Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 47: Amelia’s Submission

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Amelia has been under pressure~


The reward for good, solid work was always more work. Amelia had understood this all her life in a way many people didn’t. And likewise, she’d always enjoyed it in a way most others did not. Give her work, give her something that needed to be done, and she’d happily put her nose to the grindstone and get it done.

Unfortunately, the sort of work that she was being ‘rewarded’ with of late wasn’t her favorite. Not by a long shot. One would hope that Fudge’s resignation would be a good thing, and in the long run she suspected it would be. In the short run, his departure had created a power vacuum that everyone was clamoring to fill.

Likewise, Lucius Malfoy’s… squibification wasn’t something Amelia would be losing any sleep over, save for the fact that he claimed it was the work of the Dark Lord. But at the same time, while the Lady Malfoy was doing her best, there were still opportunistic vultures seeking to carve little pieces of Lucius’ power and influence away for themselves.

It was a bunch of political nonsense, that’s what it was. Amelia hated it. She much preferred to stay in her lane if at all possible and handle her duties as the head of the DMLE above all else.

Unfortunately, staying in her lane had been what allowed Fudge to get away with such gross incompetence for so long. And it had been the thing that let Lucius Malfoy get away with his corruption of the Ministry for so long as well.

All in all, now that Amelia had had her eyes forcibly opened to the truth, she couldn’t close them again. It would go against everything she stood for. She had to deal with this, had to deal with everything, because frankly, it seemed like she was the only one who could.

Even Rita fucking Skeeter apparently thought so. Amelia’s eyes trail over to the copy of the day’s Daily Prophet on a corner of her desk, a huff on her lips as she looks at the headline and shakes her head. She wished Rita was wrong. She wished she wasn’t the best person for the job. Part of her was even tempted to give the position to Rufus. Her Head Auror was a dedicated and diligent man, but he was also ambitious to a fault. She wasn’t sure if he was the right man for the job… but she wasn’t sure if she was the right woman either.

And then there was this news of Voldemort. She knew from HIM that the Dark Lord was apparently back. But what did it mean that he drained Lucius Malfoy of his magic? Amelia didn’t know what to do or what was going to happen next. She didn’t-

“You’ve been busy, Amelia.”

Hands suddenly fall upon her shoulders as a familiar voice hits her ears. Amelia’s eyes widen and she chokes on her own spit, instinctively going for her wand before freezing up and aborting the motion. He was back. Her… mysterious benefactor was back. A shiver runs down Amelia’s spine, even as he runs his hands over her shoulders.

They hadn’t spoken since that last time. Since he’d… well, since he’d decided to make her relax and stop working in a way that was very different from just putting her to sleep for a time.

For a bit, Amelia had been waiting with bated breath for his next visit. It had been all she could think about. But eventually she’d come to realize he wasn’t coming back any time soon, and she’d refocused herself on her work.

It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t always there in the back of her mind, however. His domineering voice, the way he’d touched her all over her body. The way he’d molded her, turning her into nothing more than submissive putty in his hands.

Amelia shudders, because there was something else… something she felt obligated to ask now after recent events.

“Who… who are you?”

There’s a pause from the shadowy figure behind her, and then he lets go of her shoulders and walks around to the front of her desk, seeming to peer at her curiously.

“Who am I? I wonder, what brings up that question now, hm? Tell me your fears, Amelia.”

Amelia shivers. The way he says her name… it does things to her. Things that a strong, mature witch like her should be able to ignore, things she shouldn’t really like or enjoy. And yet… and yet.

Still, she forces herself to focus all the same, staring the shadowy figure down as she slowly stands up from behind her desk.

“I just need to know one thing. Are you Voldemort?”

On the one hand, it wouldn’t make much sense. Long before Lucius lost his magic and started ranting and raving about the Dark Lord’s return, the figure before her had told her that Voldemort was still alive and kicking. However, what better way to go under the radar than to be the source of information regarding your own survival, right? And he’d even gone so far as to say that Voldemort hadn’t currently been a threat, back when she’d been trying to get to the bottom of the Sirius Black-Peter Pettigrew situation.

Had she been working with some sort of vengeful Lord Voldemort all this time? One who had turned on his followers for some reason? She-

“No. I am not Voldemort.”

Oh. Amelia’s shoulders slump in relief, and she hangs her head for a moment. She’s not sure why she believes him unquestioningly, only that his words feel sincere… more sincere than she can possibly describe. She trusts him… she yearns to trust him.

“Is he… he’s coming back now, isn’t he? He was behind what happened to Lucius Malfoy… you must have heard about that, right?”

There’s another pause before the shadow hums.

“You do not need to worry about Lord Voldemort, otherwise known as Tom Marvolo Riddle. I will take care of him for you, Amelia. Consider him out of your hands.”

Amelia doesn’t whine, because that would be childish. She doesn’t pout, because that would be immature. She just huff a little bit though, eyes narrowing as she frowns most severely.

“Out of my hands? I am still the Director of the DMLE. I would consider the Dark Lord to very much fall under my purview!”

“You have enough on your plate as it is, Amelia. Speaking of which… you’ve been working yourself to exhaustion again, haven’t you?”

With one single chiding comment, the tone of the conversation shifts and Amelia feels herself turn on a dime. She shrinks a bit, properly chagrined and chastised as she averts her gaze.

“I… there’s been a lot to do. I have to stay on top of things. I’m-!”

“Excuses won’t serve you here, my dear. You and I both know that you need a firm hand. Come here.”

