: “You hypocritical hypocrite, evil spirit in human skin! You killed my girl! I have evidence, I found it in the child’s nails The silk thread on your robe!”

Xu Qingsong sneered instead and said: “I think you are crazy! You are full of crazy words and crazy words. I don’t care about lunatics. After that, I will ask a doctor to treat your madness!”

After he finished speaking, he ignored the jumping old head Liu and turned to the villagers gathered behind him.

“Okay, what’s so good about a madman, let me go, go home all, and gather here to be careful of the flesh and blood!”

The villagers did not move.

“Why, it doesn’t work for Xu Qingsong to speak in Xujiapu? Who gave you such courage!”

Xu Qingsong gave a violent shout, and the villagers stepped back in fright. The few people standing in the front row shrank their necks and stepped back and hid in the crowd. The crowd squeezed to each other. There was a commotion, as if they were facing each other. It is a tiger.

However, some people did not back down, but walked out of the crowd.

A pair of gray-haired old couples helped each other out, kneeling down in front of Xu Qingsong.

“Master Xu, I just want to ask why my daughter died.”

The old man rubbed his dark and cracked old face, tears slid down the gully on his face, and said in a hoarse voice: “My girl is a good person. Since I was a child, I haven’t taken a needle or a thread from the neighborhood. She will not steal from the castle owner. , You can’t wrong her, she can’t die, and you can ask someone to poke her spine…”

The old woman was not very good at talking, but kept kowtow and howled hoarsely.

Another middle-aged couple who were still healthy and sturdy also knelt down and said, “I still beg Master Xu to be the master. My second girl died so miserably, but Mr. Zhao came to my house last month and said that he was interested in my family. I’m a girl, I have to pay fifty taels of silver to accept her as a concubine, but I can’t let him harm people anymore…”

A young and strong man didn’t kneel, scornfully glaring at Xu Qingsong and said, “Give back my wife’s life!”

There are also a few people who have suffered great wrongs. There are lonely old men who have died of their sons, widows who have no husbands, and beggars who have crippled their bodies…

Xu Qingsong laughed in anger, and said: “So you are crazy too. Maybe my wrists are too merciful on weekdays, and I have brought up your white-eyed wolves! Today I want you to know that someone from Xu is ruthless. What is it like!”

“Come on!”

He gave an order, and the ambushing burglars rushed up. The soldiers held clubs in their hands and slapped all the villagers around. They beat all the villagers to their heads before giving up. They stood on their knees with clubs in their hands. The villagers looked around.

Xu Qingsong walked over to the only man who was still standing in the scene, and slapped him to the ground with a slap. He wanted to stab him to death with a sword, but he groaned slightly and revealed a cruel sneer.

“I wanted to send you to the underworld to reunite with your daughter-in-law, but the lord of the castle neglected and forgot that the whole family should be neat and tidy. I remember you still have a son?”

The decisive young man suddenly panicked, his eyes widened in horror, he hesitated and said: “My son is dead early, and his mother is dead with no milk to drink, starving to death!”

Xu Qingsong ignored him, and called the soldier to whisper a few words. The soldier ran away and soon returned with a three or four-year-old child.

The soldier pinched the child to Qingzhuang’s side, and the child cried with pain when he fell. He crawled towards Qingzhuang and got into his arms, as if hiding in that place could ease the pain.

Qing Zhuang trembled all over, his eyes flushed, holding the child glaring at Xu Qingsong, gritted his teeth and said: “Don’t cry, my dear, our father and I will suffer even when we are alive, so it’s better to go to the underworld to find your mother.”

Xu Qingsong laughed and waved again, and the soldiers sent a jar of spirits.

“Good boy, I’m still a hero, I’ll give the hero a drink!”

He poured that altar of strong wine on the young and strong father and son, and took a torch from the soldiers.

“Today, the young and old in Xujiapu will take a good look at Lao Tzu. Don’t be shameless. You don’t like being coaxed. Then just slap it. I want you to remember that I, Xu Qingsong, is the sky of Xujiapu. Do you want to turn against the sky? First ask me if the sword in my hand is not good!”

When Old Liu saw this, he rushed towards Xu Qingsong, but was twisted by two soldiers and pressed his shoulders to the ground. He shouted to himself: “The surname is Xu, what do you have to do with the old man, I am not afraid of you! You just burn Kill me, the heavenly soldiers sent by God will avenge me!”

Xu Qingsong laughed upright and slapped Old Man Liu’s face with a slap, knocking out all the few teeth left in his mouth.

The old man fell on his back, spraying blood, lying on the ground still shouting vaguely: “Bat fairy! You see, come and conquer this monster!”

“Ahaha…I said it a long time ago, you all remembered it for me, in Xujiapu, I am the god, and the soldiers under me are the heavenly soldiers!”

The soul blood of Meng Xing hiding on the eaves became hot, his hands became hot, and his heart became hot!

He had never felt that he was so hot, he wanted to vent a lot, smash something with his fists, kick something with his feet, so as to let out the breath in his chest!

The fate of the child who was about to be burned to death was as miserable as he was back then. Had it not been for Boss Gao’s help, he would have already turned into a handful of ashes and a pile of shit.

His legs have accumulated a huge amount of strength, and he wants to jump off this eaves!

“Meng Xinghun, I order you not to do anything! Open your eyes and watch how Xu Qingsong kills!”

Just before he was about to rush out, Ah Fu’s voice was as cold as a ghost in hell.

He was completely dumbfounded, his mind was blank.

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