Let Me Pursue You

Chapter 13

Chapter 12 – Chang’An West City

Lu Shiqing left Zichen Palace with a sullen face, followed Yuan Cixian without saying a word, all the way to the spacious palace road, saw her stop suddenly, turned around and asked with a smile: “Lu Shilang, where are we going?”

He raised his eyelids: “As the county magistrate is happy.”

Yuan Cixian pondered for a while: “How about going to your house? I’m the happiest.”


Seeing that his eyes were a little cold, she quickly said, “I’m just joking with you.” After that, she continued to walk forward.

Lu Shiqing followed, and seeing her stop after a while, she turned her head and put her face up to his ear, and asked in a low voice: “Lu Shilang, I have a question. I have wanted to ask you for a long time, but I have never had the chance—there are rumors outside that you Is it true or not that she is not good at womanizing and prefers men’s demeanor?”

If it is true, tell her in advance, she will not waste her effort.

Lu Shiqing tilted his head, glanced at the knife coming, saw that her chin was about to touch his shoulder, and said with restraint: “Master, your makeup seems to be shaking on my shoulder.”

He is used to being poisonous, and he wanted to say something ugly on purpose, so that she could respect herself, but unexpectedly her face was thicker than the wall, and instead of retreating, she froze for a moment, then smiled and said: “Oh, I’m sorry, I will You blow it clean.”

As he spoke, he symbolically blew a few times on his shoulder where the white dust was missing.

These few breaths hit Lu Shiqing’s earlobe accurately. His pupils shrank, he shuddered from the itching, subconsciously took a step away, with an embarrassed look on his face.

Yuan Cixian was taken aback. She was unwilling to be hit by his few words, so she did some shameless things, not wanting the effect to be so unexpected. She raised her eyes and stared at the suspicious blush on the base of his ear, and suddenly felt that he didn’t have to answer.

She knows the answer.

She clapped her hands in a good mood: “It’s clean, Lu Shilang, let’s go.”

Yuan Cixian said that she wanted to go to the West Market.

In the history of Dazhou, there was an emperor who, in order to prevent collusion between officials and businessmen, stipulated that officials above the fifth rank were not allowed to enter the market. Later, the rules became looser day by day, and now there are no clear regulations. It’s just that any official who goes to the market every day and is targeted by someone who wants to file a lawsuit may still attract suspicion.

Although Lu Shiqing was young, he had accumulated a lot of political enemies. He couldn’t help suspecting that Yuan Cixian was trying to play tricks.

Of course, he was fearless.

The West City of Chang’an is quite prosperous, full of shops and rare goods. The streets are bustling with people and traffic. Apart from ordinary people, there are also many business travelers, including foreign tourists from afar.

Yuan Cixian hasn’t been here for seven years.

When she got nearby, she saw a caravan parked in front of the square gate, and was stopped by a young gatekeeper from entering. The leading man was negotiating with him, with an expression of displeasure between his words.

This doorman was also young and energetic, and insisted on opening the box to inspect the goods.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and the crossing was blocked to death. Impatient with waiting, she stopped the carriage and asked the maid to stay here, and walked forward first, diving into the crowd like a fish swimming.

Lu Shiqing was sitting in a carriage at the back, and when she saw this, she followed her down, walking behind her, and was struggling to avoid left and right, so as not to run into people pushing around.

When the two arrived near the square gate, the stalemate in front ended.

An old official rushed over and gave the young man a slap: “You dare to stop the people of Wu Xingji’s family! Can you bear the burden of delaying the nobleman’s business?”

Yuan Cixian heard this, turned around and asked curiously: “Lu Shilang, what is the origin of Wu Xingji’s family?”

Lu Shiqing turned sideways to avoid a sweating vendor, and took the time to answer her: “There are famous silk factories in the south of the Yangtze River, which once produced treasures for tribute to the palace, and they have a good reputation in Chang’an.”

He was absent-minded when he said this, and he didn’t look at Yuan Cixian, his eyes kept falling on the caravan’s goods.

She looked at him, then at the group of people, and asked strangely: “Do you like Ji’s silk and satin very much?”

Lu Shiqing withdrew his gaze and didn’t answer.

Yuan Cixian didn’t pay much attention to it, and continued to walk in, and made a detour to a snack shop. On the plaque of the shop, there are several big characters written in flamboyant colors: Xiaoji Wonton.

