Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 51 – Goddess of Fertility Gets Active

*** Goddess of Fertility ***

Great, my grand stupid fucking church, temple, hut, whatever these bitches call these useless things. The only beings to ever see them are other Goddesses and our own angels. Why do they need to be so flashy? The gold is blinding. I know I don't need this much room to do Goddess things. Three rooms should be enough, maybe five, to include separate rest areas for me and the angels. But no, I totally need hundreds of rooms covered in paintings of me. I have a single mirror in my home. Does it seem like I want to be surrounded by paintings of me?

Sure, it took a lot of work to make. If a mortal were to ever see it, they would break their jaw in amazement. Taking their entire life time to admire each and every painting on the walls. Rubbing a hand on each pregnant belly of the uncountable number of statues of me. I rarely been pregnant since being freed, yet they all seem to think I should always be shown pregnant. Not one gives me a cock. I'm the only Goddess who can grow one, but no, they have to put a man in the picture to do the fucking.

Some changes are going to be made if I'm to come around here more. First starts with less gold, I want to see the Grand Church without needing to use a bunch of mana to protect my eyes. Then a few statues of me without a belly and a few with a giant cock, maybe even fucking a lucky girl.

"Goddess, I'm pleased to see you visit. I'm sorry we didn't expect you, or I would have gotten here sooner," the seraphim says after poofing up in front of me and then prostrating herself. Her golden wings tucked along her back, golden hair flowing around her, simple white toga, and some silly sandals. I'm going to look a little out of place in my simple tunic and pants. I don't even have shoes on. Well, you can't complain to a Goddess, so it'll be fine.

"I know; I wanted a bit of time to myself before heading in. Please show the way, and you don't need to do that every time I show up here."

"I do; even if you were to show up every day, I would do it, my Goddess." She at least quickly gets up and heads straight for the massive doors. A simple flick of her wrist forces the doors open, letting us walk inside. Nothing has changed inside the large chamber. The entrance is just statue after statue depicting my different stories, mainly how I gave rise to a new Goddess. I'm the mother of at least a dozen Goddesses. I don't dare count the true number; I don't need to have a better understanding of the time spent locked up. If I went through every room I would likely get the true count, likely the story of every child I've ever had. I haven't done much once freed and turned into a Goddess. Alzi is the second time I've messed with the mortal world. The first is to fuck over the male population. I prefer the look of a woman, so I make it more likely to get pregnant with one. Silly reason to do it, but I'm now certain if I didn't, the number of people visiting my temples would be cut in half. I'm the one giving them life and children, yet they hardly think of me.

The stupid Justice bitch gets thousands. Her mortal churches are built trying to rival her godly domain despite her absolutely asinine, ridiculous, pathic, and disrespectful rulings. I mean, I can get the bitch that held me captive and raped me for at least a century pregnant once is Justice. What the fuck! A thief's best bet is to rape the owner on the way out to lower the punishment just in case they get caught. Hard to call that bitch a Goddess.

Luckily, in my distraction, the seraphim knew where I wanted to go. She takes me to the main meeting gathering area for my angels. A large room filled with couches and a few statues. The walls are still heavily painted with random stories about me and my pregnant belly I likely didn't have during the event. I have about a hundred angels. Most are just the regular kind, but I have a few seraphim to run things here, some cherubim that have bastardized the stories on the walls, a couple of thrones types that I don't really use, the same with the last group I've got the virtues. I guess I did just use the virtues to help Alzi, but before that I never used them. Maybe the seraphim had them give some miracle babies to some girls over the years. I don't keep that close of a watch on them, just enough to make sure the genders favor women.

"Our Goddess graces us with her presence!" she shouts out into the room as if they didn't all see me walk in behind her. They were already prostrated when she made the claim, so it's a bit awkward for me, at least.

"Please get up, I just want to know who gave Alzi her latest ability."

"That would be me," came from one of the virtues. Didn't know they were the ones to give out the classes. I thought that was normally the normal angels.

"Would you like to explain yourself first or get yelled at first?"


