Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 222: The Biggest Criminals in Dhara!

In the heart of Dhara, where the bustling streets and towering skyscrapers painted the cityscape, whispers of unease spread like wildfire. The news of a harrowing confrontation between criminal magjistars and the revered Chief Peacekeeper, Amelia Patil, echoed through every corner, igniting a storm of fear and uncertainty among the populace. In a crowded cafe nestled between high-rise buildings, the chatter of patrons suddenly hushed as the evening paper landed with a thud on the counter. Eyes darted to the headline, and murmurs of disbelief rippled through the room. Among the patrons sat Clara, a young journalist known for her keen observations and insatiable curiosity. With a furrowed brow, she scanned the article, her mind racing with questions.

"The Chief Peacekeeper? Attacked by magjistars? In the middle of the damn city?!" Clara's voice trembled with disbelief as she glanced at her friend, Marcus, a seasoned magjistar with a leisurely expression etched on his face.

Marcus lazily took a sip of his coffee, his gaze fixed on Clara. "Not in the middle of the city but the Peacekeeper’s Headquarters." He corrected her. A group of magjistar students passing by interrupted their conversation. Among them was a passionate youngster.

Leo slammed his fist on the table, the rickety metal groaning under the impact. "This is ridiculous!" he roared, his voice loud enough to be heard by everyone on the street. "Those two bozos with their flea market masks are worth that many cavons?!"

A ripple of laughter swept through the booth, punctuated by snorts and head shakes. Maya, her dark braid whipping around her head as she guffawed, wiped a tear from her eye. "Relax, Leo," she wheezed. "They did break into the Peacekeeper’s HQ and kidnap the Chief Peacekeeper." 

"Yeah," chimed in Kai, wiping his greasy fingers on a stained cloth napkin. "I don’t think even our branch’s best magjistars could pull off what they did in the same time and way those bear chicks did."

Leo scoffed, crossing his arms in a huff. "True but a million cavons? Come on, that's enough to live in luxury without ever going on a daemon case again!" His gaze flickered to the newspaper with moving images. It depicted the battle between one of the criminals and the Chief. The images played on loop from beginning to ending.

"I wonder who these two are. I don’t recognize their magji at all." Maya offered, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Do you think they’re escaped magji criminals?"

"Escaped criminals my ass. They’re probably just escapees from another OM branch." Kai countered. 

Leo couldn't help but crack a smile. He knew his friends were right. The bounty was probably inflated, but the thought of a quick payday tempted him greatly.

"Alright, alright," Leo conceded. "Maybe it's worth checking out. Just to see if those mask-wearing idiots are worth the hype."

The laughter died down, replaced by a conspiratorial glint in everyone's eyes. Maya leaned forward, her voice a serious and low. "Are you fucking nuts? Going after magjistars that can single handedly embarrass our Peacekeepers? You know, the group of magjistars specifically trained to arrest and deal with other magjistars?! Leo grinned, a reckless glint glowing in his eyes. "You bet we are. Here’s the plan."

In the wake of Chief Peacekeeper Amelia Patil's mysterious disappearance, the Peacekeeper's response was thrown into disarray. Without their steadfast leader to anchor them, the officers of Dhara struggled to maintain order in the face of escalating chaos. Deputy Chief Argon stepped up to address the concerned public. Standing in the same grand foyer where Chief Patil had once delivered her reassurances toward the rioters, Argon faced a sea of anxious faces, his expression grave.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know many of you are frightened and confused by recent events," Argon began, his voice resonating with authority. "But I want to assure you that the Peacekeepers are doing everything in our power to locate the criminals responsible for this attack and bring Chief Patil back home."

Beside him stood Captain Miguel, his usually stoic countenance betraying a flicker of uncertainty. "We will not rest until we have justice," he declared, his voice firm despite the turmoil raging within him. "No stone will be left unturned in our search." As questions flew from the assembled reporters, Deputy Chief Argon and Captain Miguel remained steadfast as they answered the reporters numerous questions.

