Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 34

Chapter 33 – 033

It was night and day, and the rain was pouring down.

The sudden cool wind poured into the old and dilapidated post through the window hole. A thunder exploded overhead, illuminating the intertwined figures in the room brightly…

Lu Shiqing woke up to the sound of rumbling cars, sat up suddenly, stared at the morning sun coming in through the gap of the car curtain for a long while, and gasped for breath.

Scenes in the dream flashed before his eyes again and again—slender forearms wrapped around his neck, wet black hair like vines, scratching his chest, all the way to his shoulders. The waist and limbs of the little lady with soft jade and soft flowers made him shatter in an instant.

In the sound of Lin Lang rain, the bones fly and the flesh flies, and the soul is insane.

Lu Shiqing was stunned for a few counts, then looked down at the obscene pants on his body, and finally realized the seriousness of the situation, showing an almost shocked expression.

It is already the next day. In the evening of yesterday, the governor of Shangzhou made arrangements for Lu Shiqing and Yuan Cixian, bought a spacious carriage for each of them, and sent local soldiers to **** them all the way to Dengzhou.

After driving all night, at about Chen’s hour, Lu Shiqing stopped the motorcade to have breakfast.

He did not intend to enter the city along the way because he was delayed in his journey, but he was not ready to eat in the rickety carriage.

As soon as he called to stop, Yuan Cixian rushed down from the carriage behind, took a green jade plate with food, and leaned over to the curtain of his carriage and shouted: “Lu Shilang, I can come in and have breakfast with you eat?”

Lu Shiqing’s scalp exploded when he heard the crisp sound. God knows, in the dream, how she used this voice to make him lose control.

But can it be her fault? Can’t. He has to make sense.

So he just asked lightly: “Why do you want to have breakfast with me?”

Yuan Cixian didn’t dare to lift his curtain now, she stood outside and replied: “The maid in the carriage only flatters her all the time, it’s really boring. I want to talk to someone, but you’re not good Call me Big Brother Zhao?”

Oh, it really can’t. Zhao Shu, who forgets his master when he sees sex, told him this morning that Yuan Cixian sneezed, should he seek medical treatment for her.

He dismissed him with the word “troublesome”. It’s just a sneeze, but it’s not enough to hit the sky.

He was silent for a while, and said “Enter”.

Yuan Cixian opened the curtain and went in, with a smile on her face, she put the jade plate in front of him and sat on the table opposite him.

Lu Shiqing raised his head and glanced at the hand she was supporting on the edge of the pan, seeing that it really looked like a catkin gently grasped and twisted slowly in a dream, he couldn’t help but frowned, and then frowned.

This weird dream was so terrible that it almost made her a walking ecstasy, so that the blink of an eye and the flick of her hair became a temptation to him.

Fortunately, soon, his attention was diverted.

His eyes fell on her jade plate, and he asked uncomfortably: “Why are the pastries and pastries on your plate all of the same type?”

Look at his, but they are all in pairs, very auspicious.

Yuan Cixian was stunned and replied: “They gave too much food. They said this is a famous local snack, and that one is boiled with spring dew, winter dew and fairy dew, which has been rare for several years. I can’t eat it. It’s the same. Pick one and try it.” After she finished speaking, seeing that he was so upset that she couldn’t even drink the millet porridge, she said, “Don’t drive me away, I’ll eat it right away, and your eyes won’t hurt.”

Seeing that she was about to stuff a piece of snow-white crystal cake into her mouth when she raised her hand, Lu Shiqing hurriedly stopped her: “Just eat slowly.”

Yuan Cixian paused with her mouth open, her eyes sparkling with desire, when she suddenly heard him say: “Your elder brother sent a reply this morning, saying that if you make a mistake, I will pay you with blood. You choked to death.” , I can’t afford it.”


Yuan Cixian restrained her emotion, curled her lips, lowered her head and began to eat slowly. After she was full, she chatted with Lu Shiqing: “When I just woke up, I saw Brother Zhao took all your dirty clothes and threw them away. You have no one to wait on you. Spilled the tea?”

Lu Shiqing was just putting a spoonful of porridge into his mouth, when he heard the words, he choked up suddenly, almost lost his composure, calmed down a bit, and after swallowing, he lowered his head and let out an “um”, looking a little guilty.

She suddenly realized “Oh”, and then said: “How can you even pour tea? How about this way, I will walk with you during the day, serve you tea and water, and go back to the carriage at night.”

In fact, the governor of Shangzhou sent many maidservants to show courtesy to Lu Shiqing, but he sent them to Yuan Cixian’s side. He was not used to other people serving tea and water, because he thought it was dirty, and he was used to doing it himself, so how could he make a fool of himself when no one was waiting for him.

But he couldn’t express his suffering, so he refused to explain, and directly refused: “No need, I can’t bear it.”

Yuan Cixian pulled Xiaoji closer to him, looked at him and said, “Just treat me as repaying your life-saving grace? Give me a challenge… No, it’s a chance to respect the majesty of the Zhou Dynasty and even the country, my dear Lu Imperial envoy?”

She was so close to him, she blinked her tender eyes, looked at him eagerly, and said what she had learned from him. Lu Shiqing’s eyelids drooped slightly, his expression finally softened a little bit, and he said, “Just once today, let’s not take this as an example.”

Yuan Cixian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

She has heard the “truth” of making an inch of it. Being able to eat breakfast together means being able to stay in his carriage, and being able to have one time means being able to have a second time.

