Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 13

Yeah, it turns out that as I was carrying Saji's body outside it was fairly... Apparent that his body was missing his head and it was only confirmed later on with Koneko that now with Sona having some more time to do testing and the fact that his siblings never showed up. Yeah, whichever Fallen offed Saji was much more thorough than Raynare, and rather than bothering to mind control the city into forgetting they existed like Raynare did, they simply offed his two siblings, destroying his bloodline.

Shows the casual cruelty that was with this world and how just not having activated mana within you as a civilian, leaves you suspectable to even the weakest of characters, blanket city-wide mind control spells.

Finally, after burying Saji's remains with Koneko's help, I couldn't help but sit down on one of the neighboring benches and wonder if I was doing the right thing in messing with canon so much. I mean just my existence had somehow derailed canon to the point that Sona never approached Saji to reincarnate him. What was next, Riser trading his evil pieces/harem girls in order to actually have a decent peerage in order to beat Rias's peerage should he learn his very unwilling fiancée has a Longinus wielder?

"You look constipated... What's up?" Koneko asked me bluntly as she also sat down beside me.

"What the... Koneko we literally just fucking buried the decapitated corpse of one of our classmates!" I almost snarled as the petite white-haired girl only gave me a look of almost pity before she sighed.

"Jake, the supernatural world is synonymous with cruelty. Normally in the mundane world, wars are fought till one side says's uncle, but here in the world of monsters and gods." At this, her golden-slitted eyes stared at me firmly as she grabbed my knee. "The only laws of the supernatural is that of strength and value. Without strength, you have no voice. Without any value, you are worthless, and you will be abandoned by the world." She said softly as she looked away from me and stared at the little cross, I rigged up for Saji's grave.

"You are lucky to have been born with both of those values Jake. You have the strength to be heard and not silenced, and even more importantly with your ability to heal, you have great value beyond even you're fighting capabilities." Koneko droned on before she squeezed my knee. "Come on... I uh have some snacks we can share at the clubroom."

Hearing the weak and most certainly grudging offer I sighed as I stood up from the bench, honestly not really feeling all to comforted by Koneko's little pep talk, but I can't afford to mope around and merely bury my face into Monet's tits as I hide in my apartment. I needed to take this world by the balls, so I didn't become just another Saji.

"You guys need to teach me how to teleport," I muttered as Koneko created a teleportation sigil beneath us, that took us back to the clubhouse.

As Koneko's little teleport took us across town the first thing I saw as the crimson light from the teleportation faded away was Rias and Sona hunched over some documents while their respective queens stood off behind their kings along with Sona's full peerage standing behind Tsubaki her queen, whereas only Akeno of Rias's peerage was here now.

"Ah, you two are back... Is everything taken care of?" Rias asked and I nodded with Koneko giving a grunt as she face-planted into one on the thick couches lining the walls. "Good well in that case go relax for a bit while Sona and I speak for a while," Rias said gently before she turned back to Sona and continued her conversation about the documents she had gathered.

"With this holy maiden coming, should we do something even? I mean if we ignore her, then she will likely just get picked back up by the Grigori or even another faction." Rias agreed and I realized they must have gotten advanced warning about Asia Argento the sweetest girl of the universe coming here to Kuoh, but with Raynare's little group being dealt with, that will leave the Twilight Healer up in limbo.

Could we even recruit her? More like with my healing, should we even bother to recruit her?

"More Grigori agents being sent here will only bring danger... We need to at least warn our siblings about this, as it is blatantly stomping on the Three Factions, ceasefire agreement." Sona shot back and Rias couldn't deny that having the more aggressive enemies in the Fallen Angel's constantly poking around, would do her absolutely no good.

After all people had already died due to the Fallen and their exorcists targeting people in the brief week or two they had stayed in Kuoh.

Fallen Angels unlike their pure brethren can be even more extreme than the worst of devils because they exemplify the word bitter. They were in fact the most intact force in the Three Abrahamic Factions after the Great War as most of their highest ranking Fallen Brethren survived the Great War in comparison to all the Satan's/Lucifer and even God itself dying during the Great War.

While Rias and Sona were arguing whether they should meet the holy maiden and tell her to just leave Kuoh or even take more drastic measures I was sitting down beside Koneko's face down head as she took up the majority of the damned couch so with a huff I just lifted up her head and slid it up on my lap so I could actually sit on the couch.

"Don't take up the whole couch." I scolded her as I relaxed into the armrest and back of the couch and closed my eyes as I began to absently scratch the cat girl's head making her grumble about me being irritating. But she didn't stop me, nor did she complain past the token complaint at the start, like any cat would meow/groan at their human wanting to floof their pet.

"Hey Momo... I can almost see you with your head in his lap Hehe." I heard one of Sona's peers snicker and I realized that with Momo Hanakai and Koneko both having short white hair they could indeed be mixed up.

