Like No One Ever Was

Interlude VIII - Riolu

POV - Riolu

["Human dialogue is in brackets"]

“You know she’s not coming, right?” A voice, a material distraction, came from outside the void. I ignored it, beneath my notice in all my otherworldly ponderings.

“Humans are like that, wrapped up in their own worlds. You see them on those little flimsy bricks all the time, totally oblivious to the world around them,” the pathetic, ignorant voice continued, trying and failing to disturb my state of perfect oneness with everything.

“Probably for the best though, now you won’t embarrass yourself in front of that girl and her handsome Dudunsparce again.” My eyes snapped open, and I snarled at her.

"Oh, what would you know?! You sat around here and learned nothing!” Glaring up at my sister, who stood tall above me. Despite the small rock I was seated on, she still towered above me. That was mostly due to her evolution, Lucario staring her long nose down at me.

“I evolved, all because I accepted the bonds of our family while you went and ran off-” She began, before stopping at the sudden entrance of four feet lightly stepping into the corner of our glade.

Leafeon’s presence was easily detectable before one could see him. And one could see him from fairly far away given how his body shined and the flower jewel glowed above his head. One might think that would make him easy pickings for a Flying Type looking to swoop down on his terrain, but even those birdbrains could feel the power radiating out of him, the connection to the plant life of all the rolling hills. I could feel it from a mile away. Or at least I could have if someone wasn’t distracting me.

I opened my senses, scanning the Aura around me without letting distractions divert me, and found something very interesting. Still far off. Could just be part of Her usual movements, but maybe...

“Peace, children.” Leafeon said, offering us each a berry with his tail, which we both took, eagerly devouring the literal fruits of his labor.

“Sorry Father,” my sister began, and if she’d ended it there, that would be enough. But of course, it was her, so she just had to go on. “I just felt like explaining how my dear sibling here had wasted her time pining after-”

“I did not waste my time! Apologies, father, but regardless of whether the human shows up here or not, I’ve gained much in my time away. My power and skill have grown immensely.” My pride was something I warred with constantly, and I knew that my last words would be something my sister would latch onto.

“Oh? Then prove it. Prove you’re still so much better than us,” she shot back with a smile that bared a few too many of her fangs. “Just a quick spar, father, I’ll make this fast.”

He sighed ever so slightly, more detectable in how the nearby trees swayed in a nonexistent breeze than the motion of his body. Still, our father was hands-off in raising us and more than willing to let us young pups duke it out if need be. The fact that we weren’t that young, or even pups in my sister’s case, hardly mattered.

Taking my headband off, I took a stance opposite Lucario in the middle of the field. Some of our siblings gathered off to the side, eager to see the outcome of our fight. None of them had made the jump our sister had and evolved, but I could see that plenty of them had grown a bit taller, as if their bodies were getting ready for that change. It makes no difference; I won every fight in our clan for years, even against the biggest and oldest Riolus. I’ll win here as well.

That is why I wasn’t worried about having barked off more than I could chew. Lucario stared down arrogantly at me, assured in her own superiority. “I’m going to show you just how strong I’ve become,” she barked at me.

“You’re strong, yes, but that strength has blinded you. And you still aren’t stronger than me.” At my taunt, she rushed in, howling. Her claws were raised and gleaming bright, ready to tear into my fur. She’s much faster than she was before I left.

Of course, the distance between still meant that my jabs, which made shockwaves ripple through the air. The waves struck into her, driving her to one knee and making an arm fall limp as they ripped into her joints.

“Your bones may be of metal, but the stiffness of them is not the advantage you think it is. Your defenses leave you frail and open to our basic techniques.” You never did learn how to advance from Vaccum Wave into Force Palm, did you? At least not before evolving; that opens the door to many techniques previously unavailable, mother always said.

I saw the anger growing in her red eyes and knew my comment had hit its mark, as cleanly as all of my blows. My continued taunting was purposeful, not spiteful. I can feel them clearly now. I need her to use that Move before they arrive.