"As you wish. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GIVE ALZI AN ABILITY THAT WOULD GET HER RAPED! BY HER MOTHER NO LESS! YOU COULDN'T THINK OF ANYTHING BETTER OR SAFER OR MAYBE SOMETHING USEFUL INSTEAD? Change it. Make it two hours, no matter what. She'll be draining mana till she's dead if she uses it and the target isn't capable of getting pregnant. Next, let her pick who the target lusts after and make it harder to trigger. She didn't mean to use it, YET HER MOTHER RAPED HER FOR TWO HOURS!" breathing heavily from my little rant. Angels shaking before me. Good, they messed up with Alzi time and time again. How could my first champion ever end up as a goddamn sex slave and now looking at staying a sex slave for the rest of her life if I don't get some help?

"I wanted to give her something to help defend herself. I didn't think she would just accept getting fucked," she struggles to respond.

"She's been trained into a sex slave. What else would she do? Do you think she is going to hurt her mother? She doesn't think about fighting back when sex is the other option. Seriously, I have a hundred of you, and you all have two jobs. Limit the number of men born and help Alzi. How did this happen?"

"My Goddess, we are limited in what classes and skills we can give. Goddess of Power sets the final rules," the seraphim interjects. Trying to calm me down. Too bad I'm tired of these other Goddesses. I'm certain Power is my daughter. Maybe I should go over and give that unfilial daughter a spanking.

"I don't care, fix it. She isn't hurt since it was her mother, but I won't let it happen again. Others will have to be the cause of her rapes. Not herself. When she wakes up tomorrow the skill needs to be changed. I'll personally fuck up the Goddess of Power if I need to. I don't want this to happen again. She needs to have some actual classes when she unlocks the next one, and she needs to gain some useful skills and stats for the next fifteen levels." finally lowering my voice. "Like sex increases the speed she heals others or sex generates mana for her. Yes, there you go, two perfectly good skills that fit her class. If there is a chance of pregnancy due to the sex, they are twice as effective or something. Having sex generates a healing field. This is easy to do; figure it out."

"I can try to change it but the Goddess won't be happy t..."

"YOUR GODDESS ISN'T HAPPY RIGHT NOW. WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ANOTHER GODDESS OVER THE ONE IN FRONT OF YOU." really? Sure most of them get more respect than me, but even my own angels hate me. They better not wonder why I rarely show up here. "GET IT DONE. SHIT START THE PROCESS NOW."

"Yes, my Goddess. Sorry for my failure."


Finally she fears me enough to run out to wherever they go to make the changes to classes of those sponsored by me. For the most part, I only control the classes of my priestesses. Few ever get a breeder class. Right now, I think there are about ten in the world, including Alzi. Another twenty have a class for supporting pregnancies and breeders. An exclusive club.

"My Goddess, you're rarely here, and you expect us to follow your wishes. If you came here more often an..."

"Came here more often? I used to. Long ago, you remember that. I know I had you back then. I tried to lead, but you all still struggled to get my class out. Offering men better sexual experience if they focused on getting women pregnant. Shorten pregnancies, make them less dangerous, easier to carry, and do all the things women say they want. The woman could become some of the strongest in the world if they were willing to give up a decade to make kids. I don't have anything else to offer to the class system. Yet nobody came. My temples were pathetic. I would help those who prayed. They were more likely to have the gender they wanted, could have twins if they asked, were more likely to get pregnant, have an easier birth, and all the good stuff. Yet others are always more important. Justice, War, Mana, Power, and even Nature are put above me. You all do it, too. We can't do this. Justice will get mad, or this will make war pissed off. Think of Nature. I've spied on those others to see how their angels act. They don't mention other Goddesses as reasons not to do something. Even the weak ones like writing. She has next to nothing for temples, yet when she asks, they do. I didn't ask for much. I wasn't even limiting the number of men back then, yet you all still found problems with me. If you want me here more often, then fine. I'll show up, but I'm going to get some actual respect. When I say to do something, do it. I'll handle the other bitches. They'll find out I hold the future of the world here. Understood?"

"Yes, my Goddess," rings out. I see the worried glances between my angels. The seraphim that tried to explain the sorry state of affairs looks scared for her life, good. The other Goddesses want me to be more active than fine. They'll find they have to give me something. Especially you, Justice. I'll show you what real Justice is. I've got a dragon to turn into a vengeful bitch.

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