Lord Futian

Chapter 74 - Dean\\\'s Great Array

In a dense forest, the girl riding a flying pterodactyl and the brutal beasts led by him pushed the cloak man and the brutal beast king he controlled to a cliff.

Behind it is a mountain wall that rises into the sky, cutting off the way out, surrounded by countless savage beasts.

The girl hung in the air on the flying pterodactyl: “Ye Lang Lang, you have no way to escape, you can catch it with your hands.”

“Haisha, why do you always go against me!” The man in the cloak said, flipping his palm to take a picture.

A black mist turned into a giant palm and hit the girl in the air. The girl patted the corner of the flying pterosaur’s head. She saw the flying pterosaur sneeze, and then the misty giant palm was blown away without a trace. .

“Be bold, don’t be rude to the patriarch.” The guards on both sides of the girl shouted sharply.

The girl sighed and said: “I have no intention of opposing you, but I hope you understand that your behavior will bring disaster to the whole family.”

“That’s you who are weak and deceiving. If it is me, you must meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha, **** and kill the ghost. Whoever dares to be an enemy of me, I will let him become a meatloaf at the feet of the wild beast.” The man in the cloak said in a sharp voice.

“Don’t repent, you are almost hopeless.” The girl sighed.

The savage beasts that surrounded it began to push forward step by step.

The cloak man also controlled his savage beasts to meet, and it was another big melee that shocked the mountains and forests.

But in the end, the number and strength of the savage beasts led by the cloak man were not as good as the girl’s side, and they gradually fell into a disadvantage.

At this time, the King of Flying Pterodactyl suddenly appeared from the top of the cliff, swooped down, and rushed toward the cloaked man.

When the giant claws of the pterodactyl king grabbed the cloak man, the cloak man’s body turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Only the voice of the man in the cloak echoed in the air: “Haisha, I won’t just leave it alone, we will never end this matter, hahaha…”

On the left, Baru, who first spotted the cloaked man, frowned and said, “Damn it, this is just his incarnation, the subordinates have oversight, please punish the chief.

The girl sighed and said: “Incarnation is a special skill of Yelanglang martial arts. It is really difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the authenticity. It’s no fault of you. Even I couldn’t detect it right away, but he is so cunning, and it’s too late. After such a long time, I’m afraid it’s impossible to find him again, so let’s go back and talk about it.” The girl sighed.

“Damn it, I almost took the Scarlet Blood Dragon Crystal back.” Ba Shan said unwillingly.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as his goal has not been reached, we will always have a chance to find him.” The girl comforted.

Baru said: “The patriarch’s goal is…Sky Star Sect?”

The girl nodded and said: “Well, their brothers and sisters hate the Sky Star Sect so deeply that they can’t be resolved. As long as the Sky Star Sect is still alive, they will not stop their actions against the Sky Star Sect.”

“Are we going to always protect the people of the Sky Star Sect?” Ba Shan bit his lip and said.

Baru said: “I think the patriarch meant to use them as bait to lead out Yelanglang.”

“It doesn’t matter whether it is protection or bait. In short, our purpose is the same. They are all to find Yelanglang, get the Scarlet Blood Dragon Crystal, and prevent him from continuing to do harm, so as not to cause disaster to the people.”

“Actually, I think what Ye Lanlang said is not all wrong. My clan has the ability to control wild beasts. Why should I look on others everywhere? I am not a criminal. They should be fortunate. If anyone wants to adversely affect us, they should directly. Let the brute beast greet him.”

“Baru, how can you think like this? Are you questioning the decision of the patriarch?”

“Bashan, I didn’t say anything, I just expressed my opinion.”

“You should know that with the exception of the Crimson Blood Dragon Crystal, all people who use Gu to control the savage beast have an extremely short life, and every Crimson Blood Dragon Crystal cannot exist forever. If the human world is lost, the Beast Gu Demon Clan must rely on it. Constantly practicing Gu to control the brutal beasts to protect themselves, such beasts and demons are also facing the danger of extinction at any time.”

“Of course I know what you said. I’m just talking about it casually. Bashan, you are too excited.”

The girl interrupted the dispute between the two and said: “Well, I know you are all worried about the long-term development of the Beast Gu Demon Race, but the human world is definitely impossible to give up. The reason is just like what Bashan said, the Beast Gu Demon Race It was at the most endangered time that he chose the human world and finally reproduced. Baru does not want our race to be controlled by others. Although there are some biases, the starting point is for the sake of the beast gu demon race, and we don’t need to blame it too much. Go back first, I’m afraid that Tur alone would have been waiting a long time ago.”

On a remote mountain road, the cloaked man suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his chest.

