Level Eater

Chapter 62: Battle Against Monsters

Extra Chapter for the week


As soon as the battle was over, Tatsuro asked Cardina, who had been taking measures against surprise attacks, to check to see if there were any other enemies.

Cardina nodded in agreement and screeched in reply.

Then the three of them went to dispose of the corpse. If they left the corpses behind, the monsters that feed on them would be attracted.

“This is an Asmolgas. This monster should not originally have come out of the depths of Amneri Great Forest…” (Leela)

“Do you think it was caused by the earthquake?” (Ai)

“No, perhaps these came after." (Leela)

“Why do you think that?" (Ai)

In response to the question, Leela pointed to the abdomen of one of the monsters lying on its back.

“These monsters still look healthy." (Leela)


“Yes. Had they been wandering in this area for nearly thirteen days, you should be skinnier. Unlike the Amneri Great Forest, there is not enough food here for large monsters to survive on for long periods." (Leela)

The reality is that these monsters have a body shape that proves that they are well nourished, not thin at all.

When the two were satisfied with that, Leila muttered to herself. “After all, something must still be in the forest."

“Leela-san. What should I do about this monster?" (Ai)

"—Huh? Oh, even though they are cheap, you can sell an asmolgas’s hide and meat in the market, so if you have extra space in your [item box], I will advise you to take it” (Leela)

Ai’s sudden question was enough to make Leela snap out of her daze.

Tatsuro was thankful for the advice from Leela, her words were enough to help him make quick decisions at a time like this, and he put all the asmolgas in his [item box], which still had a lot of space.

After watching him do so, Leela looked further into the forest.

“Shall we go then?" (Leela)

The rest of the party agreed to the decision with a confirmation in unison.

Therefore, they returned to exploring the forest again.

Tatsuro and his team decided to make a large circle around the area they were in charge of and entered deeper into the forest.

In the meantime, Cardina was using her exploration magic to search the surrounding area, so rather than being taken by surprise, they were able to take them by surprise and exterminate the monsters with ease.

However, each time Leela discovered more and more monsters as they went deeper, her brow wrinkled.

“It's still not right.” (Leela)

“Is it that strange…?" (Tatsuro)

Halfway down the road, Leela impulsively spoke up with a serious look on her face.

“If the earthquake were the only cause, the situation would be under control, but instead it continues to worsen." (Leela)

“So you're telling me that something is still happening in the Great Amneri Forest?" (Ai)

“I think we should look at it that way." (Leela)

However, since they have no clue at the moment, they have no choice but to cull down the herd, so that the number of monsters does not increase.

So Tatsuro changed his mind, and as he proceeded further, Cardina stopped and turned to him.

When Tatsuro approached to see what it was, Cardina turned its beak further into the forest.

“Is that a … rat?" (Tatsuro)

“A rat? No way.” (Leela)

Having a bad feeling about Tatsuro's frank impression, Leela hurriedly turned her eyes in the direction indicated by Cardina.

Then, there was a swarm of brown rat-like creatures about 30 centimeters in size, trying to build something like a nest.

“Palumines … and that many of them…” (Leela)

Leela looked as if she were looking at something terrible, and Ai decided to look as well.

"Hmmm, there are a lot of them, but they look weak, you know?" (Ai)

"That’s right. Is that thing that bad?" (Tatsuro)

“Yeah, it does not have good taste. Though, as Ai-san said, it is weak even in numerous numbers." (Leela)

At these words, the two became more suspicious. It is weak and tasteless, so why is she horrified about them?

Perhaps sensing this, Leela quickly explained.

“Palumines are highly fertile, and all kinds of monsters find its meat tasty.” (Leela)

“That means that just by having them here, more monsters will be attracted here.” (Tatsuro)

“That, even though they taste bad to humans…” (Ai)

The true horror lies in them attracting more monsters, leaving the pair with a bad aftertaste.

While they were still thinking about this, Leela continued to speak.

“Because of its characteristics, Palumines creates an opportunity for monsters to thrive in the area. If that were to happen here – it would lead to the expansion of the Amneri Great Forest." (Leela)

“… If that happens, this place will no longer be a place for people to live. Is that the meaning?" (Tatsuro)

“Yes." (Leela)

“Then we need to take them down fast!" (Ai)

Other monsters will eat monsters that prey on Palumines, and so on. A food chain will be established and more kinds of monsters will increase in numbers.

It is dangerous, so it is best to take them down before they complete their nests and begin to live here comfortably and increase their numbers even more than they are now.

Ai understands this and is about to jump out to exterminate them.

However, Tatsuro and Leela stopped her.

“Why? You have to exterminate them now, right?" (Ai)

“Yes that’s why. If we deal with them one by one, it would take time and some might escape." (Tatsuro)

“Yes, I do So I'm going to use magic to clean it up all at once.” (Leela)

“I see. I certainly can't take them all down at once.” (Ai)

The way Ai said that she wanted to defeat them made Tatsuro feel a sense of dependability from her. Nevertheless, it is the magician's turn now.

