Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 20

20 one week assassination

I didn’t want to be born in a noble house if I could. I often have to learn about courtesy and dance, and I don’t like conversations that are too noble and socially religious.

However, there are moments when I think it might have been nice to be a noble. That’s when you’re eating good treats. If you want to eat delicious food, it will cost you a good price.

You may buy it yourself, or eat gifts from the queen or other nobles.

Today I want to eat the cookie sent by the Queen. Even if it is called a cookie, it is probably quite tasty because it was chosen by the Queen.

“Rita, please have tea”


Maid Rita is very good at brewing tea. It cleans the room perfectly, and if you close your eyes to your employer being a father, you can say it’s a perfect maid.

Delicious sweets and delicious tea, I am happy today.

…… Oh? I feel the taste of tea is different from usual. The tip of the tongue was tingling and the tea leaves might have changed. Maybe it’s inferior.

“Hey, are these tea leaves the usual guy?”

“Yes, it’s the same as usual.”

What was bad was my tongue. The sweets you can buy in the downtown area can be satisfied, and you can’t be a noble.

The taste of the tea I drank the next day also felt strange. Maybe I’m starting to catch a cold, but I’ve never had a cold before.

“Sorry, are you sure Yumiera Miss?”

After school, I was stopped by a man who could not be seen at the school on my way back to the room to rest as soon as possible just in case.

“Yes, I’m Yumiera”

“I’m Alaster from the Kingdom’s Magic Equipment Development Department. I want you to cooperate with the magic equipment development experiment.”

I don’t have a law to cooperate, but I was interested in the magic tools under development.

“Yes, if it doesn’t take much time”

“Oh, it’s over soon. I’m preparing for an empty classroom there.”

The thing that came to me was some sort of endurance test or something. I thought she would be taken somewhere, but it seems to be an experiment done in a school classroom.

“This is a new type of magic shackle, I want to experiment to see if you can withstand the magic of your kingdom.”

What Alastor showed was a magical tool shaped like handcuffs. Certainly, the magic shackles are magical tools that render the target magic unusable.

I can shack him. I don’t know the material, but I feel heavier than iron. It is probably made physically and physically strong.

A schoolgirl handcuffed with a man in a vacant classroom has become a criminal picture.

“Should I use magic in this state?”

“Oh, please gradually increase the magic output. If this is not going to endure, I will signal the end.”

As I told him, I tried to cast a little magic but nothing happened. Increasing the amount of magic she emits little by little, but nothing changes.

In the end, he tried to use his magic with all his might, but even that failed. This is the first time this magic tool has endured my magic.

“This is everything. It’s amazing, this magic tool.”

The story of Alastor doesn’t come to my ears when I’m thrilled with half my excitement and half my regret for my first loss in my life.

“Okay now! I’ll kill you quickly!”

No, I haven’t lost yet. If you can’t do it with magic, you just have to fight with physics.


I use my whole body to tear off the shackles of the magic seal. The shackle chain was easily broken. Alright, this is a one-on-one draw with the shackles.


When I realized I was surrounded by armed men. Alaster orders the men with a vile face.

“Hey, what are you doing! Kill it quickly!”

“Excuse me”

“Yes, it’s a lie to experiment with magic tools. I didn’t think it would get caught so easily.”

“Well, I broke this.”


Men other than Alastor were stiff looking at me tearing off the shackles, but he seems to have noticed this now.

His face, smiling happily, gradually turned pale.

“Just a joke. Thanks for the help of the experiment. Then I’m done.”

“It will be impossible”

I was apparently about to be killed. It’s surprising that it seemed that I could neutralize me just by sealing the magic.

Alaster and the men were captured and handed over to the soldiers of the country. It is said that there is still a person who guided them in the school, so it is still necessary to be careful.

Two days later, I wake up feeling uncomfortable in my chest. Then there was a man in front of his eyes. Is it a pervert? Did you touch your chest?

“I’m stupid …”

The man who opened his eyes with a startle was holding a large knife. There is a hole in the chest of my clothes. Perhaps I was stabbed, though I didn’t hurt myself.

