Life of an Hunter


As dawn broke over the Village of Honor, Haruto and his companions gathered their gear and prepared to set out on their first major quest together. The village, still waking up, was quiet as the group moved through the streets toward the gates. Haruto led the way, his mind already focused on the task ahead: recovering the Lost Relic of Honor.

The ruins lay just beyond the village, a place where orcs and wild demons were said to roam. It wasn’t the most dangerous area in the region, but it was enough of a challenge for Haruto and his companions, given their current levels. Haruto’s plan was simple—level up, secure the relic, and gain reputation within the village. This was their chance to prove themselves.

As they approached the village gates, the guards who had greeted them the day before gave a nod, recognizing them as Otherworlders. "Off on a quest already?" one of them asked with a grin.

Haruto gave a brief nod in response. "We’ll be back by sundown."

The guard chuckled. "Good luck. Watch out for the orcs—they’re not the smartest creatures, but they’re strong. Stay sharp."

Haruto waved as they left the village, the gates closing behind them with a soft thud. The road ahead was quiet, but the tension in the group was palpable. They all knew that the real test was just beginning.

The group walked in silence for the first few miles, their footsteps muffled by the thick foliage of the forest that surrounded the village. The path was narrow, winding through towering trees and dense underbrush. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows across the ground. It was peaceful, but Haruto’s instincts were on high alert. This world had proven time and again that danger could strike at any moment.

After a while, Celestine broke the silence. "How far are these ruins?" she asked, her voice low but steady.

"Not far now," Haruto replied. He had studied the map in his inventory the night before and had memorized the path. "We should reach them soon."

Conor, walking behind Haruto, adjusted the strap on his pack. "This place is different from what I expected," he said quietly. "In the game, everything was… simpler. Now, it feels too real."

Takeshi nodded in agreement. "We need to be careful. We’re not just leveling up anymore—our lives are on the line."

Haruto didn’t respond, but he agreed with their concerns. This world wasn’t like the game they remembered. Here, death was real, and mistakes carried far heavier consequences.

After another hour of walking, the trees began to thin, and the path opened up to a wide clearing. At the far edge of the clearing stood the Ruins of Honor, a cluster of ancient, crumbling stone structures that seemed to have been abandoned for centuries. Vines and moss clung to the broken walls, and the air around the ruins felt heavy, as if the place was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

Haruto stopped at the edge of the clearing, scanning the area for signs of danger. The ruins were quiet, but he knew that orcs and wild demons often patrolled these areas. He motioned for the others to stop and crouch low.

"We’re here," he said, keeping his voice low. "The relic is supposed to be somewhere inside the main structure." He pointed to the largest of the crumbling buildings, its roof partially collapsed and its walls cracked with age. "Stay close and keep your guard up. Orcs usually travel in packs."

The others nodded, their expressions serious. They knew this wasn’t going to be an easy fight.

As they crept closer to the ruins, the sound of heavy footsteps reached Haruto’s ears. He raised a hand, signaling for the group to stop. The ground beneath them trembled slightly as the footsteps grew louder. Haruto’s heart raced—orcs.

A moment later, two hulking figures appeared from behind a crumbling stone pillar. The orcs were massive, easily over six feet tall, with thick, muscular bodies and crude weapons in their hands. Their green skin glistened in the sunlight, and their small, beady eyes darted around, searching for intruders.

Haruto clenched his fist around his weapon, his mind racing. They were outnumbered, but if they could take the orcs by surprise, they might stand a chance.

"We’ll need to take them out quietly," Haruto whispered. "We don’t want to alert the rest of them."

Celestine nodded, her expression grim. "I’ll go first. You all cover me."

Before Haruto could respond, Celestine darted forward, her movements swift and silent. She circled around the nearest orc, her knife gleaming in the sunlight as she prepared to strike.

Just as she was about to land a hit, the second orc turned, spotting her. With a roar, it swung its massive club toward her, and the sound of the weapon slicing through the air filled the clearing.

"Look out!" Haruto shouted.

Celestine barely dodged the attack, rolling to the side as the orc’s club slammed into the ground where she had been standing. The second orc, now fully alerted, charged at Haruto and the others, its weapon raised high.

Haruto gritted his teeth, drawing his sword as the orc barreled toward them. "Get ready!" he yelled.

Conor and Takeshi moved into position, flanking the orc as it charged. Haruto took a deep breath, activating his Absolute Strike skill. A surge of energy rushed through him, and his focus sharpened. The next strike would be critical—he only had three uses of the skill per battle, and he needed to make them count.

As the orc closed in, Haruto ducked beneath its wild swing, sidestepping the massive club. With a swift, calculated motion, he drove his sword upward, plunging it into the orc’s side. The orc let out a guttural roar of pain as the sword pierced its flesh, and Haruto could see the life draining from its eyes.

Critical hit!

The notification flashed before Haruto’s eyes as the orc collapsed to the ground, its body twitching as it bled out. One down.

The second orc roared in anger, charging toward Celestine again. But this time, Conor was ready. He swung his axe with all his strength, landing a brutal blow to the orc’s back. The creature howled in pain, staggering forward as blood poured from the wound.

Celestine took advantage of the distraction, slashing at the orc’s leg, forcing it to its knees. Takeshi followed up with a flurry of strikes, each hit chipping away at the orc’s defenses.

With a final roar, the orc swung its club one last time, but Haruto was faster. He leaped forward, his sword flashing as he drove the blade deep into the orc’s chest. The creature let out a final, dying breath before collapsing to the ground.

Haruto wiped the blood from his sword and turned to the others. "Good work," he said, though his voice was tense. They had won the battle.

"We need to keep moving," Celestine said, breathing heavily but steady. "The relic should be inside."

Haruto nodded. "Let’s go."

The group entered the main structure of the ruins, their footsteps echoing off the cracked stone walls. The air inside was cool and musty, and a sense of unease settled over them as they ventured deeper into the darkness.

Ahead, at the far end of the room, stood an old, weathered altar. And resting on the altar, bathed in the faint glow of sunlight filtering through the cracks in the ceiling, was the Lost Relic of Honor—a gleaming silver amulet, etched with ancient runes.

Haruto’s eyes locked onto the relic. They had found it.

End of Chapter.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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