She stepped into the shop door first, chose a small square table by the window and sat down, waved to Lu Shiqing who was standing there, motioned for him to sit opposite her, then called the waiter and ordered two bowls of wontons.

Lu Shiqing stepped forward, looked down at the bench in front of him, but did not move for a long time.

Seeing this, Yuan Cixian took out a brocade handkerchief from his sleeve, got up and wiped his stool, and said, “Lu Shilang, would you please sit down?”

He glanced at her indifferently, he probably didn’t think her veil was so clean, but he finally resisted and sat down.

Yuan Cixian put away the brocade handkerchief and returned to her seat.

When the two bowls of wontons were served, Lu Shiqing looked down, frowned and said, “I…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted: “I know you don’t want to eat.” Yuan Cixian smiled, and glanced at the crowds of diners around, “I want to eat two bowls, but I’m sorry, can you cover it up for me? “

Lu Shiqing didn’t speak, and looked at the two bowls of wontons on the square table with disgust, and turned his head out of the window.

Yuan Cixian put her head down and started eating.

There are emerald green chopped green onions floating in the white porcelain bowl, the aroma is tangy, the wonton skin is smooth and tender, and the meat filling is fat but not greasy. She ate heartily one mouthful at a time, and soon emptied a bowl, not even a drop of soup left, and without saying a word, she quickly put the empty bowl in front of Lu Shiqing, swapped positions with his one, a series of actions Flowing clouds and flowing water in one go.

Lu Shiqing didn’t bother to speak, just pretended he didn’t see it, and continued to look out the window, watching a dim sum shop guy steaming steamed buns.

He has been in Chang’an for many years, but he seldom comes to West Market to avoid suspicion, and he has never had to look at such a scene, and it is just a good time to pass the time.

A drawer of steamed buns came out of the basket, filled with hot air, and one by one could be vaguely seen lying on the drawer cloth, soft and tender from a distance.

While Lu Shiqing was looking at the steamed buns, Yuan Cixian was looking at him. She was slightly full, and she ate the second bowl much slower, so she just looked at him when she had nothing to do.

Aristocratic women from Dazhou are very critical when looking at men, their faces should be handsome but not effeminate, their bodies should be tall and strong but not rough.

Looking at the person opposite, his face is like a crown of jade, his lips are like vermilion, but his facial features are deep, sharp and angular. He is tall and solid, but he is by no means thick and thick, on the contrary, he is as slim as if he had been tailored. Especially the narrow waist in the middle, pinched by the gold and jade belt, looks quite muscular.

To be fair, Yuan Cixian felt that Lu Shiqing’s skin satisfied all the fantasies of the little lady in Chang’an.

As for her, anyway, it’s quite a meal.

When Lu Shiqing looked away from the bun shop, he happened to catch a glimpse of Yuan Cixian’s straight eyes.

She actually stared at his waist while drinking the soup… waist?

A string in his head “buzzed”, and he was stunned. It felt like ants were slowly crawling across his lower abdomen. It was itchy and numb, and his scalp was about to explode. When it was over, she felt that something was wrong, and wanted to cover it up, but because she had nothing at hand, she had no choice but to stare at her.

Yuan Cixian didn’t realize it, and stared at his waist while chewing with relish.

Lu Shiqing couldn’t bear it anymore and said: “Dare to ask the county magistrate, are you eating wontons or…”

Still… eat him!

Yuan Cixian really didn’t notice the sullen look in his eyes, she was taken aback by his yelling, half a wonton hung on her mouth.

Thanks to her good mood, she didn’t choke, under his scorching gaze, she slowly stuffed half a wonton into her mouth, chewed, swallowed, pointed to herself and asked, “I… don’t look like I’m eating wontons? “

Lu Shiqing choked, and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a voice from not far behind: “…Yes, my old lady wants a bowl of wontons, please put more chopped green onions.”

He froze all over and subconsciously turned around.

Yuan Cixian didn’t know, so she looked over. The so-called “Old Lady” over there noticed their gazes and was also puzzled, so she raised her head.

The six eyes are facing each other.

It was Xuan Shi who came.

Yes, Lu Shiqing remembered. This Xiaoji Wonton is a time-honored brand in Chang’an. It was once praised by the late emperor. Not only the ordinary people, but also many nobles love its taste very much. From time to time, a respectable person comes here, or hires a master to come to the door. His mother was also a frequent visitor to the shop.