Meanwhile, in the shadowy corners of Dhara's underworld, whispers of Chief Patil's disappearance spread like wildfire. In a properly lit building, a group of criminals gathered to discuss their next move.

"So, the Chief Peacekeeper has vanished without a trace," one of them murmured, his voice tinged with disbelief. "This opens up a lot of opportunities for us right now." His companions nodded in agreement.

Elena Vasquez wanted answers and she wanted answers now. She looked at her colleagues, peers, and underlings. All of them were without answers or even guesses. In a single day, someone kidnapped one of her important people for who knows what reason. It wasn’t bad enough that Amelia who was supposed to represent one of the strongest magjistars in the city was defeated. Elena could make up some excuse that would be acceptable to the public. 

The worst news out of all of this was the appearance of the two mysterious magjistars that showed up out of nowhere strong enough to do something like this in the first place! They had next to no information on either of the masked terrorists. Sure, that journalist recorded some great footage of their capabilities but the Peacekeepers weren’t strong enough to force them to utilize their true strength. Not even Amelia was useful enough to force both of them into revealing their power.

“Damn it!” Elena cursed.

“Elena. There’s no reason to fret. With the bounty on the two, there won’t be any issues regarding the capture of these two. Our branch may not be the strongest magjistar branch around but we can still hold our own, you know?” Kieran Patel winked.

“First it was those protestors, then it was those factions, and now this! Why is everything suddenly going wrong in this city?! Can someone answer me that?!”

“I believe it all started with the missing person's case.” Mia Thompson answered.

“Missing person’s case?” Elena turned to Mia.

“You know, the whole reason why the protestors were protesting in the first place? Because the Peacekeepers weren’t doing their jobs or something.” Mia blew a bubble with her gum after talking.

“Right…” Elena started thinking. “Then those from the magji factions and clans used the upset protestors against us and turned them into rioters… But how do those two things connect to Amelia suddenly being attacked and kidnapped?”

“The citizens could be being used by those bastards. But even then, none of the magjistars from the clans and factions match with the criminals recorded by that reporter. It just doesn’t add up that the rioters could do this or them.” Kieran shrugged.

“No matter what, we need to find out the identities of these two criminals or who’s supporting them. Not just anyone would be brave enough to charge into a Peacekeeper’s HQ, no matter how strong they are. They’re making themselves enemies of the OM itself! Not even an S-Grade magjistar is crazy enough to think he can handle the entire OM by themselves.” Elena said loud and clear.

“Yes ma’am!” Mia saluted with energy.

"We cannot ignore the threat posed by these rogue magjistars," declared Councilor Aric, his weathered face etched with worry. His booming voice echoed in the cavernous council chamber, bouncing off the polished walls. Elder Elara, her silver hair framing wise eyes, leaned forward in her seat. "Indeed, Aric speaks the truth," she said, her voice raspy but firm. "Their unpredictable nature disrupts the delicate balance we've maintained for generations. Everything we’ve worked on so far could be torn apart if they’re left unchecked."

Councilor Kael, a man with a youthful arrogance in his eyes, scoffed. "Surely they aren’t that tough. Just because they defeated the Chief Peacekeeper and some goons doesn’t mean anything." A ripple of disapproval ran through the chamber. Councilor Lyra interjected. "Kael, we cannot recklessly use our strongest magjistars for an unknown force like this. These rogue magjistars represent a whole new danger, with an unknown agenda. We must be prepared for anything. Especially if they turn their sights toward us."

Elder Elara sighed, the sound heavy with the weight of responsibility. "We must act with caution," she stated. "Open conflict would leave everyone vulnerable. We need to understand their motives, their goal. Perhaps there's a way we can take advantage of this and come out on top." A murmur of agreement rose from the council members. The situation demanded a delicate touch, a nuanced approach that addressed the threat without escalating the conflict. The future of their society hung in the balance, and the council had a difficult decision to make. They had to act swiftly and decisively, but with a measured hand, in the hope of preserving the advantage they had fought so hard to maintain.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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