Pushing herself back up on unstable limbs, Lucario gathered energy in front of her uninjured arm. Aura swirled in a bright blue glowing ball, visible through regular sight and practically blinding to my senses. Aura Sphere, the mark of Evolution and an apex of power I can’t reach on my own yet, in spite of all my training.

With a push, she released the Move, sending the orb flying at me, and distracted as I was by taking it all in, the shot clipped me in the shoulder.

Hearing her padded feet racing across the ground, I turned with the blow rather than pushing against it. Using the force, I dodged, her arm striking down at me, and then caught it. Hefting her up by that arm proved more difficult than I had thought, her larger body and heavier bones making it harder to lift her, giving my sister time to lash out with her free claw, cutting down the ridge of my face and onto my snout.

Pushing out the pain, I pulled harder, tossing her up and around in the air. I took a gratified breath as I saw her flailing helplessly through the air. Of course, the bigger they are, the harder my Circle Throw will make them fall. Still, I should make sure the landing ‘sticks.’

With a powerful leap, I soared high in the air, reaching the peak of my jump as Lucario crashed into the dirt. She recovered quickly enough that she could have dodged my follow-up attack had she been looking up. Instead, she wasted her time, searching with her eyes on a ground level when she should have been feeling the Fighting Type energies gathering above her.

She had only begun to look up as my High-Jump Kick smashed down on her shoulder, cracking her collarbone. With a sound between a snarl and a yelp, she clumsily swiped out at me, tossing all restraint aside as she attacked, further aggravating her wounds.

All to no avail, as I casually Detected her Final Gambit, letting my sister fall to the grass ground beside me. Father quickly jumped in to ensure that no further conflict occurred and no damage that couldn’t be fixed by a few days spent sulking over some Oran Berries.

Not that I would ever stoop so low, of course. Still, it is rather pitiful, such a showing while she's Evolved. I understand that such things aren’t based on ‘merit’ but even so, I can’t say my sister seems worthy of such a boon.

With one last glance at her prone form, I turned away, striding off to meet my real challenge, ears hardly twitching at the whispers of our siblings as I passed by. [“That was awesome! You looked really strong out there.”]

The words came from a foreign tongue, yet easily understandable. Human body language can be difficult for some to understand, but the words are supposedly easy for most Pokemon to understand. Given the similarities of our frames and my advanced knowledge of Aura, it’s even easier for me to connect with her.

The girl stood, happily waving at me, clad in an assortment of cloth garments to make up for her lack of fur. Her teeth were broad and bared, but I knew that to be a sign of happiness, not aggression from their kind. The same observations I made in my travels that told me that also let me know that she was a youngling, with much growth to still undergo before she reached her final stage.

I wondered briefly if Nemona’s Aura would grow as much alongside her. While her Aura would be considered weak, a runt among the pack, for a human, she’s blazing bright. I could pick her out with my eyes closed amongst the crowded press of the mega-clans that humans crowd themselves into. It had certainly grown much since we had last met.

The majority of my focus was drawn, however, to the handsome Dudunsparce slithering beside her. His scales gleamed brightly in the midday light, hinting at the muscles rippling beneath- slapping my cheeks I snapped out of it. Focus! This is my most important battle, no time to be daydreaming.

His Trainer continued, ignoring my lapse. [“Sorry about taking so long. We got distracted with a bunch of stuff, honestly. Again, really sorry about it taking us a bit longer.”]

It was nice to have confirmation that I was not wrong and they had indeed taken more than one solar rotation to return for my fight. Part of me was upset, the taunting words of my sister lingering, but I ignored them in favor of appreciation for the human’s immediate honesty.

While humans were not the majority of focus on my travels across the land, barely a blip even, I couldn’t help but notice them a few times. And of those times, it was obvious to see how they were so casually dishonest. Over oftentimes petty things, like taking an extra slice of food or sleeping with a different mate.