His expression suddenly became subtle. The expression on the face of Xuan’s was also very complicated, first he was shocked, then suddenly realized, and then showed a little… agitation?

Excited about what?

Yuan Cixian was at a loss. After trying to figure out the looks of the two of them, they finally came to their senses.

Lu Shiqing glanced at Yuan Cixian, got up and walked towards the Xuan family, and said in a low voice: “Auntie, if you want to eat wontons, just ask someone to come over, why…?”

Xuan Shi came to buy autumn clothes for him, so he stopped by here to eat a bowl of wontons. But she had no intention of answering him at the moment, seeing him blocking Yuan Cixian to death with a club in front of her, she waved her hand to signal him not to be an eyesore, and said, “Go away, what are you doing to block Auntie!”

Lu Shiqing said with a headache: “Don’t get me wrong…”

Before he finished speaking, he heard a crisp voice behind him: “Old Madam Lu, are you looking for me?” Yuan Cixian poked her head out from behind him with a crooked body, and looked at Xuan Shi with a smile.

Lu Shiqing moved a step, and blocked her to death again: “Aniang, you should go back to the residence first.”

Yuan Cixian got up, walked around him and came to the Xuan family: “Madam Lu, you probably don’t recognize me, I am Cixian from the Yuan family.”

She claims to be without pretensions. Xuan’s eyes lit up when he saw someone, and he nodded and said, “I have seen Lancang County Lord.”

She waved her hand: “You can just call me Cixian.” After saying that, she stretched out her hand and said with a smile, “You come here to sit with me and Lu Shilang?”

Xuan Shi nodded, and glanced at his son who was treated as nothing: “The old man will not be polite.”

She followed Yuan Cixian over, sat down on a stool, glanced at the empty bowl on the table, looked surprised, and turned to look at her son.

Of course Lu Shiqing knew what she was wondering about, he had never used bowls and chopsticks outside, so naturally it was impossible to make an exception because of Yuan Cixian. He hurried forward and explained: “It’s not… Mommy, these are all…”

“Lu Shilang walked the streets with me, and he was very hungry.” Yuan Cixian explained in a confusing manner.

Lu Shiqing gritted his back molars and looked at her, knowing that she felt embarrassed to eat two bowls of wontons at once, so he endured it and stopped exposing her face to face, took a deep breath, and turned his head away from speaking.

Xuanshi looked at his son, and then at Yuan Cixian, with a wider smile on his face.

Yuan Cixian didn’t move his chopsticks first, and waited for Xuan’s wontons to be served before he said to her, “Madam Lu, do you also like chopped green onions?”

Lu Shiqing glanced at her unkindly. It’s almost too obvious. She finished coaxing Emperor Huining with a clever mouth, and is she going to coax his mother?

Pianxuan was the same as Emperor Huining, he didn’t realize that she was trying to strike up a conversation, and nodded with a smile: “Yes, this soup has to be mixed with chopped green onions to be delicious.”

Yuan Cixian wrinkled her nose, as if she was sniffing something, then asked, “But you don’t seem to eat ginger?”

Xuan Shi was a little surprised now: “How does the county lord know?”

“I can smell it. There is no **** in your wonton stuffing.”

Lu Shiqing turned his head, looked down at the bowl of wontons, and frowned. The Xuan family did not touch ginger. But this wonton wrapper is so tightly wrapped, and the smell of chopped green onion is also strong, and she has never smelled it closely, so how could she smell that there is something missing in the stuffing?

Could it be that he secretly checked his mother.

Xuanshi laughed: “The county lord is really brilliant.”

Yuan Cixian smiled back at her: “Eat it while it’s hot.” After that, she was afraid that she would be restrained, so she moved her chopsticks first.

Lu Shiqing sat silently at the side, waiting for the two of them to eat up the wontons, and said goodbye eagerly, before saying: “Mother, I still have work to do, so I can’t send you back home.”

When he said the word “tolerance”, he took a hard look at Yuan Cixian.

But Mrs. Xuan didn’t seem to understand, she looked at her son with a relieved expression, with a look of “Aniang is someone who has been here, so she understands”.

Lu Shiqing helped her forehead to send her away, turned around and saw Yuan Cixian looking at him with a smile, showing impatience.

But she didn’t care and said: “Lu Shilang, I’m too full to eat, can you go shopping with me?”

He wanted to say that she ate a whole twenty-four wontons, could she hold on? Due to the sacred order, I still endured it, motioned for her to invite first, and then followed.

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