Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 41 – Mai’s Training

*** Yuki, After talking to Alzi ***

I thought the Mistress would be waiting for me. She's sitting in the little waiting room I had made when I decided to put in the teleportation ruin. Mistress wasn't going to let me lock the door, saying she couldn't be seen waiting in the hallway of her own brothel, so this was the compromise.

"I don't have a lot of information. It wasn't the Lady who paid for the night. Anything more will take some time," I say as I unlock my bedroom door. I hold it open to invite the Mistress in. She quickly enters and finds a chair. I fall onto the bed, ready to go to sleep as soon as the Mistress leaves.

"What happened to her? Am I looking for a murderer or not?" Mistress asks. Her voice is flat, not letting me know if she cares about Mai's life or just if she'll need to report the death of a worker.

"She'll live, just needs a month or so break."

"Fine. Do you have any clues as to who did this?"

"How would I know? You know your enemies better than I do. It could be any of the brothel owners. I heard about the large payment they had to pay you for the party. One of your sisters trying to scare you or flame the flames between you and the other brothels. It could also be the Princess not wanting Alzi to have any reason to be mad about leaving this place with a collar still around her neck." I try to take a few deep breaths to calm down. I was a little too close today to losing both girls. Alzi would do something stupid if Mai is killed.

"So you do like to spy on your Mistress. I had no choice; I don't have a secret realm ready to burn a kingdom to the ground behind me, Kitsune."

"Then ask for help. Just be happy Alzi likely won't seek revenge for this. Now fuck off, I don't know who did it. I was too far away to do any good tracking, just know that someone entered her room after her client left in the morning. Also, tomorrow, I'll be paying off Mai's debt; she'll continue to work here but as a full employee."

"Why are you acting like that is your choice?"

"Maybe I disagree with Alzi about revenge. Sure, right now, killing you just takes Alzi farther from me. But once she is no longer yours, I could come back here and get my revenge. I know a lot about you now, honestly. Where you live, your wives, where they work, their families—there are plenty of things to make your life miserable. So please tell me Mai can't continue working here after I pay off her debt."

"Make too many threats, and I'll let the Princess know about you. I'm sure she would gladly let her mother know you're threatening her citizens. I'll let Mai work," she says, trying to contain her anger.

"Treat Alzi well, and I won't hang this over your head. Alzi agreed to be your slave; I can't fault you too much for taking her. But I will help her hurt you if she decides she wants her revenge. The Princess won't care about you then."

She doesn't give a response, just storms out letting me finally get some sleep.

*** Mai, Morning after ***

Fuck I need a good neck to bite. Yuki was so soft, reminding me of when I drink from Alzi's breasts. Damn it, I'm going to be switching back and forth from Alzi's neck to her breasts now. Alzi, I want her blood. Yes, that would be the best; she turned me like this. The least she could do was provide me blood to live. I would just need a few hours of her time each day to drink, some pets, fluff my tail a bit maybe? Not too much. Fucking Yuki took me away from her. But her neck was soft, and I felt like a little baby in her lap. Alzi would be better; her touch is so soothing. I shou...

"Hi Mai, I felt that you were awake, so I'm here to give you your breakfast. I'm surprised to see you awake so early. Most vampires need to get used to waking up early, even if they've done that their entire lives. Well, lucky you, now here is the blood. Drink it; if you puke it up or try to fake it, I'll slit your throat and laugh as you slowly heal it back together," she says with a smile, sitting in the same chair Yuki sat in.

Fuck who is this bitch. She's bigger than Alzi in the chest; she's about Yuki's height. Wait, did she threaten to kill me?

"What do you mean slit my throat, and who the fuck are you?"

"I am Yuki's lover. I meant slit your throat, as in cut your throat so blood spills out. Then I would laugh at your pain." She says again like it isn't an absolutely insane thing to say. And how is she Yuki's lover? Yuki has no lover yet. Alzi will be her first.

"You aren't Yuki's lover. Yuki is waiting for Alzi to be free to have sex with her. So who are..."

"I AM YUKI'S LOVER! SHE PROMISED I COULD TIE HER UP TO MY BED ONCE SHE HAS MARRIED ALZI!" She screams out at me. My instincts force me to cower, wishing there was a way to escape this crazy woman. Fear keeps me quiet, worried I would offend her again. "Sorry, that was a little rude of me. I will be marrying Yuki. So we are lovers. I have already planned the first three years she'll be tied to my bed. I just need to figure out the rest of the century." Somewhere, she pulled out a block of wood to whittle something. Likely a dildo based on the perverted look she is giving the imaginary Yuki on my wall. "So I advise you not to make that mistake again. Alzi will be in the marriage yes, but I'll be the main wife to Yuki. I have my ways. Now, drink the blood or don't. I would love to use my wood on you."

