Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 39

10 Cardinal Story

My fist pierces the robust church that protects the royal capital, the headquarters of Sannonism.


The barrier seemed a little squeaky, but it didn’t. I lie, I lost?

A priest man jumps out of the church and rushes in.

“I’m stopping the magic of the barrier now, because I’ll be able to include Count Dorknes.”

Apart from that, it wasn’t everything. If you’re serious, you can easily break such a barrier.

Alright, revenge. Close your eyes and concentrate your mind. I will concentrate my whole body on my right fist.

“It’s finally time to launch Yumiera Punch”

Let me explain, the Yumiera punch is my punch. Awesome.

I usually consider my influence on my surroundings and save my power consciously and unconsciously. It is a true fist thrust that makes full use of that power.

Feel the flow of magic in the body. The enormous circulation of power cannot be completed by me alone, and it corresponds to the magic of nature.

Feel the magic of the revolving world … The moment you think it’s time, your hand is put on your shoulder.

Looking sideways there was Patrick.

“Yumiera, the barrier is gone”

“Eh, really?”

When you reach out to the place where the barrier was, you will feel like a wall as before. She complains to Patrick while touching the barrier with Petapeta.

“Isn’t there yet …? Is that gone?”

“I was just barely in time.”

The barrier that endured my sword has just disappeared. Winning and fleeing.

“Rematch! I demand a rematch opportunity!”

“Yumiera was surprisingly … No, I didn’t hate it.”

I never hate. I just can’t stand thinking I’ve lost.

Patrick, it’s terrible to put a water on me and the serious game of the barrier. I will eat Yumiera punch.

As he bit his teeth and stared at Patrick, his head gradually cooled down.

Mazui also tried to break the barrier, but I was interrupted by the church barrier. What if you were sent to the Inquisition?

However, the young priest says that it is the humanity that wants to break if there is a strong barrier, and is wondering if he will forgive me.

“Count Earl Dorknes, there is just a Cardinal so please stay inside.”

Can I enter the church? Wasn’t it a barrier that Yumiera refused?

◆ ◆ ◆

It was a stained glass that glistened with sunlight that welcomed us into the church. It seems to be a cathedral where you can feel sacred even if you know it’s just an artifact.

The guide priest walks through the cathedral and heads for another room. So the elder man was waiting for us.

“First of all, welcome to the central Church of Barshine, the headquarters of Sannon, I’m Gerald, who is a cardinal.”

“Hello, I’m Yumiera Dorknes.”

I know I’m a great person, but I don’t know at what level the Cardinal is great. Top? I feel like there were multiple Cardinals.

“Count Count Dorknes thought he hated the church.

“No, just because I didn’t have a chance …”

“It was good. I was worried because my invitation to attend school was refused.”


There should have been no contact from the church while at school. If you were refused with an invitation from another nobleman, it would be a lot.

The Cardinal looks at Eleanora next to me.

“Mr. Eleanor, you said you were turned down by Count Dorknes.”

“Yes, the great priest. Even though I invited Yumiera many times …”

“Eh !? I have never heard of it.”

Eleanor told him to go to play persistently, but he kept trying to avoid it. Did that mean to go to church?

“I told you many times! Yumiera-san, let’s go play for the next break.”

No way. I and the Cardinal are together. Patrick was laughing.

“I didn’t think that was the case.”

“Is the wrong person to ask for a message too?”

Eleanor had no idea what she was doing. Is this … Cardinal not bad? I wouldn’t leave an important message to Eleanor.

The Cardinal smiles with a smile.

“There’s a reason I asked Eleanora to do it, because Sannonism wasn’t irrelevant to the politics of the aristocracy, so I couldn’t force me to summon the Earl. If you are taken, you can come in a natural way. ”

“… Alumni?”

“……ah I see”

He seemed to understand me and Eleanora’s relationship in a single word. It’s painful to see melancholy bitter laughs.

“Elenora, your friends are–”

“I know! If you think I’m a friend, you’re a friend! The great priest told me!”

“I’m sorry, I seem to be the cause”

“No, I think it’s a wonderful friendship full of love.”

Cardinal is not bad in this regard. I think that Elora’s persistence is natural. If you do not think so, you can not do it.

She is all guilty and confidently says.

“Yumiera likes me too, so we’re perfect friends!”

“… I guess so in Eleanor-sama.”

Eleanor is noisy and can’t be heard, even though there should be some talk from the Cardinal. That’s when Patrick took care.

“Oh, I want to see the cathedral … Miss Eleanor, could you guide me?”

“Of course, let’s go!”

“Yumiera seems to have some talks with His Majesty Cardinal.

“Well, well! I think Patrick is wonderful, but I’m Edwin … and Yumiera …”

Eleanor with a blushing face is said to be muffled.

wrong. I misunderstand. Patrick doesn’t care about you.

His face is written so that anyone can find it troublesome. It’s too easy for anyone to understand, except for Eleanor.

