Longevity and cultivation of immortality in the last days begins with having many children and many blessings!

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Li Changqing raised his hand to greet: “Isn’t this Gu Yu?” How did it come to this?

When Gu Yu heard Li Changqing’s words, he raised his head, and in an instant, his eyes were filled with tears.

Li Changqing was speechless, and Cheng Xiyan said with disgust: “Xianggong, how do you speak, in the future, Yu’er will live in our house.”

Luo Xuejuan also punched Li Changqing.

Li Changqing knew that Gu Yu had been hiding at home for two months, she was very smart, saw that things were not good, bought a lot of food, and spent all the money.

Until today, someone broke into the house, Gu Yu killed the robber, and met Luo Xuejuan, who brought her to Li Changqing’s house.

Li Changqing asked Luo Xuejuan to live at home, and Luo Xuejuan looked at Li Changqing and his son, and wanted to beat Li Changqing.

However, she eventually agreed.

While eating, Gu Yu was shocked by the food at Li Changqing’s home.

There is meat, there are vegetables!

Fragrant, hot rice.

Gu Yu almost cried!

The room was still so warm, Gu Yu looked at Li Changqing, how could this man she couldn’t look at be so rich?

There are still so many women and children in the family!

Can Li Changqing take care of it?

Feed alive.

Gu Yu couldn’t help but look at the women around her, they were holding the child, their faces were rosy, their expressions were happy, they were talking, eating, and laughing from time to time.

They also gave Li Changqing dishes from time to time, and all the women seemed to be glowing.

That’s the light of happiness!

Gu Yu was envious.

This scene proves that Li Changqing not only feeds well, but also raises it well!

Li Changqing felt Gu Yu look at her, and Li Changqing winked at her.

It was night, Gu Yu got into Li Changqing’s room, and Li Changqing was awakened, “Gu Yu, what are you doing?!”

Gu Yu pressed on Li Changqing, his face was rosy, “Let you look down on me, I will give you a baby, eat your food, live in your house, and beat your child!”

Li Changqing was stunned, Gu Yu was crazy: “Kai, you are the daughter of Old Gu!”

Gu Yu pouted: “Don’t be serious!”

Saying that, Gu Yuhu looked at Li Changqing suspiciously: “You won’t be able to do it, right?”

Li Changqing was furious: “I’ll let you know if I can do it today!” The

next day, Li Changqing got up, and Gu Yu was still lying down, “Damn Li Changqing, I will definitely hit your child hard!”

Gu Yu muttered in his mouth, and Li Changqing pouted: “Don’t be hard.” ”

Gu Yu is vulnerable!

Cheng Xiyan brought the meal over with a smile, Gu Yu suddenly blushed, and wanted to get up, but was stopped by Cheng Xiyan.

“Don’t worry, you will be a member of our Li family in the future.”

Cheng Xiyan comforted Gu Yu.

Li Changqing raised his forehead, old Gu, this really doesn’t blame me, it should be your daughter!

Li Changqing did not go out today, looking outside, the snow was falling, and the road was covered with snow.

The sky and the earth are a white scene.

Fortunately, the Chaoyang base has not yet been attacked by the zombie army, and Li Changqing pondered whether to run or run?!

However, Li Changqing thought of Zhao Zhilin and sighed, “It’s really troublesome, who let you call me Mr. and save your life!” Li

Changqing spent a wisp of spiritual power to calculate Zhao Zhilin’s location and her condition.

“Shhh, hurt so badly?!”

Li Changqing calculated Zhao Zhilin’s condition, and hesitated slightly, Zhao Zhilin is a month-level superpower!

To be able to hurt her like that, the enemy is already very terrible.

Li Changqing gritted his teeth again and spent a wisp of spiritual power, and there were only eight wisps of ten spiritual power at once!

Li Changqing looked at the calculated results and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fortunately, the enemy’s strength is not high, as long as Zhao Zhilin and Cao Zhaoyi are rescued.”

Li Changqing thought of that night, those two women actually drugged the wine he drank!

I don’t know who it really is.

But who is it, one of them must be his woman!

Li Changqing must go to the rescue!

At night, Li Changqing said to Cheng Xiyan and went out.

There is a family protection system at home, and it can easily deal with the third-level superpower, and Aunt Luo, the fifth-level superpower, yes, Luo Xuejuan has upgraded.

Yu Ying can also help, she is now a second-level graded dark powerhouse, which is equivalent to a third-level supernatural in the dark!

Li Changqing went out, Luo Xuejuan looked at her nephew and asked, “It’s night, where should you go?”

Li Changqing said, “Go find someone.”

Luo Xuejuan stood up directly without hesitation: “I’ll go with you.”

Li Changqing was moved in his heart and said with a smile: “No need, Aunt Luo, I will be back soon.”

Li Changqing said, opened the door, before the wind and snow poured in, Li Changqing disappeared inside the door.

Li Changqing stepped on the snow and came to the inner city center of the Chaoyang base, and found that the inner city center had turned into ruins.

Li Changqing was stunned, he didn’t hear the movement here at all!

Ran, Li Changqing leaned down, someone came!

It’s a superpower!

There were five people in a team of second-level superpowers, as if they were looking for something in the ruins in the middle of the city.

Li Changqing walked all the way, his feet did not touch the ground, and there was no trace of snow, so this group did not discover Li Changqing’s existence.

Li Changqing did not make a move, he wanted to take Zhao Zhilin away quietly.

Li Changqing’s eyes were calm, and he used the twelve-layer character card of the refining period, and in an instant, Li Changqing disappeared.

A second later, he came to a broken room and got inside.

Opening the floor under the house, a hole appeared, Li Changqing entered, the hole in the ground was very long and curved.

Li Changqing walked for five minutes and went deep underground.

A bend appeared, Li Changqing walked over, a silver light appeared, and a sword slashed at Li Changqing.

Li Changqing was shocked in his heart, used the character card, and instantly clamped the sword body with his fingers.

The body flipped over, landed behind the bend, and hooked his fingers on the neck of the sneak attacker.

“Sir is really talented.”

Behind him, there was a light lit up, and Li Changqing saw that it was Zhao Zhilin holding a torch, her face was pale, her body was wrapped in bandages, and some snow-white skin was exposed.

Li Changqing let go of Cao Zhaoyi angrily and threw the sword away, “I’ll save you, and you will treat me like this?” What a big meet-and-greet.

Zhao Zhilin looked at Li Changqing, and a smile appeared on her face: “I really didn’t expect Mr. to come back to save me.”

Li Changqing looked at the nonsense and directly grabbed Zhao Zhilin: “You woman, knowing that I am good to you, you still dare to drug me, say, who was that night?”

Cao Zhaoyi picked up the sword and pointed it at Li Changqing: “Let go of Zhilin!”

Li Changqing ignored her.

Zhao Zhilin’s body was soft and soft, and her snow-white face chuckled: “Sir don’t guess, is it me or Zhaoyi?”

Zhao Zhilin asked softly in Li Changqing’s ear.


Zhao Zhilin’s body shook, and Li Changqing slapped her.

“Really, let’s go, I’ll take you guys who have no heart and no lungs away.”

Zhao Zhilin looked at Li Changqing when she heard this, and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

“Thank you sir.”

Li Changqing rolled her eyes, this woman is really… Owe beating!

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