[“Do you need a Potion before our fight? Looks like you got scuffed up.”] The human asked me, holding out the strange restorative bottle. Instinctively, I wanted to refuse; Dun was already looking away, bored. As if he’d measured me up and I didn’t match up, and that burned. However, I remembered our previous fight, how much I had trained here in these hills, and how effortlessly he had crushed me. He evolved, and unlike my sister, didn’t squander the newfound strength he gained, training even harder to reach greater heights.

Snatching it out of her hands, I began spraying the soothing liquid upon myself. Then I walked over and put on my headband before turning to face my opponent. Pointing at the Dudunsparce I shouted at him.

“You should prepare yourself, because here and now you face your greatest challenge! I have traveled all across the land, through the scorching sandy wastes, swimming through Dragon-infested waters, braving infested forests, and leaping over the Great Mountain! My training pushed me to my limits against all manner of other Pokemon, testing foes great and terrible. Not only have I endured rigorous physical trials, I have tested my mind and spirit as well. Seeking tutelage, I learned from the master of Ice, residing in the cavernous depths, and learned Moves beyond your comprehension! I refuse to lose to you once more, so here and now, I declare that I will defeat you!”

My outburst lacked the desired results. Rather than quaking and spinning his tail in worry, Dun rolled his eyes and yawned. At me?! How dare he!?

Nemona’s reaction wasn’t much better, the girl seemed a little confused but cheerful. [“Not sure what all that was about, but sounds like you’re pumped up, awesome! Love the Focus Band too, looking great!”] She formed a fist with a thumb raised out, which I knew to be a sign of approval.

Then she turned to Dun, asking him, [“Do you want to use a Battle Item to make it even then? There’s the Life Orb, and you’ve got that new Expert Belt-”]

“Leave it,” he shook his head. “I’ll hardly need something like that here.” My fur bristled at his words, and I exhaled angrily. He thinks so little of- No, channel that anger. I won’t demand or request that he rescind his words, I will make him eat them.

Nemona nodded at her Pokemon, understanding him more easily than she understood me. [“Alright then.”] To me, she asked, “Do you mind if I release the rest of my team? I’d like for them to witness the fight as well.”]

I nodded sharply, maintaining my focus. My whole pack, even Lucario, had gathered on the outskirts of the glen to watch, alongside several other Pokemon that lived nearby, under Father’s aegis. A few more bystanders didn’t make a difference.

The Rotom floating by the human’s side was known to me, but the three new Pokemon that popped out of her Pokeballs were new. Entirely foreign, in fact. I’ve met several other Pokemon in my travels but never seen any like these.

A she-bat-scorpion hovered above, barely flapping her large wings to stay aloft. She waited the battle with malevolent glee, chattering about how “It’ll be nice to see Dun beat up someone else for a change.”

This contrasted with the mysterious rocky creature, a number of gems sticking out of their body. They floated perfectly still, making some odd chiming sounds I couldn’t understand. It was hard to see their face behind their fluffy white mane, but they appeared utterly indifferent to the proceedings to me.

The last one looked almost like a Zorua, I’d caught fleeting glimpses of those illusionists before. But this one looked off. The fur was the wrong color, and the pattern was slightly different too. Doesn’t matter, she’s hiding behind Nemona’s leg anyway.

Across from me, Dun got ready, flapping all three pairs of wings lightly and rising up on one of his segments. In turn, I took a stance that was deceptively loose, hoping to strike first and gain the initiative I’d need to control the fight against a foe as handsome and powerful as Dun.

The Rotom counted us in, and on ‘Begin!’ Nemona gave a hurried order. As fast as she was, she couldn’t beat me. Throwing my paws out instantly, I launched two quick Vacuum Waves through the air.

