Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 33

Rias then took a literal map of my new place and along with the map, she also gave me a key. "Thats the key to the front door but the uhh... The estate is rather large, so I thought giving you a map instead of hopelessly trying to show you around a mansion even I didn't know would be better hehe." Rias said cutely and even stuck her tongue out at me.

I just chuckled at Rias's act and carefully took the key from her before tucking it into my pocket. "Well thank you for the house, Rias. Really thank you." I said as I took Rias's hand making her smile at my affectionate gesture as my fingers intertwined with her own. "Well let's head to the... Game room?" I spoke with my head turning to the side a I saw on the map right across the hall from my personal master bedroom was a larger room labeled 'Game Room.'

"Oooh yes! I had the game room stocked with all the games, manga, books, and major movies from around the world that I could get my hands on." Rias said excitedly as she pulled me along towards the game room.

"Well, this is certainly nice," I spoke nodding as I took in the room with large floor-to-ceiling windows that were letting in the sunlight on one side of the room with large mechanical blackout drapes that with a remote-control button would pull across the room to block out all sunlight as Rias showed me.

"There so what do you want to do? We could watch a movie or something?" Rias offered and after a moment of thought I just mentally said screw it and pulled Rias to sit in beside me as I we shared a sofa cushion.

"Let's just talk for a minute... I want to just relax with you for a bit as we hadn't really had much time to just talk since that little talk, we had at your resort house a few days ago." I said softly as I held onto Rias's hands.

Rias's light blush she had at me holding her hands faded a bit but the smile she was wearing only deepened as I could feel through her body the pure joy, she had that I was just making time for her without needing something to distract or justify spending the time with her.

For a moment I considered telling Rias about how Sirzechs and his wife Grayfia had shown up in my very bedroom during the training trip we went on but then I realized it would just bring drama between Rias and her brother and I would gain nothing from saying anything.

"Anyway, so how is your family taking your marriage being canceled? I never really got to meet your parents." I asked as I was curious about how Rias's parents felt about me just upending their marriage plans for their daughter as apparently only Venelana Rias's mom had come to the Rating Game and didn't want to ruin our little celebration at winning our first rating game, so we never met her.

"Ah my mother is supportive of me making my own way, but my father is well..." Rias drew off as she shook her head with her crimson hair being thrown in the air which honestly distracted me with how beautiful it was. "He is not happy that his plan to bring the Phenex Clan closer to the moderate Devil faction which my brother and father leads was blasted into pieces as the Phenex clan has retreated towards the Devil King Faction just to spite us," Rias said shrugging weakly, but I snorted.

"Yeah, well if they become an issue..." I raised a hand up and the golden flames of the Phenex family danced across my hand. "I can make an entire orphanage into a new Phenex clan and if the orphanage is within Gremory territory and if you decided to hire a dozen orphans with no life prospects to make you dozens of times more Phenex tears in a month then what the actual Phenex clan can make in a decade... Well, that would be most fortunate for the moderate faction, wouldn't it?" I asked with an evil smile as I imagine that uppity Phenex Patriarch coming to throw a fit and get stomped down by either Sirzechs for the pure potential having a much greater supply of Phenex Tears would bring the Devil race, or I just smacking him down for entering my territory...

Hell, why make a bunch of orphans into Phenexes that could run off or get captured? "Rias can you get me some cows or something... I am going to make a line of cows that can be milked into giving Phenex Tears." I said grinning as Rias's mouth flapped open and closed as she mentally blue-screened at the thought of a 'Noble' Devil bloodline trait given to a simple cow and farmed.

"Uhm... Yeah of course I can get cows. But do you think this is a good idea, Jake?" Rias asked me with concern and for a moment I realized that having the cows would, to say the least, put a 'Massive' target on my back...

"Actually, can you ask your brother or his wife to come with the cows and some other animals? I don't think us keeping the cows here would be a good idea. Plus giving your brother such a gift will be a good introduction from me to your family wouldn't you say." I said squeezing Rias's hand that was within my own and flooding her mind with some happy juices.

"I... Yes, that would make Big Brother very happy." Rias muttered before she took a deep breath. "Jake thank you for coming into my life," Rias said softly as she let go of my hand and then cupped my chin and drew closer to me.

"Thank you for thinking of me and my family." She whispered just before our lips met together in a soft kiss that lasted several seconds before I held onto her waist and the heat of my hand seemingly woke her back up from the kiss, I was giving her while also making her tastebuds think my saliva was the greatest thing ever.

"Hmm, I do like you, Jake." Rias started off and teased me but then she winked as she whipped out her larger blocky cell phone that could reach between dimensions and obviously began texting her brother or sister-in-law.

"Alright, I sent a message to my brother that at his earliest convenience, he needs to bring you some cows and some other animals so that you can give him a great gift that he absolutely has to see," Rias said shamelessly as she snuggled up next to me and under my arm as though her little line about liking me and drawing off wasn't going to bug me.

Not even ten seconds later after we began silently cuddling, I heard Rias's phone pinging, and her face scrunched up as she muttered something about Sirzechs skiving off work.

"He asked how many cows you want?" Rias said dryly.

I realize now that I need to be careful as I don't want to give myself hours of work...

"Uh let's just say a dozen for now," I said as I mentally mapped out the process in which I could anchor the Phenex bloodline's healing ocular fluids into the cow's equivalent of Alveoli cells so the new Phenex Cows will have much thinner milk with much of the fat and other nutrients being substituted with the magical healing fluids of the Phenex clan's ocular fluids.

"He is on his way and will be here with a zoo's worth of animals in less than five minutes... I think he is literally stealing the Lilith City Zoo along with raiding a ranch for the cows ahaha." Rias said weakly as her laughter came out almost like crying and I could imagine why.

Just imagine you are some kid and you went to the Zoo for the day but then the leader of your country literally just flew in and stole all the animals in the course of a couple minutes and left without a single word... That would be traumatizing for any kid.



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