Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 75: Infiltration

Sorry for not updating, for a while but had some issues I had to resolve first.

The night sky hung heavy over the bustling city, the twinkling stars obscured by the harsh glare of artificial lights. In the heart of the urban jungle, a hotel building loomed imposingly, its sleek glass facade reflecting the chaotic neon glow of the surrounding billboards and street lamps.

Lilia stood across the street from the formidable building, her lithe form clad in a form-fitting stealth outfit. The dark material clung to her curves, accentuating her feminine silhouette while providing maximum mobility. Her silver hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, a few errant strands framing her delicate features.

In her hand, Lilia held a small vial containing a shimmering, translucent liquid—one of her precious few remaining invisibility potions. She stared at the unassuming container, a pensive frown tugging at the corners of her lips. The mission ahead required stealth and finesse, and the potion's cloaking properties would be invaluable in navigating the hotel's tight security.

Yet a part of her hesitated, remembering the dwindling supply of the potent elixir. Each vial was a precious resource, not to be squandered lightly. But she had made a promise to the Phantom Thieves, a commitment to help them retrieve the murderous dagger they sought to destroy.

The earpiece nestled discreetly in her ear crackled to life, Tristan's smooth voice, tinged with a hint of excitement, filtered through. "I'm in position, my dear. Eagerly awaiting your arrival."

Lilia couldn't help but roll her eyes at the thief's attitude, even in the midst of a high-stakes mission he didn't let go of his persona. She was about to respond when Aria's crisp, professional tone cut in.

"Focus. We've got a tight window here," Aria reminded them. "The trade is set to go down in two hours. If things go sideways, we'll have to intercept the dagger before the Chinese delegation takes off from the rooftop helipad."

Lilia nodded to herself, the gravity of the situation settling over her like a leaden cloak. Failure was not an option tonight. Steeling her nerves, she raised the vial to her lips.

"Going radio silent," Lilia murmured. "See you on the other side." With that, she tipped back the potion, the icy liquid sliding down her throat. Invisibility washed over her in a tingling wave, rendering her form utterly transparent.

Taking a deep breath, Lilia approached the hotel's side entrance, the door swinging open smoothly on well-oiled hinges. At least this time, she had the advantage of prior intel on the building's layout, including the location of her target.

But even with invisibility cloaking her every move, navigating the hotel's interior proved a daunting task. Security guards patrolled the corridors in regular sweeps, their eyes sharp and postures alert. Lilia had to time her movements carefully to avoid bumping into staff and guests, darting silently from corner to corner as to avoid detection.

The soft crackle of a guard's radio or the distant rumble of conversation from staff sent tendrils of tension down Lilia's spine. Each step felt magnified, each sound she made a risk that could unravel her presence. She thought about using her mana to reduce her any noise created by her, but even the tiniest spell could undo her invisibility.

At last, Lilia arrived outside the security room, the final hurdle standing between her and access to the hotel's network. Heart pounding, she surveyed her options. The door was securely locked, accessible only via keycard.

Lilia bit her lip, mind racing. She couldn't simply barge through the door. Even invisible, such a brazen move would certainly raise alarm. No, she needed a subtler approach.

As she pondered her next move, Lilia noticed a janitor approaching down the hall, pushing a cart laden with cleaning supplies. An idea sparked to life. Positioning herself carefully, Lilia waited until the janitor was just passing the security room door before reaching out and delivering a sharp knock.

The sound echoed like a gunshot in the quiet corridor. Lilia held her breath, praying her gambit would pay off. After a tense moment, she heard the scrape of a chair from inside, followed by approaching footsteps.

The door swung open, revealing a burly guard with a thick neck and suspicious eyes. He glared at the startled janitor, who had frozen in place at the sudden commotion.

"You think this is funny?" the guard growled, jabbing an accusing finger. "I ain't got time for your games!"

The poor janitor stammered, clearly taken aback. "I-I didn't knock, sir. I swear!"

The guard's scowl deepened, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. But after a long, tense moment, he seemed to decide let off janitor this time. With a grunt of annoyance, the guard retreated back into the security room, muttering under his breath about incompetent staff and their idiotic pranks.

As the door began to swing shut, Lilia seized her chance. With a burst of inhuman speed, she slipped through the narrowing gap, her body contorting to avoid brushing against the guard. It was a near thing, the door's edge passing mere millimetres from her skin, but she managed to clear the threshold undetected.

