Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 230 - Grand Master

  Chapter 234 Grand Master

  The waves beat the ship’s side regularly. Bi Fang slowly opened his eyes. His body was extremely exhausted, but his spirit became excited again after slipping to the bottom of the valley.

  He can feel the wind and waves getting smaller.

  The hardest moment has passed!

  The storm is no longer, now he has the upper hand!

  The extremely powerful arms, fighting against the cold waves time and time again, Bi Fang feels like an arrow through the wind and waves, nothing can stop him, the waves, storms, hunger, and even nature! Because he is sharp enough!

  Bi Fang opened the tent abruptly and breathed normal air again. He only felt that the cold air was so sweet.

  He turned his head back and looked out at a glance. The sea was pitch black, there were no islands, and there was no continent. The boundless water floated on this orange life raft.

  The drone in the wind and rain can no longer see clearly. There are only dark, undulating waves around, but the waves at this time are much smaller than a few minutes ago.

  The victory is almost set.

  The audience’s heart that was about to jump out of their chests gradually fell. Is this full half-hour storm fighting finally coming to an end?

of course not!

Bi Fang pulled his jacket and knelt down on the life raft with difficulty. Although the wave was more than half smaller, it did not mean that the life raft was stable. A full three-meter wave, even if Bi Fang’s balance is good, Under the undulating waves, as long as he dares to stand, a single wave can make him fall into the sea instantly.

  Extend the jacket, facing the heaven, Bi Fang tried to let the cold rain into it.

  This is the easiest and fastest way to collect water, but the disadvantage is also not small. Without the shelter of the tent, Bi Fang’s body is completely exposed to rain.

  Bone-piercing abnormalities.

The rain quickly wetted him, the drenched inner lining tightly pressed against his body, his body’s muscle lines were clear and soft, and water droplets fell from the tips of his hair. He stretched out his hand and combed his iron-grey hair back neatly, revealing his pale cheeks. , Handsome and tall, can be called sexy.

  Even foreign audiences have to admit Bi Fang’s charm at this moment. Female audiences are crazy about taking screenshots, just drooling, oh, or it’s already streaming, but no one knows.

  It is difficult to understand whether they watched the show for Bi Fang’s people or Bi Fang’s story.

  But Bi Fang did not feel happy for the audience’s cheers, or even cared. There was no sign of joy on his face, the lonely cold wind blew away, wiping away the heat from him like a steel knife, and then his whole body trembled like a spasm.

  Cold, extreme cold, from the skin to the muscles, from the blood to the bone marrow, eroded this almost perfect body inch by inch.

  Because of the loss of temperature, the body quickly developed adverse reactions. The pain bit the lower abdomen like a poisonous snake and did not let out his mouth. The severe abdominal pain made Bi Fang tremble more severely, but he never let go.

  For water, he needs water.

  There is not even a shelf on the life raft, and he doesn’t need to hold up his jacket with both hands. He can’t catch the rain in the sky at all, but in this way, he is bound to be exposed to the rain.

Bi Fang thought of other methods, such as raising the tent, and then lowering the middle, forming a funnel as a whole, allowing rainwater to collect naturally, and finally poke a small hole on the top to collect it, but this was quickly rejected by him. , The reason is too unreliable.

The tent receiving water will prevent Bi Fang hiding under the tent from observing the specific situation. When the wave comes, most of the rain will be lost under the ups and downs, not to mention the splashing waves, which are slightly mixed with the seawater, and the collected rainwater is as ineffective. .

No one knows how long this rain will last. Once it is missed, it may be five or six days after it rains again. If you have been drinking water by distillation, Bi Fang could insist, but the state at that time was absolutely unimaginable. , And he can’t do that.

  The goal of the mission is to survive for 21 days, how many days can you persist, how about ten days? How about twenty days?

  Bi Fang not only needs water, but also food. He chooses distilled water for 24 hours. Maybe he can persist, but what does he rely on to find food?

  Is this unsolvable, choose water or body temperature?

  In contrast, Bi Fang finally chose to catch the water.

  The physique is as high as fifteen points. Such a value is already quite high. It can even be called a tough. It is rare to catch a cold in daily life. It is worth letting Bi Fang choose to take a gamble.

  The wind and waves are getting smaller, but the rain is still pouring, falling on the life raft, turning into a torrent of foam, like steam rising up.

  Bi Fang could feel the clothes in his hands getting heavier and heavier. Among all his clothes, only the jacket is water-repellent, and fortunately, the jacket is waterproof.

  Few clothing is completely waterproof, except for professional sports suits.