Feeling that the incarnation has been destroyed, the man in the cloak said in a low and hateful voice: “The hateful sea sand is really lingering. Fortunately, he is only catching up with the incarnation, but she is nearby. Once I use the Scarlet Blood Dragon Crystal, she will feel it again, **** it! Wait, Sky Star Sect, one day I will let you disappear from the world.”

Time flies, and two days have passed in a blink of an eye, and all human strength has almost recovered, and the injuries of the injured disciples have stabilized.

Except for a few severely injured people who went to recuperate, the other disciples were already eager to try.

After all, as a warrior, I dream of enhancing strength. Especially after experiencing the team fights like before, their thirst for power has never been as strong as it is now.

So after learning that the elders would use the Ten-Star Deity Great Array to help them refine the savage bones, they were already excited.

“Before I heard my father talk about the Ten-Star Deity Grand Formation. This formation is very old and very useful for warriors. However, the conditions for the formation are relatively high. Ten martial artists at the Starry Sky level must cooperate with each other. It is very powerful, but it has always been regarded as a side-by-side by the Sky Star Sect. I didn’t expect that the elders were willing to use it for us this time. The sun really came out from the west.”

“I think it must be because there are too many wild bones this time, they can’t be taken away all, and it’s a pity to leave them behind, so I decided to make an exception and use the Ten-Star Deity Great Array to help us refining them all.”

“But I heard that Junior Brother Qingniu has a secret treasure house that no one else can see. You can put down these wild bones.”

“Although Junior Brother Qingniu saved our lives, it may not be right to say that, but you won’t fail to realize the attraction of the barbarians to the warriors. Honestly, who will be assured of handing these barbarous bones to others for safekeeping.”

“I don’t believe that Junior Brother Qingniu is that kind of person, otherwise he doesn’t need to hand over all of these barbaric bones at all. He only needs to take out a part and say that he can’t finish it.”

“People’s mood is constantly changing. Do you understand now and then? The rich will also know how to save when they become beggars. Correspondingly, when beggars become rich, they will also gradually become more powerful.”

“In short, I don’t think Junior Brother Qingniu will do that. Besides, he saved my life. If he really wants it, I will give him my share.”

“Well, you are so generous.”

At this time, several elders appeared and announced to everyone: “Everyone first go forward and choose ten wild bones, and then take them to the open space in the middle, sit in a circle, put your chosen wild bones in front of you, and be prepared. Today, I’m trying to refine ten savage bones per person. If it goes well, one day will be fine.”

Elder Kundi continued: “In addition, the injuries are serious, so don’t worry about those who can’t participate. There will be a corresponding number of wild bones for you. You can choose to keep it yourself after your injury recovers, or use the ten-star deity big formation. Refining, in short, the treatment of everyone is fair, everyone can rest assured.”

Elder Tianyuan said: “As for the disciples who participated in the ten-star master battle formation, they will let other disciples with the ability to help arrange the formation, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Finally, the elder Jifeng said: “Now start to line up to receive the barbaric bones. Remember ten per person. If anyone dares to take more, once they are found, they will be disqualified immediately and expelled from the Sky Star Sect.”

Soon after everyone had selected the Barbarian Bones, they sat in the center of the court in order, forming three large circles.

In addition, around the site, several elders have transported stone pillars from the nearby mountains in an orderly arrangement around the open space in the past two days.

The six elders and the other three have each flew on a stone pillar, ready.

At this moment, Li Qingniu’s eyes were slightly closed. After adjusting his breath for a while, he suddenly raised his right hand and waved to an empty stone pillar next to him.

Everyone saw a golden light flashing, and then saw a dazzling golden sword hovering above the stone pillar, erected and hovering.

“Ready!” Elder Jifeng shouted, and everyone immediately entered the state.

After two days of practice, Li Qingniu, Yu Hongfei and others have already been proficient in the ten-star deity battle array. With the support of Mr. Jian, the whole process went smoothly.

Among them, two or three disciples were indeed weak because of their strength. In one day, they couldn’t refine all the ten savage bones. They only refined six or seven yuan. However, as their strength increased, they would surely be in the next few days. Can also keep up with the process.

Before distributing the savage bones, the elders have sorted all the savage bones, except for some special attributes. Even after the ability is limited, there are still extremely dangerous wild bones that will not be issued to the disciples for the time being, only some relatively safe ones are left. Let everyone try refining first.

However, the ten-star deity formation is not completely flawless. The strength of the savage bones trained in this way will be greatly weakened by the martial artist. That is to say, most or more of the power will be unable to be due to the current cultivation base of the martial artist. Tolerate, but was abandoned in the refining process.

But even so, due to the huge number of wild bones, after two or three days, everyone’s strength has made a significant leap, and even within a short period of time, several warriors close to the starry sky have appeared.

As their abilities improved, the power they could absorb gradually increased when refining Barbarian Bone, and the difficulty for them gradually decreased.

Five or six days later, there are already no less than ten disciples who can participate in the formation.

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