Inside the security room, Lilia took a moment to orient herself. The space was cramped and dimly lit, the walls lined with monitors displaying feeds from the hotel's countless security cameras. A pair of guards sat hunched over a central console, their eyes glued to the screens in front of them.

Lilia's gaze darted around the room, searching for her target. There, in the far corner, was a nondescript door marked "Server Room." She allowed herself a small, satisfied smile. Tina's intel had been spot-on.

Moving with the utmost care, Lilia began to navigate her way across the room, weaving between equipment and the oblivious guards. She held her breath as she passed mere inches from their backs, praying that they wouldn't sense her presence.

After what felt like an eternity, Lilia reached the server room door. She tested the handle gently, relieved to find it unlocked. With a final glance over her shoulder to ensure the guards were still engrossed in their duties, she slipped inside, easing the door shut behind her with a barely audible click.

The server room was a chilly, sterile space, the air filled with the low hum of countless computers and the blinking of status lights. Lilia let out a slow, measured breath, allowing herself a moment to savour her success.

Reaching up, she tapped her earpiece, breaking radio silence for the first time since entering the building. "I'm in position," she reported, her voice low and steady. "Ready to upload the virus on your signal."

As she awaited further instructions, Lilia couldn't help but marvel at the strange turn her life had taken. Here she was, a high school student trapped in the body of a demoness, breaking into high-security facilities and aiding a group of supernatural thieves.

Lilia pushed aside her wandering thoughts, refocusing her attention on the task at hand. She couldn't afford any distractions, not when so much hung in the balance. The server room's chill seemed to seep into her bones, a stark reminder of the high stakes they were playing for tonight.

Just then, a confirmation crackled through her earpiece, jolting her back to the present. Tristan's smooth voice, tinged with a hint of urgency, filtered through the static. "Alright, Lilia. It's go time. Plug in the USB and let's get this show on the road."

Without wasting time, Lilia reached into her pocket and retrieved the innocuous-looking device. Steeling herself, Lilia located an open port and slid the USB home, watching as the status light began to blink rapidly.

Seconds later, a commotion erupted from the adjacent security room. Shouts of confusion and alarm mingled with the frantic clacking of keyboards as the guards struggled to comprehend the sudden upheaval. Lilia couldn't suppress a smirk. It seemed Tina's virus had worked its magic, shutting down cameras and systems alike in a cascading failure. She had to hand it to her—the girl was a tech wizard, able to condense such potent digital mayhem into something no larger than a thumb drive.

Amidst the ensuing chaos, a new sound soon cut through the din—Tristan's voice, amplified and broadcast through every speaker in the hotel. Gone was his usual playful lilt, replaced by a tone of cool, confident authority.

"Good evening, esteemed guests," Tristan began, his words echoing through the halls. "I'm afraid I must be the bearer of disappointing news. The trade that had been planned for tonight will not be taking place, as both the sword and the dagger now reside safely in my possession."

Lilia could almost picture the looks of shock and outrage on the faces of those powerful men, their prize snatched away at the eleventh hour. Tristan, ever the showman, seemed to relish their imagined reactions.

"Ah, but don't despair, gentlemen," he continued, a hint of laughter in his voice. "I assure you, these relics will be put to far better use than languishing in private collections or fuelling petty power plays. And with that, I bid you all adieu. Better luck next time!"

With a click, the transmission cut off, plunging the hotel into stunned silence. For a heartbeat, everything seemed to hold its breath. Then, like a dam bursting, the security room exploded into a frenzy of activity.

Lilia watched, still invisible, as guards poured out into the hallway, barking orders and scrambling to coordinate a hotel-wide search for the audacious thief. It was clear they were determined to catch Tristan at any cost, their professional pride wounded by his brazen public humiliation.

In their haste to give chase, the guards had left the security room door wide open, granting Lilia an easy escape route. She couldn't help but shake her head ruefully. Tristan's little stunt, while undeniably effective at creating a diversion, had also painted a massive target on his back. She could only hope he had planned his escape as meticulously as the heist itself.

Just as she was about to make her exit, Tina's urgent voice crackled over the comm. "Lilia, we've got a problem. Tristan's primary escape route is compromised. Looks like they've got the service elevator locked down tight."

Lilia bit back a curse, her mind racing. "What do you need me to do?" she asked, already moving towards the door.

"Create a distraction on the fifth floor," Tina instructed, her words clipped and focused. "If we can draw some of the heat away from Tristan, it should give him a window to reach his backup extraction point."

