Lixarts Academy: First Year

Fair Fight

The nonstop fighting was hard but I loved this. I used to have this weird obsession with fighting; I got over it once I reached middle school but I’ve slowly started to rejuvenate the love for fighting ever since I came here.

My fist made contact with his hamstring, causing him to collapse. I hopped backwards. A hand swiped through the air where I was at. The figure’s hood came up a little bit and I could see a woman’s face. She smirked before attempting to cast a spell. I began running towards her.


Nothing happened. She looked down and around to see the others struggling to cast spells too.


I cut her off with a right hook to her face.

She flipped through the air before landing, unconscious. The rest of the other figures charged at me.

I dodged all that I could, receiving a few blows in the meantime.

There was one really burly guy in the back, standing and watching us; I got a weird vibe from him.

For a few minutes, they continuously attacked me all at once. They had no chemistry whatsoever so they ended up messing each other up in the process.

One of them had gotten close enough to try and land some hits on me. He swept his leg underneath mine. I jumped over it and kicked clean in the face, knocking him out instantly.

The burly man in the back was growing visibly frustrated watching these guys, guys who were supposed to help take over the entire school, struggle against a child.

He charged forward and grabbed one of the goons. He held him up in the air by his head before slamming his head down into the earth. You could hear the crunching of his bones as it made contact with the ground. His buddies looked at him, shocked. He ran after them, punching the faces of some and kicking the others into the sky causing them land with deafening thumps.

“It’s your turn,” he said, pointing at me.

My heart started beating faster. This was an opponent I wasn’t sure on how to approach or if I could beat him. I moved my legs and fists into my fighting stance and faced towards him.

I slowly inched closer.

I got within about 3 feet of him when he swung at me with a heavy left.

I was barely able to dodge it.

He had immense strength and speed for someone of his size. I figured that I couldn’t do anything about him by remaining a distance away from him. I charged at him. He had a blank expression, one that told me he had been unsatisfied. He swung at me again with his left hand. I flipped over his large arms and landed on my hands. I spun my body around. My legs slammed into his face due to the fact that he was bent down from when he swung at me.

“Weak,” he grabbed my leg and threw me across the snow.

I staggered up. His aura was overwhelming as I had a feel for his strength.

He didn’t need magic to be effective in combat.

This time, he charged at me. I jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding his giant grip. He looked at me with the same expression as before. I’m almost positive he wanted a good fight, just like me. He rushed forward once again, swinging in a frenzy. His attacks were predictable, what he had in strength he lacked in skill and precision. His attacks left tiny craters from the impact of his blows. One hit from those and it’s over.

Think, Dominick, Think. How can you overpower someone like him? No matter how much I racked my brain, I had no answers. This freak of nature is something I hadn’t learned how to deal with.

“Why are you running?!” I looked around to see my Dad standing there. I rubbed my eyes and he vanished. I looked forward to seeing him charging a kick that looked like it was gonna hurt. I managed to put my arms up to block some of the impact but still slid backwards anyways. He stopped in his tracks.

“You still breathe?” He looked towards me and for the first time, he smiled. He began jumping up and down, clapping and causing the ground to shake below him.

“Yeah-“ I began coughing up blood. I turned my head to the side and spit the blood out.

I cracked my neck and for the first time in a while, I actually felt fear. Shivers went down my spine. My hair stood up on my arms as I looked at his tall figure looming over me. My brain told me that I was gonna die, that nothing I do would work. My heart told me that this was what you’ve wanted ever since you fell in love with fighting. The look in his eyes told me he wanted this. His eyes glistened with joy as he ran towards me. I jumped backwards away from his gigantic foot as he stomped closer and closer. Each stomp was filled with more force than the other. He moved closer as I began to circle around.

I began picking my mind for a solution; that’s when it hit me.

I ran towards him. I weaved around his punches as I got closer to his head. I was right beneath him when I jumped and uppercutted his chin. The brass knuckles shined in the artificial sunlight as blood spurted on the ground. He stammered backwards as he grabbed his jaw which was hanging in an unusual way.

“You-” He was interrupted as I barraged his abdomen with punches with the force of these brass knuckles behind them.

“DOMINICK!” Aura yelled, hanging over Josh’s arm. She attempted to walk over here after pushing off of Josh but she stumbled then fell.

“YOU CAN’T WIN!” She said, sounding like a friend worried for the first time.

Josh and Mr. Lainhart looked at me. They looked at Aura before looking at me once more. They tilted their heads slightly. A sign of respect; if you will. I nodded back as I continued to pummel his stomach. He lifted his leg and kicked me. I went flying to the other side of the colosseum. He ran over towards me and began punching me. Over and over. I put my arms up and blocked them. Every hit felt like they shattered my bones. Each hit hurt more than the previous. My arms stayed up on instinct even though I lost the feeling in both of them about 10 hits back.

