Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Chapter 42

Chapter 42

The Goddess’ warrior’s cold voice sounded so seductive. His words were harsh and uncaring, but I couldn’t help but get excited. As he ordered, I began to move back and forth. I could feel the inside of me loosening up and becoming moist.

The quiet room filled with wet sounds of our bodies, and I moaned in carnal pleasure, “Mmmhh… Mm… Ahhh…”

I knew where the spot was inside of me… I moved so his shaft would scrape the area. The sensation of his fullness felt terrific. The pathway went through the fullness and emptiness over and over again.

I wanted the man behind me to thrust into me. I wanted him to do more, but despite the fogginess in my brain, I still could think enough to realize that this wasn’t just any man. It was the Goddess’ warrior; the best thing for me to do was to keep my mouth shut and do as I was told. I continued to support my body with my hands against the wall and moved.

However… It felt so good… Unable to help myself, I moaned and groaned in pleasure, “Eee… Ha…. Ahhh…. Aa! Hahhhh… Ahaaaaa… M-my warrior… Aaaa! Ahhh…”

Worried that he might be annoyed by my voice, I covered my mouth with my hand. I bit my fingers to stop myself.

Then, he began to move against me.

Faster… Deeper…

My legs felt weak, and I wasn’t sure how long I could remain standing like this. I kept sliding down, and I tried my best to keep pulling myself up. He was going against me so fast and forcefully, and my body trembled in ecstasy. From time to time, he slapped my butt as if to punish me for enjoying this too much.

“Ahh…. Ugg… Ahh… M-my W-warrior… P, please… fo… forgive…”

I didn’t even know what I was saying. I kept apologizing and asked for forgiveness, but for what? I didn’t know. My body was loving this, but my head kept telling me this was very bad. My life may be in danger.

Then… it was finally over.

“Wash up and make sure you keep the area clean at all times.”

“… huh? Ahh… Ha… Huh…?”

By the time I understood what happened, he was grabbing onto my hair again. The wall I was leaning on had clear sticky fluid splattered all over it. It was a familiar smell, but it took me a while to realize what it was.

My back opening was still spasming and… leaking? It felt sticky and wet, and I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that it was over. My member was still hard and alive, asking for more.

“How ridiculous.”

His cold voice murmured sarcastically, waking me up from the pleasure-induced trance. It seemed that he decided to leave me alone for a second because I could hear him walking away. I waited till I couldn’t hear him anymore, then I put my face against the sticky wall and put my fingers inside of me…

I was about to moan in pleasure when suddenly, I stopped.



When I was ten years old, I thought there was no one on my side. I think Hakim Karid, who was 14 at the time, probably felt the same way about his situation. I was a prisoner and he was a captive. This was why he came to see me.

His servant said to him as he pointed at me, “Please be careful with this boy, My Goddess’ Warrior. This little one is more violent than he looks.”

“Do you really think I won’t be able to protect myself against a child? I just want to talk to this boy so move aside.”

At the time, I thought he came to kill me. Until then, I had no information on him. I didn’t even know who he was. The only thing I heard was that the men called the Goddess’ Warriors fought each other in the name of their own kingdoms. They destroyed many families, including my own family and relatives.

He asked me, “Do you still want to get revenge on those who killed your family?”

I was inside the jail cell, while he remained outside. I glared at him and answered, “Just kill me, you hypocrite!”

“Where did a little boy like you learn such a big word? If you were just anyone, you would be dead by now. You are a fighter, a survivor. I hear the jailers here like to throw you a stick and watch you trying to fight your way out. I doubt you will make it. You will be executed very soon.”


“So, I ask you again. Do you want revenge?”

I didn’t know. I wasn’t sure. When I saw the men come in and kill my family, all I could do was scream. I tried to use a sword against them, but I was useless. I ended up getting captured and brought here.

Even if I wanted revenge… How would I do it? Against who?

All I had left inside of me was anger, but there was nowhere for me to use it, but at least it made me feel alive.

“I heard you are a Goddess’ Warrior yourself! People like you have started this war!”

“Indeed technically, I am called a warrior, but in name only. I am a captive myself and barely surviving at this point. I have no power to cause a war or even affect it in any way. I also wouldn’t want to do so.”

He was telling me he was weak, but Hakim Karid’s eyes shined confidently. He lowered his voice and made a strange suggestion, “Soon, I will be sent to another kingdom. This has been my life. Sent to live in different kingdoms so I couldn’t grow my own force. No one wants me to become strong and powerful.”


“But I still have enough power to save you. If you follow me to another kingdom, they will never know that you have once been an inmate. You will get a clean slate, and I will get your loyalty.”

“Why… Why are you doing this to me? What is it that you think I can do?”

I asked in a more respectful tone. I could see the deep ambition in the warrior, and I was shocked that he would ask a nobody like me to follow him.

“Has there ever been a boy who jumped on a soldier without hesitation to save his brothers and sisters? That alone is enough for me to take you under my wing. If you do follow me, you will get more brothers.”

“W, what do you mean?”

“What is your name? Just your first name. The Innocent Ones serving a Goddess’ warrior do not get to keep their family names.”

This was the beginning of my life with Hakim Karid. At the time, I had no idea I would end up naked and being penetrated by this man.

“Juya… I’m called Juya.”

“Iztal Juya…”

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