Little Mermaid Dressed As a Scientist

Chapter 7

Chapter 6:

Shen An’an not only washed her head, but also braided her long seaweed-like hair so that she could move easily. If it wasn’t for being too ostentatious tonight, she even wanted to put a few pearls in her braid from her own tears.

Both the oarfish and the old turtle are typical straight men’s aesthetics, and they can’t appreciate the significance of her tossing about it. After all, they are going to steal things.

Shen Anan is here: “You don’t understand. The most important one of the thirty-six strategies is the beauty strategy. If I don’t dress up a little bit better, if we are caught by those human scientists later, how can they treat me? What about Lianxiangxiyu?”

The oarfish and the old turtle: “…” Okay, you’re pretty, you’re the one who decides.

Although it was more than an hour later than the expected time, when the familiar singing sounded at sea, Zhou Suiyu, who was waiting on the island, and Xu Qingshu, who was waiting on the boat, breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the two of them got up and went to the beach as they had agreed before, while the other drove the boat slowly towards the direction where the mermaid song came from.

Shen Anan only hummed half a song, and saw Zhou Suiyu’s figure from a distance.

So she immediately jumped on the back of the old turtle, then dived into the sea and quickly approached the island. The oarfish pretended to be Shen An’an and continued to lie on the reef. Even afraid that Zhou Suiyu would not be able to find it, he patted the water with his tail to make a lot of noise.

Zhou Suiyu did not see the figure on the reef at first, but when he heard the movement and looked over, his heart beat subconsciously.

In fact, it was impossible to see in the night whether the person lying on the reef was a mermaid, but even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance, Zhou Suiyu didn’t want to let it go.

While staring nervously at the mermaid on the reef for fear of it running away, he secretly prayed that Xu Qingshu would come soon. I don’t know if Xu Qingshu heard his inner call, but in the night, a small boat was slowly approaching the reef.

In fact, as early as the moment the boat came over, the oarfish noticed it. After all, marine life has always been more sensitive to these sounds. But in order to buy more time for Shen An’an, he continued to lie on the reef as if nothing happened.

Shen An’an on the island is now sitting firmly on the back of the old turtle, approaching the island kitchen that she has been thinking about day and night.

I have to say that the old turtle is a natural mount. It runs fast and steady, and has good ears and eyes. If there is a slight movement on the road, it will stop and observe for a while.

So the two of them arrived at the kitchen without a hitch.

On the counter in the kitchen, there is a plate of braised pork, a plate of fish head with chopped peppers, and a vegetarian eggplant. Shen An’an, who is not fond of meat, immediately bypassed the vegetarian eggplant and went straight to the braised pork and chopped vegetables. Pepper Fish Head.

From the looks of it, both dishes are superb.

But because Shen An’an and the others stayed at the bottom of the sea for too long, the two dishes had already cooled down completely by now.

If it wasn’t for fear that rashly opening fire would scare the old turtle and recruit the scientist on the island back, what Shen Anan wanted to do most now was to use the gas stove in the kitchen to heat these two dishes.

Alas, I miss the taste of hot meals so much.

While thinking about it, Shen Anan squeezed a piece of braised pork and stuffed it into his mouth with disgust. After eating, he fed the old turtle a piece, and then threw the rest of the braised pork into the bag.

I don’t want the fish head with chopped pepper, because the fish head that cools off is too fishy.

She is a mermaid with pursuit.

When the old turtle saw that she was ready, he immediately asked, “Are you going?”

Shen An’an: “I’ve come here, let’s see if there is anything else worth taking away.”

Shen Anan quickly roamed the kitchen, and finally got a box of matches, a fruit knife, and a few small potatoes—she planned to try some baked potatoes when she had a chance.

After doing all this, Shen An’an picked up an onion from the corner and started peeling it.

The old turtle looked at her with black lines all over his head: “…what are you doing?”

Shen Anan explained patiently: “I am a very principled mermaid, and eating for nothing is not in line with my style. I used to sing for food before, but today I didn’t sing enough, and I took more things. I cried. Come out with some pearls to make up for them…”

The old turtle was speechless: “Are you afraid that they won’t know that you stole it, and you deliberately left some evidence for them?”

Shen Anan looked at him with red eyes: “Who stipulated that only mermaids can produce pearls, so can deep-sea clam shells!”


All right, you’ll be happy!

Xu Qingshu drove the boat slowly towards the reef, then stopped the boat at a distance of about 10 meters from the reef, and began to take out the camera to adjust the focus.

When tuning, his hands trembled slightly with excitement, this is a mermaid, a mermaid! !

A photo taken at random is a very precious image data, enough to make all oceanographers go crazy. At that time, his name Xu Qingshu will be bound to this mermaid. As long as the mermaid is mentioned, it will be Will think of him… Damn, what the **** is this?