“‘WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” Rose yelled, using Mr. Lainhart as a support. Aura looked over at her with a look of unfamiliarity.

“THE DOMINICK I KNOW WOULDN’T TAKE ANYTHING LIKE THAT NO MATTER WHO OR WHAT THEY ARE! YOU BETTER NOT LET THEM WIN! NOT FOR ANYTHING! YOU HEAR ME?!” Rose was hysterical at this point from the emotional battle she had fought in her head and the blood loss she had suffered. However, that didn’t take away any truth from her words.

As if that had snapped me out of that state of fear, I stood up. All the pain dispersed as I gripped the knuckle dusters even tighter. He looked at me as I stood up with a look of excitement. He threw a strike at me and hit my chest. It hurt like hell but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. I threw a punch at his stomach. He hit me in the chest again. I hit him again. We continued trading blows for a while. All 4 of them watched with shock as they watched this kid go toe to toe with someone triple, almost 4 times, his size. I couldn’t even believe it. After a while, much to my surprise, he backed off with his assault before I did. I was going to also; we both took a serious beating. Our clothes were ripped and we were bruised and bloody. His jaw was dislocated while my arms were a purplish shade. I was able to move my arms due to this adrenaline. It was like my dad told me. Everything had just disappeared. All I had was one goal on my mind…

To win.

Aura couldn't keep her eyes off the battle as me and the gigantic man went back into beating the brakes off one another. He charged up yet another kick. I swerved out of the way. He followed up with a punch. I met him in the middle and punched his fist with my brass knuckles. A loud cracking noise erupted.

He sneered at me before asking, “MANA RUNNING OUT SOON?”

“I don’t have mana. ” I said, standing away from him. His legs were wobbly as were mine. Me and him went for punches once again. This time I moved my fist towards his jaw. I winced as I felt the metal make contact with his flesh.

My eyes went wide as his jaw ripped clean off.

He wasn’t fazed.

He kicked my knee with the force of a freight train. I screamed as the pain rippled through my body. It felt like he took a knife, jabbed it into my knee, and twisted it around.

I moved backwards. I began circling him, he did the same. My knee screamed in agony.

I didn’t have time to think about that.

Aura and Rose will die if I don’t win. Everyone dies if I don’t win. I steeled my resolve and locked onto the enemy in front of me.

This has to be finished right now. If this fight goes on any longer then I can’t guarantee my victory. I ran towards him. He put his arms up in a defensive stance for the first time. I couldn’t find any openings so I continued to assault his arms until they fell down on their own. He picked up his large foot off the ground and landed a kick straight to my stomach, causing me to puke up some blood.

I remained planted in the ground, going for every hit that I could hit. Eventually, his arms began to lower. He swung his right hand at me.

This was the opening I needed.

I jumped over his arm and landed a clean hit in his temple. His eyes rolled back as he fell down to the ground. A loud boom filled the colosseum as the sheer impact of his body hitting the ground caused the snow to lift off the ground.

I looked up towards the sky. My hands fell down next to my side.

Today was the day I was supposed to die. I emerged victorious when faced with oblivion. So long as my heart is beating, so long as I am breathing air in my lungs, I will continue to defy death.

For death is not ready for me.

I passed out, my body standing up looking towards the sky, moonlight beaming down on my face.

I woke up with a headache.

I swiveled my head to each side; examining the surrounding area.

It looked like we were in the school infirmary. The soft lighting greeted my eyes as the sweet aroma of herbs filled my nose. I woke up to Mr. Lainhart watching over me as Josh stood next to the bed while Aura and Rose rested their heads on the bed, fast asleep.

“Mr. Lainhart, can you help me?” I whispered as to not wake them up.

He smirked and ushered Josh to follow him. They both walked out of the room. I sighed and moved my legs from under the blanket. They both suddenly jolted up with dreary eyes.

Their eyes widened when they saw me awake. To my surprise, they both jumped on me and squeezed me tight.

“Ow,” I uttered.

“Oh, right. They said you’d be a little sore,” Rose said, letting me go. Aura, as if she realized what she was doing, let go of me and looked away.

“Shouldn’t my arms be broken? My knee too?” I asked, confused.

“The nurse healed you. She stepped out to assist the teachers, that’s why she isn’t here right now. While we were in the simulation, the teachers were fighting the other bad guys. Supposedly, one of the teachers managed to get a group name out of them. They called themselves, “The Shadows,” Rose replied.

“Wait, I thought he wasn’t using magic? How am I healed? Injuries like that should take weeks, even months to heal.” I asked, looking at Rose.

“They used an experimental drug on you. Obviously, they asked a parent if it was okay and they approved. You’re like the catalyst for a change in medicine.”

“What happened to him? The big guy?” I questioned.

