Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 154

Chapter 154 The True Supervisor of the Foundation!

“In fact, it is understandable. After all, it is an organization that has existed for a long time and can even influence humans to a certain extent. It is normal to have a dark side!”

“It can only be said that there is something wrong with the Foundation’s O5 Council’s brain. An army that deals with dark affairs must be restricted!”.

“Indeed! It can only be said that they were too confident in their control over their subordinates! This eventually led to the birth of the Chaos Insurgency.”

“Sometimes people just can’t be that confident in themselves!”

“By the way, isn’t the O5 Council the highest level of the Foundation? It’s also where the most powerful people in the Foundation are?”

“Of course! And I estimate that Boss Lu Mo is 100% a member of the O5 Council!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were also very moved after hearing about the relationship between the Foundation and the Chaos Insurgency.

This cannot be said to be the fault of the top management of the Foundation.

After all, it is a long-standing tradition, and its technological strength has already crushed humans.

And, the purpose of the foundation is to protect human

In all this situation

Some dark things must be dealt with by someone.

Just like the humans involved in the containment

For example, the zombies resurrected by the plague doctor

The best way to deal with this kind of thing is of course to kill these guys completely

But as an organization that protects humanity, the Foundation

They can’t kill these people openly.

This is the role of the original splitter

But it might be because of these reasons that they betrayed the Foundation in the end.

After all, I have seen too many unknown things about the Foundation.

I also understand that the Foundation is not as simple an organization as it appears on the surface.

But for people now

All actions of the Foundation are acceptable

After all, no foundation has bad things to say.

Maybe there really would be no human beings as we know them today!

I don’t know if it had been destroyed by some world-destroying containment device!

Just the collections that”173″ knows about now, there are too many that can easily destroy humanity.

From a big picture perspective, everyone can pretend to be unaware of some of the Foundation’s operations!

Anyway, the Foundation won’t commit suicide and destroy all of humanity.

If Lu Mo knew what the fans and leaders of various countries were thinking at this time

I guess I’ll die of laughter.

After all, the original foundation had committed suicide many times.

Without SCP-2000 as a backup and the containment objects that can restore everything,

Humanity has no idea how many times it will be destroyed.

If the Foundation doesn’t commit suicide, it won’t be the Foundation! certainly!

Now it is more important to complete the popularization of Chaos Insurgency

These are all popular science points!

The status of the Supreme God is getting higher and higher, Lu Mo must quickly improve his strength

The easiest way is to directly turn the King of Summer Abel into the Twin Sacred Trees Abel.

Or just let 682 become the ancestor of dragons!

“The Chaos Insurgency today bears some resemblance to the organization that created it. The Chaos Insurgency’s mysterious Delta Command is responsible for issuing orders.”

“Gamma-level researchers and military commanders monitor Delta Command’s execution of orders.”

“Beta personnel, while not at the Gamma level of command, are able to carry out the work of the Insurgency in this area.”

“Alpha-level personnel are recruited with almost no knowledge of anomalies, and accept this job only because life in the outside world is miserable.”

“They are like handymen: numerous and expendable”

“The Insurgency is divided into two divisions: Military and R&D”

“The individual units in both sectors work independently, unaware of the exact actions and goals of the other units.”

“New recruits listen to their superiors’ instructions and will follow them without question, not knowing that their every move is part of a larger plan orchestrated by Delta Command.”

“They are told that they are in a great revolt against a world of anarchy, in which”consensus reality” itself is a dream, the greatest lie in history perpetrated by the Foundation.”

“They were told that they would use the anomaly to build a utopian future where humans would control everything, not just mirages.”

“But at the end of the day, who knows what the Chaos Insurgency actually wants?”

When Lu Mo finished speaking

Almost everyone has a worse attitude towards the Chaos Insurgency

It seems that the Chaos Insurgency treats humans as mere consumables.

I don’t care whether the other person is a human being, has a family, or is an intelligent individual.

All the experiments of the Foundation do need people to do them.

But the problem is that the foundation itself uses death row prisoners who have committed unforgivable crimes.

It just prolongs the death of the death row inmates.

Moreover, many of the storage objects would be filled if human lives were not lost.

The final result is horrible.

But you Chaos Insurgency members are only doing this for your own ends!

Although the foundation does not know their purpose

But just looking at their behavior, you can tell that this purpose is definitely not a good thing!