"Huh... Your right Tsubasa." I heard Momo say in acknowledgement with a joking light to her tone but then I heard Koneko grumble making my chest vibrate.

"Back off big titty copy, and no pictures!" Hearing Koneko's all but growl I finally opened my eyes and stopped with my petting to see that Momo had actually crossed over no man's land, moving over from Sona's side of the room and looked about ready to pounce on either of us after taking pictures with the flip phone she had out.

"Aww! But you two are so cute! Are you two together!" She questioned excitedly and Koneko looked up to me from her position in my lap and after a moment she huffed.

"Yeah no... He smells good and has good hands, but we don't have that type of relationship." Koneko spoke making me out to be some kind of fuck buddy or something as Momo's face twitched before she grinned.

"Oh? He has good hands huh? Mind if I take him off your hands then?" She offered teasingly much to Koneko's growl as my hands stopped scratching at her scalp and then she looked back to Sona who nodded at her questioning look. "Heya Jake, you should come to hang out in the student council meetings and get to know your neighbors better, we have great coffee, and uhm... Yeah, we got coffee and paperwork if you like?" She offered weakly with the Tsubaki sighing at the absolute garbage recruitment attempt.

Or that's what I thought her little offer for me to come hang out for was.

"Momo we have shared lunch a couple of times and let me be clear I have zero interest in spending my free time in the equivalent of drudging office work," I said softly so that Sona couldn't hear me as Rias began lambasting her fellow King for the not-so-subtle digging to see if she could recruit me.

Hearing my words, Momo herself nodded as she was more of a happy-go-lucky girl, so she leaned and whispered to me before leaving back to her peerage side of the room. "Yeah, I can't blame you. Just hit me up when you get your cell phone or something." With that, I went back to spoiling Koneko for the next few minutes until another Gremory teleportation circle etched itself into the middle of the room, and with a small flash of light, Kiba finally arrived so now Rias's 'full' peerage was assembled.

"President, I used some of my fire swords to burn down the church and the evidence of our battle as well as putting out the fires when I felt all the evidence was destroyed," Kiba announced giving his report to Rias who nodded and congratulated her knight for his hard work.

Kiba then being dismissed by Rias who was seemingly on the last few pages of documents with Sona, saw how the couch was being hogged by Koneko and partly me who was being almost squished into the side of the couch. "Actually Prez, I am going to go home and shower off the smell of smoke off myself." He said seeing how there wasn't really anywhere for him to sit.

"Koneko sit up!" Rias grumbled loudly but Koneko didn't give a damn as she literally rolled to the side so her back was facing Rias and her face was buried into my stomach as she ignored her king.

"Cats..." Rias grumbled rolling her eyes in amusement with Akeno giggling as Kiba helplessly shrugged with a wave to my wry form, he left the room probably to do just as he said and shower up.

Finally, another five or so minutes later the two kings came to a conclusion to their findings and made a plan of action to deal with Asia.

"We must show up to Asia Argento's arrival in Kuoh as a united force and make it plain that she isn't at all welcome here... Neither her nor the Grigori will be tolerated here, as their actions have led to nothing but trouble." Sona said with Rias finally agreeing and I once again had to wonder if I should try to keep canon close by somehow pulling the blond healer in Asia into Rias's peerage.

'You know what... Fuck it. This is my life and I want all this to go my way and I want a cinnamon bun in Asia in my life. "Rias, the notes said Asia was discommunicated from the church for supposedly healing a devil that landed in her church when she was a holy maiden or whatever." Seeing as I had the room's attention I continued. "If the Grigory want to push a healer that was already tricked into being kicked out of their faction by a devil into our hands, then it would be an insult to our devil pride if we don't even bother attempting to pull her to our side again."

Pulling at the whole 'seductive devil' angle did work as Rias frowned before she gave Sona a weak smile. "Well, Sona... A twilight healer would actually round out your peerage with how I have a healer in Jake." She reminded her equal who frowned before grunting and giving Rias an annoyed smile.

"Heh, first you snag a Longinus wielding that was dancing just outside of my palm, and then you 'offer' another healer that I will need to sway over all on my own... Bah fine, I still have a few pawn pieces even if a bishop would be better for her." Sona shrugged and then the least busty girl in the room besides Koneko stretched and stood up. "I will be meeting with this girl in the meantime then. Don't steal her away or I won't forgive you." Sona added making Ria's face twitch as the Sitri's peerage teleported away, probably to the Student Council room.

"I wasn't going to steal her away..." Rias grumbled pouting as she pushed up her breasts when she folded her arms under her chest with her grumping.

"Oh, my dear Rias, Sona is just worried you will seduce away the little church maiden before she can sink her claws into the girl." Akeno consoled her king making the redhead huff and give her queen a pat on her thigh as the buxom girl sat down on the edge of the desk then the two older girls looked across the room to see me and Koneko still together and I realized I needed to get to dealing with the Fallen we captured.



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