How could she know when the suspect would be arrested? With such an opportunity so close to the water, she should treat every day as her last and never let it go.

But Lu Shiqing really couldn’t bear her service, but she just sat by and watched him work. One morning passed, and after finishing the last batch of official documents related to disaster relief, he saw that she was drowsy from boredom, and he was also afraid that the boundless drowsiness would spread to him, so he planned to talk to her.

It just so happened that he did have something to ask her.

He took a sip of tea, and said slowly: “The man who took the lead yesterday, does his figure look familiar?”

Yuan Cixian listened to him coldly, raised his head in a jerk, thought about it and said: “It seems not.”

“If this group of people may come from outside the region, do you know it?”

Yuan Cixian frowned and said, “Could it be Nanzhao?”

“how do I say this?”

“If you say that the outsiders who married me are probably Nanzhao, and the tyrannical methods of these people are indeed like their style. But this is incredible. Shangzhou is close to Gyeonggi, and it is the heart of my Zhou politics. pulse position. How could Nanzhao people come and go so freely?”

Lu Shiqing smiled: “If there is an internal response, why not?”

“What did you find out?”

He shook his head: “It’s because I can’t find it that I feel like this.”

What he said to the other party yesterday was not only to threaten to withdraw the enemy, but also to test. If they were really from the Great Zhou, they might not have gone so simply.

Yuan Cixian was silent, as if thinking about something.

Lu Shiqing thought for a while, looked at her and said, “The Prince of Nanzhao once forced you to marry him, you should have seen him, remember his appearance.”

His light eyes stared at her inexplicably guilty.

She replied: “Yes, I have seen it before, but I don’t remember what he looks like. He is not your Minister Lu.”

“The last time you were in Zichen Palace, you told the sage that he had wicked eyebrows.” She clearly remembered the meaning behind her words.

“Really?” Yuan Cixian blinked, “But it’s a derogatory term! You won’t be unhappy, right?”

“Why am I unhappy?” Lu Shiqing’s voice was light, as if whether the Prince of Nanzhao was a dog or a pig had nothing to do with him, “I just asked you whether the man yesterday might be the Prince of Nanzhao.”

Well, she was being self-indulgent.

Yuan Cixian smiled contemptuously, and began to think seriously: “I remember that the crown prince of Nanzhao was named ‘Xiju’. He was a man who was good at martial arts. In terms of body shape, he was somewhat taller and burlier than you…”

She was interrupted by Lu Shiqing with a gloomy face before she finished recalling: “You just say, is it possible, what is it compared to me?”

Yuan Cixian looked at him innocently: “You are the only one in my eyes, why don’t you allow me to use you as a reference?”

Lu Shiqing choked. He was worried one moment and happy the next moment, as if he had some kind of heart disease.

Realizing this, he became more and more irritable, and his face became even more ugly: “Don’t be glib, let’s talk about business.”

Yuan Cixian and Xiju did meet once in Haruno two years ago. At that time, the sun was setting and she was leading the horse to drink water by the stream when he came to ask for directions. She didn’t know his identity, so she didn’t pay much attention, and rode away after pointing the way. She vaguely remembered that he was probably in his early twenties, with dark honey-colored skin and an extremely thick voice.

If there was any intersection later, it would be on the battlefield. He sent troops to trap her father, and she led the army to rescue her. She desperately broke through Nanzhao’s defense and helped her father break through the siege.

But yesterday’s man covered his face with a mask and didn’t say a single word, so there’s really no way to verify it. But the body shape is basically the same.

She explained everything to Lu Shiqing in detail, but after hearing him say “um”, there was no more to say.

Five days later, the imperial envoy crossed Dengzhou and entered the boundary of Tangzhou, and the governor of Tangzhou took over all the travel matters of Lu Shiqing.

After passing Tangzhou is Huainan Road, but Lu Shiqing suddenly slowed down for some reason and settled in Tanghe County.

It was on this day that Shi Cui and Cao An were able to bring Xiao Hei to join them. Both of them suffered a lot of injuries, but fortunately they didn’t threaten their vitals. When they saw Yuan Cixian and Lu Shiqing, they didn’t have time to catch their breath, so they reported the latest news they found to their master.

Cao secretly said: “The news of Mr. Lang’s assassination reached Chang’an on the same day. The saint was furious, and immediately ordered people to investigate the matter thoroughly. There has been some progress until this morning.”

Lu Shiqing didn’t want to tell the truth, and let the world know that there were a group of unidentified men who wanted to capture Yuan Cixian, so he said to the surrounding states that he was assassinated.

Of course, the local officials were able to hide this matter, but Emperor Huining couldn’t hide it. It’s just that he was also concerned about the Yuan family.

Lu Shiqing asked: “How?”

Cao An replied: “Actually, it’s not a sage’s investigation. It was last night that Liu Shaoyin of the Jingzhao Mansion unintentionally found a group of mysterious people in black clothes near Chang’an City…”

Lu Shiqing sneered, glanced at Yuan Cixian, who also had an unbelievable expression, and said coldly: “Isn’t he, Liu Shaoyin, joking with me, or is it that these killers got their heads damaged by the rain and hit themselves on the edge of the knife?” He asked with great interest, “Then, where did this pedestrian go?”

Cao An hesitated for a moment, as if he was a little embarrassed to speak, and said, “Mr. Lang, they went to Princess Shaohe’s Princess Mansion.”

Yuan Cixian was taken aback for a moment, and said affirmatively, “Impossible.”

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