Although the kidnapping attack happened suddenly and without any preparation, Bi Fang’s really likes to wear sportswear, because he has to train a lot every day, and one piece of professional sportswear in the closet is professional sportswear, and he also has money and bought it naturally. They are all good products.

  He tightened his cuffs and closed the zipper. If it goes well, such a dress may bring him more than eight liters of fresh water, which is almost half a bucket of pure water!

  Even a liter per day can meet the drinking water needs of an adult strong man for more than ten days, and the rest of the energy can be devoted to food searching.

  In order to maximize the use of rainwater, Bi Fang even opened his mouth directly to the sky and used his mouth to catch rainwater, so that the collected rainwater could be used more.

After drinking two sips, Bi Fang finally had time to say a few words to the audience: “When you collect rainwater, you must be careful of the waves on the sea. Once the sea water enters your container, the fresh water you collect may be lost. , So we need as many storage containers as possible.”

   “Also, when it rains, you can drink a full, but you should slow down. As I said before, binge drinking can easily cause vomiting when there is a long-term lack of water.”

   Just said a few words, Bi Fang shuddered suddenly, but he insisted on speaking.

  ”If the rain is too heavy and floods the ship’s side, don’t worry, because the water itself is good ballast. Even if the water has flooded to the ship’s side, you can continue to float.”

“Look, the water has overflowed the back of my instep, but I have not cared about it, and even it can help me wash away the salt on the seaweed, but because the waves are always coming in, the effect may not be great, but it does. Little use.”

  The camera cuts into the life raft, and the audience finds that Bi Fang’s feet have been submerged for the most part, and even the knotted sargasso on the side began to drift, just like it was in the sea at first.

   [Fuck, why does Lao Fang tremble when he speaks? 】

  [Nonsense, it must be cold, this Yu Laozi looks cold, the wind is still as big as his mother]

  [I thought it would be safe if the wind and waves become smaller, but I didn’t expect the difficulties are still behind]

  Many viewers nodded when they saw this barrage. Yes, they thought the same way before. They didn’t expect that the real difficulty was not the storm, but how to collect rainwater.

  Hey, if it is the Pacific Ocean near the equator, it will be fine. It will be cool after it rains. What is like now, the water is like poison, and if it encounters it, it will be continuous damage.

  Fangshen froze like that when he first came out. Now it has been three days, can he resist when his state has declined?

  Some fans expressed concern, but most of them still have full confidence in Bi Fang. The storm is over and it will be better next.

   [By the way, no one thinks Lao Fang’s clothes are so awesome? The waterproof effect is so good? 】

  [It’s a big brand at a glance,]

  [Not sure, but a good jacket is at least tens of thousands. It has all the functions it should have, not to mention waterproof, I heard that some fire-baked are fine…]

  [Fangshen’s equipment has always been very good, and he can be a big boss, rich and lewd]

  [It’s over, what if I don’t have money]

  【I admire my admiration, really make money with my ability, isn’t this better than those traffic niches? Lao Fang can beat ten one at a time! 】

  【Ten? Be low-key, a guy who screams if he breaks his skin, don’t blow up or black, let’s have a hundred. 】

  The topic direction of the barrage is always easy to deviate under the control of the water friends, and soon it has started to talk about what to eat at night.

Bi Fang, who raised his hands high, couldn’t hold on anymore. He was exhausted by grabbing the life raft and struggling in the wind and waves. This would make his arms weak when he held his hands.

No way, Bi Fang softened his hands and put most of his jacket on the life raft to relieve the fatigue of his arms, but he kept watching the waves around him to avoid pollution of the fresh water. This is his next life. There is no room for loss.

  Finally, after collecting for nearly half an hour, Bi Fang filled his clothes with water, and he quickly tied the bottom of his clothes with a bath towel. The reason for using extra clothes for wrapping is also to increase the volume of the jacket itself. If the hem of the jacket is used for wrapping, the accommodation space will be much smaller.

  After finishing all this, Bi Fang hurriedly re-supported the tent, and then drained all the sea and rainwater from the raft. The rest was wiped dry with clothes and wrung out. Then Bi Fang curled up into the life raft.


   Putting the water bag aside, Bi Fang’s whole body was trembling, his face was pale and bloodless, he kept breathing in heat, trying to warm his stiff hands.

  The waves are no longer big, and Bi Fang no longer needs to worry about capsizing without his control, but the loss of temperature almost makes him pause to think.

  【I rely on it, it’s cold looking at it】

  [That is, Fangshen has a strong physique, so I froze to death early in my exchange]

  【Speaking of which, why doesn’t Lao Fang shrink in the tent and just take out his jacket to catch the water, just let his hands be colder? 】

   [No, haven’t you heard that we should prevent the waves from polluting the fresh water? How do you stay in your tent to see if the waves are coming? If it gets polluted, all your previous efforts will be lost, and as long as you open the zipper, the boat will definitely enter the water. 】

   “That’s right.”