Xu Qingshu felt that he must have been dazzled just now, because the moment he was in focus, he seemed to see a familiar figure in the camera.

At this moment, he didn’t even care about taking pictures, he threw the camera in his hand and restarted the boat, and then quickly leaned over.

The closer you see, the clearer you can see, and the clearer you see, the more angry you tremble. What kind of mermaid is this? This is the **** oarfish that knocked him out of the boat into the sea with a tail when he drove the boat out to sea last time.

Seeing that the oarfish couldn’t hide it, he simply didn’t lie on the reef and pretended to be dead. Instead, he looked up at Xu Qingshu provocatively, with a look of “I just like you who can’t stand me and can’t kill me”.

Xu Qingshu: “…”

Zhou Suiyu was anxiously waiting for Xu Qingshu’s triumph on the beach, but when Xu Qingshu came back, he came back, but his face was ashen. And without waiting for him to ask, he angrily complained: “I’m so sure I won’t believe you until my brain is flooded, and I’m a mermaid who can sing, go and see for yourself what is lying on the reef. Is it a mermaid? Ah? It’s so obviously a oarfish, or the one that almost took off Lao Tzu’s arm last time… Hey, Zhou Suiyu, where are you going before I finish talking? Fuck… ”

Zhou Suiyu turned a deaf ear and continued to run towards the kitchen.

After all, he has dealt with Shen An’an more than Xu Qingshu for a while, so his understanding of Shen An’an is a little deeper than Xu Qingshu’s. As soon as Xu Qingshu said that the mermaid lying on the reef was not a mermaid, he immediately realized that the cunning mermaid might have changed tactics this time.

In fact, he is not sure whether the mermaid will go to the island tonight, but if she does go to the island, there is only one place on the island that can attract the greedy little mermaid…

So he dashed towards the kitchen on the island without a second thought.

Facts have proved that the power of onions is very huge.

In the end, Shen An’an cried out a dozen pearls, the largest one being about the size of a human thumb.

She picked out the largest pearl and placed it next to the plain eggplant pot, and put away the remaining ones. Then she sat on the old turtle and said decisively, “Withdraw!”

This is what the old turtle was waiting for. Hearing this, he immediately carried her to the kitchen door. As a result, the man, the fish and the turtle had just descended the steps of the kitchen door when he saw a figure rushing towards him from a distance.

The old turtle suddenly panicked when he saw the human, and subconsciously wanted to hide in the kitchen again.

How can you hide at this time? You must know that whether it is her or the old turtle, staying on the shore for too long will be life-threatening…

So Shen Anan panicked and slapped the old turtle’s shell hard, and said loudly, “What are you hiding, run—”

Zhou Suiyu also saw something at the door of his kitchen from a distance, but before he could see clearly, the thing ran along another small fork in the direction of the beach, and disappeared behind the kitchen in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Suiyu chased after him without thinking.

Shen Anan lived to be 22 years old in the original world, and then inexplicably wore a book.

In the original world, although there were a few boys who had expressed their affection to her openly and secretly, there was really no one who pursued her with such genuine affection, but now… Shen Anan looked back and chased after her and the old turtle. The reluctant Zhou Suiyu couldn’t help but sighed faintly: “Didn’t they all say that scientists sit in the office every day, because of lack of exercise, they can’t carry their shoulders or lift their hands, and their bodies are in a sub-healthy state? Why is this handsome guy? Physically so strong?”

Could it be because he is the male protagonist in the original novel?

It sounds like that’s a possibility.

After all, male protagonists have their own aura of male protagonists. This scientist is not only good at cooking, but also has good physical strength. The most important thing is that Shen Anan can see clearly with his good eyesight, and the scientist who is chasing her and the old turtle is in front of him. Regardless of height or appearance, it seems to be much stronger than the scientist who was stunned by the oarfish, and it seems that it really fits the male protagonist.

As soon as these thoughts of some emptiness appeared in Shen An’an’s mind, she shook her head and threw them out – Shen An’an, escape is the most important thing, think less about some of the unavoidable! !

The old turtle ran as fast as he could in his life, and finally, victory was at hand.

Seeing that as long as you successfully run across this beach, you can successfully return to the sea, but the scientist is about to catch up.

Shen An’an hesitated for a few seconds, and reluctantly took out the potatoes he had worked so hard to steal from his bag, as well as the few pearls, and sprinkled them in the direction Zhou Suiyu ran over.

Zhou Suiyu just saw what kind of magical species he was chasing a second before, and the next second, he stepped on something and fell heavily on the beach.

At the same time, two “thumps” sounded in his ears at the same time – that was the sound of the old turtle and Shen An’an successfully entering the sea.

Zhou Suiyu lay down on the beach for a long time, and when he saw that it was a big potato that slipped and fell, there was only one thought left in his mind – what a ferocious mermaid!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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