It is not clear whether the Chaos Insurgency has a manifesto.

If you have a declaration

I can almost understand what this organization is trying to do!

“Brothers, to be honest, if there were no Foundation and only organizations like the Chaos Insurgency, there probably wouldn’t be any country!”

“Indeed! The Foundation directly suppressed these organizations and made them dare not show their heads. We have a good life, and the Foundation has helped us to bear too much pressure!”

“So���This also explains why there are so many missing people in the world every year!”

“I can only say that humans are undoubtedly the race with the most serious internal strife, and these organizations can prove it!”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room had an angry look on their faces.

Now they finally know where so many people who disappeared for no apparent reason went.

This group of people did all this!

How abominable!

At this time, Lu Mo also began to talk about the Chaos Insurgency’s declaration


Since the beginning of human civilization,

There has never been a cessation of fighting, war, and revenge,

Even when humans were beasts

Humans claim to be the pinnacle of reason and wisdom.

But they are dominated by emotions all the time.

For the sake of desire, plundering others’ everything

Behold, they are like zombies and wild beasts,

Desire to pull others down from high positions,

The desire to tear apart what others have and take it for yourself,

Then, torn apart like everyone else

Kindness, relief, justice, human rights,

These are all whitewashed by the ruling class because they are afraid of the weak rising up in rebellion.

It really helps people get higher status and treatment.

There has always been only naked survival of the fittest

Knowledge, status, money, civilization,

These are all weapons that people use to arm themselves in order to gain more benefits.

All of this is to ensure their own survival and reproduction.

Everything else is a sacrifice worth nothing.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Are we going to watch humanity continue to oppress each other endlessly?

Are we going to watch humans squander the resources they have?

Are we going to watch humans continue their arrogance and sin?

Take up your weapons,

Smash everything human.

Let them fear,

Because we are the ones who put an end to them

For all the good in this world,

To end this endless cycle,

We are the Chaos Insurgency.

The war never ends】

When everyone heard the Chaos Insurgency’s declaration

Basically, just an idea

That is, the Chaos Insurgency must be completely destroyed!

Do you see what they are saying?

Smash everything human!

Is this what you, as a human being, should say?

These guys just went crazy dealing with some bad things in the Foundation

Without humans, you Chaos Insurgency face containment

There is only one way to go!

In terms of understanding of the objects in containment, the Foundation is the best.

And Lu Mo has not yet said what the Chaos Insurgency believes in.

Need to know

All previous organizations had a supreme deity to some extent.

The Foundation humans even saw Lu Mo who was able to fight against the Supreme God.

What do you Chaos Insurgency have?

The current situation of mankind, without the protection of the Supreme God, is basically doomed.

Like pattern screamers, venomous snakes, etc.

Don’t be too simple to destroy humanity!

“I really don’t understand what these people are thinking. What good will it do for them if humans die?”

“Do you expect to reason with a bunch of lunatics?”

“Indeed! Now it seems that among all the organizations, the Chaos Insurgency is the only one that is a bunch of lunatics. Even if the others are hostile to humans, they are only trying to win over the hostility of faith, and have never said they want to destroy humanity!”

“We will never know how much effort the Foundation has put in places we can’t see!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were also very moved by these contents.

I can only say that normal people can’t understand the thoughts of crazy people at all.

At this time, Mr. Li also received instructions from the top leaders of Longguo.

“Mr. Lu, we have decided to cooperate with you in the future to fight against the Chaos Insurgency together!”

Hearing what Mr. Li said

Lu Mo smiled

Chaos Insurgency?

There can’t be Chaos Insurgency in this world.

The Foundation should have teleported all the objects in its possession.

But these organizations should not have come.

There is no evidence that the Chaos Insurgency has the ability to travel through parallel worlds.

So don’t worry about this.

“Mr. Li, don’t worry, the Chaos Insurgency won’t cause any trouble.”

After hearing what Lu Mo said, Mr. Li also confirmed his previous idea.

The Foundation must have a supreme deity.

And there is more than one!

Lu Mo is definitely one of them

The Chaos Insurgency does not have a supreme deity.

Otherwise, Lu Mo wouldn’t have shown such a look of disdain for the Chaos Insurgency.

Now he wants to know how many supreme deities the Foundation has.

The number and capabilities of the Foundation’s Supreme Gods are roughly equivalent to how long humans can grow safely now.