“He’s in custody of the Magic Defense Force. They finally managed to break through the Shadows in the courtyard. Mr. Lainhart led the Magic Defense Force to us after you passed out. Josh kept watch over you and us,” Aura said, taking over for Rose.

“I never got to thank Josh,” I said, getting up.

They pushed me back onto the bed.

“The nurse said no moving for another hour,” they said in unison.

“And we never got to thank you. I don’t think we could’ve beat him if you didn’t. That spell is perfect for you though,” Rose proclaimed.

“It’s not a spell. I’m not sure what it is but I have no mana at all,” I explained to them.

They looked at me with shocked expressions.

“I thought I told you guys this?” I questioned.

“No, you never did. It’s just that I’ve never met anyone with NO mana at all,” Aura said.

“Me either,” Rose agreed.

“Now you have and I kicked both of your asses,” I said, laughing.

“Won’t happen again,” Aura replied. Rose stood behind her, smiling at her friend who’s finally happy again.

After a while, the nurse returned and tended to my injuries the best she could. She healed pretty much all she could while I was asleep so she gave me a lollipop and discharged me.

The school was in a state of disarray. The lockers were bent in with large dents embedded in them, some traces of magic were still lingering. The power was still off, leaving the school in a forbidding gloom.

The red alarm lights finally stopped flashing and remained still.

“Wow,” Aura said, looking around.

Something about Aura changed; in that one battle with her life on the line. She took a long hard look at herself and didn’t like what she saw. She finally started feeling again; for someone besides Rose.

I unwrapped the lollipop and put it in my mouth. We walked side by side down by the barren and ill-lit wasteland that was the halls. Mr. Lainhart had told them before I woke up that we needed to return to his class so that way we could be safe until our parents came and got us.

Mr. Lainhart had seemed like he was a weird guy at first but he seems like he’s actually a genuinely cool dude.

We finally arrived at the training facility as most of the students there had already begun getting called to the office, where a group of staff would guide a group of students to the office as the Magic Defense Force took care of the investigation and the clean up. Some students were crying and I don’t blame them.

Some students actually lost their lives in this whole debacle. These guys are murderers and some of them were able to get away without a slap on the wrist.

“DOMINICK, AURA, ROSE, JOSH! YOU’RE UP!” A man yelled for us. He was a smaller, fragile, yet intimidating gentleman in a charcoal black Magic Defense uniform.

The magic defense uniform was that of nobility, power, and elegance. The jacket of q charcoal hue hugged the wearer’s form; underneath the high collar shimmered golden runes which offered extra enchantments. On each shoulder rested epaulets, adorned with silver threads that twined together like arcane sigils, symbolizing rank. The sleeves were equipped with silver gauntlets inscribed with runes to help protect from both magic and physical attacks. A badge laid across the chest, gleaming like a diamond under the sunlight, showing their allegiance to Daclon. Underneath the jacket was a reinforced vest that offered protection from attacks as well, the jacket being nearly impenetrable to help protect these soldiers on the front lines. The uniform exuded an aura of that of someone with power, with the readiness to be prepared for battle at any moment; the perfect blend of magic and military prowess.

We looked at Mr. Lainhart, who nodded and we followed. He led us to the office but then took us to the back. He faced his badge towards the wall and it opened.

We stared at the wall then back at him.

He smiled and walked in.

We followed him down the stairs, where many other Magic Defense Force officers were scrambling around. The desks were covered with papers as blue strides would go past us in a hurry as they were conducting the investigation into the group known as The Shadows.

How did they get past the perimeter? What’s their purpose? Their motivation? Who are they? Those were all questions that we wanted to know.

He brought us to a room in the back. It was an empty room besides a table and some chairs. Me, Josh, Aura, and Rose sat down.

“Why do you think we're here?” Josh asked, in a hushed tone.

“We were some of the only students who managed to fight off these guys. Of course they’re going to want to talk to us,” Aura said, in an aggravated tone, “I just want to go home,” she added.

“Yeah, me too,” I said, holding my knee.

“I’d hope you wanna go home, Dominick. Otherwise, you’re a freak,” Josh responded.

Rose sat in the chair, quiet.

I looked over at her and she looked back over to me. She smiled before looking back down to the floor.

A minute later, a man walked through the door.

He looked at Rose before looking back at us.

He towered over us with his astounding figure, his shoulders were double of my entire body and he wore a serious face. He sat down and opened his binder.

“Dominick Blackburn. Is that correct?” He asked, staring into my soul.

“Yes, sir,” I answered.

“I hear you’re the one who incapacitated the one we found inside the training simulation, is that also correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I applaud your efforts but if something like this were to occur in the future, please refrain from engaging. I hear you were seriously injured, those wounds could have easily been fatal if not taken care of.”