Sorry Patrick, don’t waste your sacrifice.

Eleanor chases Patrick, who leaves the room first, keeping an eye on me.

“… I went.”


Cardinal and me nodded with tired faces. By now, I understand that I will not be treated as a heretic by Sanonism. Reduce your level of vigilance.

He paused and began talking.

“Um, how far have you talked?”

“I haven’t heard anything yet.”

“That’s right. Eleanor is also a troubled child, I’m sure she’s a good girl … but let’s not talk about it. There is only one thing I wanted to tell the Earl.”

Is it finally the main subject? I swallow the spit and focus on his words.

“On behalf of Sannon, I tell you. Earl Yumiera Durknes, the church has no intention of hostility with you, and of course does not compel your faith.”

It is an unexpected result. Is this person a god or something?

I thought I would have to fight one day with God of Light. It’s too good that it doesn’t matter as before.

However, there were some concerns.

“I’m a pure dark attribute, are you okay?”

“No problem, because the attributes are compatible but have no relationship. Except for Sanon, the god of light … you know the city of water, right?”

“I know. There is a temple dedicated to the god of water.”

“Yes, we do not persecute other religions. We have lost the name of the dark god, but we respect his god.”

I am not a believer of the dark god. I have heard stories of worshiping the four major attributes of God, but have never heard of darkness. He says that God’s name has been lost, but may not have existed from the beginning.

The Cardinal continues with an elegant smile.

“There is darkness because there is light, there is light because there is darkness. Darkness is indispensable for the existence of our god Sanon. We pay tribute to you with an uncommon darkness attribute … I told Eleanor up to that point … ”

“I haven’t heard.”

“I see.”

We all sigh. What was Eleanor trying to say in the carriage now? I wouldn’t have been so cautious if I told her properly. Thank you for something.

There is one more concern. It is an example of a barrier.

“Later, I was blocked by the barrier at the entrance of the church.”

“I’m sorry to hear that it was a barrier tool from Sannon that was said to prevent the invasion of monsters. I knew today that it was a barrier blocking the dark attribute Shin ”

“It was a really strong barrier. I don’t think there is a monster that can break it.”

“I’m glad that I couldn’t see the barrier and everyone was able to pass it through, so some people doubted about it. If I could get the Earl’s endorsement, it would have foil.”

That barrier was really hard. It disappeared before visiting Yumiera Punch, so I would like to ask for a rematch. I’m going to break it with my prestige, so the foil may be gone, but I’d like you to forgive it.

He says I am convinced of what I can convince.

“I would be grateful if you could let me know in advance when you are coming to church. I was there today and I was able to cancel it, but that is not always the case.”

From his utterance, there is probably a magic tool in the body that generates the barrier. I want you to lend it a little, but I’ll be refused.

In addition, I feel like hiding my greed, benefiting the church, and urge a rematch as lightly as possible.

“I see. Oh, why don’t you do an endurance test on the barrier next to things?”

◆ ◆ ◆

In the carriage on the way home, I was a little depressed.

“Oh, I’ve won!”

“If you break not only the barrier but also the magic tool itself, how do you take responsibility?”

My attempt to impersonate a minor wind failed. As Patrick has now said, Cardinals were worried that the original magic would break. I want you to be more confident because it’s a legendary tool passed down to the cult.

Well, let’s give up the barrier. now.

Also, after going to the cathedral with Patrick, Eleanor looks strange. I’ve been staring at my hand from a while ago.

“What happened to Eleanor-sama?”

“No, nothing!”

She shook her head. You’re obviously hiding something.

“I know you already, so don’t hide me and tell me.”

“Huh? That’s right? Diamond ring–”

“Miss Eleanora, still secret to Yumiera”

As expected, Eleanor was caught by a scythe, but Patrick blocked him.

What did she say? A diamond ring?

“Is a diamond just a glittering stone?”

“Hi, it just shines !?”

“Isn’t it just glowing? It doesn’t have any other functions, and it’s the least necessary thing like a diamond ring.”

I don’t know why a stone that just shines is so valuable. If you wear a diamond ring, put a merikensack.

She might have been upset, as Eleanora wears several jewelry accessories. She is holding her mouth with both hands and is saying nothing.

“Sorry, there’s a little place to stop.”

Suddenly, Patrick stands up, opens the door, and gets off the running carriage.

“A little Patrick, where are you going all of a sudden?”

“Look around the store”

Before asking what the store was, Patrick got into one of the alleys. There is no voice from the carriage.

I wondered if I could chase, but he must have a lot of business with him. I am a girlfriend who can not bind. Patrick is very satisfied.

Patrick closed the door of the carriage that came out with the door open, and returned to his seat.

“Well, Patrick-sama is too hard for her lover to be insensitive. Yumiera-san, I can understand, it is impossible now.”

He was seen with pity on Eleanor. Not very convinced.

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