Long Street

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Look at each other, everyone is the same

Breaking up with Zhao Yanmo was on the way back from Xiuchun Street.

Zhao Yanmo called and complained to Xiang Yu, saying that her departure early had caused him to lose a lot of face.

Xiang Yu took a deep breath of the damp night breeze, but he spit out the words softly, even with some compassionate tenderness: “Zhao Yanmo, break up.”

She did not say that the breakup was not because of a temper, nor did she tell him what made her feel that the relationship could not continue.

Zhao Yanmo also called several times and hung up on Yu.

Even if she is careful, Zhao Yanmo gave her the unhappy and unhappy in this relationship, she also wants to pay back a little.

It’s not often in old TV series that there are such plots:

The villain pointed at the protagonist with a sword or a gun, first looked up to the sky and laughed, and then said, “Today I will let you die!”

The consequence of this is usually that the villain is killed.

So that Xiang Yu always felt that those villains died of talking too much and not being cruel enough.

Why do you want to make it clear?

Isn’t it even more disintegrating if it’s not clear?

The air was all cold after the rain, and Xiang Yu’s backpack was held at a sharp corner by his graduation certificate. Every step he took, the sharp corner had to poke his waist.

She was holding a black shirt in her arms, and she could faintly smell the faint fragrance remaining on the fabric.

The man said, “Sit on the cushion, it’s cold on the ground.”

After speaking, let go, and the shirt fell on her knees and arms with warm body temperature.

Also at that time, the man’s phone rang again, he just dangled in his cigarette and then the phone went away.

Of course, Xiang Yu didn’t really use his shirt as a cushion to sit on, and he was quite inexplicable about his behavior.

She thinks he will probably come back after answering the phone and talk about the purpose of his move.

Human behavior should have a purpose, right?

It’s like Zhao Yanmo mingling with friends and friends every day, in order to find a future in the imperial city.

And she chose to break up because they have different understandings of “effort” and “love.”

But Xiang Yu held his shirt and waited in place for a long time, but the man did not come back.

He actually gave this shirt to a stranger casually?

Just because you want strangers to sit on the cushion?

Later, Xiang Yu thought chaotically in his lower abdomen cramps, maybe this behavior is like feeding a ham sausage to a stray cat that has emerged from the grass?

But the shirt is not a ham, after all, the logo embroidered inside the neckline shows the price.

After returning to the dormitory, Yu Yu caught cold during her menstrual period and developed a fever.

For a few days, her body temperature was 38 degrees. She sent away all the roommates in a high fever. In such a weak body temperature, she dreamed of a man who handed her a shirt once.

When she retired the high fever in a haunting manner, all the emotions about Zhao Yanmo were retired.

There is only one regret that I am reluctant to admit:

If it wasn’t for the breakup and dysmenorrhea that night, she might have felt the heartbeat that she hadn’t seen for a long time.

Zhao Yanmo has been tirelessly calling and posting a lot of tirades on WeChat.

It was just a few days after I waited for Yu to charge the phone and saw the missed call notification message.

There was a question repeatedly mentioned in the WeChat, Zhao Yanmo asked Xiang Yu, whether it was true to show him Tang Yuchi.

Xiang Yu deleted Zhao Yanmo and dialed out a video.

It was sent to Tang Yuchi.

Tang Yuchi is a second generation of pure wealth. He is not as rich as Xiangyu, but is really rich to the point.

The kindergarten has carried a large-scale schoolbag.

The video was picked up soon, and Tang Yuchi’s milky dog ​​face appeared on the phone screen.

When he opened his mouth, his venomous tongue’s character was completely exposed: “After making two phone calls to you, it was turned off. I thought you were so broken in love that you couldn’t think of it, and the corpse was already dying.”

Xiang Yu smiled: “How can I not think so much.”

Tang Yuchi snorted on the phone, and didn’t forget her across the Pacific Ocean: “I really want to think so, why did you choose Zhao Yanmo in the first place? It doesn’t seem to be reliable.”

After a few seconds, he urged again, “The points are divided, don’t think about eating back to the grass, Zhao Yanmo will definitely not stop these few days? Are you in a hurry to contact you? Just leave him alone.”

Xiang Yu thought of the question in Zhao Yanmo’s message, and suddenly laughed: “It’s not that I am in a hurry to contact me, maybe he wants to see you more.”

This relationship came to the end. Those who missed calls and messages from ex-boyfriends wanted to “stay”, but they didn’t know whether it was Xiang Yu or Xiang Yu’s interpersonal relationship.

After listening to Tang Yuchi laughing for a long time, he couldn’t hide his gloat: “People like Zhao Yanmo, at first glance, were brainwashed by poisonous chicken soup such as’university is society’ and networking is more important than hard work.’ I told you earlier. Up.”

“I told you to study hard, and you haven’t heard of it. You haven’t been thrown to the other side of the ocean.”

“When will you mention old things?”

Tang Yuchi refused to talk about his 200 points in the college entrance examination and was thrown abroad by his parents, so he just changed the subject, “I think you are quite comfortable when you are broken in love, do you know that you can buy a famous brand for yourself?”