“I can wipe them out on my own, but I also have to save the magic for the return trip…. Tatsuro-san, can you help me?" (Leela)

“Of course. So what should I do?" (Tatsuro)

“Tatsuro-san, I will freeze down the air around me, I need you to use wind magic to move the currents into their den." (Leela)

Leela said while pointing to a group of Palumines that were busily wriggling about.

Tatsuro is surprised to be asked to use wind magic, which he had never used on the way here, but he swallows it down and thinks that since he had used it openly in front of other people, it was not surprising that he had been discovered.

“I understand. Ai." (Tatsuro)

“Coming!" (Ai)

“What are you doing…?” (Leela)

When Tatsuro and Ai somehow started holding hands just as they were about to start the spell, Leela looked at the two of them in confusion.

In response, Tatsuro said, "I can concentrate better here," which was a very false attempt at deception, and his gaze grew even stronger.

However, Leela suppressed her curiosity and switched her gaze to the Palumines, concluding that it was not something she could forcefully ask from them.

“Then, let's start it gradually so that they won’t notice." (Leela)

“Got it.” (Tatsuro)

Having gotten Tatsuro’s consent, Leela creates an invisible mass of cold air in front of her.

Tatsuro seeing the flow of mana with his [Mana Perception], used wind magic to spread the cold wind currents in front of him thinly and widely over the area where the Palumines were located.

Gradually, the temperature around Palumines dropped, and their movements became slower and slower.

“We're going to increase output." (Tatsuro)

“Okay." (Leela)

Due to the effects of [Perfect Harmony] enhancing his magic control, Tatsuro was able to create the wind currents precisely, further helping the process.

Finally, only the area where the Palumines were located was frozen. Therefore, the only work left was to dispose of the large number of Palumines that had frozen to death.

Therefore, the three of them split up to gather the carcasses into a designated area, and then use Tatsuro's magic to erase them without leaving any bones.

Then, just to be sure, Tatsuro checked with Cardina to make sure there was nothing left out, and finally, they all sat down.

“”” it is over… “”” they chorused

“Beep!” (Cardina)

Except for Cardina, who is tireless as long as she has magic power, the collection process drained them of physical and mental strength.

Therefore, they decided to take a break while having lunch.

After they finished their respective meals, they continued with their investigation.

“And don't you feel like there has been a decrease in the monsters coming out?” (Ai)

“I guess so I think they were all there for the Palumines.” (Tatsuro)

“That’s the most likely possibility; they may have been the cause of the situation getting worse.” (Leela)

Leela said this with a somewhat relieved look on her face, and the pair felt at ease as they went about their exploration.

After hunting down a few insignificant monsters along the way, I was thinking it was time to start heading back to the town when it appeared.

“That's a togul…” (Leela)

“” A Togul?!"”

That name belongs to the monster that had sent Elren Deicard to the afterlife, it was mentioned in the letter he left.

What kind of monster was it…?

Togul was about 40cm in size and looked like a weasel, but it had a sharp needle on the end of its tail.

The monster was currently cowering in the hole it dug under the tree, unaware of Tatsuro and the others.

“He doesn't seem to notice, so let's get this over with." (Tatsuro)

“Yeah.” “Agreed”

Since neither of them seemed to have any objections, Tatsuro let Cardina keep an eye on the area while he held Ai's hand.

Leela looked at it curiously again but pretended not to notice and pointed the tip of her staff at the Togul.

After confirming that it was still unaware, Tatsuro gathered his magic at once and launched a laser at it.


“It dodged it”

Togul noticed the flash of light as the laser fired and ducked with a brilliant body movement.

Ai, seeing this, immediately threw a "projectile" with the tip of her whip, which it easily avoided, and ran toward them at blinding speed.

Leela tried to hold it back by sending out icicles and showering it with them, but she could not keep up with Togul's speed and the icicles did not even graze it

Then the togul leaned forward in front of Tatsuro's eyes and stuck the needle at the tip of its tail toward his head.

“I won’t let you!” (Ai)


However, Ai, who was the only one who caught the speed, played it by thrusting her energy through the jeweled sword between Tatsuro and the needle.

Tatsuro then noticed it and immediately fired a laser, but it was also avoided, Ai's second swing of her sword finally cut off the Togul’s tail.


“Isn’t this guy too fast?!" (Tatsuro)

“That's why it's so dangerous!" (Leela)

While Tatsuro was conversing with Leela about that, the togul tried to keep its distance by kicking a tree, bleeding from where its tail used to be.

However, Ai, who was also unbeatable in speed, was able to catch up.

“Ha!" (Ai)


Ai uses the [Air walk] to create a foothold, just like how the togul was moving around three-dimensionally using trees, to chase after it in the same manner.

Eventually, with its blood bleeding out and the strength to move around diminishing, Tatsuro instructed Ai.

“Ai, jump!" (Tatsuro)

“Okay!" (Ai)

Without questioning Tatsuro's words, Ai jumped lightly on the spot.

At the same time, the Togul put its feet on the ground.


At that moment, the ground clung to Togul's legs like mud, temporarily stopping its movement.

Ai does not miss the chance.

In the middle of the jump, she uses [Air Walk] to jump sideways and change her trajectory to pass directly over the Togul.

Then, in that instant, she passed over the togul, she swung the jeweled sword in half, cleaving it in half horizontally, ending the monster’s life.


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