Wood? She's going to rape me if I don't drink the milk? How could Yuki be friends with such a pervert? Plus, doesn't she know how dangerous it is to use wood? The chances of disease go so much higher if you don't properly maintain the wood and the finish. Plus, the tip on this one is much too pointed. She could probably stab me with it!

Not wishing to have my cervix stabbed by miss crazy, I quickly down the blood, not checking the taste as it enters my stomach. But the aftertaste was impossible to escape. Shit, that was what the lingering taste was. Shit surrounding a flower. That flower felt that much better with all the shit I swallowed and forced away. I need more of this flower, My own endless supply. Nothing less will do.

"I need more and get rid of the dog shit you put in it," I say, eyes closed, dreaming of swimming in this divine liquid. Oh, to bathe in this would be a great goal to strive for. Now I just...

"FUCK!" a hole appeared where my right tit should be. I don't have the strength to do anything but scream and stare as the hole slowly closed. No blood spills out onto the bed, just a gaping wound. I can see blood inside me, yet it doesn't leave my body through the breast-sized hole in my chest. Not that I have much thought power to wonder how.

It takes an hour for me to calm down. My body healed itself a while ago, but the lingering pain didn't let me focus. The entire time, the Crazy Kitsune just stared at me, smiling as she sharpened her terrible dildo.

"Twenty minutes to heal and thirty-five to regain your senses. Well, remember that feeling well, little vampire. That was how it felt to be attacked by magic; now, trust me, wood will feel a hundred times worse and last a thousand times longer. Yuki asked me to give you a drop of Alzi blood with each meal, but it seems you are too distracted by it, so you'll only be having the dog shit when I feed you. Now get up; we have more training to do."

I had to do push-ups, an endless amount of push-ups. At first, I could do a set of twenty before collapsing, only getting a few minutes to rest before the Kitsune would threaten me into starting again. Quickly, the number dropped to fifteen, then ten, five, then not even one. I would slowly go down, arms give out, and I slam my nose against the floor. She would mock me and make me try again. She wouldn't let me have any food, well blood, till I did a thousand push-ups. I never got close before Yuki made it here and let me free from her torture. I only had the strength to hug my savior before passing out.


I think it's the middle of the night; I just noticed I don't have a window, so telling the time was pure guesswork. Guess the whole vampires can't be in the sun thing is real for the weaklings like me. My main focus right now, though, is blood. I'm starving from not having dinner. Visions of Alzi presenting her neck fill my imagination. I need to visit that bitch, but I'm too weak to get up. All I can do is dream of Alzi's sweet blood dripping onto my tongue. Please, just a few drops.

Something drops into my mouth, a liquid. It tastes nothing like my sweet Alzi, but I don't have a choice right now. I need blood. I work the blood slowly over my tongue, trying to keep myself from puking the blood away. I dry heave when it reaches my throat, but I'm too weak to force it away. More drops follow, and I force my mouth to let each reach my throat and then down to my stomach. Slowly, strength returned to my body, allowing me to focus on things other than Alzi.

Halfway through this slow, painful feeding, I get enough strength to sit up, but I worry about getting another hole blasted into my chest. Something I will not be going through again.

"Smart girl, I was hoping you would give me a reason to blast you again," she said, giving me a smug smile. Well, at least my guess was correct. "By the end, you weren't gagging anymore from the blood. I guess I should explain some things to you."

"Please, can the first be your name? While I enjoy calling you bitch, I should know the name of who is taking care of me. Also, why does blood taste terrible if I'm meant to live off it?"

"Nakuma. As to the blood, it is likely a form of control. Most vampires are turned to create a puppet to play with. So, an addiction to the progenitor's blood is made to help keep them in control. But, as you drink other blood, you get used to it. We believe you should lose your addiction quickly with how little Alzi blood you drank. Now get up; time for squats."

This bitch. Fucker doesn't deserve me using her worthless name. She'll be named piece of shit for the rest of my life. But for now, I obey, not willing to experience her punching a hole in my chest again. I need to get rid of my addiction; I like being Alzi's cute little kitty. If this workout routine continues, I'll start looking like those bulky warriors Alzi drools about.

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