Xiang Yu followed Tang Yuchi’s gaze and looked behind him, and saw the black shirt hanging on the hanger.

The traces of life in the bedroom were almost emptied, and the shirt hung on the tin cabinet door, which was quite conspicuous.

She felt guilty for the owner of this shirt. After all, it was them who broke up, but she and Zhao Yanmo were unscathed.

Only the strange man, who showed a trace of warmth on that rainy night, lost a 5-figure shirt for nothing.

“I picked it up.” Xiang Yu ignored the emotions of the parties that night, and downplayed.

Tang Yuchi asked what Xiangyu had planned for graduating, she thought about it, and said she wanted to go play around first.

If your boyfriend is gone, you will be gone. It is more comfortable to be alone on graduation trip.

Tang Yuchi gave her a thumbs-up in the video, and regretted that he couldn’t go back to China for a tour of the mountains and rivers with her.

For nearly a month after graduation, Xiang Yudu wandered around carrying a suitcase, as a tourist in every city.

There are many ways to travel, sometimes by train, sometimes by plane, or by bus.

Near the end of the journey, the admission ticket to the scenic spot plus the air ticket and train ticket are filled with a folder.

On the last stop in Changsha, the aerial image of the rainstorm flooded Orange Island has been on the news.

With inconvenient transportation, Xiang Yuwo stayed in the hotel for a few days and failed to appreciate the elegance of the Xiangjiang River. He only ate a few meals at a nearby restaurant with a high ranking.

There is a dish in the restaurant, a thick bone soup pot set on an alcohol stove, and the side dish is actually hibiscus flower.

The pink hibiscus flower is put in the bone broth, and it becomes white by boiling water, giving it a unique taste.

The taste is fascinating.

At that time, Xiang Yu didn’t know that another existence she was obsessed with would appear in this city washed by torrential rains.

On the last day, Xiang Yu had eaten hibiscus flowers soaked in bone soup, and took a taxi to the train station with a small suitcase.

There were people everywhere in the train station. After finally passing the security check, I looked up at the time indicator and only saw the red reminder words on the screen.

The train delays ranged from 10 hours to 18 hours, including the train she was going to take.

She was taken aback, and squeezed into the crowd to ask the staff for inquiries, and was told that due to heavy rain, she was not sure about the delay.

Xiang Yu was dumbfounded for a few minutes before remembering to call the airport.

The airport staff said politely that today’s flight to Imperial City is delayed and it is very likely that the flight will be cancelled.

She was trapped in an unfamiliar city with successive heavy rains, and she had no choice but to find a hotel.

The nearby hotels are all unavailable. Even the rooms she returned in the afternoon have been re-occupied by customers. Only one luxury five-star hotel still has rooms.

He took a taxi to Yu, and only in such a short period of time when he got out of the car and took the luggage into the hotel lobby, he was drenched in soup.

She was wearing a white dress with suspenders. After being soaked in rain, the pattern of underwear showed through the thin fabric.

There were a lot of people standing at the front desk of the hotel, and Xiang Yu was worried that only the remaining rooms would be full, and he couldn’t help but act in a hurry.

She flipped through the suitcase, pulled out a piece of clothing and put it on, and quickly walked into the check-in line.

Standing still in the crowd, Xiang Yu realized that what he was wearing casually turned out to be the black shirt given by the stranger.

Xiang Taro looked at the clothes on her body and was a little stunned. The previous check-in customers had already left. She reacted and quickly bowed her head to turn over her ID card.

The woman in the work uniform at the front desk apologized slightly: “Sorry, we don’t have any rooms available now.”

No one noticed that a man in a nightgown raised the front desk partition door, walked into the front desk familiarly, and leaned against the side with a cigarette.

Xiang Yu held his ID card and raised his eyes in panic. The bangs wet by the rain had already been lifted by her, revealing a smooth forehead.

The look in her eyes was innocent and at a loss.

The moment he raised his head to Taro, Jin Fubai, who was leaning at the front desk, remembered the scene in the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”:

The raft was floating in the misty sea in the middle of the night, and the mermaid that came out of the water quietly, with the sea whitewashed on her face, was full of innocence, but terribly charming.

Xiang Yu fell into the predicament of no room to live, and for a while, he didn’t know how to respond.

But when the staff at the front desk turned their heads, they were startled by the silhouette of the people beside them. Their faces blushed. They pointed to the sign that “non-staff are not allowed to enter” and respectfully persuades them: “Mr. Jin, why are you here again.” ”

“Inspect the work for your boss,” the man said.

Xiang Yu was still right about the status quo, unconsciously following the staff’s line of sight, focusing on the man in the nightgown.

He is also looking at her.

The man stared at her, put a small piece of stuff in the smoke slowly, then lit it, and exhaled the white smoke.

When he stared at someone, his eyes were full of affection, as if he was about to kiss the back of her head in the next second.

Later, Xiang Yu saw a discussion post about “Scumbag” on the Internet.

Some people say that there is a charming look in the eyes of the scumbag, and everyone is equally affectionate.

Xiang Yu felt very satisfied.

It’s just that she didn’t recognize it at the moment, and the man who squinted at her through the smoke slightly was the owner of the shirt on her.

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