Predictably, Dudunsparce evaded the attacks, slithering towards me and weaving between the ripples in the air. Before he could make a melee attack against me, though, my next Move was ready. I lacked the sheer power to fire it off one-handed like my evolved sister, but I’d pulled my paws back so they were by my side, the right held above the left. Pouring in Aura between them, I formed a familiar orb of blue light.

“Aura… Sphere!” I cried out, shoving my hands forward and ‘pushing’ the sphere into Dun. The Move elicited a shout of pain from him and surprise from his trainer.

[“You already know Aura Sphere? That’s incredible! Okay, Dun, Triple Yawn, then Glare.”] She fired off rapidly, mostly unfazed by my surprise technique.

Dun took in a deep breath and released it, one yellow cloud floating out at me, then two- I closed my eyes then, not willing to risk it any further and get Paralyzed. For another Pokemon, such a strategy might render them helpless, but I could sense Dun’s inner energy. Nemona’s Aura burned bright for a human but paled in comparison to the raging pillar of power that Dun had. It was so great that it almost blinded me to the same energy in his Moves.

Almost, but not quite. Dodging in between the clouds, jumping over one, I kicked off the ground, charging towards him. The verdant energy of the fields flowed into me, bolstering my speed- only to immediately leave my body as he crashed into me with an antithetical energy of his own.

My training had covered the Type matchups, so I knew that this was Bug Type energy that allowed him to plow through me, knocking me head over heels. The Move he used not only disrupted mine but sapped my limbs of their strength. I’m sure he took some damage from that clash as well, but I’m just sure he can take that damage better than I, even with my innate resistance to Moves like the one he just used.

[“She won’t look at you but can see where things are- oh, it’s Aura sense!”] Nemona said aloud, realizing the nature of my superiority. My body may be hampered, but my spirit is unbroken. Some more Aura Spheres should- [“Use Earthquake! Really tear up the ground!”] Uh-oh.

I had a scant second to think, knowing that in a moment I would be doomed. The field is flat, and I know it by heart, that’s what lets me maneuver even with my eyes closed. I might still be able to sense Dun, but if the ground is altered, I’ll lose my footing as I try to fight him. Opening my eyes will leave me open to his Paralyzing attack.

With a snap, my eyes opened, blazing with cerulean energy as I foresaw the next few steps of the fight. Many possibilities lay in my defeat. Trying to jump up had me a sitting Pidove, cut down by blades of air. Trying to run away had the earth swallow me up. Forwards was the only path, and so I ran towards Dun, leaping ever so low in the air to avoid certain spots of quaking ground. My foresight also told me when to duck my head to avoid his terrifying gaze.

Skidding along the shifting ground, I made my approach and punched into his side, only to be met by a glowing barrier that stopped my attack cold. He glared at me from behind his shield, impervious to my assault but thankfully not able to launch a counterattack while it held.

Unfortunately, when it did, I was left with few good options. Retreating just put me in the same position as before, but being so close left me vulnerable to his physical might. I didn’t see it fully, but I’ll have to try copying that.

With a short jump backwards, I struck the ground hard with one of my feet, the impact sending ripples radiating outward from the point of contact. The ground rose up from them, knocking Dun up a meter in the air before he flopped back down.

[“Earthquake? Impressive, but the power is lacking. Hyper Voice, then Body Slam!”] The human hadn’t caught onto the trick I was using quite yet, but I had nothing to resist Dun releasing a loud wail so close. The pain debilitated me enough that I instinctually covered my ears, a mistake that led to me being crushed by the force of him landing on me.

My bones creaked from the impact, and I felt the headband tighten around the top of my head. Somehow, the extra pressure and slight pain helped me Focus, holding on when I otherwise would have fainted from the force. With shaking limbs, I snaked an arm out from under Dun, pulling it back and pounding repeatedly into his scales with Drain Punch.

He recoiled from the super-effective Moves, and I used that to shakily roll to my feet. My last attack had stolen a bit of vitality into him, but my muscles still seized uncontrollably. No! I can’t let this end here! I need to push on, to win this fight, to prove myself!