“With all due respect, did you really expect me to just run? You guys didn’t show up until after that. I can’t really rely on you guys, can I?” I stated, getting irritated at the audacity of this guy.

“We were not able to enter in a quick amount of time due to the numbers the enemy possessed. Those circumstances were not our fault but we do realize that our incompetence was a fatal error-”

“YEAH, PEOPLE DIED! PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE YOU COULDN’T DO YOUR JOB!” I stood up and shouted, finally losing it.

“Quiet down, we’re conducting an investigation and this room cannot be afforded to be revealed,” he said, remaining eerily calm.


Rose kicked my leg.

I looked at her.

She shook her head side to side.

I sat back down.

“Rose Garner, Aura Hunt, Josh Parsons, I hear you all helped in this situation as well. I applaud your efforts but as I told your classmate here, please refrain from engaging in future incidents,” he said, looking towards all of them, his eyes landing on Rose a little too long. Aura looked at him then Rose.

It was so fast that I almost missed it. Rose remained quiet with her head down.

“Yes, sir, I will refrain from engaging in combat with the enemy unless it is authorized,” Josh responded.

“Suck up,” I coughed.

He looked at me with a bewildered scowl before looking away.

I squinted my eyes and examined his name tag.

I don’t know how I didn’t notice until now. His name tag read, Sergeant Garner. He’s either Rose’s dad or family of some sort or just a coincidence but the way she acted made sense if it was her dad.

He ran us through the usual. He asked for information about their magic and their faces. Aura did inform him that a man did escape. He asked me about how I was able to beat one of them that was classified at least a C level threat. He asked a lot more questions but I won’t bore you with the details.

After about 2 hours of answering his questions we were finally able to leave. The lights blinded us for a few seconds. Our parents sat in the office where they hugged us when they saw us. They began crying as they held onto their kids. My mom and dad hugged me too;my mom cried but my dad didn’t.

Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dad cry.

I guess it’ll take more than his “son” dying to make him shed a tear.

“Are we done yet?” I said muffled as my face was pushed into my mom’s shoulder. She retracted her arms.

“Don’t blame us, we’re just so happy you weren’t hurt,” she said.

“Mom, did they not tell you anything?” I asked.

She gave me a confused look. I told her about everything. Her face grew more and more visible with anger after each passing second to the point where she looked like she was going to explode if I told her anymore.

She had set her sights onto the officers from the Magic Defense Force.


I grabbed her shoulders and started sliding her back into the office.

“Mom, it’s fine,” I said, trying to calm her down.

“HONEY, HOW AREN’T YOU MAD?!” She said, in Dad’s face.

“Our son is okay and they tried to get here in time,” He said, calmly.

“Ugh, I’ll be outside,” She walked out the front door.

“Let’s go, Dom,” Dad said, “I know you’re tired.”

“Yeah, it’s been a long day,” I replied.

We returned home and I went to bed the moment my face touched my pillow.

I slept peacefully throughout the night. I’ve never had such a great sleep before.

My alarm went off at 7:00 am. I did my usual and headed downstairs. I grabbed an apple and ate it before heading out.

I walked out the front door.

It was just me outside today. It felt weird.

I was promptly teleported to the school without difficulty. I made my way over to Mr Willowsky’s classroom where Aura already was.

Rose showed up at the doorway; waving to both of us. She waltzed in and asked if it was alright if she could sit and talk with us. Mr Willowsky shook his head vertically. She walked over and grabbed a chair and sat down in between us.

30 minutes flew by just as fast as they arrived as classmates started walking in; in awe that I was talking to such a beautiful girl.

She got uncomfortable and said goodbye before walking out and heading to her class.

Aura stared at me for a moment before speaking.

“Hey, I just want you to know that you were pretty badass yesterday,” She said to me.

“Was that a compliment?!” I asked.

“Don’t dwell on it,” she replied.

I grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her.


“I’m still Aura, moron,” her facade cracking at the seams ever so slightly.


We all groaned. It was too early for him to be shouting at the top of his lungs.

The principal’s voice boomed through the speakers in the hallways and in the classrooms, he began his announcement.

“Due to the unforeseen circumstances of an unknown enemy invading our precious school we have decided that in order for you guys to be safer, you will now be living on campus. We will be building dorms on the far side of the campus and we have discussed this with your parents. In order for you all to be safer, we will be installing better security systems, lockdown procedures have been handed to your homeroom teachers as well as emergency drills twice a month, and for those who need it, we will be setting up therapy. I know that young and aspiring students such as yourselves could be mentally drained and damaged from this whole ordeal. I hope you guys take care of each other and make sure you are all remaining safe. I wish you all a wonderful day,”

“I could’ve sworn I watched a show with this same thing happening in it the other day,” Aura whispered to me.

My mouth hung open.

The halls were filled with yelling from the other classrooms.

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