“Um, are you assassinated, right?”

“Hit, monster”

I was almost killed again. I don’t know his level of assassin, but I wouldn’t have killed that much.

“That’s why I’m going to be assassinated twice, so I’d better stay away from me.”

Patrick spoke in the hallway of the school, but it would be better to stay away from him for a while.

“Yes, I don’t mind getting into the limbs of Yumiera. I say there are two more times and three more times.”

Hey Patrick, don’t say that disturbing thing. Is it going to be assassinated three times in a short period of time?

“Oh, dangerous!”

A bow and arrow flew out of the window. You won’t get hurt if you hit it, but you don’t want to break your clothes and grab the arrow with your hand.

“I’ll catch the archer! Patrick’s hiding,”

He jumps out of the window to catch the poor guy who fired the bow. He’s definitely going to do something if he hits Patrick.

Perhaps the school has become a den of assassins. Tomorrow is a holiday, but I want to go out of school.

“Surround it! Let’s skewer around it!”

Behind the alleys of the royal city, I was surrounded by about 20 rogues. They are really bad guys, armed with spears and swords.

“Oh, dark bind”

“Wow ah ah, what is this !?”

They are restrained by the arm extending from the shadow. It’s the limit of patience.

Until now, the assassins were questioned by state soldiers, but the identity of the mastermind remains unknown to this day. It’s time for me to start looking for the criminal.

“Who are your leaders?”

Although no one gives a claim, the gaze of men concentrates on one man. It was a person who was enclosing and giving instructions.

“Are you a leader? Who did you ask?”

“I don’t know.”

“Shadow Lance”

A spear jumps out of the shadow and penetrates the man’s belly. Blood splattered all around.

“Gyu aa aa”

Then heal the wound with recovery magic. He will have no scars.

“Heel. How many times do you want to talk about this?”

I do not have the technology to effectively torture without killing, so I will have to repeat this. It is a humane torture because it never dies and leaves no scars.

“This is Hidee”

“It’s not what humans do”

“After all, he was a monster.”

He said it was humane, but the reactions of the men around him seemed not to be so good.

“You don’t have to be the leader to talk separately?”

As I looked around, they closed their mouths and turned away from me.

“I don’t really know, believe me! I just told her, who couldn’t show her face, to kill the black-haired woman coming out of the Royal Academy!”

A man of leader rank appeals in desperate form.

“It looks like it’s not enough yet. Don’t worry, the magic won’t go away even after 100 iterations.”

“It’s different! I’m true!”

Finally he started crying. Apparently they don’t really know.

The other assassins may have been commissioned by strangers as well. It is understandable that the investigation has not progressed.

No matter where I was, my only place of rest was my room. I was sneaked once at night, but now it’s okay because there is a barrier in the room.

There was a plan to continue flying in the sky on the back of Liu, but she couldn’t sleep in the sky because she couldn’t sleep.

In my room, I sigh while drinking black tea brewed by Rita.

Black tea still feels strange. Should I see a doctor if this continues? The taste of other things is normal.

Nevertheless, recent assaults have become somewhat crude. Ordinary assassination is poison …

“Hey, Rita. Would you like to drink this tea?”

When I gave Rita the cup I was drinking, she began to shake with a blue face.

“Oh, please forgive me, my sister is taken hostage …”

Was that so too? I have been drinking poisoned tea for the past week. Probably less effective with weak poison.

“Hey, what kind of poison is this poison?”

“Um, I was told that a single drop was a deadly poison. Five drops each time …”

Notice me as expected.

In the game, the poison was several levels in strength and all had fixed damage, but in reality it may be that specification.

Percentage damage may have been dead by this time. No, do you notice if you are about to die? This is a tragedy caused by my bottomless HP.

“So I told you that …”

It is probably her employer who told Rita to poison me.

“Yes, my husband.”

Rita confessed honestly that he gave up that he could not escape.

It is my father who is trying to kill me.

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