Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 31

Chapter 30 – 030

It’s not that she has never seen a man naked. On the march, many things are unavoidable. But she never knew that there is a man who can make his shirt look so good.

Lifting the curtain for a moment, I saw broad shoulders and narrow waist, like a jade clavicle, delicate skin shining in the dim candlelight, like pearls and pearls, the tight texture is as smooth as if it had been carved, it is worthy of it The word “stunning” is so stunning that even the little ladies in the world feel ashamed.

Yuan Cixian swept his eyes over his upper body like a broom, and when he reached the two spots covered by his handkerchief, he suddenly felt a little hot at the base of his ears and a little hot at the end of his nose.

She slowly raised her head, shifted her gaze to the roof of the car, then let go of her hand, put down the car curtain, and backed out as if nothing had happened.

After shaking the veil, Lu Shiqing didn’t move any more. Under Yuan Cixian’s hot eyes, his whole body was tense and dumbfounded. It wasn’t until she left peacefully that he thought of a question: Why didn’t she scream? According to Zhao Shu, in general Fengyue storybooks, the heroine will scream when she encounters such a situation.

Just when he couldn’t figure it out, just like before, the wall of the car was knocked three times with “dong dong dong”, and Yuan Cixian’s voice sounded: “Can I come in, Lu Shilang?”

“…” Does this mean to forget the past and do it all over again?

As soon as he threw down the veil, he began to put on his clothes, tidied them up in twos and twos, and then said calmly, “Come in.”

Yuan Cixian sniffed, lifted the curtain, and handed out a bottle of ointment: “It’s for you.”

“Oh, thank you.” With a smile on his face as if he was receiving an envoy, Lu Shiqing stretched out his hand to take it with a good attitude.

She also returned him a very correct and polite smile: “Please take your time and leave.”

“Go all the way, and don’t send it far away.”

After the stiff conversation between the two, when the curtain was closed, one rushed to the river, and the other fell into the quilt.

Half of the long night was over, and in the end, no one slept in the carriage. Lu Shiqing said that it was actually quite cool outside, and Yuan Cixian also quite agreed, so the two of them moved Zhang Xiaoyu to sit, and calmed down with Yue for a long time, without talking to each other.

At dawn, Yuan Cixian felt relieved, and said goodbye to Lu Shiqing with a solemn face: “There is a long road ahead, please take care of Minister Lu.”

Lu Shiqing still smiled: “So does the county lord.”

Zhao Shubai squatted on the ground to pull weeds boredly, and punched Cao An with his elbow: “What’s wrong with the lord and the county lord? It seems something strange.”

Cao An glanced back and shook his head: “I don’t know.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted by Lu Shiqing and ordered to **** Yuan Cixian out of the boundary of Shangzhou.

Yuan Cixian wanted to refuse, but she really couldn’t look directly at Lu Shiqing right now, the scene from last night couldn’t get out of her head, even if he was dressed neatly now, it seemed to her that he was naked.

Embarrassed, she didn’t say anything, and took Xiao Hei with her as if fleeing, leaving Cao An to follow behind.

In fact, Yuan Yu was not at all worried that she would go out of the city alone. This trip was not limited to Xiao Hei and Shi Cui, and there were ten other guards accompanying her. Her horse was also tied further away. She estimated that Lu Shiqing should have guessed this point, so she just asked Cao An to follow her horse and did not consider how she would go back.

Yuan Cixian’s staff was waiting ten miles away, and when they saw that the time was almost there, they rushed to meet her, and they met her soon after. Seeing this, she reined in her horse, and secretly said to Cao, who followed silently all the way: “Brother Cao, my guards are here. Minister Lu lacks more people than me, please go back.”

Unexpectedly, she is a single-minded person, even if she saw that she had many followers, she was determined not to disobey her master’s words, and insisted on seeing her leave Shangzhou with her own eyes.

Yuan Cixian couldn’t resist him, so she had to forget it. She pulled the rein and was about to continue whipping the whip. When she inadvertently lowered her head, she saw that there were many potholes and depressions in the slightly muddy soil under her feet, extending towards the direction where she and Lu Shiqing rested last night. .

She dismounted again, bent over and twirled a handful of soil, rubbed it between her fingers, and sniffed it.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Shi Cui asked, “Little lady, what’s wrong?”

She squatted on the ground and scraped the dirt a few times, and judged: “It’s fresh horseshoe marks, one-way, and the number is not less than twenty, covering the wheel marks.” She looked up at the tall horse and waited. Ten guards in front, “Has our horse been here before?”

Shi Cui shook her head: “No.”

She frowned and looked around: “This is weird. Judging from the situation, this pedestrian should have come after Lu Shilang passed by. But there is only one way forward from now on. I almost stayed up all night last night. If There are dozens of people passing by on horseback, there is no reason to ignore them.” She said and asked Cao An, “Brother Cao, did anyone pass by you before I came?”

Cao An shook his head, got off his horse, inspected the traces of his feet, and said with a serious expression: “Master, I’m afraid I have to go back first.”

Yuan Cixian stood up in doubt: “What do you mean?”

He seemed a little anxious: “The villain is worried about Mr. Lang.”

Yuan Cixian hesitated for a while, called the guards to follow, and said, “I’ll go back with you.”

If there was indeed a group of people who rode through this place last night but did not show up by the river, there is only one possibility—they were hiding nearby. As for what this pedestrian might do, seeing Cao An’s nervous appearance, Yuan Cixian knew it without asking.

She turned the horse’s head, raised her hand and raised her whip. The guards followed closely behind, and when they were about three miles away, she suddenly waved her hand and stopped them.

Shi Cui and Cao An stepped forward with their horses on their stomachs, their expressions questioned, and they heard her say: “That’s not right.”

She finished talking on her own, then turned her head and asked Cao An: “It rained yesterday, Minister Lu passed by here, was it before or after the rain?”

His complexion changed drastically, and he said affirmatively, “Before the rain.”

Then after the rain, the wheel marks must have disappeared, but why did the horseshoe marks cover the wheel marks, and it was so clear?

Her heart was beating like a drum, and she looked ahead carefully, and saw a very thin silver silk thread stretched above the mud not far away, and the silk thread was wrapped around the side of the road. On a fairly hidden pillar. If she had just rode her horse over in a hurry, she might have tripped over.

As soon as she makes the sound of falling from the horse, the enemies ambushing around will take advantage of the situation.

What the other party wanted was not Lu Shiqing, but her.

Shi Cui and Cao An also sensed something was wrong, and surrounded Yuan Cixian with vigilant eyes.

But in the end, the enemy is in the dark, and although she has not been fooled by the horse rope, she has already fallen into the opponent’s sight. Soon, the sound of “da da” horseshoes sounded one after the other, and in the blink of an eye, a group of men in black clothes had already caught them. Surrounded.

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