She hesitates for only a second before slinking out from behind her desk, feeling like she’s back at Hogwarts and in trouble with her Head of House, rather than the Director of the DMLE that she is. Except Amelia hadn’t had THIS sort of relationship with her Head of House back at Hogwarts. The moment she’s in front of the shadowy figure, he reaches out and takes hold of her chin, turning her head this way and that and inspecting the bags he no doubt sees under her eyes.

If she went out or was expecting company in her office, Amelia usually cast a spell to disguise the bags so no one saw them, but obviously she hadn’t known he was coming and she hadn’t been able to prepare.

“You haven’t been taking care of yourself, Amelia. I’m disappointed.”

An involuntary whine does manage to escape her lips then, much to her mortification and embarrassment. At the same time though, there’s a thumping in her chest that’s getting louder and louder as her heart races and… and she starts to get aroused.

“I’m sorry, sir.”

It comes out easily. ‘Sir’. She doesn’t say it by accident this time, she says it on purpose. And while it’s hard to tell, she’s pretty sure he’s pleased with her for it.


Amelia hastens to obey. Part of her wants to ask if they’ll be doing more than last time. The massage had been nice, don’t get her wrong… but it had also left her wanting more. Merlin had it left her wanting more. Whatever he’d done to her had been, pardon the pun, simply magical. She’d never felt better, but frankly she didn’t feel like she needed another one quite so soon.

She doesn’t say anything though. She doesn’t say a word as she lays herself bare to him, exposing herself once more to this mysterious entity who’d come into her life and taken it by storm. Even now, it was hard for Amelia to wrap her head around how swiftly everything had changed. But… she didn’t regret it. Nor did she regret obeying him now.


Amelia’s eyes widen in excitement. Rather than summon another massage table and order her to get on it, he was telling her to get on her knees in front of him. That… that she was happy to do. Slowly, she descends. Slowly, she kneels. Looking up at him, she can’t make out much even now. But all of the sudden, there’s a shadowy appendage coming out of the shadowy figure, and it hits her face with a somewhat meaty slap.

The illusion he’s using to conceal his identity from her is only visual. Much like when he’s put his hands on her, his cock is entirely solid as well. Rock hard, meaty, and throbbing, it drags across her face as Amelia closes her eyes and lets out a shuddering breath. If any of her subordinates saw her now, she would be ruined. But she can’t help but desire this. It’s been so long…


Continuing his trend of single word commands, the shadowy figure prods the tip of his cock against her slightly parted lips. Opening wider for him, Amelia takes him into her mouth with a muffled moan, happily sucking away at his member as it glides further and further past her lips.

When it hits the back of her throat, she gags a little bit, but before she can reflexively pull away, his hand comes down to rest on her head, keeping her in place. Contradictory though it may be, Amelia is grateful for this. She can’t always control her body’s involuntary reactions, so if he’s willing to do it for her, then all the better.

There isn’t much to look at, since he’s covered in shadows, so Amelia lets her eyes drift shut entirely and just loses herself in the submission of the moment. Bobbing up and down on his cock, sucking him off, and letting him guide her with his hand whenever he feels like it.

She may not know who he is, but truth be told, his identity at this point isn’t nearly as important as what he’s come to mean to her in such a short amount of time. He’d really done a number on her… so she only hoped he would continue to take responsibility for all of this.


As Amelia sucks him off, Harry gazes down at her consideringly. The naked Director of the DMLE certainly isn’t bad to look at, if one ignores the bags under her eyes. He’d let himself get distracted by things going on back at Hogwarts the past couple weeks, and Amelia had gone right back to her bad habits in the meantime.

He would be sure to force her to sleep after this, though right now he wasn’t entirely sure where THIS was leading. She’d been so quick to get on her knees and suck his cock… but Harry supposed he couldn’t really be surprised about that.

As he’d noted previously when he’d given her the massage, stress had just as much of an effect on a magical creature’s magic as it did their physical and mental health. The massage that he’d given Amelia had completely loosened out her magic, and no doubt left her feeling better than she had… possibly ever in her entire life.

So really, it was no wonder that she was so eager to please, even on top of what at this point was undeniably a naturally submissive disposition. It was just a matter of how Harry wanted to- oh… well now, THAT was interesting.

He manages to refrain from impulsively looking towards the door to Amelia’s office, even as a very familiar presence approaches. It’s rather late at night, and the DMLE is currently relatively unpopulated. There’s only a few people on this floor of the Ministry of Magic, in fact. Perhaps that was why Amelia hadn’t locked her office door before stripping naked and getting down on her knees before him.

Or, more likely, she just hadn’t remembered, too caught up in the moment and his pace to think of it. Fortunately for her, Harry was more magically aware than ever before after his recent rituals. First Narcissa and then Rita… it was safe to say he was the single most powerful wizard on the British Isles at this point, if not the world.

Normally, he would just lock Amelia’s door now and be done with it. They would knock, he would let Amelia off of his cock just long enough to send them away, and that would be that. However, the identity of the witch approaching had Harry hesitating. After all, when would he get another chance to further ensnare Nymphadora Tonks in his web?

He could let the shapeshifting witch peep on him and her boss if he wanted. He would need to decide what she would see, however. A strange yet handsome wizard, the shadowy figure Amelia saw… or maybe, himself?

It would be rather amusing if he let Tonks see Amelia sucking him off before Amelia herself even knew his full identity. But did it fit into his plans? Was allowing Tonks to know about Amelia’s submissive tendencies a net positive, or not worth the risk?

He only had a moment to decide… and so Harry does, making his decision and living with the consequences.

The Vote:
[ ] Don't let Tonks watch at all, lock the door and let Amelia turn her away when she knocks - 9%
[ ] Have Tonks watch, but hide his visage so she doesn't know its him - 44%

[X] Have Tonks watch, but don't hide his visage from her - 47%


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