My body ached, but I forced myself through a dance I knew well, stepping through the motions for Sword Dance. Nemona shouted out some sort of command, and Dun glowed briefly, speeding up as he zipped around the battlefield. I get stronger, and he speeds up. Well, two can play at that game.

Aligning my Aura the same as his, I focused the Psychic energies within me to boost my own speed. [“Copycat! That’s how you did those Moves!”] Nemona crowed, a smile on her face as she realized it. No, the smile is in joy and greater understanding of the challenge ahead. Maybe humans do bare their teeth aggressively, and I just didn’t notice it behind the joy they share as well.

Dun turned, drilling towards me. I knew from past experience that I couldn’t dodge that Move, so I met it head-on, grasping around the base of the tail. The drill point was so long that I could feel it burrowing into my side, even as I held him back from striking through further. My headband tightened, and I hung on.

With a whimper shout of pain, I hefted Dun up, throwing him high up in the air. Such a toss would have carried him well over the hills and out of our vague battlefield. Of course, he quickly reoriented himself in the air, diving back down towards me. Aura Sphere would be helpful here, but I copied too many of his Moves and couldn’t hold onto that one from my previous fight.

Nemona shouted something out, and while Dun closed with me, he glowed with ghostly energy, shades shooting out from the ground to surround me. Desperately, I dashed away, pushing my body past the Paralysis slowing me down.

We began trading blows at a distance. Vacuum Waves pelted into him as he wailed, his Hyper Voice feeling like his tail drilling through my brain. Somehow, I held on, scraps of fabric fluttering past my eyes. I ignored them, my focus only on the winged snake in front of me. He was panting, looking tired and beat up, but still fighting. Our eyes met, and we knew this would be our final clash.

His wings beat hard, whipping the air around into a flurry of sharp, cutting winds. I attempted to dodge before I saw the blades swirling around in an odd fashion, not just launched at me. This isn’t Air Slash, it’s Hurricane!

It was a technique I’d only seen the strongest of Flying Types use, and I could feel my younger siblings cowering in fear at its presence. Father shielded them - not that the fiercest winds got close, but even from him, I could distantly feel a tremor of fear in his being at such an attack. In any other situation, feeling that would be shocking, but here, I could only feel a sense of elation. There was my own terror as well, but that’s just what made the giddiness bubble up to the surface. Yes! This is the battle I desired!

I was beset by howling winds on all sides, but there was a fluidity to my movements. I saw each dangerous gust, every sharp blade of air before me. When they threatened to lift me up, I gripped the ground with my feet and found the right path to have the streams push me forward rather than backwards. My quick Detect saw me through the storm, and I was standing before Dun, ready to strike.

He struck first, blasting ahead like a shooting star. The blow slammed into me like I’d been slammed into the Great Mountain - or maybe like I had a mountain dropped on me. Nonetheless, I Endured, my body aligned with my mind and soul for this desperate purpose. To win. To prove I haven’t fallen behind my rival.

Dun was just starting to turn back around, realizing the opening he’d given me. Close Combat was the obvious choice to use here, but I saw him and realized it wouldn’t be enough. If my strongest Move won’t be enough, then I just have to go further!

Grasping onto his body, I threw a powerful kick into his side, followed by a wild haymaker down. Through it, I channeled all the pain I was feeling, all the injuries he had given me. And with one last cry of pain, the Dudunsparce was knocked aside and flopped over, defeated by my Reversal.

On wobbling legs, I remained standing, knowing if I collapsed here, I’d pass out, and I wanted no doubt as to my victory. With one paw raised in the air, I howled out my name, “Riolu!” I did it! The pinnacle of fighting skill a Riolu can achieve. I won…

Everything got a bit hazy after that. Nemona tended to both her own Pokemon and myself, applying Potions and Elixers for us, which helped ease the pain. There was still some of it, and I would guess that my body would ache for many days after, but it was a dull throb, not the sharp, hot spikes of pain I had been feeling before, and I was grateful for the aid. Though I would have fought this hard regardless.