If the Supreme Deity of the Foundation is powerful, humans shouldn’t have to worry about destruction before returning to ancient human civilization!

“Mr. Lu, is the Foundation’s O5 Council the Supreme Deity of the Foundation?”

“How many of them are there?”

Mr. Li thought about it and finally asked………..

If Lu Mo didn’t want to say it, he would definitely shut up.

But this is about too many people’s lives.

Even if you know it’s wrong, you still have to ask.

After hearing what Li said, leaders from other countries

I suddenly became nervous!

Everyone now understands

In the final analysis, the war between civilizations is equivalent to the battle between supreme divinities.

Only with the protection of the Supreme Deity, it would be difficult for human civilization to be destroyed!

Lu Mo smiled at this.

“The O5 Council is a body of 13 people who hold the highest authority over the Foundation.”

“These 13 O5 councillors have supreme power.”

“They will not and cannot come into contact with any anomalous entities”

“Every O5 member knows almost everything about the Foundation and all of its activities.”

“All of them combined hold every secret of the Foundation.”

“All O5 members were originally human, and I’m afraid they changed later.”

“A small number of O5 council members may have anomalous abilities or traits”

“But these O5 Council members are not reality benders, most of them are just ordinary humans… just humans who have the right to use the sacred water of life.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned

According to their ideas

These organizations should be headed by the strongest people.

For example, the founder of the Church of the Broken God is the Supreme Godhead.

The same is true of the founder of Sarkicism

And the following four people with greater power are also divine.

Results Foundation here

The thirteen council members are all human beings.……

It was only later that he had some abilities beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

But they are also in a minority

The others are pure humans who have the ability to use the sacred water of life.……

I guess it is because of this that all foundations can maintain the pure concept of striving for the continuation of humanity. but……

What is the Holy Water of Life?

“Therefore, the Foundation is a unique entity among all abnormal organizations!”

“That’s right! The Council members are either normal humans or reality benders. There are no other races!”

“If any other species or entities join in, the Foundation will become like Sarkicism or the Fifth Church!”

“Am I the only one who is curious about the Water of Life?”

“Just think about the concepts in online novels and you will understand the use of that thing!”

The expressions on the faces of all the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were surprised.

I really didn’t expect it to be like this.

The top leaders of other countries became more active after hearing this.

Especially big countries

The power that he controls should be something that the Foundation cannot ignore.

If you use a country’s territory and property in exchange

Is it possible to become a member of parliament?

Just listen to Lu Mo’s introduction

You can imagine how powerful the Foundation’s O5 Council is.

Mr. Li and the senior officials of Longguo did not have these ideas.

They prefer to work with foundations

After all, the ideologies are more or less different.

What they want to know now is the existence of the Supreme God 4.2

What would the Supreme Godhead of the Foundation look like?

And Lu Mo also spoke directly

“The Foundation also has a platform for the Supreme God”

“First of all, the real supervisor of the Foundation”

“The Supreme Godhead——TheAdministrator】!”

“Existing as a transcendental abstract concept, it is the key to the endless cycle of the Foundation and the Insurgency. Understanding it is to understand the nature of anomalies, the nature of the Foundation, and the nature of SCP-001.”

“The Spear of the Faithless, the Broken God, the Twins of God, Aaron Siegel, the Viper, and even Calvin Desmet are just pawns chosen by the Administrator to manipulate fate.”

“”The role of the Administrator within the SCP Foundation is often ambiguous.”

“If reports are to be believed, each Administrator possesses certain anomalous traits that appear to be intrinsic to the position, including partial immunity to reality alterations and extremely slow aging.”

“The relationship between the Administrator position and O5 Command remains unclear”

“The Administrator may be a position similar to that of an O5 Council member, or may have greater or lesser authority depending on the circumstances or at a particular time.”

“Therefore, administrators usually appear as some kind of variable, a relatively calm variable.”

“There appear to have been multiple Administrators throughout the Foundation’s history.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned!

Say so……

There may be more than one person in the foundation’s administrative position.

And these people are all supreme deities?

How many unknown entities are there behind the Foundation?

Although the ability of the administrator is not as outrageous as the previous ones,

But we can’t beat their numbers! besides!

The collection objects mentioned when introducing the administrator……

I guess they are all products of the Supreme Divinity!

It turns out that they are just pawns?.

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