  Bi Fang, who saw the barrage, nodded tremblingly. If he supported the tent to catch the water, on the one hand, there would be blind areas of vision, and the direction of the waves would not be visible, and the fresh water would be easily contaminated by sea water.

  On the other hand, although the wind was a bit weaker, it was still very strong. If the zipper is opened and the tent is not fully pressed down, the entire tent may be blown away directly by the wind, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

   “But everything is worth it. For at least the next ten days, I don’t have to worry about Danshui.”

  Bi Fang was curled up in the corner, rubbing his skin with his hands, trying to rewarm.

“The sea state should have reached Level 4 now, which is stronger than when I first arrived. At this time, the sea waves still have obvious shapes. Many crests are broken, white waves appear everywhere, appear in groups, and occasionally droplets, so I You can’t do big moves yet, it’s still more dangerous.”

  The audience was still a little shocked when they heard it. What do you mean?

  The danger has not been eliminated?

“No, it has been lifted.” Bi Fang shook his head. “The danger is only there, but it is not high. Under Grade 4 sea conditions, the average fishing vessel has obvious turbulence and needs part of the reefing. It is not necessary to release the sail completely. Without making big moves, the danger is already far away from us.”

  Subsequently, Bi Fang briefly introduced the division of sea conditions.

  Sea state level is based on what the naked eye can see on the sea surface. Levels 1-9 are called no wave, micro wave, small wave, medium wave, big wave, huge wave, wild wave, wild wave, and angry wave.

   Waves with a height of more than 20 meters are considered storms, and because they are rare, they have not become an official level.

  Generally, only at level 5 and above does it pose a greater threat to ships. The previous storm in Bi Fang even reached level 6. That kind of situation is the most dangerous, especially for life rafts.

  After listening to Fang’s description, the audience was even more excited. Fuck, awesome, and the six-level sea state fishing boats were afraid to leave the port. The Lao Fang could live through it safely, as he deserves to be Fangshen!

  Mulunga has to admit that Bi Fang’s courage, whether he deserves to be famous is one thing, but it is indeed not a imaginary man, after all, the camera cannot be faked, this is not a fake hunt, but the most real storm confrontation.

  In the live broadcast room, there was another burst of barrage and gifts. Most of them were bones and meatballs, and there was a message saying that he would boil soup to warm up his body.

  Of course, Bi Fang readily accepted it. Seeing the screen full of gifts, he suddenly felt that his body was not so cold.

Even Jarrett of the program group received the news from the channel. The leader on the phone praised Jarrett’s arrangement. The viewership rate of Discovery Channel rose once, reaching 3.2%, which is already all the Discovery Channel’s programs this year. The highest ratings since its release.

Don’t look at 3.2%, it doesn’t seem to be high. Ten years ago, the ratings were not even more than a dozen, but today’s is different. Today, even if it’s just over 3%, the channel leader has to confess the director. In daily life, people with lower positions can’t get close.

Seeing this great achievement, the leader quickly called and asked Jerry Tenu to work hard to stabilize the high level of ratings. Now the economy is generally sluggish, and there are fewer and fewer people who like to watch TV. It is a rare opportunity to seize the opportunity. Be sure to take it well and promise to come back and give them a salary increase.

  Faced with this call, the staff of the program group was naturally doesn’t like white money?

  And participating in the production of such a program, it will be an excellent qualification to go out in the future. No one dares to despise you, so there is no need to worry about changing jobs.

Faced with such a situation, even Jarrett can’t be calm. Although he is the number one director of Discovery Channel, TV production is generally in a slump. He hasn’t achieved any results for a long time. He can produce 3.2% of a file, and there is even hope. Programs that hit 4% of the ratings are naturally worth celebrating.

  And all of this, both Jarrett and Pondy knew very well in their hearts that Bi Fang made great contributions to bringing the concept of survival in the wild to the public, which made people realize.

  Oh, survival in the wilderness is so exciting, can you still play like this?

Putting it in Huaxia is like the great master of the founding school. It is definitely worthy of the admiration of the latecomers for a lifetime. Even if it is carved a wooden statue for sacrifice, ahem, this is a bit exaggerated, but it will not be possible to make a figure and put it on a desk. feel strange.

Frogs cannot empty their stomachs by vomiting. To empty the stomach, the frog needs to spit out its stomach. When the frog’s stomach comes out of the mouth, the frog will use the forearm to dig out everything in the stomach, and then Swallow it in the stomach.



  (End of this chapter)

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