"Understood," Lilia confirmed, slipping out into the chaos of the corridor. "One distraction, coming right up."

Cloaked by her invisibility, Lilia raced through the hotel's winding passages, her destination locked firmly in her mind's eye. She wove between scrambling guards and bewildered guests, a ghostly spectre on a mission. Her heart pounded in time with her rapid footfalls, adrenaline singing through her veins.

At last, she reached the 5th floor. Lilia allowed herself a small, grim smile. They wanted a distraction? Well, they were about to get one they'd never forget.

She may have spent the past weeks delving into the enigmatic knowledge held within Merlin's tome, but Lilia knew that knowledge was worthless if not put into practice. And now, in this moment of need, she would put those hard-earned lessons to the test.

Closing her eyes, Lilia reached deep within herself, feeling for the wellspring of power that had become so familiar. With practiced motions, she began tracing intricate glyphs in the air, her fingers leaving trails of shimmering mana in their wake.

The magic came to her almost instinctively now, the complex patterns and ancient symbols flowing from a place of muscle memory rather than conscious thought. Lilia let the power build, shaping and honing it to her will as the glyphs grew more elaborate, more potent.

Just as she reached the apex of her spell, Lilia clapped her hands over her ears and unleashed the pent-up magic with a focused burst of will. The result was instantaneous and devastating.

A deafening boom rocked the hallway, the sound alone enough to send tremors through the floor and rattle the light fixtures. Windows shattered into glittering cascades, the razor-sharp shards tinkling to the ground like malevolent rainfall.

Lilia's invisibility fell away, burnt out by the act of casting her impromptu spell. The backlash also took a small chunk out of her mana reserves, not large, but enough to make her momentarily dazed. It was a calculated risk, but one she'd had to take. Even if it exposed her presence, the sheer scale of her distraction would be more than worth it.

Her theory was proven correct a heartbeat later when Aria's irate voice crackled over the comm link. "What the hell was that, Lilia? Are you trying to bring the whole building down on our heads?"

Lilia grimaced, adjusting her earpiece. "Relax, it wasn't an actual explosion," she assured her teammate. "Just a very, very loud noise designed to get their attention. Trust me, the only casualties are a few windows."

Aria's sigh was audible even over the comm. "Fine. But you'd better make yourself scarce, and fast. That little stunt of yours is going to have every cop and hero in the city converging on this location."

"Don't worry, I've got my exit strategy handled," Lilia replied, already moving towards the jagged remains of the nearest window. "Just make sure Tristan gets out in one piece, yeah?"

Without waiting for a response, Lilia vaulted through the shattered frame, hurtling into open air. The night wind whipped at her hair and clothes as she plummeted, the street below rushing up to meet her at dizzying speed.

But Lilia already had a plan in mind. With a deft twist of her body, she summoned a powerful gust of wind, aiming it downwards to slow her fall. The gale-force blast slowed her descent, allowing her to gracefully approach the pavement below.

But before her feet reached the ground than a familiar figure zipped past, a dark silhouette against the neon-lit night. Tristan, it seemed, had managed to reach his backup escape route after all.

With a flourish, the master thief touched down below her, his grappling hook retracting into his sleeve with a soft whir. Before Lilia could react and alter her course, he swept her up into his arms, cradling her against his chest in a classic princess carry.

"Fancy meeting you here, beautiful," Tristan quipped, his eyes sparkling with mirth behind his mask. "I must say, that was quite the daring rescue. I think I'm falling for you after all."

Lilia looked at the thief in annoyance. "Put me down, Romeo." She demanded ice in her tone.

Tristan, quick to notice that he somehow offended her immediately did as she asked smiling roguishly. "My apologies, I simply wished to rescue the dashing damsel in distress."

"Do I look like a damsel in distress to you?" Lilia snapped back, dusting herself off.

Tristan raised his hands placatingly, still smiling "My mistake, Lilia. You are clearly capable of rescuing yourself."

Lilia for a moment had to ponder if the thief was making fun of her or not. But she decided against arguing since it was not the best time. "Let's just get out of here before the heroes arrive. That was enough excitement for one night."

"After you, my darling demoness" Tristan said with an exaggerated bow and a sweep of his cape.

Lilia rolled her eyes at his theatrics but took off down the street nonetheless, the phantom thief hot on her heels. The wailing of police sirens and the distant rumble of heroes rushing to the scene faded into the background as they melted into the shadows, disappearing into the neon-soaked night.

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