He seemed dazed at first by his loss, but Dun soon slithered up and said, “You did well. I… underestimated you.” He hissed out, like it was painful for him to admit that. “It looks like I have a long way to go to become the strongest.”

What he said struck a chord with me, my mind flashing back to our previous encounters. I was the strongest out of my litter, and soon, the strongest out of our whole pack. Unlike others, I didn’t rest on my laurels; constantly, I would meditate and train, understanding that there were still those who could best me.

Most of those who could were fully evolved Pokemon, or much older than myself. The first time I fought Dun, I had been uncertain this outsider could best me, the rumors of Trainers and their Pokemon ringing false in my ears. Then he challenged my siblings and even managed to eke out a victory against myself.

The defeat stung, but I consoled myself with the knowledge that I would train and surpass him. When he showed up again, it was a surprise, but one I eagerly welcomed. I could prove myself and defeat him. But he was evolved, and more than that, he had just gotten stronger and more skilled than I had.

This was my chance to make up for that, to prove myself, and I did. It feels incredible, that validation of my worth, but... Glancing over, I saw the human and her Pokemon preparing to leave. A few of them teasing Dun over his loss or encouraging him, but playfully. Even Dun seemed more relaxed to have them around, despite scoffing off the taunts or encouragement. Why do I feel like I’m missing something?

Nemona recalled most of her team and turned to leave before she paused. Pivoting, she turned around and walked until she stood before me. “What?” I barked out as she stood there awkwardly, searching for her words.

[“Hey, so I wanted to congratulate you again.”] I blinked, realizing I must have missed it the first time. [“You were incredible, those moves were so skilled and precise.”] She shadow-boxed the air a bit, mimicking my Moves, and I felt a bit of pride at seeing someone else appreciate my efforts.

She continued, [“Unfortunately, I’m not sure if we’ll be able to battle you again, at least not any time soon. My team and I, we’re planning on traveling across Paldea to face the Gym Leaders, some of the toughest Trainers in the land, and then the Elite Four and a Champion-ranked who are even stronger than them- basically a bunch of tough challenges. And after that, I’m going to school in a different land, so I don’t want you to be waiting on us.”]

Solemnly, I nodded. That’s a little sad, but I don’t sense any dishonesty from her. It’s not like she’s trying to run away from me or cut ties after losing. None of my pack had, but some of the other Pokemon in the larger clan that roamed these valleys would avoid me after I defeated them, not finding the same thrill in a fight as I had.

Nemona wasn’t done, however, and what she said next surprised me. [“D-do you want to join us?”]


She kneeled down on one knee to stand closer to my level, offering me her hand. [“I think you’re strong and skilled. You have a drive for battle and improving yourself. I’m making a team of the best of the best. To be the strongest across all the Pokemon in Paldea, and I’d like it if you could be a part of our team. What do you say?”]

I said nothing, too shocked to formulate a response. I should just say no, right? It’s flattering, but it would mean leaving home... though there are others who have already left, and I traveled around for a year already. And I was able to push myself further on that trip than I ever had here, grew so much...

“Show everyone that you’re the best out there!” One of my siblings said, and I whipped my head around to stare at the gathered crowd, remembering they were still here.

“Go on, get out of here already.” Lucario said, without the usual bite to her voice.

“I’ve heard Trainer’s Riolus become Lucarios in no time at all.” One of my brothers said.

“Yeah! Beat all those Leaf Fours and whatever!” Another sibling chimed in.

“We’ll miss you!” As if it’s a done deal already!

Father spoke as well, his deep voice echoing across the land. “Daughter, you’ve done well. Now make us proud.”

Wiping at some condensation that happened to gather around my eyes, I nodded fervently. “I will, thank you everyone.” Then, turning back to the human- no, to my new Trainer, I tentatively took her hand, sealing our bond.

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